Preparing and conducting a business conversation. Rules for conducting business conversations The rules for conducting business conversations include


In everyday work, a secretary has to conduct business conversations with people of different ages, social status, and type of nervous system. A qualified secretary must be able, no matter what, to easily and naturally carry on a conversation with managers, visitors, employees, and telephone subscribers. At the same time, the secretary must know and be able to apply the rules of business conversation. The key to a successful business conversation is such qualities as: competence, tact, goodwill, knowledge of business conversation techniques, the desire to quickly solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it.

The speech of a cultured person makes a pleasant impression if he not only expresses his thoughts clearly and logically, without experiencing difficulties in choosing words, but also pronounces the words clearly enough, in a voice of a pleasant timbre.

In order to be a sociable person, a secretary must become an attentive listener. The ability to listen to your interlocutor is an art that not everyone masters. The ability to listen allows you to better understand your interlocutor and receive interesting information, advice or suggestions from him.

When preparing for a business conversation, it is necessary to think through the beginning of the conversation, the first phrases in order to evoke a positive reaction from the interlocutor, interest him or soften his negative attitude.

The main thing in a conversation is to focus on the topic of conversation.

You cannot start a conversation with a refusal or an assertion that the interlocutor is wrong.

In business information, you should always highlight the main, essential things and eliminate everything that is unimportant.

The secretary should not attach importance to the conversational characteristics of the interlocutor - accent, incorrect emphasis in words, manner of expressing his thoughts.

You should not strive to be the leader in the conversation and leave the last word for yourself.

If your interlocutors have opposing points of view, you must defend your opinion calmly, without losing your composure.

Do not contradict openly and rudely - this “golden” rule is appropriate even when the partner is not entirely right. If you start to contradict, you will not convince him, but will only ensure that the conversation turns into a quarrel that will lead to a dead end.

Always, even when the interlocutor is mistaken, one should respect his position and opinion.

Whenever possible, admit your partner is right. This creates a favorable psychological mood.

Be restrained in your personal assessments, do not question your loyalty to the institution in which you work, because by doing so you question your loyalty to your interlocutor.

Lengthy answers create an impression of uncertainty. The more laconic and businesslike the remark sounds, the more convincing it is.

Business conversation is the main and most important element of management activity. In fact, conversation is the fastest and cheapest form of information exchange. The item “ability to talk with people” (with colleagues, managers, representatives of partner companies) is included in any list of the main business qualities of a manager.

Business conversation functions there are different:

  • the beginning of promising activities and processes;
  • control and coordination of already started activities and processes;
  • exchange of information;
  • mutual communication of workers from the same business environment;
  • maintaining business contacts at the level of organizations, associations, industries and entire states (joint ventures, etc.); searches, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;
  • stimulating the movement of human thought in new directions.

The art of business conversation can and should be learned. In the West, there is a profession of specialist “talkers” who believe that a special technique for conducting business conversations allows in 7 cases out of 10 to achieve complete success, and in the rest - a fairly good result.

Let's name three conditions for a successful business conversation:

  • the ability to interest your interlocutor, convince him that this business conversation is useful for both;
  • creating an atmosphere of mutual trust during the meeting;
  • skillful use of methods of suggestion and persuasion in transmitting information.

The conversation is unlikely to go well if she is not prepared. First, you should think about the goals, objectives, tactics and psychology of the upcoming business contact, then select the necessary auxiliary materials that may be useful during the conversation.

Before starting a conversation, you need to decide what questions and in what sequence to pose to your interlocutor. It is advisable to prepare a list of them in writing and put it in front of you during the conversation. Presenting questions on a piece of paper allows you to outline the area of ​​conversation and, accordingly, the right time, enhance the logic and purposefulness of the conversation; provide your own psychological confidence.

Experts in business communication advise, in the process of preparing for a conversation, to think about how to behave if the interlocutor: agrees with you in everything or strongly disagrees; will become louder or not respond to your arguments; will show distrust of your words, thoughts or will try to hide his distrust.

  • engage in a conversation on a business topic while walking in the corridor;
  • start a conversation with phrases like “Listen, I want to talk to you,” “Do you have a few minutes? I have business with you,” “It’s good that we met. I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a long time,” etc.;
  • behave in such a way that the interlocutor understands that he was not expected;
  • combine conversation with other forms of work (talking on the phone, looking at papers, preparing for some other task, etc.).

They say that the fate of a business conversation is decided in the first 10 minutes. Experts advise carefully preparing the first question: it should be short, interesting, but not controversial. This will determine the positive emotional tone of the interlocutors.


It is very important to develop a beautiful, expressive voice. A person whose speech is slurred constantly has to be asked again, and this always causes irritation.

In verbal communication, almost 40% of success comes from the voice. Therefore, mastering speech techniques with correct speech breathing and voice, with clear, correct diction (pronunciation) is the first step to successful speaking, and therefore to influencing people. An unpleasant voice can negate all the advantages of a speaker, and, conversely, a beautiful voice fascinates and distracts from shortcomings.

Business language

Now firmly established in business communication metalanguage, i.e. subtext language. Words by themselves do not carry emotional content, and you can understand what the interlocutor actually means by thinking about the subtext, the circumstances of the conversation and the way the interlocutor uses individual words. For example, the word “my” indicates the emotional involvement of the speaker. Compare “my boss” and just “boss”: the first expression shows the emotional connection between the employee and the manager, and the word “boss,” on the contrary, demonstrates the distance between them. Of the two phrases “he told me” or “he talked to me,” the first indicates that there was simply a neutral conversation, perhaps even with some negative connotation, and the second indicates that there was a mutual conversation, which, most likely, had a positive impact on this person and will give him the results he needs. This means that the words “I need to tell you something” immediately erect a barrier between the interlocutors, and the words “I need to talk to you” call for cooperation.

If you notice such “telling” statements in the metalanguage of your interlocutor, also switch to this language. So, one day, negotiations in the company almost fell apart because one of the participants dryly stated: “It seems that our paths have diverged.” Such a phrase is not at all from the business world (lovers or friends can say this), but the negotiators realized in time that the author of this phrase was emotionally, personally involved in the negotiation process. Then one of the discussion participants spoke in his metalanguage: instead of a faceless financial approach (the language of facts and figures), he chose the right tactics of a confidential personal conversation. As a result, the outcome of the negotiations satisfied both parties.

Individual metawords often signal that the interlocutor is trying to hide the truth or direct the conversation in the wrong direction: “honestly,” “in fact,” “in truth,” “to be sincere,” “undoubtedly,” etc. If they tell you this, they are probably trying to deceive you. For example, the phrase “This product is actually the best I can offer you in the whole range” should be understood as: “This product is not the best offer, but I hope you will still believe me.”

However, many use these words in the literal sense, not at all wanting to deceive the interlocutor, but, on the contrary, so that he quickly believes that they are honest and sincere with him. This is a bad habit for business communication, since these words are subconsciously perceived by interlocutors as a signal of deception.

If at the end of a phrase or question you insert words like “really?”, “is that so?”, “yes?”, “right?”, then they will show the interlocutor that you misunderstand the topic of the conversation. This may not be true, but this is how your words will be perceived. You need to control your speech.

The words “only”, “only” are said by someone who seeks to reduce the importance of his words or is afraid to show his true feelings, or deliberately wants to deceive (“amazingly low prices: only 999 rubles!”), or is trying to absolve himself of responsibility (“ I'm only human."

The words “I’ll try”, “I’ll do my best” are characteristic of those who are accustomed to failure. They expect in advance that they will not succeed in the assigned task, as has happened to them more than once, and their words, translated from metalanguage, mean: “I doubt whether I can do this.”

“I just wanted to help” is a phrase from gossipers and generally those who like to interfere in other people’s affairs. Here the word “simply” is used to weaken the intentionality of the intervention. Other similar phrases: "Don't get me wrong" (meaning "You won't like what I say, but I don't care"), "It's not about the money, it's about the principle" (although "it's only about the money"). “We will try”, “we will make every effort”, “we will see what can be done” - these are the phrases that leaders of organizations and government officials use to send their visitors away.

The words “of course” and “of course” are followed by a seemingly absolutely normal sentence. This technique is used in negotiations to force a partner to agree to the proposal under discussion: “Of course, we will not force you to meet these deadlines,” but they will definitely force you to do just that.

The phrase “Have you heard of...” assumes the usual cliché answer from the interlocutor: “No.” Further phrases will probably follow: “Do you know what he told me?” - “No, so what?”; “Imagine what happened next...” - “What?” If you answer such a question not with a cliché phrase, but with the following: “No, and I’m not interested,” then there is a very high probability that he will not pay attention to these words and will continue his story.

If a speaker wants to seem witty, he will never ask the audience: “Did you hear this joke...” Instead, he uses the technique of professional speakers: “That reminds me of the following incident...” and tells an old joke that will ultimately be perceived very fresh.

The expression “What do you think about...” is always aimed at obtaining the listener’s agreement with the speaker’s point of view. If we take a counter step here: “What an interesting question. What do you think about this?”, then this will not only allow you to avoid a possible conflict (if the opposite “correct” point of view was expressed), but also attract the sympathy of your interlocutor.

Instead of saying: “Why don’t we...” and “What if we...”, suggest: “Let’s go to the beach (let’s go to the mountains, go to a cafe...)” Then your interlocutor there will be no time to come up with a reason for refusing the question “why not” (the human brain is designed in such a way that it begins to look for a direct answer to a direct question).

The words “I don’t want to seem...” are usually accompanied by a description of the speaker’s true feelings. For example: “I don’t want to seem rude” - this means that the interlocutor will turn out to be rude.

If during an argument (or a more civilized business discussion) one of the opponents says: “That’s it, the topic is closed”, “Let’s leave this useless conversation!”, “Forget about it!”, “I’ve already heard enough!”, then all these phrases themselves “they shout”: “I am no longer in control of the situation.” And the opponent will soon lose the argument (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1. The most common phrases in the metalanguage

Phrase in metalanguage


I don't think you should do this, but...

Do it!

Business is business

This is how I justify my (other people’s) unethical actions

I have a business approach

I will squeeze all the juice out of you

Let's not beat around the bush

Now I will give you an obviously unreasonable and difficult task.

You might be interested to know...

I'm smarter, wiser and better informed than you

Let's look at it from the other side

You are distorting the facts

Why don't we have lunch sometime?

Let's be mutually polite - agree; but it is unlikely that we will get together to dine in this century


I hope never

Here is a typical dialogue between a manager and a subordinate:

Subordinate: Boss, I don’t want you to think that I’m complaining (complaint), but (confirmation of contradiction), as you know (sn origin), I haven’t received a raise in two years. With all due respect to you (I have no respect for you at all), I would like to ask you to consider my question.

Manager: You might be interested to know (I am smarter) that I have already considered this issue (past tense) and in general (we will not go into details) your work suited me quite well (past tense), but (contradiction) you should (do as I tell you) wait (decision postponed). I'll tell you (no!) what I'll think about (your problem isn't worth thinking about) and tell you how to make you more productive (if you can't do it yourself).

As a result, the employee leaves, reassuring himself that he made an attempt, although he did not expect success, and the manager says to himself: “Business is business!”

The existence of a metalanguage of communication must be taken into account when constructing your own standard phrases and using clichés and replacing them with phrases that will facilitate effective communication. In this case, you need to develop the ability to correctly interpret the words of your interlocutor. For example, how do you interpret the following phrase: “I know you think you understand what I said. But I'm not sure you realize that what I said is not what I meant..."

Business conversation - the process of communication using verbal and non-verbal communications, aimed at solving issues of production activity. The rules for preparing and conducting a business conversation are the main actions taken in a certain sequence and relationship, aimed at achieving the goal of the conversation and creating a positive image of the participants.

Let us recall that verbal communication is understood as verbal meaningful communication, in the process of which mainly verbal meaningful material (words, phrases, texts), as well as individual elements of non-verbal meaningful material (drawings, photographs, etc.) are used. Nonverbal communication refers to the interaction of people in the process of communication through gesture and non-verbal information.

Conversation skills can be practiced in any suitable environment. As a training ground, you can use everyday conversation with relatives, friends, acquaintances, since with a certain assumption and adjustment that excludes production bias, the rules of conducting a business conversation are applicable in everyday situations. Naturally, any meeting with colleagues in a work environment can be used to train how to conduct a business conversation.

There are different points of view on the relationship between the concepts of “business conversation” and “negotiations”. In principle, it is permissible to put an equal sign between them. It seems appropriate to separate these two concepts, but with the natural caveat that there is a close relationship between them. It consists of using almost all recommendations related to business conversations when preparing and conducting negotiations with business partners. However, negotiations are a more complex and responsible process. They are associated, as a rule, with relationships with the external environment and end (again, as a rule) with the conclusion of fundamental agreements, confirmed by organizational and legal documents. Negotiations with business partners are associated with a more extensive set of rules for preparation, conduct, and analysis of results compared to a business conversation. Although once again it should be emphasized that this division is conditional.

Most often, participants in business conversations make the following mistakes:

Neglecting the stage of preparation for a conversation, at which possible elements of a model for a future conversation are laid down;

Inattention to individual, insignificant from the subjective point of view of some participants, rules for conducting or preparing a conversation. For example, the lack of due attention to the choice of place for a conversation can lead to the fact that an inappropriate situation and even the relative position of the participants will negate the success of a business conversation.

Naturally, the skills of conducting a business conversation do not come as a result of mechanical memorization of rules. Mastering the art of its implementation occurs through repeated training both in the process of professional activity and in everyday life. The process of a business conversation can be represented schematically in the form of basic actions that must be taken in a certain sequence and relationship (see Fig. 9.1)

The sequence shown in Fig. 9.1 actions covers two interrelated processes - preparation for the conversation and its conduct. The process of preparing for a conversation is characterized by the fact that it provides for the possibility of modeling the course of the conversation. A distinctive feature of the construction of its model is that when working out the formulation of concepts and judgments, determining the sequence and content of the argumentation and forming the composition of the participants in the conversation, an analysis of the possible response of the interlocutor can be carried out. Failure to carry out such an analysis can, in some cases, put one of the conversation participants at a dead end if the other’s reaction differs from what was intended or intuitively desired.

Moreover, one should predict the maximum possible number of counter reactions of the interlocutor to certain statements.

The success of a business conversation largely depends on how accurately you can predict the position and interests of the other party.

In this case, position is understood as a stable system of a person’s relationships to certain aspects of reality, manifested in corresponding behavior. In addition, in organizational intergroup and intragroup relationships, position is understood as a generalized characteristic of an individual’s position in the status-role intragroup structure. It follows that both meanings of the concept “position” are interdependent.

Such a concept as “interests” is a form of manifestation of needs, driving motives that force a person to make a decision or carry out some action.

When determining the purpose of the conversation, its general tactics are formed, the degree of rigidity of one’s own position, the likelihood of compromise decisions, the admissibility of in-depth assessments, etc. are established. The listed parameters of the conversation will depend on whether the goal of the conversation is: 1) establishing the truth, making a decision based on logic inferences; 2) inclination of the other side to one’s own point of view; 3) achieving a result at any cost, even by manipulating the concepts and opinions of the parties; 4) informing the interlocutor about current events; 5) adoption of a compromise solution that suits any of the interested parties.

Rice. 9.1. Schematic representation of the process of preparing and conducting a business conversation

Information preparation ensures a clear, uninterrupted flow of the conversation, allows participants not to miss its common core, and also creates additional elements in substantiating judgments and in the content of argumentation regarding their own position. It also involves an advance search and systematization of the necessary documents, source data relevant to the subject of the conversation, and selection of the necessary computer files of information. Moreover, information preparation should include a fairly wide range of documentation, the likelihood of which will be used during the conversation is high.

It is necessary to work out in advance the formulations of those concepts and basic judgments that affect the subject of conversation. Making fundamental judgments during a conversation should not cause you any difficulty or uncertainty, which could make your interlocutor doubt your competence and preparedness.

In general, the sequence of argumentation may include, as a fairly rational option, a progressive movement from judgments with little persuasive power to conclusions that are indisputable confirmation of your point of view. In other words, the movement should go from less significant to more significant arguments.

The formation of the composition of the participants in the conversation is essential for its course, both in positive and negative terms. Involving additional people in the conversation may cause mixed reactions from the other party. The ethics of a business conversation presupposes the participation in it of those persons whose composition was agreed upon in advance. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the participation of persons not foreseen in advance may introduce undesirable elements into the conversation and deviation from the intended course.

The time and place of the conversation should be convenient for both parties. The conditions of time and place should be selected in such a way that they do not distract the participants by any external factors that interfere with the normal flow of the conversation.

The entire process of preparing for a conversation allows you to build a model of the course of the conversation. As shown in Fig. 9.1, the conversation consists of three stages - the initial, main stage and the stage of exiting the conversation. The peculiarities of the human psyche are such that serious, business issues are resolved more easily after creating an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, to which appropriate efforts should be made by at least one of the participants at the beginning of the conversation. Such an atmosphere is created through phrases that are not related to the subject of the business meeting, the exchange of which tunes a person to the “wave” of the interlocutor, allowing him to relax somewhat in anticipation of the discussion of serious problems. Naturally, the initial stage of the conversation should not be too long.

The exit stage from the conversation, just like the initial stage, should not be very long. It should help maintain the business spirit of the participants and indicate in a correct form that all possible results of the conversation have been achieved and the time limit has been exhausted.

A business conversation is a conversation the purpose of which is to resolve important issues, consider proposals for cooperation, sign purchase and sale transactions, and so on.

A business conversation is a meaningful desire of one person or group of people, through a word, to evoke a desire in another person or group of people to take action that will change at least one of the sides of a situation or establish new relationships between the participants in the conversation.

In the modern understanding, business conversations mean “oral contact between partners (interlocutors) who have the necessary authority from their organizations to conduct them and resolve specific problems.”

A business conversation is a conversation between two interlocutors; accordingly, its participants can and should take into account the specific characteristics of each other’s personality, motives, speech characteristics, that is, communication is interpersonal in nature and involves various ways of verbal and non-verbal influence of partners on each other.

When conducting business conversations, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

1. Clearly define the purpose of your message.

2. Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups of workers; find specific illustrations of general concepts, develop a general idea using vivid examples. Use visual material (drawings, tables, diagrams).

3. Make messages as short and concise as possible, refuse to change information, draw the attention of employees to problems that concern them specifically;

4. For different speeches, use different intonation colors for speeches (major, carefree or humorous).

5. Clearly maintain the structure of speech:

The introduction should:

a) Prepare the audience to perceive the material;

b) Establish contact, relationship, trust;

c) Capture the attention of the audience, interest them, make them listen.

In the introduction, you must state the topic of the speech and state the main idea and show the relevance of the issues being discussed.

The main part should… .

The conclusion may consist of the actual conclusion and the absolute end of the speech.

Objectives of the conclusion itself:

a) Reminder of the main thesis;

b) Generalization (you need to formulate a generalizing conclusion in words);

c) An appeal in order to mobilize listeners to react….

6. When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of mutual understanding and readiness for joint action.

7. Strive to create a favorable moral and psychological climate using attraction techniques.

Active listening techniques:

1. The “echo” technique is a verbatim repetition of words or expressions expressed by the interlocutor.

Repetition begins with introductory phrases:

ü As far as I understand you… .

ü Do you think that… .

ü Do you want to say that… .

ü In your opinion… .

2. Summarizing - summing up all intermediate agreements or combining the speaker’s thoughts into a single semantic field:

ü Thus, we found out that the important criteria for you when choosing are... .

ü Summarizing what you said, we can come to the conclusion that you would like... .

ü So, you are interested in… .

ü The most important thing for you in choosing this product…

ü So, we have decided - one..., two..., three... . And now we just have to decide the last question: when will you purchase this thing and enjoy its quality. After all, I see you liked her.

3. Logical consequence – derivation of a logical consequence from the counterparty’s statements, further development of the meaning expressed by the counterparty:

ü Based on what you said, product warranties are important to you... .

ü If I understand you correctly, it is important for you that we deliver the goods to your warehouse... .

4. Clarification – explanation of a situation:

ü This is very interesting, could you clarify... .

ü If I understand you correctly, you think that... .

ü Could you clarify what it means to you... (fast, expensive, high quality...).

ü If it’s not a secret, on what basis did you come to this conclusion?

ü Please be honest with me, what is it that you are not completely satisfied with? (Do you doubt something? Is something bothering you?).

5. Listening (empathy) is joining the interlocutor on his emotional (empathy) level to create a trusting relationship with him through the most accurate reflection of his feelings, emotions and experiences.

On the verbal level:

ü In your words, I felt doubt (anxiety, mistrust, concern...).

ü It seemed to me (it seems to me) that you were excited about something.

ü I see that something is bothering you (Is something preventing you from making a decision? Maybe you need additional information?).

At the non-verbal level, you need to join your interlocutor using:

ü Facial expressions reflecting the speaker’s feelings (indignation, anxiety, surprise, fear...);

ü Mirroring gestures, slang, intonation;

ü Correct eye contact;

ü Feed the body forward;

ü Attentive facial expression.

Attraction techniques:

1. “Proper name” - say the name of the interlocutor as often as possible. To a greater extent, this applies to employees in the workplace. A person is always pleased to hear how his name sounds, especially in combination with a patronymic and from the lips of a leader.

2. “Mirror of Attitude” - most people know that more often in the process of communication those who treat them with sympathy smile kindly. Smile to others.

3. “Patient listener” – every person needs to talk out from time to time. Do not interrupt him, listen silently, nodding periodically and showing that you understand him.

4. “Personal life” - take an interest in the life of your interlocutor, ask him about his hobbies or interests. At every future meeting, ask about his success in this or that matter.

5. “Golden words” - say pleasant words to your interlocutor more often, give compliments, emphasize his importance and the correctness of his choice or decision.

An abstract interlocutor is a type of people, an imaginary psychological model that reflects certain characteristic properties that are important for preparing and conducting a business conversation.

To classify the types of business, but abstract interlocutors, the following criteria are used:

1. competence, i.e. possession of knowledge that allows one to judge the subject of the conversation, the ability to express a weighty, authoritative opinion on the issue discussed during a business conversation;

2. frankness;

3. sincerity;

4. mastery of communication techniques with other participants in the conversation;

5. interest in the topic and success of the conversation.

Classification of abstract types of interlocutors.

Correctly listening to your interlocutor is possible if the following conditions are met:

1. Stop talking.

2. Help the speaker to relax.

3. Show the speaker that you are ready to listen.

4. While listening, nod your head more often and look into your eyes.

5. Ask questions and check periodically.

6. When listening, try to understand, rather than looking for inaccuracies.

7. Eliminate irritations.

8. Empathize with the speaker.

9. Be patient.

10. Be attentive and do not lose the topic of conversation.

11. Control your temper and emotions.

12. Always listen to your interlocutor to the end.

13. Avoid arguments and criticism.

A business conversation as a direct interaction between its two participants should be built on the basis of the following important principles:

1) Conscious adjustment to the level of the interlocutor, taking into account the content of the tasks he performs, his powers and sphere of responsibility, life and work experience, interests, characteristics of his thinking and speech.

2) Rational organization of the conversation process, which, first of all, means a brief presentation by the interlocutors of the content of information on the topic under discussion, because lengthy presentation and redundant information complicate the assimilation of the most essential.

3) Simplicity, imagery, clarity of language as a condition for the clarity of information to the interlocutor.

Types of business conversations:

By the nature of the event: Free (Take place without special preparation, for example, a meeting of work colleagues) and Regulated (Carefully thought out, with mandatory consideration of time frames);

By purpose: Negotiations (The main means of coordinated decision-making in the process of communication between interested parties. Business negotiations always have a specific goal and are aimed at concluding agreements, transactions, contracts), When hiring (Has the nature of an “admission interview”, the main purpose of which assess the business qualities of a person applying for a job. In essence, it comes down to several basic questions and the corresponding answers to them), Upon dismissal (It has two varieties: the situation of an unplanned, voluntary departure of an employee and the situation when the employee has to be fired or reduced), Problematic and Disciplinary. (Problematic and Disciplinary conversations are brought to life by the occurrence of disruptions in the employee’s activities, the need for a critical assessment of his work and facts of violation of discipline).

The goals that require a business conversation include, firstly, the desire of one interlocutor, through words, to exert a certain influence on another, to arouse a desire in another person or group of people to actively act in order to change the existing business situation or business relationship, by others in words, create a new business situation or new business relationship between the participants in the conversation; secondly, the need for the manager to develop appropriate decisions based on an analysis of the opinions and statements of employees.

In the process of preparing a problem conversation, the manager must answer questions in advance about the goal, result and methods of solving the problem, trying to ensure that during the conversation the subordinate accepts his position.

In the event of a disciplinary conversation, it is necessary:

1. Obtain the necessary information about the employee and his work;

2. Observe the following order in reporting information:

a) A message containing positive information about the employee’s activities;

b) Message of a critical nature;

c) A message of a commendable and instructive nature.

3. Be specific and avoid ambiguity.

4. Criticize the task, not the person.

Stages of a business conversation:

1) Preparatory stage.

1. Definition of objectives and plan.

2. Setting the time.

3. Selecting a location.

4. Preparation of materials and documents.

2) Introductory stage (beginning of the conversation). The tasks that are solved at this stage are related to establishing contact with the interlocutor, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and stimulating interest in the conversation.

1. Relieve tension (Use warm words, personal appeal, compliments, jokes to establish closer contact with the interlocutor).

2. Direct approach method (Directly getting to the point without any discussion - a brief statement of the reasons why the conversation is scheduled and a quick transition to the specific issue).

3. The “hook” method (Using an event, comparison, personal impression, anecdote or unusual question that allows you to figuratively present the essence of the problem to which the conversation should be discussed).

4. Method of stimulating the play of imagination (Putting at the beginning of the conversation many questions on a number of problems that should be considered during the conversation).

3) Main stage. This stage is aimed at collecting and assessing information on the problem under discussion, identifying the motives and goals of the interlocutor and transmitting the planned information.

4) Stage of ending the conversation.

At this stage the following tasks are solved:

1. Achieving the main or (in unfavorable case) backup (alternative) goal.

2. Providing a favorable atmosphere.

3. Stimulating the interlocutor to carry out the intended actions.

4. Maintaining further (if necessary) contacts with the interlocutor and his colleagues.

5. Drawing up a summary with a clearly expressed main conclusion, understandable to everyone present.

Speed ​​up the end of a conversation:

a) Direct (An example of this technique: “Are we going to make a decision right away?” most often the interlocutor has not yet had time to make a decision, and therefore he answers: “No, not yet. I still have to think about everything.”

Using the “direct acceleration” technique, you can make a decision in the shortest possible time. But this technique often does not achieve its goal, since in 50% of such cases the interlocutor says “no.”

b) Indirect (This technique allows you to lead your interlocutor to the desired goal gradually. Its advantage is that you start working on achieving your goal quite early, reducing the risk of failure.

There are four variations of this technique.

Hypothetical approach. Almost all people experience some fear when they find themselves in a situation where they need to make a decision. In this regard, it is advisable to talk only about a conditional solution, so that the interlocutor relaxes and gets used to it gradually. The following formulations are suitable for this: “If...”, “In case...”, “Suppose that...”.

Step by step solutions. The final conclusion of the interlocutor can be prevented by assuming that the main decision of the conversation has already been made. Then only preliminary or partial decisions are made. Thus, you record individual moments of decisions even before the interlocutor has given his consent. As a result, a strong influence (through suggestion) is achieved on the interlocutor in the desired direction.

Alternative solutions. The essence of this approach is that you offer your interlocutor alternative solutions to the issue. It is important that both options suit you.

When conducting business conversations, it is advisable to follow the rules of effective verbal communication. At the same time, a business conversation, as a direct interaction between its two participants, must be built on the basis of the following important principles:

Conscious adjustment to the level of the interlocutor, taking into account the content of the tasks he performs, his powers and sphere of responsibility, life and work experience, interests, characteristics of his thinking and speech;

Rational organization of the conversation process, which first of all means a brief presentation by the interlocutors of the content of information on the topic under discussion, because lengthy presentation and redundant information complicate the assimilation of the most essential;

Simplicity, imagery, clarity of language as a condition for the clarity of information, therefore, orientation towards the interlocutor;

Tactfulness, a real desire to understand the point of view of the interlocutor, interest in the prospects of your relationship.

Forms of polite refusal:

“I need to think things through thoroughly again.”

Regardless of the outcome of the conversation, its ending should be positive.

About the place and time of the conversation (3 – 5 days). The location of the conversation is usually official or neutral territory.

Usually the conversation takes place in a time period that averages 40 - 50 minutes.

The punctuality of the parties is important.

The conversation ends with the one who started it. You cannot demonstrate categorical judgments. The progress of a business conversation should not be recorded, but if a business conversation is nevertheless recorded, then this occurs with the consent of both parties.

Business conversation - This is oral contact between people connected by a business relationship. In a modern, narrower interpretation, a business conversation is understood as verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relationships, resolve business problems or develop a constructive approach to solving them. The true significance of this kind of business communication in our society is only beginning to be fully realized now, in connection with the transition of the domestic economy to market relations. Every year more and more enterprising and capable business people appear in the country. At the same time, they clearly do not have enough entrepreneurial experience and, above all, the ability to conduct a successful business conversation, which significantly reduces their business activity. Therefore, it makes sense to consider a business conversation in more detail in order to outline ways to conduct it more rationally. Business conversations have many advantages that meetings, exchange of written information, and telephone conversations lack. Firstly, they are carried out in close contact, allowing you to focus on one interlocutor or a very limited group of people. Secondly, they involve direct communication. Thirdly, they create conditions for establishing personal relationships, which can subsequently become the basis of informal contacts, i.e. allow interlocutors to get to know each other better, which facilitates their communication in the future. A business conversation is the most favorable and often the only opportunity to convince your interlocutor of the validity of your position so that he agrees with it and supports it. Thus, one of the main tasks of a conversation is to convince the interlocutor to accept a specific proposal. Business conversation performs a number of very important functions. These include:

1. mutual communication of workers from the same business environment;

2. joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;

3. control and coordination of already started business activities;

4. maintaining business contacts;

5. stimulation of business activity.

But not only the purely pragmatic effect of a business conversation is important. During the conversation, you can receive up-to-date business information. It helps expand intellectual capabilities and activate the collective mind of its participants when making important management decisions. The main stages of a business conversation are: preparatory activities, the beginning of the conversation, informing those present, arguing the proposed provisions and ending the conversation. There are no single, infallible rules for preparing for a business conversation. However, it will be useful to point out the following version of the scheme for such preparation: planning; collection of material and its processing; analysis of the collected material and its editing. The place of the conversation is chosen taking into account its influence on the expected result.

For people who do not work in the company, the most convenient place will be the host’s office or a special guest room equipped with everything necessary. In any case, the environment should be calm, secluded, excluding the unexpected appearance of strangers, noise, calls, etc., because this is unnerving, but not “intimate”. In many ways, it is determined even by the color of the walls, lighting, furniture and the nature of its arrangement. You can also meet with employees at their workplace. It is acceptable to conduct business conversations outside of work, for example, in a restaurant, cafe or even at home. The main thing is that your interlocutor feels free and relaxed and can completely switch to a business conversation. Then you should choose the most opportune moment and only then arrange a meeting. In this case, the initiative will be in your hands, and therefore it will be easier to control the situation. When the conversation has already been scheduled, a plan for its conduct is drawn up. First, you should define your goals, and then develop a strategy for achieving them and tactics for conducting a conversation. Such a plan is a clear program of action for preparing and conducting a specific conversation. However, not everyone understands this, reasoning something like this: “Well, how can you plan a business conversation if one new fact that suddenly surfaces during the meeting can change everything in the most dramatic way and destroy all preliminary planning?” But the purpose of planning is precisely an attempt to soften and neutralize the influence of unexpectedly emerging new facts or unforeseen circumstances on the course of the conversation.

Preparing and planning a conversation allows you to anticipate possible unexpected moments in advance, which reduces the effectiveness of the interlocutor’s comments. In addition, the skill of quick and flexible reaction when unforeseen circumstances arise is acquired. Planning a business conversation allows you to determine its specific tasks at the beginning of preparation for it, find and eliminate “bottlenecks” in the conversation, and agree on the time of its holding. Collecting material for a business conversation is a very labor-intensive process that requires a significant investment of time. But this is one of the most important stages of preparing for a conversation. It involves searching for possible sources of information (from personal contacts, reports, scientific studies, publications, official data, etc.). In this case, it is advisable to immediately supplement the collected materials with your own notes, since such notes can significantly help in the final stages of preparing for the conversation. The volume of collected materials largely depends on the general awareness of the participants in the future conversation, the level of their professional knowledge, and the breadth of their approach to the problem intended for discussion. The collected and carefully selected evidence is then systematized. This is somewhat reminiscent of the process of ore enrichment, when its concentration is increased by screening out waste rock. Systematization allows you to highlight the most important facts to be considered. It makes them easier to find and helps identify previously unnoticed dependencies. Systematization should be carried out throughout the entire material processing process.

Analysis of the collected material helps to determine the relationship of facts, draw conclusions, select the necessary argumentation, i.e. make the first attempt to combine and link all the collected material into a single logical whole. The processed and systematized material is sort of laid out into the “cells” of the plan, and the “cells” are linked together into larger parts. It is advisable to supplement the material with text consisting of individual concepts and words, connecting which you will get the meaning of what is presented. It is also advisable to write down particularly successful formulations without abbreviations. And then you should highlight the most important points by underlining or using special icons (letters, circles, arrows, etc.). It is very useful before the conversation to try to draw up a portrait of your partner, determine his strengths and weaknesses, i.e. establish his psychological type, political beliefs, social positions, social status, religious beliefs, hobbies, etc. All this will help determine who - a supporter or an opponent - you will have to deal with, and develop the most acceptable tactics that should be followed during the conversation. Just before the meeting itself, it is advisable to find out what mood the partner is in, what “hurts” him, how to help solve his personal problems in this situation, which, of course, gives any conversation a more favorable direction. Knowing your future partner helps not only to get an idea of ​​his personal qualities, but, most importantly, to understand his vision of the subject in question and the interests associated with it.

Preparation for the conversation is completed by editing the text, its final polishing and revision.

Starting a conversation is a very important stage and therefore should not be neglected. The objectives of this stage of the conversation are as follows:

· establishing contact with the interlocutor;

· creating a working atmosphere;

· attracting attention to the upcoming business conversation.

Any business conversation begins with an introductory part, which takes up to 10–15% of the time. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between interlocutors and relieve tension. If a meeting takes place between people of different ranks, the senior should take the initiative. If there is a representative of the host party between the guests and the hosts. In the latter case, it is advisable to offer the arrivals a little refreshment, for example, to drink soft drinks. The initial stage of the conversation is primarily of psychological significance. The first phrases often have a decisive impact on the interlocutor, i.e. on his decision whether to listen to you further or not. Interlocutors are usually more attentive at the beginning of a conversation. The interlocutor’s attitude towards you and towards the conversation itself (i.e. creating a working atmosphere) will depend on the first phrases. The first phrases form an impression of a person, and as you know, the effect of the “first impression” is always remembered for a very long time. It's not bad if you smile when you say your first words.

A smile in business relationships creates an atmosphere of goodwill and contributes to the success of any negotiations. But this should not be an official smile, but a sincere one, indicating that you experience genuine joy from communicating with your interlocutor. Then it will be much easier for you to establish contact with your business partner and resolve all misunderstandings that arise during a business conversation. At the beginning of the conversation, you should avoid apologizing or showing signs of uncertainty. It is necessary to exclude any manifestations of disrespect or disregard for the interlocutor. Your first questions should not force your interlocutor to look for counterarguments and take a defensive position, although this is a completely logical and completely normal reaction. However, from a psychological point of view, this is a clear mistake. It is very useful at the beginning of a conversation to accurately and with the correct emphasis say the full name of the interlocutor, be sure to remember it and in the future address the interlocutor by name as often as possible. It always makes a good impression. By remembering your partner's name and using it casually, you are giving the person a subtle and very effective compliment. If the interlocutor is lower in rank or younger in age, you should not abuse the address only by name, and even in the American style in an abbreviated version. In our country, from time immemorial, it has been customary to call people by their first and patronymic names. This is our tradition, and it should not be violated. The correct start of a conversation involves indicating the purpose of the conversation, the name of the topic, and announcing the sequence of issues to be considered.