Tomato kcal per 100 grams. Calorie content of fresh and processed tomatoes

Tomatoes appeared in Russia relatively recently, at the beginning of the 19th century, and during this short time they became the most favorite vegetable. Every home prepares dishes with tomatoes. For those who are watching their figure, their calorie content is important. Is it possible to eat tomatoes without fear of gaining extra pounds? How many calories are in 100 g of product? What are the beneficial properties of this vegetable? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Tomato is an important and valuable food product

It contains other vitamins and other substances we need:

  1. Carotene. Good for vision.
  2. Antioxidants that protect humans from cancer.
  3. Phytoncides prevent pathogens from multiplying.
  4. Zinc helps relieve inflammation on the skin and restore it after acne.
  5. Tomatoes contain vitamins K, E, C, PP and group B.
  6. Tomatoes are high in folic acid and lycopene, which protect the human heart.
  7. Thiamine helps you be more energetic and cheerful, and fight viruses more successfully.
  8. Tomatoes are high in carbohydrates. 100 grams of product contains 3.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.1 g of protein and only 0.2 g of fat.

Composition of tomatoes and calorie content

Why is it useful?

But these are not all the beneficial properties of tomatoes. They heal the gastric mucosa, which suffers from gastritis. Tomato peels cleanse the intestinal walls of food debris.

These properties of the brush are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, which absorbs nutrients better after brushing.

Due to the fact that tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins B and C, they can restore metabolic processes in the body. These metabolism-boosting properties make tomatoes a staple in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

But for those who suffer from hypertension, gout and cholelithiasis, it is better not to eat tomatoes.

Calorie content

The beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits have been known for a long time. But doctors advise using some of them in moderation, because... they are too high in calories. How many calories are in a tomato? Scientists say that the calorie content of this vegetable is low.

Tomato juice has a minimum of calories, but quenches hunger and thirst

Fresh tomatoes

It is impossible to say exactly how many calories 100 grams of fresh tomatoes contain. Much depends on the specific variety. Nutritionists say that 100 g of fresh product contains about 20 kcal. Their nutritional value is not great, because... they are 94% water. If you eat a large tomato, you will get 45 kcal, a small one - 10 kcal. We often make a salad from fresh tomatoes with vegetable oil. Then you will get almost 2 times more calories, because... 100 g of this salad is 45 kcal. But the calorie content is still low.

Fresh tomato salad is one of the most delicious dishes

If you want to lose weight, eat tomatoes without salt. The nutritional value does not change from this, as do its properties.

But when it gets into the stomach, this sour and at the same time salty food irritates its walls, which can cause your appetite to awaken.

There are a huge number of varieties of tomatoes, but cherry tomatoes are worth highlighting. While other varieties are distinguished by fruits of considerable size, cherry fruits are miniature, weighing from 10 to 30 g. Their calorie content is even less. If you take 100 grams of cherry tomatoes, then they contain from 15 to 20 kcal. 100 grams is approximately 3-4 of the largest cherries. By eating 1 cherry, we get from 3 to 7 kcal. The amount of carbohydrates in them is also significant, per 100 g - 2.8 g. These figures are valid for fresh cherry tomatoes. Pickled ones are higher in calories: 100 g of product contains 18 kcal. Due to the fact that cherry tomatoes are low in calories, they are recommended for those who are overweight or diagnosed with obesity. In addition, cherry tomatoes lift your spirits and help fight depression.

Cherry tomatoes are so sweet they are eaten like fruit.

They have low calorie content and not many carbohydrates, but the composition and properties of tomatoes bring a feeling of satiety.

Processed tomatoes

We most often eat fresh tomatoes in the summer, although they can be found on store shelves all year round. During the cold season, pickled tomatoes are taken out of the pantry. Their nutritional value is even less, only 15 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, they will not spoil the figure. Tomatoes are pickled using vinegar, salts and sugar, as well as spices. But they can also be salted. But this will not increase calorie content. Salted tomatoes contain even fewer calories, only 13 per 100 g. But they are not recommended for people with joint diseases. Pickles contain oxalic acid, so they should not be eaten by people with urolithiasis or gout.

Canned tomatoes - vitamins for the winter

Pickled tomatoes have only 16 calories per 100 g.

Both the tomatoes themselves and the products made from this vegetable are tasty. Do they harm our figure? Tomato juice is very healthy and tasty. Calorie content is not a concern. One glass of juice will replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C and A. In addition, you should not be afraid that extra pounds will appear because of the juice, because it is low calorie. 100 g of juice contains only 21 kcal.

The highest calorie content is ketchup - 112 kcal, although not many people are ready to give it up yet. Tomato paste contains much fewer calories, only 91 kcal.

As we can see, there are few calories in tomatoes, as well as products made from them. Therefore, you can eat them without fear of ruining your figure. If there are no contraindications, then tomatoes contribute to the health of the body, supply it with vitamins and essential substances, and they are valued for these beneficial properties.

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables among Russians due to their availability all year round, as well as their benefits for the body and taste. A tomato can be an ideal side dish, a component for a salad, a sandwich, or even a vegetable cocktail. That is why it is also chosen by those who want to lose weight or stay in shape. And, of course, not the last question that worries the minds of those losing weight is the desire to know the calorie content of one tomato. This is important not only with strict diets, but also with nutrition based on calculating daily calorie intake to maintain the desired weight.

How many calories are in a tomato

Of course, there is no single hard-and-fast number that can be assigned to all tomatoes: the calorie content of tomatoes will vary at a minimum depending on their weight, fleshiness and wateriness, as well as sugar content.

For example, for small sweet cherry tomatoes, the calorie content will be 15–16 kcal per 100 g of product, or three or four pieces (one cherry tomato contains 25–30 g). That is why they are often called the most dietary tomatoes: after all, cherry tomatoes are 4/5 water. And at the same time, the sugar content in them is higher than in other varieties, which causes this variety to deviate significantly from the average caloric value of tomatoes - 20 kcal per 100 g.

For large, ripe and fleshy varieties, calorie content can reach up to 33 kcal per 100 g, while one tomato can weigh 140 g.

Nutritional value of tomato

In order to understand how many calories are in a tomato, how exactly they are distributed and how harmful or beneficial they are, it is worth analyzing the tomato according to its microelements. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the characteristic red color of tomatoes, which appears due to the content of a strong natural antioxidant - lycopene, which is necessary to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal and lung cancer. Also, which is certainly valuable for those losing weight and simply adherents of proper nutrition, tomatoes contain chromium, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. But at the same time there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

And the main component of tomatoes is, of course, water: its share can reach 94%. And, nevertheless, wateriness and weight alone are not the main indicators of the calorie content of a tomato: it will vary primarily depending on the sugar content.

The remaining percentages are occupied by proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an approximate ratio of 1:1:8, which, if analyzed by calories, will be 2:2:16 for an average figure of 20 kcal per 100 g. But in the case of tomatoes, carbohydrates are “correct” here ”, are easily digestible, just as the sugar in tomatoes should not be equated with sugar, for example, in candies. Therefore, the caloric content of one tomato, in terms of the degree of harm to the figure, cannot be equated to the same caloric value for a piece of sweet or baked goods.

Dependence of the calorie content of tomatoes on the cooking method

The calorie content of fresh tomatoes will always be higher than pickled or salted ones, with the exception of the calorie content of cherry tomatoes due to the higher proportion of sugar in them. But, nevertheless, due to the whetting of appetite in the process of consuming salted and pickled tomatoes, it is not recommended to include them too often in food for those losing weight. And also to avoid excess salt in the body, which is also not welcome during a diet.

The calorie content of a tomato will almost double if heat treated in oil, therefore, despite the fact that lycopene is better absorbed not from a fresh tomato, calorie content can become a more significant factor when choosing a cooking method. Therefore, if you want to enhance the benefits of a dish while maintaining the same calorie content, it is recommended to stew or bake tomatoes rather than fry them.

Effective product combinations

To understand the issue of compatibility, you need to once again take a look at the nutritional value of tomatoes, since there is a direct dependence. Lycopene is a fat-soluble microelement, which means it requires vegetable oil or sour cream for company. And it is definitely not recommended to eat tomatoes with baked goods.

Tomato is the best snack, a tasty addition to a salad or an excellent meal on its own. With their low calorie content, they are prescribed even to those on the most strict diet.

Fresh or pickled tomatoes contain no more than 20 calories per 100 grams of product.

An exception may be a low-carbohydrate diet or a sports “drying” when tomatoes can be eaten, but only in very modest quantities - no more than 100-200 grams.

How does the nutritional value of a regular tomato and a cherry tomato differ?

For salads or small sandwiches - canapés, it is not ordinary tomatoes that are great, but miniature, bright scarlet tomatoes, which, because of their similarity to cherries, are called cherry tomatoes.

The good news for those who prefer these tomatoes is that their calorie content is even lower than ordinary greenhouse tomatoes. True, it’s not significant – just a couple of calories.

The calorie content of a cherry tomato is about 18 calories per 100 grams of product.

However, like any other variety of this vegetable, tomatoes consist of almost 94% water, which is the peculiarity of their low nutritional value.

Gourmets note that these tomatoes also differ in taste. They are often used in canning, but they are tastier and healthier to eat fresh.

How to calculate the calorie content of a tomato with salt or cucumber?

Of course, the caloric content of food largely depends on how it is eaten. In general, a low-calorie tomato can be a very nutritious food if eaten in a small portion, for example, with mayonnaise. However, more popular options for eating fresh tomatoes are simply sprinkling them with salt. Salt does not affect the nutritional value of tomatoes., but there is still a danger of such a dish for someone losing weight.

By irritating the walls of the stomach, such sour and salty foods can cause an attack of uncontrollable appetite and instead of a light snack of vegetables, the food can turn into something more substantial.

It will be much healthier to eat tomatoes by mixing in equal proportions:

  • with cucumber – 18 calories;
  • with Chinese cabbage - 16 calories per 100 grams;
  • with radishes – 20 calories;
  • with green onions (feather) – 19 calories;
  • green beans – 22 calories;
  • zucchini - 18 calories.

Other fresh vegetables are also suitable for these purposes. When calculating the calorie content of a tomato salad, you should take into account all the ingredients. Don't forget that in these light spring salads, the largest portion of the calories may come from the oil or dressing used, so it's best to opt for healthy olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Sometimes tomatoes for salad are peeled. This is easy to do - you just need to pour boiling water over the fruit, then the skin will be peeled off without any problems.

A tomato without skin will taste much more tender, and will even lose some of its calories - in this case, the nutritional value will become no more than 16 calories per 100 grams of product.

By the way, it is better to eat tomatoes this way even when there are problems with digestion - the skin of this vegetable, although edible, is still poorly digested and can clog the intestines.

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

Without a doubt, a tomato is tasty, but its advantages lie not only in its excellent taste, but also in its benefits for the body. So 100 grams of fresh tomato contains:

  • proteins – 0.7 grams;
  • fat – 0.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 4.5 grams;
  • dietary fiber – 1 gram;
  • vitamin A – 133.00 mcg (15% of the daily value for an adult);
  • beta carotene – 0.80 mg (16% of the daily value);
  • vitamin C – 25.00 mg (28% of the daily value).

Besides, tomato contains potassium, copper, chromium and a lot of other useful vitamins and microelements V.

Doctors have long proven that regular consumption of tomatoes helps to ensure that consumers of this vegetable suffer an order of magnitude less from cardiovascular diseases or cancer.

Lycopene and folic acid, which are found in tomatoes, contribute to this.

And also tomatoes help:

  • improve vision;
  • improve bowel function in case of regular constipation;
  • in the prevention of urolithiasis.

Tomatoes also contain a substance called thiamine, which is a general tonic. Thanks to it, people feel more energetic and cheerful, and the body gains strength to more easily fight infections and viruses.

Pros of the tomato diet

Tomatoes often become the basis of various diets and even mono-diets (when only one product is eaten, without indulgences or variety). Of course, when choosing such a meager diet based only on tomatoes, you need to consult a doctor and carefully monitor your well-being during the diet.

But overall tomatoes, if consumed regularly over several days, can affect weight, because they will help:

  • as a diuretic to remove excess moisture from the body;
  • as a mild laxative to cleanse the intestines;
  • improve the body's metabolic processes;
  • feel light;
  • reduce cholesterol levels.

By the way, for diets and mono-diet it is better to choose fresh tomatoes, no matter what variety. Salted or pickled ones are not at all suitable for these purposes - on the contrary, they can awaken appetite and thirst, and also, if consumed excessively during a meager diet, even harm the stomach and digestive system.

Contraindications for the tomato diet

Of course, tomato is an almost universal product for those who want to get rid of extra centimeters on the waist, however, it is not suitable for everyone for regular consumption. Eating fresh tomatoes is not recommended for those who are susceptible to the following disorders:

  • kidney diseases;
  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • increased acidity;
  • gallstone disease.

But salted tomatoes should not often appear on the tables of hypertensive patients.

In addition, tomatoes can also be quite a strong allergen, so their increased consumption can develop painful conditions such as eczema and urticaria. When the first symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

During a diet or other type of work on excess weight, the issue of caloric content of foods always arises very acutely - today we will talk about how many calories are in a tomato. Yes, in the summer this product is a frequent guest on our tables. But if its taste and benefits have been known for a long time, then how to look at this vegetable in the context of dietary nutrition is not very clear, and many people losing weight wonder what the calorie content of a fresh tomato is per 100 grams and how many kcal there are in a fresh tomato. It is important to understand here that vegetables are healthy food in all aspects,
but caloric content can vary greatly, and some may be considered a diet food, while others, for example, potatoes or green peas, may only ruin all your plans to combat those hated extra pounds.

The most optimal dietary product is tomato. The weight of one fresh vegetable is approximately 130-150 grams, depending on the variety.

The calorie content of a fresh tomato does not exceed 30 Kcal. This vegetable contains the element chromium, which helps dull the feeling of hunger.

And this is important for people who watch their figure and go on diets.

Calorie content of fresh tomato: how many calories are in a tomato

It is important to know that the number of calories in a fresh tomato depends on the variety. For example: in a sour variety, the calorie content of a fresh tomato is much lower than in sweet varieties.

Also, both ripe and overripe varieties contain a lot of sugar, which causes more calories.

How many calories are in 1 fresh tomato with and without salt? In fact, adding salt does not affect the number of calories in any way, but this applies to fresh products, but salted ones have slightly fewer calories, while fresh ones have 25-30 kcal, then pickled ones have 15-20 kcal.

It is very important to know that tomatoes contain vitamins such as:

For preventive purposes, by consuming tomatoes, you reduce the risk of cancer; they also help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since they are very well absorbed in the stomach and do not disrupt metabolism.

Tomatoes will even help reduce the risk of developing vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is important for older people.

Tomatoes, calorie content per 100 grams: fresh and boiled

It is useful to eat tomatoes not only fresh, but also steamed and boiled, as they increase provitamin A, in other words, lycopene. And their calorie content is reduced to a minimum. If the calorie content of a fresh tomato per 100 grams is from 25 to 30 calories, then for a boiled one it becomes from 15 to 20 calories.

Tomatoes even help improve your mood thanks to components such as:

  • thiamine;
  • serotanin.


There are diseases for which it is strictly forbidden to consume tomatoes in any form except fresh ones and then in moderation.

People who suffer from hypertension are prohibited from eating them in salted form. With gallstone disease, tomatoes can cause serious complications, such as movement of stones, terrible pain, or an attack.

If your kidneys hurt, you should not eat vegetables that have been heat-treated.

Of course, it is best to consult your doctor before consuming tomatoes for various diseases.

People who are on diets and constantly monitoring their calories should not eat only tomatoes, as this can lead to an excess of certain substances contained in the tomato.

We hope that our article helped you understand all the benefits contained in tomatoes; now you know how many calories are in a fresh tomato, and how many in a boiled or pickled one, and also that the nutritional value of different varieties can vary greatly.

Hello, dear readers! Tomato is one of the most common and popular vegetables all over the world. A large number of different varieties, differing in taste, size and color, allow people to choose exactly what they need. But how harmful or not is this vegetable for the figure? Today we will find out how many calories are in a tomato, and we will look at its different types and popular dishes where it is used.

South America is considered the birthplace of tomatoes, from where the fruits were brought by sea to Europe. At first, European countries treated the plant with great caution, because Its fruits were considered poisonous. Only by the 17th century did everyone realize that tomatoes were not at all dangerous. Now they are eaten all over the world.

The calorie content of a fresh tomato depends on its variety. And there are a lot of varieties. Some are very small, others - the opposite. Some are the usual red, some are yellow, and some are even black and finally pink. Lycopene, present in all varieties, determines their final color. All of them are edible and very tasty.


  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, H, PP);
  • Minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cl, S, I, P);
  • Folic acid;
  • Fiber;
  • Carotene.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are present in the following percentage ratio: 17.7/0/77.2.

Benefits and harms

All these substances that the body needs so much make tomatoes extremely useful and important for humans. What are the beneficial properties of tomatoes you need to know:

  • Improves memory, improves mood, gives strength;
  • Normalizes the condition of hypertension, low hemoglobin, high cholesterol, gastritis;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Positively affects the health of the genital organs, improves the quality of sexual life;
  • Allows you to maintain visual acuity;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Removes toxins and all kinds of waste from the body.

A large amount of vitamins and minerals does not guarantee the exceptional usefulness of the product. Any type of tomato can cause allergies, which is important to consider, especially if you are giving this vegetable to your child for the first time.

Weight loss

Eating right is the best way to stay fit. With the help of tomatoes you can make your diet even more correct and healthy. Tomatoes are an excellent substitute for dinner, and can also be used in special diets where other foods are prohibited.

The main reason why tomatoes help you lose extra pounds is its red color. The color is determined by lycopene, which accelerates the breakdown of any fats and improves the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes weight loss. The second reason is the feeling of fullness that appears immediately after eating the vegetable. And the third reason is low calorie content, and not a single carbohydrate is harmful to the figure.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of tomatoes depends on their variety, as well as the type in which they are consumed. If they are served in some kind of dish, then the calorie content can be tens of times higher than that of ordinary tomatoes.


If we consider a fresh tomato of classic varieties, then the calorie content per 100 grams will be about 20 kcal. Of these, proteins – 0.6 g, fats – 0.2 g, carbohydrates – 4.2 g.

For the ox heart variety, the calorie content is significantly higher, which can be off-putting. However, the figures still remain extremely low for a nutritious product. 100 g of ox heart contains 70 kcal.

Cherry tomatoes have a small calorie content - 15 kcal. It's even
less than classic varieties. We can say that this is one of the most dietary varieties of this vegetable.

The popular variety “On a Branch” can be classified as classic, because he is not much different from them. Its calorie content is 22 kcal.

Pink tomatoes are also close to other classic options. They are just as versatile and delicious. Pink tomatoes contain 22 kcal.

Tomato products

By tomato products we mean the tomatoes themselves, which are usually consumed in a different form, somewhat different from the usual one. For example, salty or in the form of ketchup.

Many people love pickled tomatoes. They are lucky because they not only eat a delicious product, but also do not get extra calories from it. Pickled tomatoes contain only 15 kcal per 100 g.

When salted, tomatoes are also low in calories. Only 13 kcal. Few products can compare with such indicators. Salted tomato becomes an excellent choice.

Tomato paste and ketchup are equivalent when it comes to nutritional value. Tomatoes are not very high in calories, but the additives included in these two products are the opposite. For this reason, caloric content increases to 112 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, consuming them during a diet is contraindicated.

Tomato juice is a great way to get rid of hunger. The number of calories in freshly squeezed tomato juice varies from 17 to 22 units, which is very low. The exact numbers depend on the variety.

Dishes with tomatoes

Tomatoes are a common component in popular dishes, both hot and cold. Let's look at the most popular of them.

A simple scrambled egg with tomatoes is not so high in calories if we consider it as an independent full-fledged dish, which it is. It has only 140 kcal. A serving of fried eggs can fill the body with energy for a long time. If we consider the option of 2 eggs, then the kcal will increase to 260, and a fried egg made from 3 eggs contains 374 kcal. This is for options with vegetable oil, which accounts for 44 kcal. With olive oil, the calorie content will not change. Using margarine instead of butter will reduce calories by about 10 units. If you completely exclude oil, etc. means, then scrambled eggs with 1 egg will contain about 100 kcal. If you add more eggs, the kcal will increase by about 90 units.

Scrambled eggs with vegetables contain about 90 kcal. You can use any suitable frozen vegetables. Tomatoes can also be frozen. With fresh beans, the calorie content will increase to 160 units.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and meat or sausage will contain from 290 to 500 kcal. However, you need to correctly combine the product with meat products, which may be too fatty.

The dietary version of tomato scrambled eggs with cheese contains about 80 kcal This results in a very tasty dish.

Omelette with tomatoes is lower in calories thanks to beating the eggs.

Tomato soup contains about 40 kcal if you avoid unnecessary ingredients.

A cucumber and tomato salad has 90 kcal if you cook it with butter. With mayonnaise – 56 kcal. With sour cream – 30 kcal.

By the way, an omelet with tomatoes has an energy value of approximately 340 kcal.

Let's sum it up

Tomato is a very tasty and healthy vegetable. You can eat it without fear for your figure, and at the same time receive a lot of useful substances for your body. Everyone should include it in their diet on a regular basis.