Trends in the development of areas of psychology and psychological practice. Non-traditional sexual orientation Types of sexual orientation

This issue of the Moscow Psychological Journal is not like previous ones; for the first time we decided to touch upon the issue of how supporters of unofficial science, esotericists and occultists look at the world and man. Traditional psychology and religion - what do they have in common in their views on human spirituality? Often our ideas about non-traditional methods of studying the world around us are dictated by cliches instilled in the era of “Scientific Communism”. It is believed that there is, as it were, a list of officially recognized sciences, there are state-approved academies and academicians, and everything else is pseudoscience or, even worse, occultism. However, psychology has learned a lot from various cults and religions. New psychological methods and techniques, techniques and technologies successfully use their experience.


We advise you to start reading this section with the Social Psychological Research “Basic Constructions of Esoteric Thinking” by Sergei Vasilievich Likanov
The subject of this book is close to what can be defined as “esoteric epistemology” (epistemology is the science of the rules and laws of thinking - note by L.S.V.) and concerns the principles of thinking, which are historically considered the basis of the esoteric-occult approach to the world, the universe, to human life. That is, we are talking about the fundamental points that are present in any esoteric or occult teaching, occult philosophy or system and on the basis of which these systems, these views develop further - to laws, rules, etc. ... Studying the literature that I managed to get, plunging deeper and deeper into this unusual world, I never ceased to be amazed at its clarity, harmony and logic. Of all the literary diversity, I was most fascinated by the “Western” direction of esotericism, also called “the tradition of the white race” - occultism.
The metaphysical laws set forth in serious occult works were simple, convincing, practical and effective. They were practically confirmed. The logical development of these laws led to conclusions unimaginable to my usual thinking. To not believe these conclusions meant for me to question either the laws themselves or the logic. However, neither the first nor the second raised any doubts in me so far... This is how my first misunderstanding arose: trusting the occult principles and laws, I could not accept a good half of what they led to.
I invite the reader to come into contact with the results of the work, which I have tried to present in the form of a research treatise, organizing the text in such a way that the reader can become a co-researcher in this area. The action will unfold in parallels between scientific and esoteric views.
Thank you in advance for your attention to my work.

For the second, allow me to propose an article by Israeli psychologist, teacher at the International Academy of Kabbalah Tal Asher: The phenomenon of “spiritual search” in the light of the science of Kabbalah.
Since the late 90s, a new movement has been actively emerging all over the world, which can be called a “spiritual quest.” Under the pressure of dramatic changes taking place today in all corners of our planet, shaking all social groups and affecting every person, this process is expressed in a feeling of dissonance, an unconscious desire for something, a search for the meaning of life, and self-knowledge. Psychology does not stand aside from the ongoing processes in society; our time is characterized by an active search for new directions in the development of psychology.
Everywhere there is a crisis of fundamental ideological concepts on which the functioning of politics, economics, science and art depends. In a growing crisis, man began to realize that traditional science and culture did not provide an answer to his needs. Therefore, a large number of all kinds of “centers” opened, many “leaders” and “gurus” of all stripes appeared. For example, V. Lebedko describes the so-called “Russian sannyas” - a whole generation of spiritual seekers. The phenomenon of “spiritual search” does not even fit into modern psychology.
And today we are going through a stage when the inner urge for higher fulfillment begins to take precedence in humanity, since man has basically gone through all the periods of his development. The state of world culture that humanity has reached shows that traditional value systems as a whole no longer work.
Likewise, personality psychology is experiencing a “crisis of growth.” Currently, in Western and Russian psychology, a division of psychology has formed into different, often poorly compatible approaches. The need for a new comprehensive science has long been overdue.
Earthly civilization is entering a new point of its growth, which can be characterized as entering conscious evolution.
Salvation does not really mean anything other than the restoration, the reintegration of the original whole. The new science must come as an all-encompassing science about man and the world, integrated in an indissoluble unity.

The last publication of this section of the sixth issue of the magazine - At the Origins of Integral Psychology also belongs to Tal Asher.
Today, psychologists practice different, often poorly compatible approaches. The languages ​​of various psychological schools operate with mutually untranslatable concepts or, even worse, use the same terms but imply different meanings. An attempt to discuss the same phenomenon with representatives of different areas of psychology is almost doomed to failure. On the other hand, the development of science in recent years has followed the path of a gradual ascent to general principles. After all, the laws that describe certain phenomena of physics, psychology or chemistry are, in fact, particular manifestations of more general laws of nature.
In one form or another, all areas of psychology set themselves the task of bringing the personality to a more holistic state, that is, integrating certain “parts” that were previously dissociated. However, real psychological models examine conflicts only between individual “parts” of the personality and do not propose a method of general integration...
The purpose of this article is an attempt to present integral psychology as one holistic model applicable in practice for personality development and the construction of future psychological techniques.

The opinion of the editors does not always coincide with the opinion of the authors of publications.

In the world now there is, by and large,
three types of medicine:

— Modern, which is studied in institutes and widely used in all medical institutions of the Western world.
- Alternative medicine, the basis of which is Ayur-Veda, which served as the foundation for later eastern medical schools - ancient Chinese, Tibetan, etc.
— Traditional medicine - healers, magicians, shamans, etc. This group is difficult to classify, since, unlike the first two groups, it is distinguished by the absence of any system.

And accordingly, each type of medicine has its own type
psychology. Modern psychology, which is based on
understanding - “I am this body” considers a person as
wiser monkey. And although he claims that he works with personality
and the human mind, has no clear concept of either one or the other.
Ask a modern soul specialist what a soul is
or personality. You won't get a clear answer.

Some representatives of the third group call themselves
psychologists or even alternative psychologists. But
it would be more correct to classify them as parapsychologists,
bioenergetics, psychics or... charlatans who
they sell “magic amulets” or
“remove” a love curse.

Many of them are born psychologists and
who can very competently “play” on weaknesses
and convince people.
The main principle of this group is to contact
come to me and I will fulfill it
any of your desires, since you yourself
very weak.

Now we will return to the second group - alternative medicine,
of which alternative psychology is a part, or rather
speaking - its main part. Since all Eastern philosophical
and medical schools teach that the cause of our diseases,
unhappiness in life (or vice versa - good health and happiness)
is our mentality, character, worldview and attitude
to yourself and to the world as a whole.

Long before the birth of Hippocrates, there were
treatises in which they examined in detail not only the gross,
but also the subtle body, as well as the psychological aspect of the personality.
And these were not just philosophical books. No. They contain details
described: subtle body, soul, energy centers (chakras),
subtle air channels, psychological personality types,
what is the mind, feelings, mind, true “I”, etc.

The main postulates of Alternative Psychology: we are eternal
souls incarnating into material bodies. We are with our thoughts,
We create our own destiny with our desires and actions. And only the man himself
can change his destiny, recover.

A healer, a doctor can only push the problem, the disease to
for some time. But neutralizing a person’s karma is more difficult.
Previously, there was an opinion (and even now fans of Buddhism
are confident in this, unlike many of my colleagues involved in
regression therapy) that no one can neutralize
human karma. “To remove” a person’s sins is one thing, to repent is
other, but changes in character, worldview and behavior -
subject only to the person himself.

Although this is the most difficult thing: changing yourself. Here is the help of a psychologist
invaluable. Changing the soul is a matter of a lifetime. Is that so?
Is psychology not soul science?

Ayur-Veda says: “All evil is inside a person - only outside
good". Many may disagree: I am so good, kind, and
There is so much evil, injustice, disease, misfortune, etc. around.
But this understanding comes from the concept “I am this body”
and everything that is good for the body - wealth, good food, a good house,
happy fate - divine.

And everything that is bad for him is illness, betrayal, unfortunate
cases, etc. - is it from the devil, from injustice or from
mistake of nature.

But Ayur-Veda proceeds from the absolute concept of “Aham Brahmasmi” -
I am a soul, a particle of the highest spirit. And from an absolute point of view -
everything that helps us “remember this” and revive the love of God -
this is good and is true good.

Everything that interferes is evil. And since there are no accidents, the main thing
the purpose of everything that happens is to help us “remember and love”,
then, therefore, everything that happens around is only good.
Where is the evil? Inside us, in our selfishness and sense of separation
from other living beings.

And since we come into this world only to reduce
evil within, then the success of our life is determined only by how we
succeeded in this. If a person lives financially well
thanks to good karma, but his selfishness and pride did not decrease,
then his life is useless.

On the other hand, if a person living in complete deprivation
life, lives without despondency, aggression and fear, develops unconditional
love, then his life becomes perfect.

These are the basics of alternative psychology, although most
alternative psychology works with more practical
things - family problems, compatibility, getting rid of depression
and stress, helps to make the right choice in determining
life path, profession, partner, recover from physical
ailments, get rid of psychological complexes, get out of a streak
failures, etc.

But without understanding the data above, the basics cannot be complete.
help. And although these thoughts are similar to religious postulates,
this does not give the right to attribute Alternative Psychology to any
or religions, rather, it is their practical implementation.

Many people are frightened by such “unscientific” terms as God, soul, unconditional
love, subtle body, etc. But from my point of view, which
is based on practice and the latest scientific achievements,
these terms and this concept as a whole in an incomparable amount
times more practical and scientific than the concept that says
that we are a bunch of chemical elements with incomprehensible
as an evolved consciousness descended from a monkey,
that everything is random in this world, etc.

Nobody wonders why the greatest psychoanalyst
modern times, Carl Jung stopped accepting older people
over 35 years of age who do not believe in God, considering them incurable

Why, according to the World Health Organization?
are growing every year and in the next 20 years will become the most
common diseases associated with disorders
psychological health of people. And this happens in spite of

The staff of modern psychologists is increasing proportionally
and psychotherapists; Almost every American has
personal psychoanalyst;

The number of psychics, fortune tellers, and parapsychologists is growing even faster
etc. In Moscow, according to statistics, almost every thousand
Residents have one specialist in this category.
The vast majority of whom claim to be
hereditary magicians who can get rid of any disease and
problems, remove any curse, bestow a “magic amulet”,
which will bring millions, health, a good partner, etc.

And, according to the same statistics, in Moscow in a few years people
with serious psychological problems, pathologies
will be about 70%...

On the other hand, ancient highly advanced civilizations who lived
according to the above principles, we never knew the words stress, cancer,
divorce, depression, etc. And a good example of use
We can find alternative psychology not only in ancient
Aryan civilization or in Tibet.

More and more people are turning to her and changing their lives. Most
bright representatives who intuitively came or received
this knowledge through his teachers is Deepak Chopra, S.N. Lazarev,
M. Norbekov, Louise Hay and others. These people cured themselves, did
their lives happy and created their own systems that
helped millions of people radically change their lives and
recover from “incurable” diseases.
Their systems describe the above in different words

But will everyone like it? Doesn't the familiar rebel?
a method that has been worked out over the years and seems to be a scientifically proven method
work from old textbooks? Aren't those who are wringing their hands?
hears about an alternative to “classical” methods: they say, to what extent?
poor psychological science has come to grief!

Perhaps this is how those who heard about seditious ideas were killed
regarding the round Earth, while so many treatises
and “serious” scientists talk about three turtles and the correct
planes of the earth's surface. There seems to be a question of openness here.
new and... simple freedom to leave the cage of the comfort zone.
And psychologists know very well that this is the most difficult thing -
change something in yourself.

And then, if we have a strong desire, the whole Universe will be
help us follow the Path - the student would be ready, and the guru would always
there is - Paths to the knowledge of endless and ever new wisdom
a world that textbooks simply cannot keep up with.

(based on materials from the site

For a long time now, I have been in my work with success and pleasure
I combine and
classical and alternative psychology. Already
it is common knowledge that exactly
at the junction of different polar directions
turns out to be the most interesting

It is difficult to say who will now fence off bioenergy from
restoration of health? If only radically
stubborn retrogrades,
afraid to look beyond
volumes memorized at the institute

But even the classics were once innovators and received
my share of “kicks” for freethinking and being too broad,
according to
some, a look at science.

And the place where I live is special, a place of Power in the extreme Alps.
A place where else
two thousand years ago the Celts lived, by the way, and
now this area is considered
in the Celtic world, along with

Therefore, local traditions are very ancient, by the wisdom of ages
every stone is simply impregnated, and the locals
residents carefully preserve
and use them. They would be very surprised if
they were accused
in the fascination with “mystical alternatives.” For them it's easy

knowledge that has been tested for centuries.

By the way, you can look at the surroundings in my account in
Facebook -
add yourself as a friend.

In the world now there are, by and large, three types of medicine:

  • Modern, which is studied in institutes and widely used in all medical institutions of the Western world.
  • Alternative medicine, the basis of which is Vedic, Tibetan, Chinese and Arabic.
  • Traditional medicine - healers, magicians, shamans, etc. This group is difficult to classify, since, unlike the first two groups, it is distinguished by the absence of any system.
And accordingly, each type of medicine has its own type of psychology. Modern psychology, which is based on the understanding that “I am this body,” views a person as a wiser monkey. And although he claims to work with a person’s personality and mind, he does not have a clear concept of either one. Ask a modern soul specialist what a soul or personality is. You won't get a clear answer.

Some representatives of the third group call themselves psychologists or even alternative psychologists. But it would be more correct to classify them as parapsychologists, bioenergeticists, psychics or... charlatans who sell “magic amulets” or “remove” a love curse for a lot of money. Many of them are born psychologists and marketers who can very competently “play” on people’s weaknesses and convince. The main principle of this group is to contact me and I will fulfill any of your wishes, since you yourself are very weak.

Now we will return to the second group - alternative medicine, of which alternative psychology is a part, or rather, its main part. Since all Eastern philosophical and medical schools teach that the cause of our illnesses, unhappiness in life (or vice versa - good health and happiness) is our consciousness, mind, our behavior and lifestyle, worldview and attitude towards ourselves and the world as a whole.

Long before the birth of Hippocrates, there were treatises in the East that examined in detail not only the gross, but also the subtle body, as well as the psychological aspect of personality. They described in detail: the subtle body, soul, energy centers (chakras), subtle energy channels, psychological personality types, what the mind, feelings, mind, true “I” are, etc.

The main postulates of Alternative Psychology: we are eternal souls incarnating into material bodies. We create our own destiny with our thoughts, desires and actions. And only the person himself can change his destiny and recover. A healer, a doctor can only postpone the problem, the disease for some time. But no one can neutralize a person’s karma, that is, “remove” a person’s sins - only the person himself through repentance, changing character, worldview and behavior. And the main sin is the murder of love in the soul and living by gross selfishness.

The more a person is selfish, greedy, envious, proud, cowardly, etc., the less happy he is and the more sick he is in soul, and subsequently in body. All religions and esoteric schools say that God is love. And the soul, being a part of God, cannot live without love. Love is the breath of the soul. The entire Universe will try to help us revive and accumulate unconditional love in the soul and save us from gross selfishness. And only for this we come to this material world. And everyone who surrounds us - parents, friends, children, colleagues, etc. - are our teachers, through whom we receive certain lessons, in accordance with the level of our spiritual evolution. No one comes into our lives and nothing happens in it by chance. There are no coincidences.

Ayur-Veda says: “All the evil is inside a person - outside there is only good.” Many may disagree: I am so good, kind, but there is so much evil, injustice, illness, misfortune, etc. around. But this understanding comes from the concept “I am this body” and everything that is good for the body - wealth, good food, a good house, good fortune - is divine. And everything that is bad for him is illness, betrayal, accidents, etc. - this is from the devil, from injustice or from a mistake of nature.

But Ayur-Veda proceeds from the absolute concept of “Aham Brahmasmi” - I am the soul, a particle of the highest spirit. And from an absolute point of view, everything that helps us “remember this” and revive the love of God is good and is true good. Everything that interferes is evil. And since there are no accidents and the main goal of everything that happens is to help us “remember and love,” then, therefore, everything that happens around is only good. Where is the evil? Inside us, in our selfishness and sense of separation from other living beings.

And since we come into this world only to reduce the evil within, the success of our life is determined only by how we succeed in this. If a person lives financially well due to good karma, but his selfishness and pride have not diminished, then his life is useless. On the other hand, if a person living a life full of hardships lives without despondency, aggression and fear, develops unconditional love, then his life becomes perfect.

These are the basics of alternative psychology, although for the most part alternative psychology works with more practical things - family problems, compatibility, getting rid of depression and stress, helping to make the right choice in determining the path of life, profession, partner, recovering from physical ailments, getting rid of psychological complexes , get out of a losing streak, etc. But without understanding these basics, there can be no meaningful help. And although these thoughts are similar to religious postulates, this does not give the right to attribute Alternative Psychology to any religion; rather, it is their practical implementation.

Many people are scared by such “unscientific” terms as God, soul, unconditional love, subtle body, etc. But from my point of view, which is based on practice and the latest scientific achievements, these terms and this concept as a whole are incomparably more practical and scientific than the concept that says that we are a bunch of chemical elements with an incomprehensibly developed consciousness, descended from a monkey, that everything is accidental in this world, etc.

No one wonders why the greatest psychoanalyst of our time, Carl Jung, stopped accepting people over the age of 35 who do not believe in God, considering them terminally ill. Why, according to the World Health Organization, are diseases associated with impaired psychological health growing every year and in the next 20 years will become the most common. And this happens despite the fact that:

The staff of modern psychologists and psychotherapists is increasing proportionally; Almost every American has a personal psychoanalyst.

The number of psychics, fortune tellers, parapsychologists, etc. is growing even faster. In Moscow, according to statistics, there is one specialist in this category for almost every thousand residents. The vast majority of whom claim that they are hereditary magicians, that they can get rid of any disease or problem, remove any curse, bestow a “magic amulet” that will bring millions, health, a good partner, etc. And according to the same statistics in Moscow, in a few years, about 70% of people with serious psychological problems and pathologies will be...

On the other hand, ancient, highly advanced civilizations that lived according to the above principles never knew the words stress, cancer, divorce, depression, etc. And we can find a successful example of the use of alternative psychology not only in the ancient Aryan civilization or in Tibet. More and more people are turning to her and changing their lives. The most prominent representatives who intuitively came or received this knowledge through their teachers are Deepak Chopra, S.N. Lazarev, M. Norbekov, Louise Hay, etc. These people cured themselves, made their lives happy and created their own systems that helped millions of people radically change their lives and recover from “incurable” diseases. Their systems describe the above principles in different words.

We recommend that you take advantage of this knowledge. And if you take them seriously, you will notice almost from day one how it all works in a wonderful way. And the first step is to accept responsibility for your life, to understand that it is we who create the reality around us with our thoughts and desires. And then... then if we have a strong desire - the whole Universe will help us follow the Path - the student would be ready, and there would always be a guru - the Path to true Love and true happiness.


Are you in a bad mood? Then we advise you to read this article. Using this information, you can not only control your mood, but also maintain it at a high level.

The power of thought is strong and limitless. Sometimes we do not realize the full significance of this phenomenon. Our desires are not fulfilled, we lose faith in ourselves, give up our dreams and consider the world boring and unfair. If these lines are about you, read this article.


Each of us underestimates our capabilities. Start doing something that seems difficult to you, and you will be surprised to find that you can actually do more than you thought. Human possibilities are practically limitless, and we set for ourselves the limits of what we can and cannot do.

Do you want to become the master of your destiny? To be a successful person, with a strong character and able to build life according to his own rules? Read the article on how to develop and strengthen willpower.

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The reaction to life problems in most adults is childish. Pouting and resentment! Blaming others for all your failures... The article talks about a more useful response that brings pleasure and ultimately leads to success.

You want others to admire you, talk about you, and set you as an example. Then, read this article and find out what makes people feel this feeling and how to make people admire you.

By following these 10 rules, you will learn to manage your life independently. Take responsibility for your life.

The success of any large company depends not only on one leader, but also on the entire team. Check out the team rules and see if they suit you.

How to avoid manipulative traps cleverly set by those who have their own selfish goals.

Psychology of success. How to get things done. Use 8 tips and learn to finish what you start.

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Indecision is a problem that decides our possibilities. You can learn how to defeat it and escape from the “clutches” of an illness that prevents you from living a full life in our article.


How to learn anchoring techniques. After reading this article you will learn anchoring techniques in NLP.

Each of us sometimes has to communicate with unpleasant people. You can learn how to make communication more pleasant and productive from this article.

Critical remarks are often perceived painfully and a person does not know how to respond to criticism. After reading this article you will learn how to behave correctly and how to constructively criticize others.

How to change your life, make it more interesting and rich. Learn to enjoy the little things, feel its fullness and feel “in the flow”. You can learn this by reading this article.

Non-directive hypnosis. Examples of how to create compelling stories.

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Do you want to be the center of attention? Do you like people, catch happy glances from your interlocutors and be the life of the party? Do you want to be talked about with admiration? Learn the secrets of charm in this article.

Have you been offended? You want to forgive the person, but you cannot do it yourself. Is pain ingrained in you and does not allow you to feel like a happy person? NLP technique for getting rid of grievances will help you feel liberated.


Fortune telling, which is used on New Year's Eve, will not only tell you what awaits you in the New Year, but will also create an atmosphere of a winter holiday and home comfort.

Halloween is a mystical and mysterious holiday, the history of which goes back to the pre-Christian era. Its traditions and customs have evolved over centuries, bringing additions from different cultures of Europe, Canada and America.

A prophetic dream is the most mysterious phenomenon that people of all times and peoples have encountered. But have you ever wondered why people have dreams like these and what they could mean? Did you know that prophetic dreams can predict death and, moreover, protect a person from it?

If your home has become gloomy and makes a depressing impression on people, use this method of cleansing your home of negative energy. You will feel how pleasant a place your home can be, not only for you, but also for the people close to you.

About how they manifest and what significance signs have in our everyday life.

Square, oval, round, pear-shaped, triangular face types. Find out which type you are. The shape of your face tells about your character.

Do you want to learn about a person just by looking into his eyes? Read this article and learn about the character and inclinations of any person.

Each zodiac sign corresponds to certain colors; by wearing clothes of a given color, we acquire qualities that we lack in life.

What you can and shouldn't do on a new moon. How to live in harmony with the Universe and achieve everything in a natural way.

Do you want to know by what criteria inquisitors in Europe identified witches? The chances of survival were slim, because there were quite a lot of such signs.

Each of us is familiar with this fairy-tale character from early childhood. But few people know where Baba Yaga comes from. In this article, you will learn about where her roots are and who she really is.

The New Moon is a great time to attract material resources into our pockets. This ritual is simple but effective.

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10 simple but effective ways to increase your energy.

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What signs and customs exist on Maundy Thursday? After reading this article, you will learn how to spend this day correctly in order to be healthy, wealthy and lucky in the future, being under the protection of the Higher Powers.

Ivan Kupala Day is an ancient pagan holiday of the Slavic peoples. You can learn about its history, traditions and rituals from this article.


Animal-assisted therapy is one of the types of psychotherapeutic assistance in which the patient, by communicating with animals, not only heals, but also receives positive emotions, getting rid of stress, psychological problems and complexes.

How color affects our psychological and physiological states.

Everyone knows that smells play a huge role in our lives. As soon as we catch our favorite scent, our mood lifts, but we may not even notice it... May is associated with the smell of lilac, tangerines with the New Year, and the smell of the sea with relaxation. What scents is sex associated with?


There is nothing brighter and more beautiful than love. Love gives warmth and tenderness, love inspires and inspires. But what if your feelings for your partner stop being a joy and destroy your personality? Find out how to remain yourself and not “dissolve” in a man.

How important it is for every woman to receive gifts from her loved one. But for some reason he doesn’t give them? What is the reason for this behavior and how to behave in such a way as to receive flowers, gifts and attention.

Each of us calls this feeling “love”, without thinking about how different love can be. Some people's feelings are ardent and passionate, others are tender and reverent; someone cannot spend even a minute without a loved one, while another at this time is ready to give their partner complete freedom, knowing that he will return anyway. “But how can love be so different?” - you ask. Let's look into this issue!

Oh, these men! How easily they can drive a woman crazy. Either gentle and caring, or passionate and ardent. How to understand them? And how to decide which man is right for you? Let's try to understand the main types of men in order to decide who he is, the one.

Which relationships have a future and which ones are doomed to fail. Do you have a chance of living together? Find out now!

This article is for those who want to become a real woman, a loving wife and mother. Information for women who want to be happy in marriage.

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How to find out whether karma itself has bound you or whether it is a simple relationship that is not given to you from above, you can find out by reading this article.

You met the man of your dreams, and everything seemed to be fine with you, but then his mother began to appear in your relationship. At first these were simple calls with questions about whether he had eaten or whether he had put on a warm sweater. But every day she began to take more and more participation in your relationship, she became an integral part of your family. Well, it seems that your beloved is not an independent person. And if so, then you should know what to do if your loved one is a mama's boy.


Why do you need knowledge about astrology? What does she teach? What is it for? Why is it becoming more and more popular every year? You will learn all this, and a little more, from this article.


Has life become grey? Are you stuck with routine and everyday life? If your answer is yes! Then we wrote this article especially for you. Believe me, your life will change dramatically...

Time is a priceless gift that every person has. It is a valuable, non-renewable resource. And it is the duty of every person to appreciate it. Find out why you need to learn to save your time in this article.

Your comfort zone is the main enemy of your achievements, your dreams and your future. Do you want a bright and interesting life? Learn how to get out of your comfort zone.

5 Steps to Effectively Finding the Ideal Job

Smiling is an easy way to make friends, be more attractive and achieve a lot in life. Once you want it, any door will open for you, since the key is always with you. You just need to use it. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to learn to smile.

Some people are similar to certain animals in appearance, manner of movement or behavior. How to recognize their character, because we are all so different and individual. You can find out from this article.

Physiognomic analysis of the faces of famous personalities from photos

What do older people regret after living their lives? About simple, understandable things that young people sometimes forget about. How to make sure you don’t regret anything in old age? Learn about the revelations of our grandparents.

Each zodiac sign is suited to certain stones that enhance their best character traits and reduce their negative ones, thereby creating balance. Find out which stone is right for you.

Find out what kind of blood runs in your veins based on the shape of your feet. Perhaps your ancestors were Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, ancient Celts or Germans. Where are your roots?

Do you need to prove to your opponent that you are right? Is evidence always true and the only correct one? How to learn to accept someone else's point of view...

Annoying troubles happen to each of us from time to time. Why do they arise? What is their nature? How to emerge victorious from a series of troubles...

Symbols of prosperity among Slavic peoples. Slavic feng shui. Symbols that bring success, wealth and prosperity.

What kind of year it will be for you depends on what day of the week your birthday falls on.

Esotericism is pseudoscience or not. You can find out about this by reading this article, which may turn out to be quite interesting.

Nature has given us an interest in learning new things. It is this factor that pushes us to new discoveries, research and conquering new heights.

Simple rules of life that make us think about how to live our lives in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.

Do you feel a loss of energy, a bad mood and the light is not nice? Perhaps an energy vampire has settled next to you and “feeds” on your energy. How to avoid becoming prey to a vampire, you will learn from this article.

What effect do eclipses have on us? What rules exist during eclipses in order to be less exposed to cosmic influences.

People have long used incense sticks, oils, candles and herbs to attract money. From this article you will learn which smells can increase the thickness of your wallet.

If you want to attract confidence, stability, success or love into your life, choose the Feng Shui color that will help make your desires and hopes come true.

You can learn from this article what a brownie looks like, how it warns of danger, and how to make friends with it.

Affirmations - we create our own world! Improving your life with positive affirmations.

Uspensky Tarot cards. How are they different from other decks? What symbols and secret signs did the author use when developing a deck of Tarot cards?

Psychological Tarot is a mystical tool in the hands of a psychologist. How do cards work? What makes them unique? You can learn how to use them to help in psychological counseling from this article.

Why is it considered a good symbol to find a horseshoe on the road? How to use it to attract happiness and prosperity.

A short article about the role intuition can sometimes play in life.

Order in the house and in the head
About how a person’s character, his fate and the situation in the house are interconnected

Self-development and personal growth
About correspondence courses in psychology in our center - an outside view.

The path to harmony: self-knowledge and self-improvement
A short article by a novice author about the need to work on oneself.

Do you need to be able to forgive?
In life, situations often arise when we feel offended, angry or irritated as a result of the actions of other people. There are different ways to deal with these emotions. One of them is discussed in this article.