Power outages are no longer a problem or how to choose a UPS for your computer. Tips for choosing an uninterruptible power supply for home appliances What are uninterruptible power supplies called?

Modern power supply networks, like any technically complex systems, sometimes fail. A power outage is unpleasant, but in some cases it can be compared to a real disaster. This is especially true for stationary computers, the instantaneous loss of power of which leads to the loss of unsaved data, incorrect shutdown and other negative consequences. For laptops, tablets and smartphones, such a problem does not exist, since they are all equipped with built-in batteries, but for stationary computers there is a solution to this problem - this is the purchase of a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or simply an uninterruptible power supply.

This intermediate source for a stationary PC allows you to save the developed document, an array of data and correctly close the program and turn off the equipment in case of failures in the power supply system. An uninterruptible power supply for a desktop computer is not designed for a long period of powering the PC - a maximum of 20 minutes, and this time is quite enough to shut down the work and turn off the equipment. Of course, there are UPSs for long-term operation, but they are heavy and quite expensive. In this article we will consider the following issues: types of UPS, technical characteristics of devices, as well as how to choose a UPS for a stationary PC and rating of the most popular models.

Attention! Purchasing an uninterruptible power supply for a computer system means saving on repair and maintenance work associated with the failure of expensive equipment due to failures in the power supply network!

Types of uninterruptible power supplies

Currently, there is a huge variety of such devices on the UPS market. They all have different technical characteristics, costs and design features. But all this equipment for computer backup power is divided into the following three main types.

Attention! Choosing the wrong type of uninterruptible power supply is guaranteed to ensure that you frequently replace batteries, especially if the electrical network is unstable. With constant power surges, an inexpensive device often switches to autonomous operation, which shortens the life of the battery. In this case, it is necessary to purchase line-interactive UPS models!

High-class uninterruptible power supplies have special electronic modules in their design that provide direct connection between input and output. They are called bypasses and are necessary to save energy in trouble-free operation.

How to choose a UPS for your computer

The answer to this truly pressing question depends on many factors that should be taken into account when selecting a UPS. The choice of an uninterruptible power supply for a stationary PC depends on the technical characteristics of the equipment that needs to be protected from failures in the power supply system. In terms of importance, the following parameters and design features of the UPS should be highlighted that influence the choice: power, battery life, number of connection connectors, availability of software, indication and controls, as well as the ability to replace batteries. Below we will look at all these characteristics that need to be considered when purchasing a UPS for a computer.

Selecting a UPS based on equipment power

The power of the power supply for uninterrupted power supply to a desktop PC with peripheral devices is the main technical characteristic that should be taken into account when purchasing. If the power of the PC exceeds the value of this parameter of the connected UPS, then an overload will occur with subsequent shutdown of the entire complex of equipment and the uninterruptible power supply will not fulfill its purpose. To eliminate the possibility of overload, the rated power of the uninterruptible power supply must be 30% greater than that of the connected computer along with its peripherals. For example, if the power of the equipment is 500 VA, then you should choose a UPS with a capacity of at least 650 VA.

Uninterruptible power supplies with a rated power of 300 to 500 VA are ideal for providing emergency power to standard computer systems with LCD monitors without peripheral devices. A UPS with a power of 800–1500 VA can power a gaming computer with peripherals. If, for some reason, you are unable to determine the power of your computer equipment, then you should contact a specialist. In addition, on many websites of UPS manufacturers, there are special programs for calculating this technical characteristic. It is enough to enter the computer model and the general system configuration to get an accurate result of the required source power.

Selecting a UPS based on battery life

The next main characteristic of a UPS for home computers is the battery life in the event of a power outage. This parameter directly depends on the capacity of the internal batteries, as well as on the power of the UPS and the protected computer system. On average, it takes from 10 to 15 minutes, which is quite enough to complete the work correctly while saving all data. But if an increased reserve time for autonomous operation is needed, then it is necessary to select a source with the appropriate characteristics of the battery capacity. The battery life can be increased by connecting external additional batteries, if provided for by the UPS design.

Manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies indicate the duration of autonomous operation, which is possible when connecting equipment with maximum power. However, it should be said that in reality this figure will be slightly higher than stated under different loads, since battery life is a non-linear function in relation to the UPS power and battery capacity. Most manufacturers publish on their websites graphs of battery life depending on the load size, which can be used when choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

Important! Many consumers think that the more powerful the UPS, the longer it will work in autonomous mode. This is a completely erroneous opinion! It all depends on the load size and battery capacity.

Selecting a UPS based on other characteristics

Above, we reviewed the main technical characteristics that should be primarily taken into account when choosing uninterruptible power supplies for desktop computers. But there are additional parameters and design features of the UPS that require attention from the consumer. Below we list some of them.

Important! You should be aware that over time, the capacity of internal batteries is constantly decreasing. This reduces battery life. It is necessary to change batteries on time so that the UPS does not fail at one point!

When purchasing a UPS, you should pay attention to other technical characteristics and features of the devices, but we have looked at the main ones that will allow you to make the right choice. You also need to have an idea of ​​the most popular manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies among consumers of these products. Below we provide a rating of such companies.

Rating of the manufacturer of uninterruptible power supplies

We have already looked at what technical characteristics and design features should be taken into account when choosing a UPS. In addition, when purchasing an uninterruptible power supply, any consumer should focus not only on the parameters of the device, but also on its manufacturer. Do not buy a “pig in a poke” from an unknown brand! High-quality and reliable uninterruptible power supplies for stationary computer systems are manufactured in the USA, England, Taiwan and, of course, in Russia. The following companies are considered one of the best UPS manufacturers.

All of these uninterruptible power supply manufacturers produce highly competitive products that are in high demand. If we talk about specific UPS models that these companies produce, it is difficult to determine which models are better and which are worse. In any case, focusing on these brands, the consumer will definitely choose the optimal uninterruptible power supply model, both in price and in terms of general technical characteristics.


The correct choice of an uninterruptible power supply for your PC depends on many factors: technical characteristics, availability of necessary options, and so on. The appearance, size and weight of the device play an important role. Therefore, before purchasing a UPS, you should consider several models. Read real reviews on them on the Internet, find and watch video reviews of products. Only after a comprehensive study of the issue can you purchase the uninterruptible power supply model you like!

Video on the topic

An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed for the correct completion of programs and for the user to save important data in the event of a power outage. The UPS is not designed to power a computer for a long time. The operating time is on average 15 minutes, which is enough to close and save everything. Longer operation requires powerful batteries, which makes the device very bulky and expensive.

Depending on the principle of operation, UPSs are divided into three types:

Backup UPS;
- line-interactive UPS;
- Double conversion UPS.

When purchasing such a device, you should remember that the power of the UPS is indicated in volt-amperes - VA, and the power of the connected devices in watts - W. To convert one value to another, you need to multiply the amount of VA by a factor of 0.7 and you get watts. For example, the power of a UPS of 1000 VA multiplied by 0.7 - you get 700 W. Therefore, taking into account the required power reserve, a load of up to 500 W can be connected to such a UPS.

When choosing a UPS, you should also pay attention to the battery life at full load, the presence of short circuit protection in the network and the connected device, the ability to replace batteries, the presence of a display and what information is displayed on it.

Backup UPS

In the event of a power outage or severe voltage drop, the backup UPS switches to batteries. The switching time is less than 10 milliseconds, which is quite enough for the smooth operation of the computer. Due to the possibility of switching the UPS to battery power during power surges, it is advisable to turn on a network stabilizer before it, this will significantly extend the life of the batteries.

Backup power supplies are the most common type of UPS because... relatively cheap, have high efficiency and low noise levels. The battery life ranges from 5 to 10-15 minutes and depends on the power of the connected device. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a device with a 20–30% power reserve.

Line-interactive UPS

Uninterruptible power supplies of this type include a voltage stabilizer, so they have an advantage over the previous ones, but they also cost significantly more.

Such devices switch to battery power only when there is a complete power outage, so the batteries last much longer. They are also more economical, have longer battery life - up to 20 minutes, and higher protection for connected devices. Disadvantages: high price and noise from the stabilizer cooling fan.

Double conversion UPS

These are the most complex and expensive devices. The operating principle is to convert alternating current to direct current and then back to alternating current. The output is an ideal sine wave and a voltage of exactly 220 volts. The batteries are permanently connected, so these UPSs have zero switching time.

Designed to power expensive equipment, server stations and computer networks that do not allow even short-term interruption of operation. Disadvantages - very high cost, low efficiency, high heat generation, increased noise.

UPS for computer allows for uninterrupted power supply, insure in case of an emergency shutdown, and also provide protection against overloads and short circuits.

It is now generally accepted that the minimum normal UPS power for a modern computer is 50 W. At the same time, it is better to connect a powerful gaming system to a UPS with a power of 2 kW. In addition, users can use a more powerful, efficient UPS to connect additional equipment. This will significantly expand the operational capabilities.

If you decide to use a UPS to connect additional equipment, you must take into account its power.

Here examples of capacities various equipment:

Much depends on the configuration and class of the computer.

For example, a budget PC for a family, together with a printer, system unit and monitor, consumes approximately 470 W. In this case, a 650 W UPS will be required, since a reserve is also needed.

If you have a powerful gaming station, a more expensive computer system, it can consume a total of 1200 watts. Then the UPS must be selected with a power of 1800 W. Much depends, for example, on the power of the monitor. Small, cheap monitors can consume 35-40 watts, while a large monitor can consume 60 watts. All this must be taken into account.

Model overview

It's time to review the most popular, reliable UPS models for your computer. Let's look at them main technical characteristics, and also pay attention to user reviews.

UPS nameInteractive UPS Ippon Back Basic 1050 IECInteractive UPS Powercom RAPTOR RPT-1000AInteractive UPS 3Cott 3C-850-SPBInteractive UPS Powercom RAPTOR RPT-2000AP
Power1050 VA/600 W1000 VA/600 W850 VA/480 W2000 VA/1200 W
Price3 799 4 150 4 450 8 990
Type of output connectorsIEC 320 C13 (computer)IEC 320 C13 (computer)IEC 320 C13 (computer)IEC 320 C13 (computer)
Warranty and serviceAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable
Opening hoursBattery life is 20-25 minutes.20 minutes at 50% load.12 minutes18 minutes
Phase1 phase1 phase1 phase1 phase
ReviewsConsumers rate the model highly. The UPS has LED indicators, cold start capability, and is equipped with an audible alarm. Effective overload protection is provided, as well as short circuit protection, and there is an automatic fuse. Interference is filtered. A good combination of affordable prices and a wide range of options. Users also like the compactness of the model and high build quality: all plugs and connectors connect well, nothing wobbles. Long lasting, reliable UPS.The indicators are LED, there is an automatic fuse, as well as protection against short circuits and high-voltage pulses, and against network overloads. The battery can be replaced; charging takes only 4 hours. Users like the cold start as well as the audible alarm option. The UPS makes virtually no noise and operates stably. Excellent value for money, decent range of options. The controls are simple. In the event of an unexpected power outage, it can temporarily become a source of backup power. Simple, convenient to use, intuitive controls.Consumers really like the range of options. A wide range of protection is provided: against short circuits, against high-voltage pulses and overloads. Also, when the UPS operates, the local network and telephone network are reliably protected. Automatic fuse. The device operates quietly, without failures. Compact model. It is possible to replace the battery, a sound alarm and a cold start option are also convenient.Good set of options. There are different types of protection: from short circuits, from high-voltage impulses, and also from overloads. Effective protection of local network and telephone line. Convenient battery replacement, sound alarm and LED indication. Users like uninterrupted operation and reliability. Power is supplied at a given level. Even modern gaming systems only load the power supply at half capacity. The look is pleasant, stylish, the model is compact. All desired functions can be conveniently configured via a computer using a special program. The output voltage is quite stable.

Read also: All manufacturers of UPS for computers

There are also excellent UPS models for computers that have earned trust and popularity, have many positive reviews, and have an optimal set of options.
UPS nameInteractive UPS Ippon Back Basic 850 IECInteractive UPS 3Cott 3C-3000-MCSEBackup UPS Ippon Back Basic 650 IEC
Power850 VA/480 W3000 VA/1800 W650 VA/360 W
Price3 150 9 800 2 450
Type of output connectorsIEC 320 C13 (computer)CEE 7/IEC 320 C13IEC 320 C13 (computer)
Warranty and serviceAvailableAvailableAvailable
Opening hours40 minutes at 50% load.70 minutes of battery life at half load.25 minutes at moderate load.
Phase1 phase1 phase1 phase
ReviewsInterference filtering is provided. There is an effective automatic fuse. Protection operates against high-voltage pulses, overloads, and short circuits. It is possible to conveniently replace batteries. There is a light indication, as well as a cold start and an audible alarm. Consumers note that the power is decent, can withstand given loads well, and produces a stable current. Aesthetic model, compact, with a stylish design. It's nice that there are three outlets, but not everyone likes the placement of the USB port on the front wall. There are many functions, the equipment is durable, reliable, and well protected from breakdowns.Functional, reliable model with an excellent range of options. Users like that the UPS can operate autonomously for a long time. All the necessary information is visible on the screen, there is also a cold start option and sound notifications. Protection against overload and short circuit, against high-voltage pulses is installed. There is good noise filtering. Fuse type.All information is displayed using light indicators. There is a multi-stage protection system against overloads and short circuits, as well as against high-voltage impulses. The telephone line is also protected. Interference is filtered. The UPS has earned fairly high user ratings. It is reliable, durable, produces stable current, and holds the specified power. At the same time, the price is quite affordable. Lots of useful options. However, many note that there is a fairly strong smell of plastic.
TypeSpareInteractiveInteractive Price8 390 2 960 3 300 Type of output connectorsIEC 320 C13 (computer)CEE 7 (Euro socket)CEE 7 (Euro socket) InterfacesEthernet 10/100USBUSB Warranty and serviceAvailableAvailableAvailable Opening hours18 minutes of battery life at moderate loads of 50%.13 minutes at 50% load.25 minutes with moderate consumption. Phase1 phase1 phase1 phase

An uninterruptible power supply, UPS or uninterruptible power supply is equipment that allows you to protect home appliances: LCD panel, LCD TV, washing machine, refrigerator and even gas boiler from power surges, as well as save your work on the computer, and, therefore, save time and nerves . But it is not enough just to buy a protective device; you need to select a model that will correspond to the technological operating conditions. In this article we will tell readers how to choose a UPS for their home based on power, operating time and other parameters.

Type of execution

It is necessary to determine what electrical problems most often occur. If these are frequent outages, then it is enough to select and install a backup UPS. It is quite enough for saving documents, playing games, working with programs and shutting down the computer correctly.

The disadvantage of this variety is the lack of a stabilizing device. As a result, when switching to backup power, there is a short power interruption. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality models, since they are equipped with capacitors of sufficient capacity, and the harm from a short-term power outage is minimized. At the same time, the average price of a backup uninterruptible power supply in 2017 is about 4,500 rubles.

If, in addition to power outages, frequent ones are noticed, it is better to choose a linear-interactive uninterruptible power supply. The reason is that backup models are unstable to voltage surges, which is why the storage device suffers and will have to be changed frequently. This is due to additional financial costs.

The disadvantage of a line-interactive UPS is the creation of network interference, which is launched into the public electrical network. Another disadvantage of this type is the high noise level during operation. This is approximately 40–50 dB, so if you want to choose an uninterruptible power supply for household appliances in the bedroom, avoid this option.

There is another type of uninterruptible power supply - on-line. The devices are powered directly from the charger or battery. This 100% guarantees the absence of unexpected power surges and network interference. The choice of such an uninterruptible power supply is associated with significant financial costs. At the same time, the consumer receives the following disadvantages:

  1. Low level of efficiency due to the double voltage conversion system. Simply put, this type is inferior to the other two in terms of power.
  2. Rapid wear of storage devices and batteries.

Obviously, the optimal choice is a line-interactive UPS, since no one is immune from sudden power surges. They can lead to the complete loss of sensitive household appliances, electrical appliances and your home computer. It is recommended to choose a linear-interactive version for both office and home use. This is the optimal cost in 2017, which varies from 3300 to 1500 rubles, as well as a set of functionality.

Separately, we can distinguish a type of uninterruptible power supply that is installed on a gas boiler. This is necessary to ensure the operation of the circulation pumps. Without them, water circulation in the system, and therefore the operation of the boiler, is impossible.

To do it correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics, in particular, the starting currents and pump power. The power of the uninterruptible power supply should be 2.5 times higher than the above indicators. To ensure long-term operation of a gas boiler, it is necessary to buy models that allow you to connect additional batteries. It is best to choose an on-line uninterruptible power supply for such purposes.


An important selection criterion is the power of the UPS. It is measured in volt-amperes, designated VA. To convert them to the more familiar watt indicator, you need to multiply volt-amperes by 0.6. The result obtained is the maximum total power of the equipment that the uninterruptible power supply can withstand, because through it the voltage is supplied to the devices and equipment. For example, for a PC you need to choose an uninterruptible power supply with a rating of at least 500 VA.

Based on power, UPSs are divided into three classes:

  • compact – up to 1000VA;
  • medium – 1000–5000VA;
  • large - more than 5000VA.

Accordingly, for a country house and apartment it is better to choose the first two types; the latter is more suitable for enterprises where it is necessary to provide a large amount of equipment with stable electrical power.

Attention! Before making the final choice, you need to calculate the total load power of household appliances and equipment that you plan to connect to the UPS, add 20–40% to it and multiply by 0.6. The resulting figure will be the optimal indicator of the power of the uninterruptible power supply, which will be expressed in VA. We talked about this in a separate article.

Battery life

It is necessary to pay attention to the battery life indicator. The optimal time here is 5–7 minutes. It is assumed that this time is enough for the PC to shut down correctly. For the rest of the equipment, simply protecting against power surges is enough.

There are models that can provide power to household appliances for 20 minutes, but such a resource will cost more than standard modifications. The right solution is to choose a UPS that provides the ability to connect additional batteries. This will significantly increase the battery life, but this option will also require additional costs, but not so impressive.

Attention! The battery life indicators are on the packaging, the UPS box, or should be in the “Characteristics” section of the online store.

Number of sockets

UPSs are equipped with a different number of sockets from 1 to 8. The optimal option for a home is 4–6 sockets. It is important to take into account another factor - the technical orientation of the connectors. They are:

  1. Euro - intended for .
  2. Computer.

Some sockets may be designed to protect against network interference and not have a connection to the battery. This must also be taken into account when choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

The best manufacturers and models

It is equally important to choose the right UPS company so as not to become a victim of a low-quality counterfeit. Today, the best manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies are the following 3 brands:

  1. Ippon
  2. Powercom

If you buy a model from one of these companies, then a quality guarantee will be provided. In addition, we provide to your attention a rating of the best UPS in terms of price and quality that can be purchased for home use.

Among the interactive models we can recommend:

  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 750VA/500W USB & Serial 230V
  • Ippon Back Basic 650 Schuko
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V
  • Powercom RAPTOR RPT-2000AP
  • CyberPower UT1500EI

The following backup uninterruptible power supplies received good customer reviews:

  • Ippon Back Basic 650 IEC 5.0
  • Powercom SPIDER SPD-1000N
  • APC by Schneider Electric Back-UPS CS 350 USB/Serial

Well, with a double converter we can recommend 1 of the 5 UPS provided:

  • P-Com Pro 3S
  • Ippon Innova RT 1000
  • Powercom VANGUARD VGS-2000XL
  • EATON 9130 1000 BA
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS RT 10000VA 230V

Other Features

For home use, you can choose a device that has additional functionality:

  • Network status is displayed using LED indicators or LCD screens. The second option is more informative, since it displays the network voltage and charge level. Here the choice is determined solely by the preference of the buyer.
  • USB connector. Its presence allows you to connect a laptop or computer to the UPS and install special software that will automatically shut down the PC.
  • Availability of additional ports: RJ-11, RJ-45. They allow you to protect against network interference: modem, router, network card. This is a useful feature for the home.
  • Cold start function. Allows the use of household appliances and other electrical equipment without mains voltage. For example, boot the computer to send an important message or heat water, make tea, coffee or other hot drinks. This is a useful feature for homes and organizations.
  • Design. Here the choice is limited to a greater extent by color, since almost all uninterruptible power supplies are rectangular in shape, similar to a cinder block or brick.

Important! It is advisable to choose a model that allows you to change the batteries yourself. This will save time and money at service centers.

Well, one more useful tip - a combination of a surge protector and a stabilizer can be a homemade analogue of a UPS. This will protect household appliances from breakdowns as a result of voltage surges if there is no money to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. Finally, we recommend watching this useful video

Briefly about the main thing

If you decide to protect your computer from power surges, buy a UPS. The models presented in this article are not required to be purchased. But we recommend focusing on them in order to make the right choice in terms of price/quality ratio.

Powercom IMD-1025AP

The optimal solution for connecting a computer and all peripherals is the . It has sufficient power, battery life and the number of output sockets. At the same time, the cost of the device will pleasantly please any buyer.

– an equally profitable purchase from a well-known brand. Despite similar characteristics (except for output sockets), the price of the model is slightly higher, which is why it became second in the rating. But the manufacturer's name speaks for itself.

Computers are sensitive to power surges and power outages. Therefore, they must be connected to the network using an uninterruptible power supply. At the same time, it is equally important to choose a reliable UPS for your computer, the price of which suits you.

Why is it needed?

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) contains a built-in battery that powers the computer in the event of a power failure or complete power outage. This ensures:

  • normal closing of programs and shutdown of the computer;
  • protection of PC components from damage due to voltage surges.

It is very important to connect not only the system unit, but also a monitor to the UPS, so that all the actions that the user performs after a power outage are clearly visible.


There are three types of uninterruptible power supplies that are used to connect to a computer.

Backup (Back-UPS)

UPS with the simplest design. The delay time for switching from the network to the battery for such models is 10 ms. They are suitable for use in houses and apartments where there are no problems with power outages.

Such uninterruptible power supplies are not equipped with voltage stabilizers, therefore, with each power surge in the network, they switch to operation from the built-in battery, which negatively affects its service life.

Line-interactive (Smart-UPS)

These models, unlike backup ones, are equipped with a step voltage stabilizer. During power surges in the network, it equalizes the output voltage to 220V without switching to power from the internal battery. Such models are equipped with an active cooling system, which turns on only when the device is under heavy load.

Thanks to the voltage stabilizer, the life of the battery built into the UPS increases, but the price of the equipment in this case increases.

Double conversion UPS (On-Line)

The most professional and reliable type of uninterruptible power supply, but also the most expensive. The operating principle of such models is based on the double conversion of incoming electricity: first into direct current and then into alternating current. Because of this, the efficiency of such equipment is 85%-95%.

The models do not have a switching relay that activates the internal battery during voltage surges, so the switching delay for the model is 0 s.

A computer that is connected to a double conversion UPS is always powered by the network (always “online”), but receives “clean” and “aligned” electricity into an ideal sine wave. And information about changes in current or voltage is immediately transmitted from the uninterruptible power supply to the PC.


When choosing a UPS, pay attention to its characteristics in order to buy the model that best suits your requirements.


The main parameter that shows what maximum power device can be connected to the UPS. If its power (the total power of the connected equipment) is higher than the total power of the uninterruptible power supply (VA), it will fail. Formula for calculating UPS power:

UPS power = PC power (or the sum of the power of all equipment) / 0.6 * 1.4.

  • 0.6 - load conversion factor from W (Watt) to VA (Volt Ampere);
  • 1.4 - power safety factor for the UPS.

Depends on the capacity of the battery built into the UPS. For most models, battery life is 4-8 minutes. It is enough to close programs and shut down the PC properly.

For some models, the operating time is increased to 15-20 minutes. But at the same time their cost is higher.

Budget models have 1-2 sockets for connecting external equipment (system unit and monitor). But more expensive UPSs are equipped with a larger number of outlets and additional connectors, including USB or RJ-45.


Some uninterruptible power supplies come with special software that monitors its operation. If the lights are turned off while the user is away, it will close running programs and safely shut down the computer.


In addition to the sound signals that the UPS gives during operation or during a power outage, and LED indicators, some models are equipped with a display. It displays information about the state of the uninterruptible power supply. Using the display, the user can configure the equipment to a specific operating mode.

Some models have removable batteries that can be replaced if they become unusable.

Best choice

NameUPS typePowerNumber of outletsSocket typePrice
interactive1025 VA 615 W6 computerCheck price
interactive1100 VA 660 W4 EuroCheck price
interactive650 VA 390 W3 Euro Check price
interactive650 VA 360 W4 computerCheck price
interactive1500 VA 900 W6 computerCheck price

Powercom IMD-1025AP Best choice!

The best purchase in terms of price/quality ratio. The model is of the interactive type, therefore it protects the PC from power surges, and also has an output power of 615 W, which is enough to power the computer and peripherals for 4 minutes after a power outage.

In addition, Powercom IMD-1025AP has a built-in LCD display. This simplifies the operation of the device and makes its setup simple.


  • price;
  • LCD display;
  • output power;
  • USB port;
  • number of output connectors.


  • beeps loudly;
  • overall;
  • output sockets: computer.

No less reliable and durable UPS, the cost of which is higher than the previous model. Additionally, it does not have an LCD display, which can make it difficult to keep track of the equipment's status.

At the same time, the presence of 4 sockets powered by a battery will allow you to connect a PC and all peripherals. The power for this is also enough - 660 W. Due to the fact that the model is an interactive type, it reliably protects all connected equipment from voltage surges.

At the same time, to fully charge the UPS it will take at least 8 hours, which is quite a long time.


  • price;
  • output power;
  • number of output connectors;
  • USB port;
  • output sockets: euro.


  • full charge time;
  • Lack of LCD display.

Price: 6,600 rub.

The UPS is an interactive type, therefore it protects the PC from voltage surges. But its main drawback is its low output power of 390 W and only 3 output sockets. But they are Euro-type, so the user can connect various household appliances to the UPS, not just a PC.

The lack of an LCD display and a full battery charge time of up to 8 hours can complicate the user's work with the model. At the same time, with lower technical characteristics, it costs the same as the previous model. Therefore, the cost of the device is also a disadvantage. But all the shortcomings are covered by the reliability of the equipment, since the APC Back-UPS 650VA can last for a long time.


  • reliability;
  • output sockets: euro;
  • compact;
  • quiet;
  • USB port.


  • output power;
  • number of output sockets;
  • lack of LCD display;
  • full charge time;
  • price.

An interactive UPS that has 4 battery-powered computer output sockets. With an operating time after a power outage of up to 3.5 minutes (at an average load), it has a fairly low output power of 360 W.