Ventilation in a house made of SIP panels is simply complex. How to make ventilation in a house from sip panels? Do-it-yourself ventilation of a house made of sip panels

From the author: good afternoon, dear readers! One of the basic trends in current suburban construction is energy saving. To achieve the desired effect, the most advanced technologies are used - innovative building materials, thoughtful location of the house on the site, metal-plastic windows, careful insulation of the roof and facade. Canadian technology for building houses from SIP panels has successfully proven its competitiveness.

However, excellent thermal insulation of a house implies the need for a well-thought-out ventilation system. Some experts are confident that ventilation in a house made of SIP panels can be limited to natural channels throughout the house and a forced exhaust system in places of high humidity (in the bathroom and kitchen). Is this really true? Let's try to figure it out!

Need for ventilation

“Dream House” is a cozy space, protected from the influence of negative external factors. Ideally, it should be practically airtight. This criterion primarily applies to a Canadian energy-efficient home. However, a person cannot live in a sterile space, which is akin to an operating room. Naturally, air pollution occurs in the process of life. Thus, in a private home it is simply necessary to organize the process of exchanging “used” air for fresh air in order to avoid illnesses and allergic manifestations.

The main causes of air pollution in residential buildings:

  • household and electrical appliances “eat up” oxygen;
  • steam is generated when cooking;
  • detergents and washing powders provoke the appearance of harmful fumes;
  • dust;
  • pet fur.

These reasons are quite enough to concern ourselves with the problem of air purification, especially when it comes to residential buildings made of SIP panels. Without a well-thought-out air exchange system, including forced ventilation, such a house turns into a stuffy box. If you simply open the windows wide open, letting in oxygen from the street, then the cost of heating your home will skyrocket.

To avoid such a scenario, you need to take care of the regular supply of fresh air into the room, that is, consider a forced oxygen flow scheme and an exhaust system.

Types of ventilation in a “Canadian” house

When choosing the type of ventilation, you should focus on your budget. For example, this could be a democratic system of several adaptive supply valves in windows or walls, which ensures air flow. In this case, forced exhaust of polluted air passes through the roof or wall. A more expensive option is ventilation air handling units with recovery.

Let us consider in detail all the options for ventilation of a house made from SIP panels along with their features.

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation involves the entry of air into the room without additional equipment. In houses built using Canadian technology, it is recommended to use special supply valves built into the walls and windows - this will provide additional air circulation. It is quite possible that the owners of a house made of SIP panels will still have to take care of forced ventilation, since the “natural ventilation” scheme may be ineffective.

In case of insufficient ventilation, it is naturally recommended to install a hood from the bathroom, toilet, or kitchen. This will prevent unpleasant odors from traveling throughout the house. Vapors and unwanted odors will be immediately directed into the exhaust air ducts. This type of ventilation is usually called static.

If you have a separate bathroom, then there are three air ducts in the house, if it is a combined one, then two. How to arrange ventilation outlets on the roof in such cases? You should not make separate holes for each channel; it is better to combine them into a common pipe immediately before exiting to the roof.

When the hood is ready, it is important to take care of the flow of fresh air into the living spaces. There are several effective ventilation system designs . Air can constantly flow into the house as follows:

  • by gravity, we are talking about the mode of micro-ventilation of windows;
  • through supply valves (in walls, windows);
  • through a separate supply device. Options are available with air filtration and heating, as well as air distribution over several rooms.

Features of static ventilation

Before proceeding with the installation of supply valves, we recommend paying attention to some important nuances of organizing effective ventilation of a home using SIP panels:

  • Considering that such houses are rarely built above two floors, it is important to take care of mechanical exhaust air exhaust. Otherwise, the draft in the ventilation system will simply not be enough;
  • take care of the noise insulation of the exhaust fan, since sound in houses made of SIP panels spreads instantly;
  • Do not use plastic pipes for ventilation, as they accumulate static electricity and attract dust. The best option is a structure made of galvanized steel;
  • it is impossible to lay vertical air ducts in walls made of SIP panels, so the latter are installed open and then decorated or covered with panels;
  • in small rooms you need to carefully choose the location for installing ventilation valves. Remember that the cold air that enters the room from the outside needs to be mixed with warm air. Therefore, if you install the valve in close proximity to the sleeping place, you will feel discomfort in winter.

Forced ventilation (mechanical)

This ventilation system uses special valves that deliver clean air into the room. In such cases, the hood should be made autonomous. Today, several options for mechanical ventilation are used to ventilate houses made of SIP panels:

  • supply;
  • air supply with VAV function;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • supply and exhaust with heat recovery.

This video is dedicated to the supply and exhaust ventilation system:

What is the difference between these ventilation systems? In short, the above-mentioned ventilation differs in basic design elements, but their operating scheme is the same - injection of fresh air and removal of polluted air using exhaust ventilation ducts.

Supply ventilation is considered one of the most economical. Clean air is forced into the home and through the ventilation system and displaces stale air through ducts in the bathrooms and kitchen.

Houses made of SIP panels require constant air circulation. Such buildings, as a rule, do not have more than one floor. Therefore, even the simplest devices are used for ventilation in SIP houses. The ventilation system in such buildings can be either natural or forced. In houses with complex architecture you can find combined ventilation.

Types of ventilation in houses made of SIP panels

Ventilation in a frame-type residential building is a necessity. Its arrangement should be considered at the stage of building construction. In an unventilated house, there is a high probability of bacteria and fungi appearing and structural parts and wiring rotting.

The air in a room without or with improperly equipped ventilation is polluted by the following sources:

  • pets;
  • carbon monoxide from the stove and other appliances;
  • powders and detergents;
  • human waste products (carbon dioxide, skin particles, hair, etc.);
  • mold and mildew.

All of the above factors can lead to illnesses in the household or to the destruction of the wooden parts of the building.

Design selection

Standard ventilation in a house made of SIP panels operates on the principle of natural circulation. Warm air escapes through the hoods. However, along with pollution, heat leaves the room. Such systems increase heating costs and can cause the formation of unwanted condensation.

To ensure that heating resources are not spent on heating, but only on maintaining a comfortable temperature, ventilation with heat recovery is used. A standard example of such a design is waste heat installations. Fans remove stale air from the home and bring a mixture of recycled and outdoor air inside. The device allows you to save on heating due to the fact that the air entering the room is already heated.

Particular attention is paid to heat loss at home at the project creation stage. Improper ventilation can increase these indicators significantly. A recuperation system is particularly suitable for houses made of SIP panels.


Natural ventilation is a system of gaps and cracks provided by the design for normal air outflow. However, in houses made of SIP panels, such a technique is used extremely rarely. Buildings made from such material are built as tightly as possible, without any holes.

It is possible to install a natural ventilation system in houses with SIP panels. For this purpose, special mechanical valves are used for air flow. They are installed at the stage of wall construction or when finishing the building. The devices do not at all spoil the appearance of the building. Asbestos-cement or plastic pipes act as ventilation valves.

Important! Metal pipes are not suitable for construction due to the high noise load and reduced thermal insulation properties of the building.

The volume of air exchange provided by natural ventilation is sufficient for one-story houses. For large buildings it is better to use electrical installations or combined methods. The design of ventilation in a house depends on its architecture. Asbestos cement slabs are recommended for laying pipes; they reduce noise pollution.


In terms of power, the forced ventilation system is one of the best. It has one significant drawback - the complexity of installation. However, a well-designed system will last for decades.

The system works in such a way that the air released into the building's floors is cleaned and heated. It is very difficult for an untrained person to assemble such a structure. It is best to use the services of professionals.

The operating principle of such structures is as follows:

  1. The hood removes the building's recycled air from the home to the outside. The air circulates back through the supply channels.
  2. When polluted air is emitted, the indoor climate is replenished with an equal volume of clean air from outside. It enters the building through constant circulation.
  3. Due to the temperature of the air masses emitted outside, the fresh ones are heated and come inside already warm. In addition to the atmosphere of the room itself, the structural parts of the building also warm up. Thus, the heat loss of the building is significantly reduced.

The difficulty in building the system is that if you calculate the height or volume of the exhaust valves, the room will quickly cool down.


The combined ventilation system provides constant air exchange, without high energy costs (unlike forced ventilation). The design is represented by ventilation ducts. Their cross section depends on the parameters of the house. It is standard to have about 8 channels for every 200 m2. The smaller the building, the fewer channels required. For their arrangement, plastic or asbestos-cement pipes are used. They form a multi-level system, like a collector. An electric fan is already installed in it. The larger the building, the higher the installation power required.

In addition to electronic ones, mechanical installations are also used; they do not waste much energy, but have less power. Automatic ones are more convenient because their operation is regulated by the air condition in the room. If the humidity rises, circulation turns on. In addition to this modification, there are devices with infrared devices, but they are much more expensive than the simplest electronic ventilation.

Pay attention! It is best to entrust the calculation of fan power to a specialist. Lack of qualifications can cost big losses.

Dangers of an incorrect ventilation system

Very often it is necessary to replace the entire ventilation if serious flaws were made in its installation. This requires a lot of resources and time. The same applies to cleaning ventilation pipes. For this purpose, specialized high-power blowing units are used.

In any home, the ventilation system is designed not only to provide air convection, but also to remove moisture that accumulates inside the room. This increases the thermal resistance of the walls and extends their service life. Ventilation is provided at the design stage of the house and installed during its construction or installed in already erected buildings.

Types of ventilation for a frame house

Ventilation in a house made of SIP panels comes in three types:

  • natural;
  • forced;
  • combined.

The method of air exchange in a panel house is determined depending on the area of ​​the room, the number of residents and the budget of the owners. Most manufacturers of frame houses design the building in such a way that the owner can install one or another ventilation system after construction.

Most air exchange systems are based on the direct-flow principle. It involves removing superheated air through exhaust ducts. However, along with it, most of the heat is removed from the room, which makes such a system energy-intensive.

To reduce heat loss to a minimum, it is necessary to install recuperators in panel-type houses. Heat fans remove exhaust air from the room, mix it with clean air, and heat it to room temperature through the process of convection. Then they are returned back to the room. This method of ventilation significantly reduces the cost of subsequent heating of the house.

Features of natural air exchange in panel houses

Natural ventilation in houses made of SIP panels involves the supply of fresh air through cracks and gaps formed as a result of loose fixation of windows, doors, interfloor ceilings or through exhaust ducts. However, a house of this type is different in that the structure does not provide for the presence of cracks, holes, etc. SIP panels are completely airtight.

The device of natural ventilation requires the presence of exhaust ducts in the bathrooms and kitchen, which exit through the roof. To do this, install pipes made of plastic or galvanized steel. The first material is cheaper, but it strongly attracts dust, which reduces the draft of the channel. Therefore, galvanized steel pipes are often chosen.

To ensure the supply of fresh air and increase draft in walls or windows, supply valves are installed. The best location is considered to be a hole above the heating boiler, since cold air entering the room is heated by the operation of the device. The valve should be installed in such a way that air circulates inside the building towards the kitchen and bathrooms.

For supply valves, pipes from:

  • plastic;
  • asbestos cement.

Experts recommend choosing products made from asbestos cement. It is not advisable to install metal pipes, since they reduce the thermal insulation of the walls and increase the noise load. The disadvantage of valves is the violation of the integrity of the sound insulation of the walls. If the building is located in a noisy place, supply valves should be abandoned. This type of ventilation does not have much power, but it can be done with your own hands and is cheaper compared to other types.

Characteristics of forced ventilation for a frame house

Forced SIP panels provide high-quality air convection. In this case, special mechanical devices with a noise-insulating housing are used. A simple option is supply ventilation, in which exhaust air is removed through channels by forcing fresh air into the room. If necessary, it is possible to supply only certain areas of the building. If not only the injection but also the removal of air occurs forcibly, this method is a supply and exhaust method.

The most expensive is ventilation with heat recovery. To save on heating costs, warm air enters the room. It warms up due to the outgoing flow. This system is suitable for houses with a large area. In small buildings, recuperation is considered overkill because the building materials used have low thermal conductivity.

The operation diagram of forced ventilation looks like this:

Description of mixed air exchange

Mixed is most often used. It allows for high-quality air exchange and air circulation inside the room. This type is less energy-consuming compared to the forced system. In this case, the air is removed from the building through ventilation ducts.

Their number and size are selected depending on the dimensions of the building. Experts recommend installing 6-8 channels for every 180-200 m². Pipes are selected from asbestos cement or PVC. Their connections form a collector for air masses.

A fan is installed on the finished structure. Its power will determine the thrust of the entire system. The device can be mechanical or automatic. The operation of the latter is regulated by humidity sensors, which are installed in all rooms of the building. The fan power must be calculated by specialists, since it is extremely difficult to correctly determine this parameter on your own.


You can determine the malfunction of ventilation in SIP houses if the following points are observed:

  • in some rooms or throughout the house the air is stale, heavy, there is little oxygen and it is difficult to breathe;
  • fungus forms in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • Water vapor appears on the windows.

In the first case, most likely there is insufficient fan power or weak draft if a natural type of air exchange is used. It may also be necessary to clean the ventilation ducts. In each case, you should contact specialists for help, since it is difficult to do the cleaning yourself or calculate the power correctly. If fungus forms or windows fog up, then ventilation cannot cope with removing moisture from the room.

You can install ventilation systems yourself. But design and calculations should be carried out by specialists, since without knowledge it is difficult to determine all the parameters.

One of the disadvantages of houses made of SIP panels is that the so-called thermos effect is created inside them. That is, there is no natural air exchange between the premises and the street in such structures. To make living in such a building comfortable in the future, a ventilation system must be installed during its construction. At the same time, when installing such a network, you must strictly adhere to all the required standards.

What types of ventilation can be installed

The design of a utility system of this type when designing houses from SIP panels is usually chosen depending on the area of ​​the latter. In small residential buildings, a natural ventilation system is most often installed. In houses made of large-area SIP panels, forced communications of this type are installed.

Most often, ventilation systems are installed in such buildings at the stage of their construction. In some cases, the construction company even gives owners a guarantee of the effective operation of such a network for several years. But, of course, ventilation in such frames can be installed after their construction. This is, for example, what is often done when constructing small-area SIP buildings.

Natural ventilation system in SIP houses

These are installed in residential buildings of this type using approximately the same methods as in any others. But since houses of this type are absolutely airtight, all required technologies and standards in this case are observed with maximum accuracy.

In houses built in a traditional way, using ordinary materials, exhaust air is removed from the premises through an exhaust riser or grilles. Its influx is carried out through cracks in the structures of the building itself.

For a house made of SIP panels, approximately the same technique for arranging ventilation is used. But in this case it has some of its own characteristics. The very technology of constructing such buildings completely eliminates the presence of any gaps in their structures. Therefore, networks with natural air circulation in SIP houses are equipped using additional devices.

Natural ventilation equipment: valves

In order for air to freely flow into and out of rooms, special supply valves are installed in the walls of SIP buildings. The following elements can be installed:

    under the window sills;

    directly in window frames;

    next to the windows in the wall.

Moreover, most often in SIP houses they are installed using the first technology. If such an element is mounted under the window sill, the street air entering the premises through it in winter will be heated by the heating radiator. In addition, such an installation usually provides better draft through the valve.

A feature of devices of this type is, among other things, that their design includes an element that allows you to control the volume of air coming from the street.


When arranging natural ventilation in houses made of SIP panels, of course, it is necessary to provide for the removal of exhaust air. For this purpose, exhaust grilles can be installed in bathrooms and kitchens of small SIP buildings. Such elements are installed under the ceiling of these rooms. At the same time, they must be supplemented with check valves so that air from the street does not penetrate through them into the bathroom and kitchen.

Equipment installation technology

Holes are pre-drilled under and houses made of SIP panels. Next, pipes are inserted into them. The “stuffing” of valves and hoods is, in turn, mounted into these elements.

Very often, in houses made of SIP panels, like in any others, the basement floor is also equipped. Of course, the owners of such a building should definitely ensure high-quality ventilation of this room as well. Basement ventilation in houses made of SIP panels is installed in the same way as in residential premises. That is, when pouring the foundation, vents are left in the tape, and then supply valves and exhaust grilles are inserted into them.

Types of artificial ventilation

Such systems in houses from SIP panels are also assembled quite often. At the same time, an artificial ventilation network can be installed in buildings of this type:


    supply and exhaust.

The first type of networks is assembled using the same equipment as natural ventilation. That is, in this case, supply valves and grilles are also installed. However, when assembling such systems, fans are additionally inserted into the exhaust openings in bathrooms and kitchens. The use of such equipment allows you to speed up air exchange in a house made of SIP panels and make its microclimate more pleasant.

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems in houses made of SIP panels are usually installed only if they have a very large area. When installing such networks, among other things, air ducts are also installed in the building. A supply and exhaust unit is also installed in the house.

Installation of artificial ventilation with air ducts: project

Setting up such a network is technologically quite complex. In principle, you can install a supply and exhaust ventilation system, including in a house made from SIP panels, with your own hands. However, the owners of country residential buildings usually entrust the development of such a network project to specialists.

This matter is actually very complex and responsible. If the air ducts are laid incorrectly, the ventilation of a private house using SIP panels will subsequently be ineffective. In addition, the owners of such a residential building may significantly increase their heating costs in winter.

SNiP requirements

When drawing up a project for supply and exhaust ventilation of a house made of SIP panels, specialists, among other things, must take into account SNiP standards. Ultimately, utilities of this type in such a building must be laid so that they provide air exchange:

    for residential premises - 3 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 area;

    for kitchens - 90 m 3 / h when using a gas stove and 60 m 3 / h when using an electric one;

    for separate baths and toilets - 25 m 3 / h;

    for a combined bathroom - 50 m 3 / h.

In cold regions, if in winter the outside air temperature drops below -40 °C, the ventilation network in houses must be supplemented with heating equipment.

Supply and exhaust network assembly technology

It will be relatively easy to install such a ventilation system in a house with your own hands if you have a ready-made project. When assembling networks of this type, at the first stage, holes are also usually drilled in the walls, through which fresh air will subsequently enter the building. Next:

    pipes are inserted into the drilled holes and covered from the street side with gratings;

    from the room side, supply air ducts are connected to the branch pipes, after which they are laid to the installation site of the air handling unit;

    Hoses are led from the supply air ducts into the rooms;

    an exhaust air duct is laid through the ceilings and slopes of the house with a connection to the roof;

    hoses from the premises are laid to the exhaust air duct;

    the air handling unit is being installed in place;

    The main supply and exhaust lines are connected to the installation.

The main equipment responsible for air circulation in the premises of a house made of SIP panels is usually mounted in the attic. Supply hoses are introduced into rooms in pipes through the walls. The ventilation of a house made of SIP panels should be arranged so that the latter enter the premises along the bottom of the enclosing structures.

Extracting sleeves are also introduced into the premises in exactly the same way. But in this case, holes in the walls are drilled at the top. At the final stage, the air duct outlets in the rooms are covered with decorative grilles.

If all the required technologies are strictly followed, the ventilation system in the house from SIP panels can be equipped with a truly effective one. When installing such communications, experts, among other things, advise adhering to the following recommendations:

    It is better to choose an air handling unit for such a house supplemented by a recuperator;

    It is worth buying plastic pipes for supply valves and grilles.

When using a recuperator, the air coming from the street will be heated by the exhaust air. And this, in turn, will save on heating the SIP house.

Metal pipes are not used when installing supply valves and hoods in residential buildings due to the fact that air passing through them can produce strong noise. Such devices can be used, for example, only in utility rooms or on basement floors.

A system that ventilates the air in a room is not a luxury, but simply a necessity. After all, the accumulated excess moisture reduces the thermal resistance, resulting in condensation. This causes finishing materials to deteriorate, paint to peel off, and wallpaper to peel. The room smells unpleasantly of dampness, fungus and mold appear.

No “breathing walls” can replace a ventilation system, especially where there is high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms. Different materials are used to sheath houses. Recently, craftsmen have been using more common and modern materials - structural insulated panels. This is a pair of wooden slabs that have an insulation layer inside. Their advantages are: environmental friendliness, strength, thermal conductivity, lightness.

Natural ventilation in a SIP house

This is ventilation, which is carried out without special equipment, using easy air exchange: indoor and outdoor due to different temperatures. The house is ventilated by a simple method, opening windows or doors.
But it completely depends on climatological conditions and does not fulfill the volume that is assigned to full ventilation. In summer, it practically does not cope with its functions, and in winter, this method loses precious heat. It is impossible to ventilate a room that does not have windows well. To ensure effective natural ventilation, it is necessary to install several hoods. Most often they are found in the bathroom and kitchen. It is important to think through this system when planning the house, since it is complex and it is better to make calculations and drawings in advance.

Requirements for natural ventilation:

  • Providing constant air exchange;
  • Supply of fresh air to all rooms;
  • Quick and high-quality removal of polluted air from the toilet, kitchen and bathroom;
  • No drafts.

The location for the exhaust vent must be carefully selected. The incoming air must have time to heat up so as not to cause discomfort to those living in the house.

Do-it-yourself artificial ventilation in a house made from SIP panels

When natural ventilation is not enough, mechanical ventilation is used, the design of which includes fans, air heaters, and various filters. The system does not depend on the climate and enriches the rooms with a healthy microclimate. The work is that air is removed from the room, which is mixed with clean air from the street, and then returned back. This option is developed in such a way that with such an exchange the temperature does not change at all, and the external air flow becomes the same as the internal one.

Houses made of SIP panels are in great need of high-quality air exchange, since in its absence you can feel dampness and the windows will fog up inside, especially in winter. After all, one of the disadvantages of this building finishing material is poor air tightness. We can say that a building is like a drum, so it is necessary to use devices that have a noise-insulating body.

There is more than one type of artificial ventilation. The most accessible and simplest is supply ventilation, the work of which is to remove air from rooms through individual channels by forcing a fresh flow. Such supply can be selective: if possible or necessary, certain zones can be turned off. Ventilation using heat recovery is considered more expensive. This is an energy saving technology. The air entering inside is heated by the outgoing flow. The disadvantage of this air duct is the high cost of installation and operation. Houses made from SIP are warm in themselves, so this type is unnecessary and economically unjustified.

Installation, operation diagram of ventilation systems

Typically, installation of ventilation shafts is carried out at the stage when utility networks are installed. An additional channel is needed to do this job. After all, excess moisture in the room must be removed through ventilation. Clean air, which is constantly renewed, will benefit not only the residents, but also the building itself.

To do the installation yourself, good air circulation is necessary. It is best to organize the inflow using wall valves, which should be installed behind the heating structures. You need to purchase them at the rate of one valve per room. At a height of 0.5 m from the floor covering, a hole of the required size is drilled, and then a damper is inserted into it, and the resulting gap is sealed with construction foam. The inner side must be assembled according to a special diagram, which is supplied by the manufacturer.