SBC reference book for engineering surveys for construction. Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys. and operation of buildings and structures





(prices are adjusted to the base level as of 01/01/2001)

Moscow 2004

DEVELOPED BY FSUE "PNIIIS" (T.A. Larina, S.I. Rykhlova, N.I. Chushkina), OJSC "Institute Gidroproekt" (E.A. Nikanorov, Yu.A. Kharkov), LLC "NPC Ingeodin" ( Kalbergenov G.G., Larin V.V.) with the participation of FSUE Aeroproject, Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, Lengiprorechtrans CJSC, Lengiprotrans JSC, LenTISIZ CJSC, Metrotunnelgeodeziya LLC, Mosgiprotrans JSC ", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosinzhproekt", State Unitary Enterprise "MosCTISIZ", LLC "Nikolai Ingeo", LLC "TyumenNIIgiprogaz", MU "Center for the Preparation of Permits for Construction" in Yekaterinburg.

CONSIDERED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (Stepanov V.A., Grishchenkova T.L.).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 1, 2004 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 23, 2003 No. 213.

IN REPLACEMENT of the Collection of prices for survey work for capital construction - M. 1982: part I (tables 8 - 37, 50, 55 - 60, 62 - 73, 77 - 80, 84 - 92); part III, chapter 8 (tables 113, 115 - 119, 122 - 127, 152, 153), chapters 9 - 11; Part VII (Table 403); part VIII (tables 408 - 410, 414, 415, 418 - 420); Appendix 3 (tables 7 - 9, 13, 22, 23); Directory of enlarged base prices for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction - M. 1997.

General instructions. 2

Part I. Enlarged base prices for complex engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. 8

General provisions. 8

Chapter 1. Integrated base prices for complex engineering and geodetic surveys during the creation (development) of plan-altitude reference geodetic networks. 9

Chapter 2. Integrated base prices for complex engineering and geodetic surveys when creating engineering and topographic plans. 11

Chapter 3. Enlarged base prices for complex engineering and geodetic surveys for the construction of linear structures. 17

Part II. Basic prices for certain types of engineering and geodetic work. 23

General provisions. 23

Chapter 4. Special shooting. 23

Chapter 5. Surveying existing linear structures. 26

Chapter 6. Surveying, leveling and description of underground and above-ground structures. 36

Chapter 7. Various geodetic works.. 40

Chapter 8. Cartographic and office geodetic work... 52

Chapter 9. Registration of survey work and acceptance of engineering survey materials. 61

Part III. Basic prices for auxiliary work.. 62

Chapter 10. Auxiliary work... 62

Appendix 1. Coefficients for prices for engineering surveys carried out in desert and waterless areas. 63

Appendix 2. Duration of the unfavorable period of the year for field engineering surveys. 65

Appendix 3. Regional coefficients for wages of employees of design and survey organizations (with the exception of survey expeditions, parties and detachments)68

Appendix 4. Regional coefficients for wages of workers of survey expeditions, parties and detachments. 71

Appendix 5. List of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North. 74


1. Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) is designed to determine the basic cost of engineering and geodetic surveys when setting prices in agreements (contracts).

2. This Handbook is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational and legal forms:

Performers of survey work for construction who have a license to carry them out;

Customers of survey work;

Bodies supervising the implementation of survey work.

3. The directory contains:

4. Prices are calculated at the level of the estimated regulatory framework as of 01/01/2001 according to the terms of remuneration for engineers and technical workers and workers, the cost of materials and services, as well as the amount of depreciation charges for fixed assets, in accordance with the “Methodological recommendations for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (work, services) for construction and the formation of financial results”, approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia by letter dated 04/06/1994 No. BE-19-10/9, taking into account the changes and additions provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/07 .1995 No. 661.

5. Prices are calculated in accordance with the composition and modern technology for the production of field and desk engineering and geodetic works, taking into account the requirements of GOSTs and current regulatory documents (approved or agreed upon by the State Construction Committee of Russia as of 01/01/2001), and are optimal for determining the cost of these works . Prices take into account overhead costs, planned savings, contributions for social needs, costs of paying taxes and fees, including local taxes (except VAT).

Prices for field work are provided for their implementation in expeditionary conditions with the payment of travel allowances or field allowances to workers.

Prices for desk processing of survey materials are provided for performing them in a hospital setting without paying employees travel allowances or field allowances.

6. Prices are given in rubles and for certain types of work are given in the form of a fraction: above the line is the price of field work, below the line is the price of office work. In other cases, prices are provided separately for field and desk work.

Prices are optimal for the same work. Primary processing of survey materials, carried out under expeditionary conditions, is taken into account in the prices for field work.

The prices also take into account the costs of:

a) receipt of technical specifications for conducting surveys;

b) studying and summarizing the initial data necessary for carrying out research;

c) preparation of contractual documentation;

d) preparation, verification of instruments, tools, equipment and metrological assurance of the uniformity and accuracy of measuring instruments;

e) current repair of equipment and tools;

f) loading and unloading equipment and tools when moving around the site;

g) internal control and acceptance of survey materials;

h) release of survey reporting materials in 4 copies, including 2 copies for the customer and 1 copy for the body that issued the survey permit or carried out their registration;

i) delivery of reporting materials to the customer, as well as in the prescribed manner to the authorities that issued the permit for surveys or carried out their registration;

j) transfer of permanent geodetic signs to monitor their safety and draw up a report.

7. The prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the relevant tables (standards) of this Directory, costs for:

a) registration, on behalf of the customer, of permits (registration) for surveys carried out by the organization performing the surveys;

b) internal and external transport;

c) organization and liquidation of work at the site;

d) cutting of clearings and sights;

e) taxation of green spaces;

f) collecting information on the inventory of buildings and structures;

h) installation, dismantling and maintenance of special survey equipment;

i) supervision (methodological guidance) of work transferred for execution by subcontractors;

j) preparation and delivery to the customer of intermediate materials of engineering and geodetic surveys;

k) auxiliary work.

8. Prices are calculated for the conditions of survey work in the middle zone of the European part of the Russian Federation (according to the level of wages), a favorable period of the year and the normal mode of survey work.

When determining the estimated cost of surveys carried out in other regions of the Russian Federation, under special regime conditions, as well as during unfavorable periods of the year, the corresponding coefficients are applied to prices:

a) when carrying out surveys in mountainous and high-mountain areas, the coefficients given in Table 1 are applied to prices.

Table 1

b) when carrying out surveys in desert and waterless areas, the coefficients given in Appendix 1 are applied to the prices for these surveys;

c) when performing research:

In territories with a special regime, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied to prices for field work;

In areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year - a coefficient from 1.25 to 1.5 depending on the level of radioactivity assessed in accordance with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-99 (GN ;

At night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), a coefficient of 1.35 is applied to the cost of field work;

At night, in areas with a special regime located in areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year, the corresponding coefficients are multiplied.

Note - Territories with a special regime include areas and areas where, due to the situation or established regime, interruptions or difficulties associated with loss of working time during surveys are inevitable: border areas, testing grounds, airfields, sites where blasting operations are carried out, areas with heavy dust content in the air , existing construction sites, pits, quarries; environmentally harmful territories and enterprises, territories of explosive, hazardous and hot workshops, territories of enterprises of the defense, chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, coal and mining industries, oil and gas pumping stations of main pipelines, sensitive enterprises, operating electrical stations and substations, open electrical distribution devices stations, strips up to 200 m wide along existing power lines with voltages of 500 kV and higher, main streets (avenues) of cities, as well as streets and boulevards of large cities and metropolises, territories of railway stations, ports, backwaters, etc.

d) when performing field survey work, as well as office work carried out in a field camp during an unfavorable period of the year in the relevant areas (according to Appendix 2), the coefficients given in Table 2 are applied to their cost.

Table 2

e) when carrying out surveys in regions of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (according to Appendices 3, 4) or in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 04.02.91 No. 76, republican, regional, regional and other government or administrative bodies have established regional coefficients for the wages of workers engaged in survey work; the coefficients given in Table 3 are applied to the total estimated cost of these surveys.

Table 3

Regional coefficient to wages

Coefficient to the total estimated cost of surveys

Note - When new regional coefficients for the wages of workers engaged in survey work are introduced after 01.01.01 by law or by directive, the coefficients for the total estimated cost of surveys are determined in accordance with Table 3.

f) when carrying out surveys by organizations making payments related to the provision of benefits to persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (according to Appendix 5), as well as in other areas established by current legislation, the corresponding coefficients are applied to the total estimated cost of surveys :

1.5 - when carrying out surveys in the Far North;

1.25 - the same in areas equated to the regions of the Far North;

1.15 - the same in the southern regions of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and the Far East (Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories), in the Arkhangelsk and Chita regions, the Republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Komi (with the exception of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North).

Note - With the simultaneous application of the coefficients specified in subparagraphs “d” and “f” of paragraph 8, the overall increasing coefficient to the total of the estimated cost of research is determined by summing the unit with the fractional parts of the corresponding coefficients of table 3 and subparagraph “f”.

9. Internal transport costs associated with the transportation of prospectors, equipment and materials from the location of the survey organization (expedition, party, detachment) to the survey site and back, as well as directly at the work site, are determined according to Table 4 as a percentage of the estimated cost of field survey work , as well as office work carried out in a field camp (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 “a”, “b”, “c”, “d” of the General Instructions), including the costs of maintaining survey bases, radio stations, as well as installation , dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined by the prices of tables 82 and 83.

Table 4

Distance from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment to the survey site, km

Expenses for inland transport, %, with the estimated cost of field survey work, thousand rubles.

St. 75 to 150

St. 150 to 300

St. 300 to 750

Notes : 1. Inland transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period:

a) when performing field survey work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra);

b) for the rental and maintenance of special vehicles - airplanes, helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, boats, barges, longboats, reindeer and dog sleds, camels, horse packs, etc.

2. In the case of determining the costs of inland transport in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 4 do not apply.

3. When carrying out surveys of routes of linear structures with a length of more than 100 km, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the standards of § 8.

10. External transport costs associated with the travel of workers and the transportation of survey equipment and cargo from the permanent location of the organization performing the survey to the base of the survey expedition, party or detachment (or to the survey site) and back are determined according to Table 5 as a percentage of the estimated cost of field survey work, as well as office work carried out under expeditionary conditions (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 “a”, “b”, “c”, “d” of the General Instructions), including inland transport costs determined according to Table 4 ( excluding the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for the maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined at the prices of tables 82 and 83.

Table 5

Travel and transportation distance in one direction, km

Expenses for external transport in both directions, % of the estimated cost of field work, as well as office work carried out under expeditionary conditions, duration, months.

12 or more

St. 25 to 100

Notes : 1. Expenses for external transport for distances up to 25 km are not included in the estimates.

2. The standards of § 1 apply only if it is inappropriate (due to production needs or unfavorable conditions for the travel of workers and the transportation of goods) of daily transportation of survey equipment and workers to the location of the survey organization from the survey site and back.

3. When performing certain types of surveys in unfavorable conditions for travel of workers and transportation of goods to hard-to-reach survey sites and back, external transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

4. If expenses are determined in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 5 do not apply.

11. When carrying out surveys in particularly difficult natural conditions or in hard-to-reach areas (on polar islands, in the glacier zone, in high mountains, deserts, taiga, tundra areas, etc.) to carry out special events (involving climber instructors, guides, organizing rescue services, etc.) additional costs may be provided, which are determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

12. They are determined by a separate estimate, drawn up in prices of the current period based on the labor costs of the organization performing the survey and the actual costs of organizations providing services (according to price lists, tariffs, invoices, etc.), and the following expenses are additionally paid by the customer:

To collect (receive, purchase) aerospace, cartographic and other research materials from past years;

Related to the necessary approvals for certain types of field work;

To compensate for the costs of operating organizations when agreeing with them on a plan for underground communications;

For the rental of bases and radio stations during research in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra);

For the rental of special survey equipment and special vehicles;

To purchase a logging ticket;

For compensation of material damage associated with deforestation during surveys;

Related to compensation to land users for material damage caused due to damage during surveys on their land plots;

To pay for the services of third-party organizations necessary for carrying out engineering surveys.

13. The costs of organizing and liquidating work at the facility are determined in the amount of 6% of the estimated cost of field work, as well as office work carried out under expeditionary conditions (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 “a”, “b”, “c”, "d" of the General Instructions), including costs for internal transport, determined according to Table 4, (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for the maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined by prices tables 82 and 83.

Notes : 1. The following coefficients are applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work, determined in paragraph 13: 2.5 - for surveys with an estimated cost of up to 30 thousand rubles. or during surveys (regardless of their cost) carried out in areas of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga and tundra):

2.0 - for surveys with an estimated cost of over 30 to 75 thousand rubles;

1.5 - the same, over 75 to 150 thousand rubles.

2. When carrying out field surveys at a site continuously for more than one year, the coefficients given in Table 6 should be applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work.

Table 6

14. When carrying out field work without paying workers field allowances or travel allowances, a coefficient of 0.85 is applied to the prices for this work.

When performing desk processing of survey materials under expeditionary conditions with payment of field allowances or travel allowances to workers, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the prices for these works.

15. Increasing factors are applied to the cost of survey work if necessary:

a) issuing intermediate survey materials to the customer (if provided for in the terms of reference or work program), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of these surveys (except for the costs determined under clauses 9 - 13);

b) performing office work using limited-use materials, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the prices for these works;

c) performing field work with artificial lighting of reading devices, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to their cost;

d) drawing up a plan of underground and above-ground structures in color (paints), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of the corresponding office work;

e) performing office and cartographic work using computer technologies, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the cost of the relevant work;

f) performing cartographic work with drawing up plans (longitudinal profiles) in two forms: on magnetic and paper media, a coefficient of 1.75 is applied to their cost.

Note - Simultaneous application of the coefficients provided for in subparagraphs “d” and “f” is not allowed.

16. Expenses for supervision (methodological guidance) of engineering

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about applicants’ personal data is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

The development of new territories for the needs of the national economy and the construction of roads, as well as buildings for various purposes, requires research of the soils and groundwater they contain. This is what engineering geology does. Specialists go to the site, study it, drill wells, and take soil and water samples. They are tested in the laboratory and subjected to various influences. The obtained characteristics are evaluated and the necessary calculations are made. To make a preliminary estimate of costs, investors or developers turn to SBC for engineering surveys. They are updated periodically.

The SBC for engineering surveys for construction 2004 is designed to formulate the cost of work when drawing up contracts between the customer and a licensed contractor. It is used when regulatory authorities check the targeted and lawful use of costs.

On what factors does the cost of geodesy, displayed in the reference book of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction in 2004, depend?

  • Type of work. This may be a complex or one type of research. The need to perform some related services affects the price.
  • The complexity of the geological conditions of the site. If the terrain is more or less flat and there is a developed road network, geologists can easily drive up to the site and complete the task. Such sections belong to the first category of difficulty.

Areas with uneven terrain - gullies, ravines, mounds, shores of reservoirs overgrown with shrubs and a sparse network of roads with poor surfaces that complicate access are classified in the second category. This also includes neighborhoods oversaturated with houses with difficult access for drilling equipment. The third category includes mountainous, sparsely populated areas, and swamps.

The collection of basic prices for engineering surveys takes into account the complexity of the conditions. The price of the work is multiplied by a certain coefficient. The developer, taking into account the features of his site, can evaluate them using the directory. The directory contains aggregated base prices for engineering surveys and single base prices for one type of work.

  • The amount of salary and other payments established by the organization. If workers are not paid for food and accommodation, a multiplier is applied that increases the pay. The handbook provides for field and night allowances.
  • The price includes the cost of materials, fuels and lubricants.
  • Depreciation expenses.

SBC for engineering surveys for construction in 2006

The document replaced the SBC with engineering surveys for the 1999 construction. Like the 2004 document, it is designed to carry out work in the central part of Russia. It contains unit base prices for geodetic services. They relate to payment for observations of deformation processes, installation of geodetic signs, alignment and measurement work. Attached to the document are tables with notes regarding the coefficients applied.

SBC for engineering and hydrometeorological surveys on rivers

The directory was published in 2001. It concerns the prices for hydrometeorological work aimed at setting up observation posts on river beds no more than a few kilometers wide: terrain reconnaissance, hydrology, office work. Water measuring posts are installed on them for observations. The price of the work depends on the density of the soil. They have a difficulty category. The most difficult ones to develop are subject to multiplying the cost by a factor. These are hard soils with freezing depth of about half a meter. The table shows a list of works for installing hydrometeorological observation devices with the corresponding coefficients that affect the price of the work.

Appendix 1. Price coefficients for engineering surveys carried out in desert and waterless areas Appendix 2. Duration of the unfavorable period of the year for field engineering surveys
  • Appendix 3. Regional coefficients for wages of employees of design and survey organizations (with the exception of survey expeditions, parties and detachments)
  • Appendix 4. Regional coefficients for wages of workers of survey expeditions, parties and detachments
    • Section 1. Areas where coefficient 2 is applied to employee wages Section 2. Areas where coefficient 1.8 is applied to employee wages Section 3. Areas where coefficient 1.7 is applied to employee wages Section 4. Areas where employee wages are applied coefficient 1.6 Section 5. Areas where a coefficient of 1.5 is applied to employees’ wages Section 6. Areas where a coefficient of 1.4 is applied to employees’ wages Section 7. Areas where a coefficient of 1.3 is applied to employees’ wages Section 8. Areas where a coefficient of 1.3 is applied to employees’ wages employees, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied Section 9. Areas where a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to employees’ wages Section 10. Regions where a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to employees’ wages
    Appendix 5. List of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North

    Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction
    "Engineering and geodetic surveys"
    (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2003 N 213)

    General instructions

    1. Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is designed to determine the basic cost of engineering and geodetic surveys when setting prices in agreements (contracts).

    2. This Handbook is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational and legal forms:

    Performers of survey work for construction who have a license to carry them out;

    Customers of survey work;

    Bodies supervising the implementation of survey work.

    3. The directory contains:

    4. Prices are calculated at the level of the estimated regulatory framework as of 01/01/2001 but the terms of remuneration for engineers and technical workers and workers, the cost of materials and services, as well as the amount of depreciation charges for fixed assets, in accordance with the "Methodological recommendations for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction and the formation of financial results", approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia by letter dated 04/06/1994 N BE-19-10/9, taking into account the changes and additions provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 N 661.

    5. Prices are calculated in accordance with the composition and modern technology for the production of field and desk engineering and geodetic work, taking into account the requirements of GOSTs and current regulatory documents (approved or agreed upon by the State Construction Committee of Russia as of 01/01/2001), and are optimal for determining the cost these works. Prices take into account overhead costs, planned savings, contributions for social needs, costs of paying taxes and fees, including local taxes (except VAT).

    Prices for field work are provided for their implementation in expeditionary conditions with the payment of travel allowances or field allowances to workers.

    Prices for desk processing of survey materials are provided for performing them in a hospital setting without paying employees travel allowances or field allowances.

    6. Prices are given in rubles and for certain types of work are given in the form of a fraction: above the line is the price of field work, below the line is the price of office work. In other cases, prices are provided separately for field and desk work.

    Prices are optimal for the same work. Primary processing of survey materials, carried out under expeditionary conditions, is taken into account in the prices for field work.

    The prices also take into account the costs of:

    a) receipt of technical specifications for conducting surveys;

    b) studying and summarizing the initial data necessary for carrying out research;

    c) preparation of contractual documentation;

    d) preparation, verification of instruments, tools, equipment and metrological assurance of the uniformity and accuracy of measuring instruments;

    e) current repair of equipment and tools;

    f) loading and unloading equipment and tools when moving around the site;

    g) internal control and acceptance of survey materials;

    h) release of survey reporting materials in 4 copies, including 2 copies for the customer and 1 copy for the body that issued the survey permit or carried out their registration;

    i) delivery of reporting materials to the customer, as well as in the prescribed manner to the authorities that issued the permit for surveys or carried out their registration;

    j) transfer of permanent geodetic signs to monitor their safety and draw up a report.

    7. The prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the relevant tables (standards) of this Directory, costs for:

    a) registration, on behalf of the customer, of permits (registration) for surveys carried out by the organization performing the surveys;

    b) internal and external transport;

    c) organization and liquidation of work at the site;

    d) cutting of clearings and sights;

    e) taxation of green spaces;

    f) collecting information on the inventory of buildings and structures;

    h) installation, dismantling and maintenance of special survey equipment;

    i) supervision (methodological guidance) of work transferred for execution by subcontractors;

    j) preparation and delivery to the customer of intermediate materials of engineering and geodetic surveys;

    k) auxiliary work.

    8. Prices are calculated for the conditions of survey work in the middle zone of the European part of the Russian Federation (according to the level of wages), a favorable period of the year and the normal mode of survey work.

    When determining the estimated cost of surveys carried out in other regions of the Russian Federation, under special regime conditions, as well as during unfavorable periods of the year, the corresponding coefficients are applied to prices:

    a) when carrying out surveys in mountainous and high-mountain areas, the coefficients given in table 1 are applied to prices.

    Table 1

    § District name Coefficient
    Mountain and alpine with absolute heights
    area surface above sea level, m:
    1 from 1500 to 1700 1,1
    2 St. 1700 "2000 1,15
    3 " 2000 " 3000 1,2
    4 St. 3000 1,25

    b) when carrying out surveys in desert and waterless areas, the coefficients given in Appendix 1 are applied to the prices for these surveys;

    c) when performing research:

    In territories with a special regime, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied to prices for field work;

    In areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year - a coefficient from 1.25 to 1.5 depending on the level of radioactivity assessed in accordance with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-99 (GN ;

    At night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), a coefficient of 1.35 is applied to the cost of field work;

    At night, in areas with a special regime located in areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year, the corresponding coefficients are multiplied.

    Note - Territories with a special regime include areas and areas where, due to the situation or established regime, interruptions or difficulties associated with loss of working time during surveys are inevitable: border areas, testing grounds, airfields, sites where blasting operations are carried out, areas with heavy dust. air, existing construction sites, pits, quarries; environmentally harmful territories and enterprises, territories of explosive, hazardous and hot workshops, territories of enterprises of the defense, chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, coal and mining industries, oil and gas pumping stations of main pipelines, sensitive enterprises, operating electrical stations and substations, open electrical distribution devices stations, strips up to 200 m wide along existing power lines with voltages of 500 kV and higher, main streets (avenues) of cities, as well as streets and boulevards of large cities and metropolises, territories of railway stations, ports, backwaters, etc.

    d) when performing field survey work, as well as office work carried out in a field camp during unfavorable periods of the year in the relevant areas (according to Appendix 2), the coefficients given in Table 2 are applied to their cost.

    Table 2

    e) when carrying out surveys in regions of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (according to Appendices 3,) or in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 02/04/91 N 76, republican, regional, regional and other government or administrative bodies have established regional coefficients for the wages of workers involved in surveys; the coefficients given in table 3 are applied to the total estimated cost of these surveys.

    Table 3

    § Regional coefficient to salary
    Coefficient to the total estimate
    cost of research
    1 1,1 1,05
    2 1,15 1,08
    3 1,2 1,1
    4 1,25 1,13
    5 1,3 1,15
    6 1,4 1,2
    7 1,5 1,25
    8 1,6 1,3
    9 1,7 1,35
    10 1,8 1,4
    11 1,9 1,45
    12 2,0 1.5

    Note - When new regional coefficients for the wages of workers engaged in survey work are introduced after 01.01.01 by law or by directive, the coefficients for the total estimated cost of surveys are determined in accordance with Table 3.

    f) when carrying out surveys by organizations making payments related to the provision of benefits to persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (according to Appendix 5), as well as in other areas established by current legislation, the corresponding coefficients are applied to the total estimated cost of surveys :

    1.5 - when carrying out surveys in the Far North;

    1.25 - the same in areas equated to the regions of the Far North;

    1.15 - the same in the southern regions of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and the Far East (Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories), in the Arkhangelsk and Chita regions, the Republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Komi (with the exception of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North).

    Note - When simultaneously applying the coefficients specified in subparagraphs “d” and “f” of paragraph 8, the overall increasing coefficient to the total of the estimated cost of surveys is determined by summing the unit with the fractional parts of the corresponding coefficients of table 3 and subparagraph “f”.

    9. Internal transport costs associated with the transportation of prospectors, equipment and materials from the location of the survey organization (expedition, party, detachment) to the survey site and back, as well as directly at the work site, are determined according to Table 4 as a percentage of the estimated field cost survey work, as well as office work carried out in a field camp (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 "a", "b", "c", "d" of the General Instructions), including the costs of maintaining survey bases, radio stations, and also installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined by prices and.

    Table 4

    § Distance from base
    expeditions, parties
    or squad to the site
    surveys, km
    Inland transport costs, %, with
    estimated cost of field survey
    works, thousand rubles
    up to 75 St. 75
    up to 150
    St. 150
    up to 300
    St. 300
    up to 750
    over 750
    1 Up to 5 8,75 7,5 6,25 5,0 3,75
    2 St. 5 to 10 11,25 10,0 8,75 7,5 6,25
    3 " 10" 15 13,75 12,5 11,25 10,0 8,75
    4 " 15 "20 16,25 15,0 13,75 12,5 11,25
    5 " 20" 30 18,75 17,5 16,25 15,0 13,75
    6 " 30" 40 21,25 20,0 18,75 17,5 16,25
    7 " 40" 50 23,75 22,5 21,25 20,0 18,75
    8 " 50" 100 26,25 25,0 23,75 22,5 21,25

    Notes: 1. Inland transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period:

    a) when performing field survey work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra);

    b) for the rental and maintenance of special vehicles - airplanes, helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, boats, barges, longboats, reindeer and dog sleds, camels, horse packs, etc.

    2. In the case of determining the costs of inland transport in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 4 do not apply.

    3. When carrying out surveys of routes of linear structures with a length of more than 100 km, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the standards of § 8.

    10. External transport costs associated with the travel of workers and the transportation of survey equipment and cargo from the permanent location of the organization performing the survey to the base of the survey expedition, party or detachment (or to the survey site) and back, are determined according to Table 5 as a percentage of the estimate the cost of field survey work, as well as office work carried out under expeditionary conditions (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 "a", "b", "c", "d" of the General Instructions), including the costs of inland transport, determined according to the table 4 (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for the maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined by prices and.

    Table 5

    § Distance
    travel and
    transportation to
    direction, km
    External transport costs in both
    directions, % of the estimated cost of field work, and
    also performed in expeditionary conditions
    desk work, duration, months.
    up to 1 2 3 6 9 12 and
    1 St. 25 to 100 14,0 11,5 9,1 4,5 3,5 2,8
    2 " 100 " 300 19,6 15,4 12,7 6,2 4,8 3,6
    3 "300" 500 25,2 21,0 16,8 8,1 6,3 4,8
    4 "500" 1000 30,8 25,2 19,6 9,7 7,3 5,5
    5 " 1000 "2000 36,4 32,2 28,0 13,2 9,8 7,3
    6 St. 2000 - 39,2 36,4 20,0 16,0 12,0

    Notes: 1. Expenses for external transport for distances up to 25 km are not included in the estimates.

    Table 6

    § Duration of field surveys, months. Coefficient
    1 St. 12 to 16 0,8
    2 " 16 "20 0,7
    3 " 20 " 24 0,6
    4 over 24 0,5

    14. When carrying out field work without paying workers field allowances or travel allowances, a coefficient of 0.85 is applied to the prices for this work.

    When performing desk processing of survey materials under expeditionary conditions with payment of field allowances or travel allowances to workers, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the prices for these works.

    15. Increasing factors are applied to the cost of survey work if necessary:

    a) issuing intermediate survey materials to the customer (if provided for in the terms of reference or work program), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of these surveys (except for the costs determined under clauses 9-13);

    b) performing office work using limited-use materials, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the prices for these works;

    c) performing field work with artificial lighting of reading devices, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to their cost;

    d) drawing up a plan of underground and above-ground structures in color (paints), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of the corresponding office work;

    e) performing office and cartographic work using computer technologies, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the cost of the relevant work;

    f) performing cartographic work with drawing up plans (longitudinal profiles) in two forms: on magnetic and paper media, a coefficient of 1.75 is applied to their cost.

    Note - Simultaneous application of the coefficients provided for in subparagraphs "d" and "f" is not allowed.

    16. The costs of supervising (methodological guidance) engineering surveys (or certain types of survey work) when performed by subcontractors are determined by the organization subcontracting the work, in addition to 5% of the cost of these works (except for expenses determined by paragraphs 8" in"

    20. The prices of this Handbook are adjusted to the level of costs as of 01/01/01. Bringing the base cost of engineering and geodetic surveys to the price level of the current period is carried out by applying to this cost an inflation index determined in the prescribed manner.

    21. The inflation index is not applied to expenses determined by actual costs in prices of the current period. Expenses determined in prices of the current period are included either:

    In a separate estimate;

    They are included in the general estimate in a separate section and are placed after the line “total estimated cost”, calculated based on the prices of this Directory and reduced to the price level of the current period.

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    (prices are adjusted to the base level as of 01/01/2001)

    Date of introduction 2004-01-01

    DEVELOPED FSUE "PNIIIS" (Larina T.A., Rykhlova S.I., Chushkina N.I.), JSC "Institute Hydroproject" (Nikanorov E.A., Kharkov Yu.A.), LLC "NPC Ingeodin" (Kalbergenov G.G., Larin V.V.) with the participation of FSUE "Aeroproekt", Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, JSC "Lengiprorechtrans", JSC "Lengiprotrans", JSC "LenTISIZ", LLC "Metrotunnelgeodeziya", JSC "Mosgiprotrans" , State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosinzhproekt", State Unitary Enterprise "MosCTISIZ", LLC "Nikolai Ingeo", LLC "TyumenNIIgiprogaz", MU "Center for the Preparation of Permits for Construction" in Yekaterinburg. REVIEWED Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (Stepanov V.A., Grishchenkova T.L.). INTRODUCED Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT from January 1, 2004 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 23, 2003 N 213. IN REPLACE Collection of prices for survey work for capital construction - M. 1982: part I (tables 8-37, 50, 55-60, 62-73, 77-80, 84-92); part III, chapter 8 (tables 113, 115-119, 122-127, 152, 153), chapters 9-11; Part VII (Table 403); part VIII (tables 408-410, 414, 415, 418-420); Appendix 3 (tables 7-9, 13, 22, 23); Directory of enlarged base prices for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction - M., 1997.


    1. Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is designed to determine the basic cost of engineering and geodetic surveys when setting prices in agreements (contracts). 2. This Handbook is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational and legal forms:
    • - performers of survey work for construction who have a license to carry it out;
    • - customers of survey work;
    • - bodies supervising the implementation of survey work.
    3. The directory contains:
    • - consolidated base prices (hereinafter referred to as “Prices”) for complex engineering and geodetic surveys;
    • - unit base prices (hereinafter referred to as “Prices”) for the performance of certain types of engineering and geodetic work;
    • - unit base prices (hereinafter referred to as “Prices”) for auxiliary work.
    4. Prices are calculated at the level of the estimated regulatory framework as of 01/01/2001 according to the terms of remuneration for engineers and technical workers and workers, the cost of materials and services, as well as the amount of depreciation charges for fixed assets, in accordance with the "Methodological recommendations for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction and the formation of financial results", approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia by letter dated 04/06/1994 N BE-19-10/9, taking into account the changes and additions provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 N 661. 5. Prices are calculated in accordance with the composition and modern technology for the production of field and desk engineering and geodetic work, taking into account the requirements of GOSTs and current regulatory documents (approved or agreed upon by the State Construction Committee of Russia as of 01/01/2001), and are optimal for determining the cost these works. Prices take into account overhead costs, planned savings, contributions for social needs, costs of paying taxes and fees, including local taxes (except VAT). Prices for field work are provided for their implementation in expeditionary conditions with the payment of travel allowances or field allowances to workers. Prices for desk processing of survey materials are provided for performing them in a hospital setting without paying employees travel allowances or field allowances. 6. Prices are given in rubles and for certain types of work are given in the form of a fraction: above the line is the price of field work, below the line is the price of office work. In other cases, prices are provided separately for field and desk work. Prices are optimal for the same work. Primary processing of survey materials, carried out under expeditionary conditions, is taken into account in the prices for field work. The prices also take into account the costs of:
    • a) receipt of technical specifications for conducting surveys;
    • b) studying and summarizing the initial data necessary for carrying out research;
    • c) preparation of contractual documentation;
    • d) preparation, verification of instruments, tools, equipment and metrological assurance of the uniformity and accuracy of measuring instruments;
    • e) current repair of equipment and tools;
    • f) loading and unloading equipment and tools when moving around the site;
    • g) internal control and acceptance of survey materials;
    • h) release of survey reporting materials in 4 copies, including 2 copies for the customer and 1 copy for the body that issued the survey permit or carried out their registration;
    • i) delivery of reporting materials to the customer, as well as in the prescribed manner to the authorities that issued the permit for surveys or carried out their registration;
    • j) transfer of permanent geodetic signs to monitor their safety and draw up a report.
    7. The prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the relevant tables (standards) of this Directory, costs for:
    • a) registration, on behalf of the customer, of permits (registration) for surveys carried out by the organization performing the surveys;
    • b) internal and external transport;
    • c) organization and liquidation of work at the site;
    • d) cutting of clearings and sights;
    • e) taxation of green spaces;
    • f) collecting information on the inventory of buildings and structures;
    • g) maintenance of survey bases and radio stations during surveys in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra);
    • h) installation, dismantling and maintenance of special survey equipment;
    • i) supervision (methodological guidance) of work transferred for execution by subcontractors;
    • j) preparation and delivery to the customer of intermediate materials of engineering and geodetic surveys;
    • k) auxiliary work.
    8. Prices are calculated for the conditions of survey work in the middle zone of the European part of the Russian Federation (according to the level of wages), a favorable period of the year and the normal mode of survey work. When determining the estimated cost of surveys carried out in other regions of the Russian Federation, under special regime conditions, as well as during unfavorable periods of the year, the corresponding coefficients are applied to prices: a) when carrying out surveys in mountainous and high-mountain areas, the coefficients given in Table 1 are applied to prices.

    Table 1

    § District name Coefficient

    Mountain and alpine with absolute heights of the surface of the site above sea level, m:

    1 from 1500 to 1700 1,1
    2 St. 1700 "2000 1,15
    3 " 2000 " 3000 1,2
    4 St. 3000 1,25
    b) when carrying out surveys in desert and waterless areas, the coefficients given in Appendix 1 are applied to the prices for these surveys; c) when performing research:
    • - in territories with a special regime, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied to prices for field work;
    • - in areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year - a coefficient from 1.25 to 1.5 depending on the level of radioactivity assessed in accordance with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-99 (GN );
    • - at night (from 10 pm to 6 am) a coefficient of 1.35 is applied to the cost of field work;
    • - at night, in areas with a special regime located in areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year, the corresponding coefficients are multiplied.
    Note - Territories with a special regime include areas and areas where, due to the situation or established regime, interruptions or difficulties associated with loss of working time during surveys are inevitable: border areas, testing grounds, airfields, sites where blasting operations are carried out, areas with heavy dust. air, existing construction sites, pits, quarries; environmentally harmful territories and enterprises, territories of explosive, hazardous and hot workshops, territories of enterprises of the defense, chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, coal and mining industries, oil and gas pumping stations of main pipelines, sensitive enterprises, operating electrical stations and substations, open electrical distribution devices stations, strips up to 200 m wide along existing power lines with voltages of 500 kV and higher, main streets (avenues) of cities, as well as streets and boulevards of large cities, metropolitan areas, territories of railway stations, ports, backwaters, etc. d) when performing field survey work, as well as office work carried out in a field camp during an unfavorable period of the year in the relevant areas (according to Appendix 2), the coefficients given in Table 2 are applied to their cost.

    Table 2

    e) when carrying out surveys in regions of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (according to Appendices 3, 4) or in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 02/04/91 N 76, republican, regional, regional and other government or administrative bodies have established regional coefficients for the wages of workers engaged in survey work; the coefficients given in Table 3 are applied to the total estimated cost of these surveys.

    Table 3

    § Regional coefficient to wages Coefficient to the total estimated cost of surveys
    1 1,1 1,05
    2 1,15 1,08
    3 1,2 1,1
    4 1,25 1,13
    5 1,3 1,15
    6 1,4 1,2
    7 1,5 1,25
    8 1,6 1,3
    9 1,7 1,35
    10 1,8 1,4
    11 1,9 1,45
    12 2,0 1,5
    Note - When new regional coefficients for the wages of workers engaged in survey work are introduced after 01.01.01 by law or by directive, the coefficients for the total estimated cost of surveys are determined in accordance with Table 3. f) when carrying out surveys by organizations making payments related to the provision of benefits to persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (according to Appendix 5), as well as in other areas established by current legislation, the corresponding coefficients are applied to the total estimated cost of surveys :
    • 1.5 - when carrying out surveys in the Far North;
    • 1.25 - the same in areas equated to the regions of the Far North;
    • 1.15 - the same in the southern regions of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and the Far East (Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories), in the Arkhangelsk and Chita regions, the Republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Komi (with the exception of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North).
    Note - When simultaneously applying the coefficients specified in subparagraphs “e” and “f” of paragraph 8, the overall increasing coefficient to the total of the estimated cost of surveys is determined by summing the unit with the fractional parts of the corresponding coefficients of Table 3 and subparagraph “e”. 9. Internal transport costs associated with the transportation of prospectors, equipment and materials from the location of the survey organization (expedition, party, detachment) to the survey site and back, as well as directly at the work site, are determined according to Table 4 as a percentage of the estimated field cost survey work, as well as office work carried out in a field camp (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 "a", "b", "c", "d" of the General Instructions), including the costs of maintaining survey bases, radio stations, and also installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to the prices of tables 82 and 83.