Behavioral targeting is the best invention in marketing. YAN in Yandex Direct: setting up a campaign Experimenting in YAN campaigns

Have you noticed that when you visit websites, you come across ads related to what you were already looking for? Everyone faces this every day. What interest do you have in this technology as an advertiser? Behavioral targeting (namely, it is responsible for displaying such ads) makes the audience of your advertising wider and also ensures its quality, because taking into account the interests of users is one of the main keys to the success of advertising. Relevant advertising = more applications.

How behavioral targeting works in Yandex.Direct

There are two types of targeting in YAN:

  • behavioral targeting
  • contextual targeting

Behavioral targeting complements topical keyword targeting and ensures that your ad appears not only on sites that contain your keyword, but also on any other site. The main thing is that users have previously searched for these keys or visited sites on relevant topics. Thus, coverage of your advertising in the Yandex advertising network is increasing, and quite significantly. Without contextual targeting, behavioral targeting does not work.

Thus, if you once decided to look for options for a new refrigerator, then their advertising will haunt you on any sites, and not just on sites of a similar focus. If you have already looked for this product, then it does not matter to you on which site it will be offered to you again. From the point of view of the advertiser, this option is much more convenient, because without any effort he will always offer his product or service only to those who are interested in it. Of course, if the advertising is configured correctly.

What is the principle of behavioral targeting? If we talk about Yandex.Direct, then they rule everything here cookie: your every request, every visit to the site is recorded by Yandex (with the exception of sites on certain topics: medicine, dating, etc.), and all this useful information is stored for two weeks– this is exactly the period during which you can see an advertisement relevant to your interests. By the way, Google AdWords works according to a similar scheme.

How to disable behavioral targeting in YAN

By default, behavioral targeting is always enabled in YAN campaigns, but this checkbox can be unchecked (field "Ignore user preferences" in the “Network Settings” tab).

In what cases should this be done? Firstly, only when you know how both thematic and behavioral targeting works for you, because there is no one universal proportion: any of the options may be more preferable according to cost per click or conversion rate. Therefore, turning off PT should be done when you know that it is not particularly beneficial for you. Audience reach will inevitably fall, which will result in fewer clicks and conversions, but if the cost of an application from visitors who came through behavioral targeting turns out to be too high, then you can experiment with disabling it. Yes, there can be a lot of options, and thematic targeting can give too few clicks, so for a more or less large flow of traffic from YAN, the inclusion of behavioral targeting is almost inevitable, but any hypothesis is worth testing in practice. Otherwise you could make a big mistake. By default, behavioral targeting is a very useful technology and we do not recommend disabling it.

I have already written before, in this article we will talk about behavioral and thematic targeting.

Thematic targeting of YAN.

YAN is an impressive list of partner sites of various types that host advertising offers, as well as external network sites. After analyzing the keywords and content of the ads, robots using Matrixnet technology select sites that are most relevant to the offer, and based on the greatest match, advertising is shown to the visitor on them.

And everything would be fine, but let’s predict the situation: a person visited a car store on the Internet in an urgent search for a broken spare part for a KIA, and he was offered to buy studded wheels. It seems that the topic of the page is the same - automotive, but with this approach it is unlikely that the ad will collect clicks, much less convert sales.

After all, within one category there are many subcategories and areas - if we take the example above, this includes car repair, car sales, car wash services, and so on, and it will be very problematic to meet the visitor’s needs.

It turns out that you set up ads taking into account the interests of a specific user, but they are seen, to put it mildly, by not quite the target audience, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the campaign.

Yandex understands this and is moving from YAN thematic targeting to behavioral targeting.

Behavioral targeting of YAN.

  1. The system collects and analyzes data on user behavior - topics of resources visited, time spent on them, queries entered into searches.
  2. Based on them, the preferences of a particular person are determined and those ads that match his interests as closely as possible are selected for display. The higher the match, the greater the chances of placement.

In fact, now the relevance of the site’s content to advertising is no longer in the first place - a person is shown an offer based on his priorities on any page visited, if this resource is a Yandex partner, this is the result of YAN’s behavioral targeting.

What does this give us? In short, increasing click-through rates and conversions due to more accurate targeting of the target audience. Of course, all this works effectively when segmenting potential buyers according to different parameters and targeting offers.

Some nuances.

There are niches where the system does not take user behavior into account.

  • Medicine-related goods and services.
    - sunglasses and for vision;
    — orthopedic mattresses and pillows;
    — measuring instruments;
    - first aid kits;
    - antiallergic, antimicrobial, antiviral and some other drugs.
  • Magic and occult themes.
  • Everything related to personal life.
  • Adult.

From the author: I welcome you again. I recently described creating an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct for search. It's time to describe the standard campaign setup for display on networks (that is, setting up YAN in Yandex.Direct).

I do not recommend that you read this article if you have not read my previous ones on Direct. Today I will not describe the settings that I described in previous times in order to reduce the length of the article, but leave everything useful in it.

In general, now I will describe everything in detail, only for networks. Direct settings for YAN differ quite significantly from search, so I decided to highlight a separate article.

Step 1: Campaign Settings

To disable impressions on search and enable them in networks, just change your strategy. You are already familiar with this window, this time we set it to “Only in networks”. Search ads are now disabled.

Actually, the next important setting is Network Settings, because this is where our advertising will be shown. Advertising campaigns in YAN can be divided into 2 types: behavioral (PF) and non-behavioral (BFT). So, by default the settings look like this:

As you can see, the only thing you can do in this case is to check the “Do not take into account user preferences” checkbox. This is what determines what the Republic of Kazakhstan will be like. By default, the checkbox is unchecked - this means that your campaign will be BEHAVIORAL.

PF campaign

Now a little theory, in this case it is important for understanding. PF campaign in networks implies that user preferences will be taken into account. Thus, advertisements will be shown to a person based on what he was recently searching for and what he was interested in, without being tied to the site.

What will this look like in reality? For example, a person has recently been looking in a search engine for information about renting apartments in a particular city. Yandex will conclude that this is what the person is currently interested in. Accordingly, he will be shown suitable advertisements, if any.

I am telling this example because it happened to me. One morning I entered the following query into a search engine: “apartments for rent in New York” (just out of interest). Since then, I have been haunted by advertisements on various websites about prices for apartments in this city.

Here is an example of the work of a PF campaign. The ad is shown to those who typed into the search the same keywords that the creator of the advertising campaign specified. That is, the person who created the RK mentioned the following in the list of keywords: “renting an apartment in New York.”

When I entered this request into Yandex, after that it decided to show me the same advertisement from the advertiser. Everything is simple, in general.

FFT campaign

This campaign is very different from the previous one, at least in that user preferences, as you understand, are not taken into account. Now I will try to explain.

If I enter this query into a search, I will not subsequently be shown an ad from this advertiser, because the FFT campaign works differently.

The point here is that ads are shown on Yandex partner sites, which, in the opinion of Yandex itself, are most relevant (that is, close) in meaning to key phrases.

Thus, if I myself go to some site dedicated to cars, I may well see an ad from this same advertiser there (because this site is suitable for the topic of the ad itself).

How does Yandex select sites? Obviously, it has its own complex selection algorithm.

What type of campaign should a newbie choose?

Now let's talk about the advantages of the FFT campaign:

But FFT also has its drawbacks, the most important of which is a lack of understanding of how it generally works, how to select keys, etc. In such a campaign everything is much more unpredictable. And if you have never tried to create such a campaign, you will hardly understand anything in words.

So, it’s worth creating and experimenting with FFT, but before that it’s better to try running simpler FT campaigns. I can advise you to find more material online that explains how Direct works when user preferences are not taken into account.

Other settings

Actually, user preferences were a very important setting that greatly influences the Republic of Kazakhstan itself as a whole. The remaining settings that are available in the first step are much less important, but I will still consider some of them.

Prohibited sites and external networks. Here you can immediately block some sites so that ads do not appear on them. For example, sites such as, Avito, OLKH and others are often banned, where poor conversion is usually observed. But this rule does not work 100% of the time.

Autoextension. This is an option that allows Direct to make minor adjustments to the key phrases that you have entered. In particular, add new phrases, as well as optimize existing ones. Usually this option is left active. If you want to reduce automation to zero and manage everything yourself, turn it off.

Autofocus This option can refine keys that have multiple values, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the RC. If you initially think well about the key phrases for the campaign, and also use negative words that filter out non-target queries, then there is no need for autofocus.

Creating ads for a YAN campaign

So, we have completed the first stage of settings. The second stage, if you have read the article about search contextual advertising, will already be more familiar to you.

In principle, there are fields that are already familiar to you (when creating an ad). I guess I'll just pay attention to the ability to add an image to your ad. You can read about the requirements and conditions for displaying pictures in the Yandex help, there is a link there.

You can add an image to any ad. It will only be shown if you have set a cost per click of at least 3 rubles or more. If you put less, it will be shown without an image and the click-through rate will be noticeably lower.

Actually, trying to create ads for YAN without pictures is a rather dubious decision. Firstly, at a price of less than 3 rubles per click, you are unlikely to get normal coverage for most keywords. Secondly, the CTR of an ad without a picture will be extremely low and the system may eventually stop showing your ad altogether and reduce it to a minimum. An image can be added in two formats:

Standard (ratios 1:1, 4:3). On the smaller side, the image size must be at least 450 pixels.

Widescreen. The minimum size is 1080 by 607.

Please keep these requirements in mind because I sometimes forget and try to upload a smaller image. As a result, the system does not let it through.

In addition to images in YAN, you can add quick links to your ad. This procedure is absolutely no different from the same procedure for searching. I recommend adding quick links if there is something to add, because they increase the size of the ad and its click-through rate.

Just keep in mind that the addresses in quick links must be different from the address of the main link. But what if you are advertising a one-page website? You can solve the problem by referring to anchors in the document. Most landing pages have them. That is, write links that will immediately transfer a person to a specific block of a one-page site.

So, we still have clarifications. They do not work for YAN, and they are not particularly needed, there is no special placement here, so there is no need to fill out clarifications.

Key selection

This is the next very important stage. I already talked a lot about the selection of keys in the previous article about setting up Direct for search.

In YAN, keys are selected a little differently. For PF campaigns, they usually take direct keys, as well as those close to direct ones. For example, you are advertising an online store of bags, then direct keys include “buy bag”, etc.

For FFT, campaigns typically target more general keys with higher frequency. Frequency still doesn’t have any role, because the display is not based on a person’s preferences and requests, but based on linking to relevant sites.

There is also a Yandex tool on the page that allows you to select keys, but I recommend doing this in a separate tab using Wordstat.

After selecting key phrases, there are several more options below. For example, bid adjustments, GEO selection. By the way, if you plan to select keys through a tool built into the page, first specify the GEO, and then collect the keys so that the frequency of phrases is determined correctly.

Setting bets

Specifying a single price for all phrases is not the best option. It’s better to do this: set a single price, and then go through each phrase yourself and adjust the rate if necessary. Remember that the minimum bid for display with a picture is 3 rubles. There is no particular point in betting less.

As you can see, in YAN everything works completely differently. Here the price is set depending on what percentage of coverage you want to get for the key phrase.

Let me give you an example. Let's say I selected a key - “buy a hat” and its frequency is 100,000. In the third step, I need to set bids, including for this key phrase.

As you can see, Direct shows me what prices I should set in order to get the desired coverage for the keywords I selected.

Let’s say that for 100% coverage for the phrase Direct requires 15 rubles per click. For 50% - 8 rubles, 20% - 5. Thus, if you set a bid of 15 rubles or higher, you will receive 100% coverage for this phrase. Your ad will be shown to all visitors who typed the request “buy a hat” into the search engine.

By setting a price of 5 rubles, you will get 5 times less coverage - the ad will only appear to every fifth person. This will result in only 20 thousand requests per month, not 100.

Naturally, in the real world, rates will likely change constantly, so you will need to monitor them regularly and adjust as necessary.

Next steps

After creating the first ad group and setting bids for it, you can move on - create a new ad group or send this one for moderation. The created group, until you send it to moderators, will be in draft status and you can edit it an infinite number of times.

You can track statistics within a few hours after the start of impressions. In the Direct interface, at a minimum, you can see the number of transitions and impressions, as well as CTR.

To track conversion and behavioral factors, as well as the effectiveness of each individual keyword, you will need Yandex.Metrica (if it is installed on your site). You need to go to the counter - reports - standard - sources - Direct summary. There will be detailed statistics on ads and key phrases.

How to optimize an advertising campaign?

You can do this based on data from Yandex.Metrica. In particular, using the Direct summary, you can see behavioral factors for each phrase, and using goals and conversion reports, you can find out which keywords and ads most often led to conversion.

Further optimization is to keep the most effective keys and remove the rest. To scale the result, add keywords that are close in meaning to those that brought the best conversion.

Bottom line

You must understand that it is impossible to talk about all the aspects of setting up Direct in an article, so if you want to study contextual advertising in more depth, in addition to reading this article, I recommend that you study other content on this topic. For example, read the help from Yandex, it reveals many points that I did not talk about here.

Of course, the most important thing is practice. It's even better to have someone experienced in setting up context to help you the first time you set up your campaigns. Today I only scratched the surface of the topic of how to set up YAN in Direct. Direct, and contextual advertising in general, is a source of traffic that cannot be tamed with little effort, so be prepared to learn and try. Good luck!

User preferences in YAN: what were the differences

Yandex previously used two targeting options for YAN:

  • Thematic - displaying advertising based on the topic of the site and pages, for example, on a site about repairing Apple equipment, they can advertise paid utilities for Macbooks;
  • Behavioral targeting takes into account the user’s past search queries, statistics of his interests and previously visited sites.

The semantics for both types were also different:

  • For behavioral purposes, the entire semantic core of the site is applicable, including queries mentioning competitors. You can even use the narrowest semantics.
  • For thematic ones, only broad queries are the names of the topics of the pages on which the advertising will be.

There are a number of topics and projects where, according to our data, thematic targeting worked well.


Let’s compare the results of a YAN campaign with the “Ignore user preferences” option turned on and off.

The topic is the sale of plumbing fixtures for the bathroom and kitchen. The priority direction is faucets, the average bill is about 4,000 rubles and the product is quite popular. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to choose the right mixers, how to install, which manufacturer is better, etc.

We used the following strategy:

  • A standard advertisement for advertising faucets with an emphasis on delivery and assortment, plus a thematic picture:

  • Disabled option based on user preferences;
  • An example set of key queries:

Only for YAN we removed the word “buy” from queries.

At the same time, we created a similar campaign, but taking into account user behavior. And subsequently the rates on it were greatly reduced. The set of queries was different:

  • mixer tap;
  • buy a mixer;
  • mixer;
  • plumbing store;
  • mixer price;
  • etc.

Campaign result without taking into account user behavior:

And the number of orders according to statistics is as follows:


  • The average bill is about 4,000 rubles;
  • Profit from each sale is about 50%;
  • There were no returns or refusals;
  • For every 918 rubles we received 1,000 rubles in profit.

Now let’s look at the YAN campaign taking into account user behavior:

Number of goal achievements per month:

Number of orders:

As you can see, there are more targeted actions, but fewer orders. This can be attributed to an error or an accident, but only in the next period there were even fewer orders, while the campaign without taking into account user behavior was relatively stable.

Autofocus option

But when the machine sifts out unnecessary requests, collisions arise from time to time. When a person monitors and makes changes to the campaign himself, it takes more time, but the results are higher.

Now Yandex has left no choice, and autofocus along with negative keywords is included in the general algorithm, without the ability to refuse.

The explanation is simple: over time, impressions go to irrelevant phrases. Mostly for highly specialized campaigns, where topic-related semantics do not bring conversions at all. If you sell certain brands of car polish, any mix of topical queries is likely to be ineffective.

However, the same thing happens in Direct. The solution is an almost daily analysis of traffic from Direct and constant updating of the list of negative keywords. Or put all phrases in quotation marks, but this method is also not suitable for everyone.


There was a stable, profitable search campaign. Topic: sale of visa insurance.

But over time, transitions for the following phrases appeared in Metrica:

And these are just a few examples. A lot of unnecessary things have appeared - related to the car, compulsory motor liability insurance, CASCO insurance, mortgage insurance - which does not correspond to the topic at all.

This did not happen before with autofocus turned off. Of course, there is no 100% certainty that this is because of him. But it was in August and September that the first discrepancies appeared. I had to refine the lists of negative keywords.


Regarding autofocus in search, everything is also individual. Our examples showed that it was not worth removing the options.

Yes, Yandex examined a huge amount of data, but even so, no one denied the effectiveness of an individual approach. After all, this is your personal campaign and personal money!

This checkbox, which... people simply “blew my mind”, in my opinion, about a year and a half ago - then there was a boom in “behavioral targeting”. Not “behavioral factor”, but “behavioral targeting”. I would like to draw about “behavioral targeting.”

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Behavioral targeting


  • our website
  • competitors website 1
  • competitor website 2
  • competitor website 3
  • and so on.

Sites have their own metrics. Naturally, the metrics do not overlap in any way; they are unique for each site. By no means, I’m not saying that metrics are stolen from you or something, but Yandex, like many other large companies, are working on BigData - this is data that is collected from a large number of devices, from a large number of statistics, which you also collect, including for Yandex, which, by the way, is why it is free.

Yandex came up with such a cunning scheme that allows you to collect everything from a certain list of key phrases, and each metric has its own, naturally. And on an algorithm, let’s say, analysis, up to 100-200 search and key phrases... “display conditions”, etc.

In essence, there is a kind of unification of several sites under a common list of search phrases and conditions for displaying certain keys. One site becomes, for example, some kind of topic, a topic is assigned to it. For example:

  • "apartment renovation"
  • "apartment design"
  • "kitchen design"
  • "custom kitchens"

All sites are united into such a common “BigData”. And now, with the help of “behavioral targeting,” you appear in what is probably a cunning, on the one hand, scheme. Since there is a common topic, YAN shows you all among each other, that is, if you use .

You need to use YAN mainly for this, in order to show up against your competitors using “behavioral targeting”:

  • the person was on a competitor's website
  • You are immediately shown an ad.

Not to be confused with “retargeting”! This is how “behavioral targeting” works.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - This is how behavioral targeting works

And now the main point: what does the “Ignore user preferences” checkbox do? When you do not have a checkmark, you are taking into account preferences. This means that advertising on other additional sites, for example, on forums, somewhere else, it takes into account preferences, that is, the topic, in essence.

If a person was interested in septic tanks, then it would be preferable for the advertisement to be shown:

  • on sites with septic tanks
  • or on the site with construction
  • or something like that on the website.

But he won’t show up on Pikabu or any VKontakte - less, try to show up less often.

Is it worth or not to check the box, you ask? Firstly, it is now immediately clear and obvious that not taking into account user preferences will, in fact, not affect in any way the statistics of “low impressions” of ad groups.Why? Because you also will not be able to check in any way whether in fact the preferences of users in YAN will be taken into account or not. This is fortune telling using coffee grounds.

If you want to get more traffic, more audience coverage, then you check this box. If you want a smaller audience, so that it is proportionally divided into your groups, according to your topics, and exactly where advertising is shown, you do not check the box. More often than not, people check the box. I hope I explained how it works.

Next...we have an auto-extension of phrases - it’s better to leave it, because this also doesn’t affect the auction in any way, but it’s advisable to leave it anyway, because there aren’t any, as you can see, as in the search, for example, there is an opportunity additional relevant phrases will be shown - they are not here. There is simply a “daw” here.

I open:

  • Manual bid management
  • Network settings
  • Change.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Open YAN. Manual bid control. Network settings. Change.

Ignore user preferences. We read:

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Disable advertising based on user interests

Behavioral targeting

Takes into account “behavioral targeting”. When you check the box, your audience reach increases. Additional sites are appearing. For example, a person “sits” on “Pikabu” and you show up to him there too. Audience coverage is growing. The moment with “behavioral targeting”, let’s read it.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Display ads based on user interests

“Behavioral targeting” still needs to be tested. When you uncheck the box, you are shown on absolutely all sites - this is very important! That is, conditionally, if you have ever launched in YAN, you know that first there are, for example, 10 or 20 thousand per day, and after a week there are 5 thousand of them due to “behavioral targeting”, because the campaign has been formed and it now flows through a bottleneck, and when you “poke” this checkbox (“Ignore user preferences”), it expands.

And now the most important thing! You can simply “poke” a second advertising campaign in which you “set” “behavioral targeting”, but, in fact, it will not be much different. That is, you are doing two advertising campaigns. And on one you don’t take into account user preferences, but on the second you do. This is the most competent option and approach in the case of this “daw”. Read the help through the prism of understanding that Yandex is trying to deceive you somewhere.

  • week with "daw"
  • a week - without a "daw".

But, if you are an advanced person, you can copy an advertising campaign in which you can add new tag topics, or not, and here you can write that you are using “behavioral targeting”, where you uncheck the “daw”, of course.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Behavioral targeting is in progress, where you uncheck the box

But we can’t do this yet, because we haven’t made image ads to copy into another advertising campaign and test. I often set the first advertising campaign to “ignore”.

Pictures in advertisements

We have announcements. We need to make pictures in advertisements. First, let's talk a little about it. YAN copies everything from Google. There is a very important point here that, even if you open a webinar from some '16 or '17, you will see in the slides what Yandex directly says that we are copying from Google. For example, broad match, as you know, this type of match can only be found in Google. In fact, images are:

  • graphic
  • "RSYashki".

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Why a separate advertising campaign for YAN

In fact, as you can see, we are already reaching a different audience; by the way, here we also have “behavioral targeting”. Secondly, adaptation of texts and pictures to completely different ones. We didn’t have any images in the search at all, but you still have to adapt the texts; sooner or later you will still do them.

The most interesting thing is that testing ads in YAN is much easier than in search. Then you can do 1 to many - now it doesn’t matter, it was important before. Now we can also make banners, that is, graphic advertisements.

Image ads are those ads without text. “Behavioral targeting” needs to be taken into account, but it has been taken into account for a long time - try the “daw” and decide what is best. No? Please just copy the advertising companies.

Question: will these advertising campaigns compete with each other? Can the sites be duplicated in YAN or are they different? Firstly, yes, they will compete with each other, but this will cause your price tags to increase, because two advertising campaigns are on the same account, they will be shown in turn.

But, if you have other sites that are not similar to those on which you are currently appearing, then you will be shown somewhere 20 percent more, in total, but it may also cost you more money, so you need to test and choose which one of the two advertising campaigns it is worth keeping.

YAN Rules from Yandex

About the rules.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Rules about YAN from Yandex

More than 1-2-3 words is too much

The first rule, which, in fact, will “kill” half of our keys, which will be quite truthful, is that more than 1-2-3 words is overkill for YAN and, in fact, that’s true! We should not limit the number of impressions, but at the same time we should not show 4-5 words and not have them in the phrases that we use for. But there are a lot of “buts” here.

Firstly, not all advertising topics in YAN can boast of 1-2-3 words, that is, I showed the kitchens, but you have some topic that starts with three words, and just removing half of the keys is not entirely correct. This is all from the Yandex webinar.

CTR of ads in YAN

Second: CTR of ads in YAN does not affect YAN and does not affect the cost of clicks in search. As you understand, search is absolutely unimportant, because we divided the advertising campaigns, and the CTR of an ad in YAN really does not affect the cost of a click. This is also important! For you, that is, what you divided and what you did not divide into two advertising campaigns - nothing will happen, believe me.

Experimentation in YAN campaigns

Third: in campaigns for YAN you can, I signed in parentheses “NEED” to experiment, because you will experiment like^

  • with keys
  • with price tags
  • with advertisements
  • with ad testing, etc.

That is, there is a huge treasure buried there, in fact, in. Most likely, this year, if they do add normal targeting, they will also use the moment of experimentation.

That is, you must test, for example, in some areas. By the way, retargeting through YAN works, Yandex audiences through mail, through phones, even geographic targeting, the one in Yandex audiences, it also works through experiments.

Also in YAN there are additional settings, let’s say, general settings with search, in which you can do additional:

  • or connect
  • or disable from retargeting, from all audiences

The opportunity for experimentation in YAN is enormous, but in search it is a little less. There are strict rules in search, but in YAN there are fewer of them.

Separating overlapping phrases

Next is the separation of intersecting phrases. Here Yandex itself hints that you need to make 2-3 words from these words; if there are 2-3 words, then you don’t need to do the intersection. I will say that the intersection can be removed altogether, because if yours are very similar, then it doesn’t matter which phrase will be shown.

Yes, somewhere there is more audience coverage, yes, the rates change, but the mechanism for crossing phrases is still too unclear, that is, as soon as you make an intersection, you also take away a lot of traffic from and “slam everything” for yourself with low impressions. YAN also has “network coverage.”

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - YAN has coverage in networks

If there is a dash here after you have received rates, prices and statistics, then you feel “bad”, so try to remove “negative words”. You can remove them via:

  • upload via company export to file
  • then delete.

Or you can:

  • take "Search and Replace"
  • replace negative keywords in keywords and in fine settings

You can remove all values ​​and replace.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Replace negative keywords in keywords and fine-tuning settings

We leave only thematic keywords in the negative keywords

How YAN works for a website visitor

I have already explained in part how YAN works.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - How YAN works for site visitors

There is a simpler option - the option through a search query, working using a contextual auction (this is a search query - a person enters it on a Yandex page).

By the way, on similar sites like Bing and others, it is also used, so it remembers your request, everything is saved in the browser’s “cookie” and ads with a specific topic related to the search query begin to appear. And advertisements are shown to you for 28 days, but do not wait for advertisements for 28 days, because you most often enter a bunch of requests.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - YAN Auction

Do you start typing in the request “buy iPhone 5s”, then “iPhone 5s in Moscow”, the same thing? Yes. Is the theme the same? Yes. Are most of your competitors the same? Yes. Then you start looking for SRO approvals or just start with SRO and then clarify.

Other competitors immediately join in the same 28 days, whose rates in YAN are much higher, and, naturally, it is preferable to show them, because their rates are higher, they spend more money. This happens in an avalanche auction. It all depends:

  • from visiting your sites
  • “Behavioral targeting” is also included here.

In fact, topics are shown to me very often when I go to my own sites or to the sites of competitors.

There is an image - this is a picture, actually, a screenshot from the Yandex interface:

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Screenshot from the Yandex interface

And it is written that you need to make two ads: a standard image (either 1 to 1 or 3 to 4 (4 to 3)) and widescreen (16 to 9). Wide format should be a separate ad. So, first we load the image:

  • or 1 to 1
  • or 3 to 4
  • or 4 to 3

Then we separately create new advertisements and in them we already make wide-format advertisements 16 to 9.


With advertisements everything is much more interesting. We have 109 of them. After we have split up all the ad groups, we need to do 109. They can be:

  • upload from computer, internet
  • choose from other images

But other images can only appear when you have selected several or there are already images in some ad groups. But maybe from several companies, that is, you have “RSYashki”, for example. Let's try...And here is the picture, you see, with drywall.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Picture of drywall

You can choose from other images. Now we are heading back to . We open all the ads in our advertising campaign and now we can take and download either from a computer or from the Internet. I will, of course, download from the Internet.

In general, my favorite activity:

  • take pictures of kitchens to order
  • look at the most beautiful one.

There are size restrictions on pictures. It should be quite large. Yandex has already abolished the old, small pictures and now it is moving to loading only large images due to the fact that it decided to change the quality and let’s say thank you to it! For example, such a picture may well be suitable for loading it into our ad 1 to 1 or 4 to 3.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Example of an image that can be uploaded to an ad

Let's try dependence now. Here it is enough to copy the image address. In fact, you can try writing here - there are some restrictions on the pictures regarding descriptions - you can carefully sign, for example, put your logo, but, most often, this is not necessary for the test. You just need to upload a picture. Let's try it.

Does not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Just upload an image

I'll take 4 to 3, it will be just fine. 1 to 1, 3 to 4, 4 to 3 are the same thing. 16 to 9 is separate. And I click OK.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Picture 4:3

Now all my pictures, after I click on all our ads, they will be added. After the save button, of course.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - All pictures are included

You can check if the picture is correct.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Checking that the image is worth

Now there is a correct solution to add new ones with 16x9 edges. The pictures will most likely need to be changed. We load an advertising campaign so that we have numbers on our ads, that is, of course, we get ads and numbers everywhere, but our task is to get identifiers for headings. For what? Because when we copy new ads now, they will be identical and we will simply get lost if we accidentally click on the wrong one.

By the way, a question. Sign pictures in Photoshop? You can, indeed, write on them; it would be better to put some kind of logo on them. In general, look at the same Avito, the most popular YAN adverts on topics that do not appear.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Popular YAN ads on Avito

Here is Ryashka. Here, indeed, you can sign such a text. I can immediately say that Yandex allowed this not so long ago. Previously, everything was generally prohibited.

You can sign it, and without a description, simple pictures also “go in” without any problems.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Pictures without descriptions are accepted without problems

Some text that is very small may not pass moderation. It’s also hard with women and men. You need to have the same woman or man on the site so that the picture shows a real person.

We have an announcement. Let's stop the advertising campaign too.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Let's stop the advertising campaign

We need to take our advertisements and copy them:

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Copy ads

and paste.

Insert using the same technology that we inserted through duplicating ads in the original groups.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Add ads to original groups

New advertisements will be inserted into groups, they will be without numbers. We will change the picture in them. You need to download another picture from the Internet. Try to download brighter ones - they always produce a better effect. I copy the image address,

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Copy image address

I insert

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Paste copied image

and she must pass.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - The image must pass

Don't forget to send your ads for moderation.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Submit images for moderation
Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Loading an advertising campaign

In fact, we have now created a new ad 16 to 9 and 1 to 1, that is, all the sizes that are needed. Naturally, there are also graphic ads.


Questions. What happens if there are a lot of phrases of 4-5 words in YAN? Nothing bad will happen, of course, because most advertisers see them in this form.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Most advertisers have keys in this form

And they are quite functional.

Let's look at the coverage in the networks, because we haven't made a bid.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Get prices and phrase statistics

We seem to have “poked” the rates at 33 rubles. for the test, but now we will look at these 33r. in network coverage. It will not be entirely truthful, because our ads have not been moderated.

Ignores user preferences and behavioral targeting - Ads have not been moderated

As you can see, there is coverage in networks. By the way, there is a wonderful thing here:

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Bid Wizard

This is necessary to place bids specifically using the “100 percent coverage rate” button.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Coverage rate 100%

But try not to indulge too much with her, because she can give you 1500 rubles in order to get 100 percent coverage in networks, although it is enough to set 30-40-50 rubles. Of course, initially you place a single bid:

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Flat rate

Then just look at what needs to be set so that the keys have 100 percent audience coverage.

What to do with keys that have a dash of network coverage? Should they be deleted? This is probably one of the most popular misconceptions:

  • Firstly, network coverage can always appear.
  • Secondly, in coverage in networks in dashes, if you look at your advertising company and add it to the columns.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Add Column

For example, impressions and clicks,

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Impressions and clicks
  • impressions
  • clicks.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - Impressions and clicks on dashes in some advertising campaigns

There is currently no auction for them, but after some time there may be one. For example, during the season or to appear during the day, or some other time. This also happens, so I don’t recommend deleting keys simply because there are dashes.

How much do negative keywords narrow your reach in YAN? How much you have, that’s how much they narrow it down. It all depends on the keys. If you very diligently “minus”, then it can reduce quite seriously. But more often than not, nothing happens - you are simply trying to “clean up” the traffic with negative keywords.

The rule is that the key should have a frequency of 200 impressions per month? Frequency has nothing to do with it. There is an auction, there is coverage in networks now.

Do not take into account user preferences and behavioral targeting - Now there is an auction and coverage in networks

As you can see, many keys have dashes. They may well have even 200 impressions per month, but there is no audience coverage, that is, no for you. It may appear, I repeat. That is, I don’t recommend cutting out keys with any displays yet. 200 is good, leave it at 200. Look, “kitchen design price.” 3 words, for example. This key must remain.

Ignore user preferences and behavioral targeting - The key is to remain

In impressions, where you have 200, you can set a limiter and reduce it to 30 due to low impressions and other things for the key. It all depends on many parameters. Where there are 3-4 words, they should still remain, even if they do not have any auction to reach the audience.

Image ads

We did:

  • advertising campaign
  • advertisements in it
  • pictures

Now we need to make image ads.