Rye buns with garlic. Buns made from rye and wheat flour Buns with rye flour recipe

These buns are a great addition to hot soup. Your family will eat absolutely any soup that you serve with fresh buns with great pleasure!

At the same time, preparing them is quite simple. These onion buns are usually served with borscht. They are tasty and quite airy. Thanks to the simplicity of the dish, you won't need to spend a lot of time in your kitchen. You can make buns from two types of flour - rye and premium flour. In addition, if you want, you can add some sesame seeds to the dough - it will be very interesting.

The dish is great for breakfast or lunch, and you can also eat the buns just with tea. Your choice. In general, carefully read the proposed recipe, prepare the necessary products and start cooking, you will see for yourself that it is simple!

Recipe ingredients:

From the video -
125g rye flour
250g wheat flour,
1 tbsp sugar
4g dry yeast
small amount of salt
250ml warm water
any filling in the dough

According to the author -
1/2 pack of compressed yeast
1 onion
1 tsp Sahara
20 tbsp wheat flour
Glass of water - 250ml
18 tbsp rye flour (you can use peeled)
1 yolk (optional)
half tsp salt
Flax seeds or sesame seeds
13 cups (50 gr.) vegetable oil
Cooking rye buns with onions
Add 0.5 cups of water to the yeast. Stir. Next, add salt, sugar, and 2 tbsp. l. premium flour (can be sifted). Stir to remove lumps well.

Peel the onion and mix in a chopper (you can also mince it or chop it finely). Add it to the dough. Stir.

Add 0.5 cups of water with vegetable oil. Stir again. Add flour. Initially add 8 tbsp. premium flour and 8 tbsp. rye, then knead and gradually add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes dense. Cover and let it sit for half an hour.

Now set the oven temperature to 200C. Separate the yolks. And put parchment on a baking sheet.

After half an hour, start making buns. Divide the dough into 15 parts and form each into a round bun. Then place them on a baking sheet. Make the distance between the buns about 4 cm, because... they will expand as they bake. You may even need a second baking sheet.

All buns can be greased with yolk, then they will acquire a golden color. Then sprinkle them with sesame seeds. Place in the oven for half an hour. And then serve hot!

Video recipe for making rye buns
And here is also a video recipe for making rye buns, but without onions. We advise you to watch it, as the video is prepared by specialists.

Rye buns are not only very tasty, but also distinguished by their beneficial properties.

The assortment of rye baked goods is presented in small quantities in modern stores and we must admit that it is very strange to observe such a resonance, because the recipes are very different and all interesting.

If you can find delicious rye buns, they will be presented in the health food departments at an expensive price.

In this article you can learn how to bake buns from rye flour at home without putting in much effort.

Cooking principles

Buns based on rye flour are made exclusively from dark flour. But remember that the batch must be diluted with wheat flour of the first, highest or second grade.

The recipe can be modified if you decide to add bran, but know that you should always use a sense of proportion.

To make the correct batch for buns, you need to use liquid. For example, even the simplest water, sour cream or milk, kefir will do.

The recipe may include: sugar, salt, etc. butter or chicken. eggs. It is not always worth making buns using yeast. The recipe may require the use of baking powder.

Yeast dough will need time to rise, that is its nature. The dough will not have to stand for long, because it will be mixed with dark flour, which has more acidity than wheat flour.

The dough will need to be allowed to rise well once, and only then the buns will need to be supported on a baking sheet.

Before baking delicious rye buns, I advise you to grease them with chicken. yolk or water. Baked goods can be sprinkled with poppy seeds or sesame seeds. The option of decorating with nuts or bran is not excluded.

The buns should be baked in the oven. The oven temperature should be about 200 degrees. Baking time will depend on the size of the loaves you personally shape.

A simple recipe for rye buns

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. rzh. flour and the same amount of psh. flour; 1 tbsp. dry yeast; 2 tbsp. bran (you can use both rye and wheat); 50 gr. sl. oils; 1 tbsp. cocoa powder; 3 tbsp. brown Sahara; rast. oil; 2 tbsp. caraway; salt.

The number of components will allow you to prepare about 14-16 buns, everything will depend on the size of the pieces you make personally.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I sow the flour into a large container. I mix psh. flour with bran, yeast, caraway seeds and salt. Mix well. Add cocoa powder to the bowl and mix again.
  2. Pour 500 ml of hot water into a saucepan, mix with butter and sugar. It is necessary that the last component dissolves completely. The mass should be allowed to cool to 38 degrees. approximately. Pour the resulting liquid into the mixture with flour. I stir until it becomes homogeneous in composition. I also sift the rye flour and add it to the mass so that it becomes homogeneous.
  3. I sprinkle a baking tray with flour and place the dough on top. Knead for 10 minutes until the mass becomes elastic. I beat the dough on the table several times.
  4. I take a large container and smear its surface with grease. oil I put the dough in it, forming it into a ball. I smear it and it grows. oil I cover the container with film, punch a couple of holes with toothpicks and leave it aside for 60 minutes. This is necessary for the dough to rise, and therefore it is important that the place is warm and there is no draft.
  5. The dough will become several times larger, and therefore you need to take it out, knead it and leave it warm again for about half an hour.
  6. After the specified time, I take out the dough, divide it into 15 equal parts and form a ball, then an oval, pressing from above, then from below.
  7. I cover the baking sheet with cold water, put parchment on top and grease the roast. oil I place all the buns at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

At the top of the buns I make longitudinal cuts, 1 piece at a time. on each one. I sprinkle some rust on top. flour and place on a baking sheet to proof.

Half an hour will be enough to bake the rye buns in the oven, about 25 minutes at 180 degrees, and the baked goods will be ready. It will be covered with a beautiful brown crust, as in the photo.

My advice to you is to let them cool a little before serving the finished buns. You can even brew aromatic herbal tea or cocoa at this time. Here, rely on your personal preferences.

Kefir buns without added yeast with rye flour

The recipe with photos of rye flatbreads is not complicated. The composition includes kefir, but you can replace this ingredient with any other fermented milk products. For example, I like yogurt. As for fat content, it does not play any role.

Components: 120 gr. rzh. flour; 150 gr. psh. flour; 200 gr. kefir; 1 tsp soda; 10 gr. Sahara; 20 ml plant. oils; 1 piece chickens egg; salt. To decorate the buns you will need sesame seeds.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add soda to kefir. I stir. The acid of the product will perfectly extinguish the soda. It is better to take a large container, because when the reaction begins, the mass will become larger in size.
  2. I introduce a little salt and add sugar. I add the oil and mix until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  3. The next step is to enter h. flour, add psh., the consistency should be soft. When placing the dough on the surface, you should not encounter the problem that it spreads.
  4. Let the mixture sit for 25 minutes, then divide it into pieces and form homemade rye buns, they can be of any shape. I place them on a baking sheet in random order.
  5. I cover the surface with the beaten chicken. egg with a fork. I sprinkle sesame seeds on top and bake in the oven until fully cooked.

Homemade rye buns stuffed with onions

Prepare very fragrant and healthy buns at home, which will be stuffed with onions. They need to be prepared using yeast, so it will take about 2.5 hours to prepare, but know that the result is worth it.

Components: 230 gr. psh. flour; 210 gr. rzh. flour; 250 ml warm water; 1/3 tsp. salt; 1 tsp dry yeast; 1 piece onion; 50 ml plant. butter and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. 0.5 tbsp. psh. I mix flour with dry yeast and sugar. Pour warm water into the mixture and mix. All lumps must be removed, otherwise the baking result will be ruined. The dough should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Rye dough rises quite faster than wheat dough, and therefore this time is quite enough.
  2. I cut the onion into small cubes and add it to the dough, add salt and mix. I fill the plant. butter into the dough.
  3. I add the remaining psh. flour and add rye. I mix the dough with the onion, then knead it to make it homogeneous. I leave it aside for the dough to rise.
  4. When the mass increases, you should start forming buns. I put the mass on the table surface and divide it into parts.

I put the mixture on a baking sheet and make sure to grease the plant. oil I give it a little time to proof and brush the chicken dough. yolk and send the buns to bake in the oven.

  • Rye flour differs from wheat flour in its larger grinding. You should use a sieve with much larger holes so that the flour can be sifted better.
  • To enrich baked goods made from rust. flour, you should use ground oatmeal, corn or buckwheat flour. These products are healthy.
  • During kneading, the dough may stick to your hands; it is worth lubricating your palms with dough. oil, and also treat the countertop with it.

Prepare sweet rye buns for your own pleasure, delighting your loved ones with delicious pastries!

My video recipe

Rye baked goods are very healthy, but the range of products in the store is very limited. Even if you can find delicious bread or buns in health food departments, their prices are not very affordable. Why not bake your own?

Rye buns - general principles of preparation

Rye buns are never baked only from dark flour. They always add first, highest or second grade wheat flour; in addition, bran may be present in the recipe, but in small quantities. You will also need liquid to knead the buns. It can be milk, water, kefir, diluted sour cream.

What else is put into the dough:

Salt, sugar;

Buns are not always prepared with yeast. They are often replaced with baking powder. The yeast dough will need time to rise. Rye flour has higher acidity than wheat flour. Therefore, it does not need to stand for a long time; it is enough for the dough to rise well once, then keep the buns on the baking sheet.

Before baking, the buns can be brushed with egg, just yolk or water. Often the products are sprinkled with sesame seeds and poppy seeds. Bran or nuts. For baking, a simple oven is usually used. Set the temperature to around 180 or 200 degrees. The time depends on the size of the buns.

Simple rye buns on water

Recipe for simple rye buns with dry yeast and water. They are suitable as a base for sandwiches, as well as multi-component burgers.


Water 0.25 liters;

220 grams of rye flour;

220 g white flour;

7 g quick dry yeast;

Salt 0.5 tsp;

10 grams of sugar;

40 ml plant. oils

Additionally, one yolk, a little sesame.


1. Combine both types of flour, stir, leave on the table to warm up.

2. Heat the water, add prescription sugar to it, and introduce the yeast. Stir and leave for ten minutes.

3. Add salt, add vegetable oil. Stir everything and start adding both types of flour. Knead the dough, knead until smooth and homogeneous. Cover the bowl with a napkin and leave the rye mixture for an hour.

4. Divide the risen dough into pieces of 120 g each, if the buns are for burgers. In other cases, the size can be changed.

5. Make neat balls from the dough, place the rye buns on a baking sheet, and leave to rise for another thirty minutes.

6. Add a few drops of water to the yolk to make the mass fluid, stir well. Grease the buns. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, but this is optional.

7. Place in the oven. Rye buns are baked at 200 degrees.

Rye buns without yeast (with kefir)

For such rye buns, you can use not only kefir, but also any other fermented milk drinks. Yogurt is excellent. The fat content of the main product does not matter.


200 g kefir;

120 g of rust flour;

120-150 g millet flour;

1 tsp. soda;

20 ml plant. oils;

10 grams of sugar;

Salt, one egg.


1. Add soda to the warm fermented milk product and stir. It is better to pour the kefir, as the reaction will occur and the mass will increase in size.

2. Add a couple of pinches of salt, add sugar according to the recipe. Pour in the oil, shake everything well until smooth.

3. First add rye flour, knead thoroughly, then add wheat flour, achieving the desired consistency. The dough should be soft. But when laid out on a flat surface, it should not spread.

4. Let the rye mass stand for a quarter of an hour.

5. Divide the dough into pieces. We form rye buns of any shape and size, and immediately transfer them to a baking sheet.

6. Break the egg, scramble it with a fork, and brush the buns. You can sprinkle with something, for example, sesame seeds. Bake until done.

Rye buns with onions

A recipe for very aromatic rye buns with onions. They are prepared with yeast and water; on average, the whole process will take about 2.5 hours.


230 g white flour;

210 g rye flour;

0.25 liters of water (heat);

0.7 tsp. salt;

1 tsp. quick dry yeast;

1 onion;

Tablespoon sugar;

50 ml oil.


1. Mix 0.5 cups of wheat flour with dry yeast and sugar. Gradually pour warm water into this mixture. Stir so that no lumps appear. Leave the dough for 25-30 minutes; for rye dough this time will be enough.

2. Peel one medium-sized onion, cut into very small and thin cubes, pour into the dough. Add salt and stir.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the dough. For these buns, you can only use a product with a smell. It will be delicious.

4. Pour in the remaining wheat flour and add rye flour. Knead the soft dough with the onion, knead it thoroughly to achieve maximum homogeneity. We leave it to approach.

5. As soon as the dough has risen once, but well, you can make buns. Place the mixture on the table and divide into pieces. We roll balls or give the products a different shape. Transfer to a greased baking sheet.

6. Leave the buns to rise on a baking sheet, then brush with egg and bake.

Rye buns with bran

For these rye buns you will need any loose bran. Granular products will not work. Usually in stores you can find rye and wheat bran, less often you come across oat bran.


200 ml warm water;

30 g bran in the dough;

A little bran for sprinkling;

7 g yeast;

120 g rye flour;

Wheat flour;

30 ml oil;

25 g sugar;

0.6 tsp. salt.


1. Combine bran with rye flour. Stir.

2. Mix warm water for rye dough with granulated sugar. Salt and yeast, leave for three minutes, let all the lumps dissolve.

3. Add butter to the yeast mixture, add rye flour and bran, stir and add wheat flour. Add more until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

4. Put it in a warm place. Let it rise well once.

5. Divide the dough into buns. We give them the desired shape. You can make balls, balls, knots, braids. Transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Let it sit on the baking sheet some more. About twenty minutes.

7. Brush rye pastries with water and sprinkle bran on top.

8. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake.

Rye buns with three types of flour

Another yeast recipe for rye buns. Three different types of flour are used here: first grade, premium, peeled rye flour. Regular dry yeast from a bag.


Water 0.3 liters;

Salt with sugar;

1.5 tsp. loose yeast;

A glass of white flour;

One glass of rust flour;

A glass of 1st grade flour or another type of coarse grinding;

30 ml oil;

Egg, sesame.


1. Heat the water, the amount is indicated in the recipe. Mix with yeast and wheat flour, add one spoon of granulated sugar. Place the resulting mash in a warm place for 30 minutes.

2. Add 2/3 teaspoon of salt and another spoon of sugar to the dough, add any vegetable oil, delicious rolls are obtained with olive.

3. Stir everything well, then add rye flour, and then add first-grade flour. Or we use any other type of coarse grinding; grade 2 can be found on sale.

4. Knead the dough. If there is not enough flour, then add any white type.

5. Leave the rye dough warm to rise well.

7. Before baking, grease the rye products and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Rye buns with milk

A variant of very tasty and sweet buns with the addition of rye flour and butter. This pastry can even be used for sweet sandwiches; it is a great way to diversify the boring diet of healthy eating enthusiasts.


0.28 l milk;

55 g sl. oils;

11 g yeast;

40 g sugar;

0.25 kg rye flour;

0.25-0.28 kg of wheat flour;

1 tsp. salt;


1. Melt the butter. You can also use margarine for the dough.

2. Mix heated milk with yeast, add sugar and salt to it, wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved in the liquid.

3. Shake one egg and add.

4. Pour in the previously prepared oil. For flavor, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon; buns with them turn out much tastier. Stir.

5. Add flour, trying to add all the rye product first. Then achieve the desired consistency using wheat flour.

6. As usual, put the dough in a warm place and wait for a good rise.

7. We make any buns or small loaves. We transfer them to a baking sheet and wait for them to rise.

8. Brush with the egg that didn’t go into the dough and bake.

Rye buns with poppy seeds in 40 minutes

Another recipe for rye buns without yeast. They are prepared with sour cream very quickly and simply.


200 g sour cream;

70 ml kefir;

1 package of ripper;

One glass of rzh. flour;

Wheat flour;

Spoon of sugar;

Salt, small egg;

A couple of tablespoons of oil;

A bag of poppy seeds.


1. Mix kefir with sour cream, salt, add a spoonful of granulated sugar. You can add more if you need sweet rolls.

2. Add vegetable oil. Add rye flour and baking powder, mix.

3. Add wheat flour to the dough as needed. Knead into a very soft, slightly sticky mass.

4. Divide the dough into small balls. Make it the size of one chicken egg. Transfer to a baking sheet, brush with egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds.

5. Set to bake at 180 degrees.

Rye flour has a coarser grind and an appropriate sieve must be used for sifting.

You can additionally enrich baked goods made from dark flour with ground oatmeal, corn flour, or buckwheat flour. They are also very beneficial for the body.

Rye dough often sticks to your hands; when cutting, grease your palms with vegetable oil as often as possible. The countertop also needs to be treated.

Soft buns with the unique aroma of rye bread. They turn out very fluffy and porous.

Soft buns with the unique aroma of rye bread

They turn out very fluffy and porous.


for 10 buns

  • Sour cream 15% -20% (room temperature) 200 gr.
  • Rye flour 2.5 tbsp. (you may need a little more or less flour)
  • Ghee or vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • Soda 1 tsp. no slide
  • Citric acid 0.5 tsp. no slide
  • Salt 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground coriander (optional) 0.5 tsp.


Pour flour (1.5 cups) into a convenient deep bowl. Add citric acid, salt and coriander (if using), mix. Add oil and rub the mixture with your hands. Add sour cream and soda and knead the dough. If necessary, add the remaining flour.

You don’t need to knead for a long time, just gather the dough into one ball, then knead it for another 5 minutes. It should turn out soft, but elastic, elastic, obedient, and not stick to your hands. If the dough is too soft, add more flour.

Leave the dough for 30 minutes, covering it with something so that it does not dry out.

While the dough is resting, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil or line it with parchment paper.

Divide the finished dough into 10 parts. Roll each into a ball and place on a baking sheet.

You can make cross-shaped cuts on top of the buns with a sharp knife. This is for beauty; the buns will bake well without them.

Place in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 15-25 minutes. Check with a wooden toothpick, when it is dry, the buns are ready.

We transfer the finished buns to a dish, let them cool and then enjoy tasting them!

These buns can be stored in a tightly sealed container or bag for about 5 days.

Rye buns with garlic

Required: 3 cups rye flour, 1 tsp. sugar, 50 g each of creamy margarine and garlic, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, egg, 30 g yeast, 1/2 cup water, salt.

Method of preparation. Knead the dough and place it in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Chop the garlic and pour in vegetable oil. Leave the mixture to steep for 1-2 hours, then strain and dilute with a small amount of water. Form buns from the finished dough, place them on a greased baking sheet and leave to proof for 10-15 minutes in a warm place. Bake at 220 degrees. 15–20 min. Cool the finished buns a little, pierce them with a fork and soak them with the previously prepared mixture of garlic, vegetable oil, salt and water. Serve the finished product cold.

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Rye flatbreads Rye flour........................ 2–3 cups Vegetable oil................... .... 0.5 cups Low-fat sour cream.................... 1 cup Soda................ ............ 0.5 teaspoon Salt............................ 0.5 teaspoon 1 . Mix sour cream, soda, salt and vegetable oil.2. Gradually

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Buns with garlic

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Garlic buns 2 cups flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons margarine or vegetable oil, 1/2 egg, 10 g yeast, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup milk or water, 1/2 head garlic, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup water. Prepare

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280. Rye pancakes 1 cup rye flour 2 cups kefir 2 eggs 1 tbsp. spoon of soda sugar and salt to taste vegetable oil. Combine kefir with eggs, flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, sugar and salt, knead the dough, leave for 30 minutes. Add baking soda, stir and bake