Do I need to trim the leaves of raspberries? When and how to prune raspberries are important tips for gardeners. Double pruning of raspberries in autumn using the Sobolev method

Why do some gardeners collect up to 15 kg of berries from an ordinary bush without using any chemicals? Perhaps you need to know a secret way to prune raspberries in the fall?

Is it necessary to prune common raspberries and when is the best time to do it?

If you want an excellent harvest of berries, then leaving the development and growth of the bush to its own devices will not work. Of course, you can do nothing and just harvest, but after 2 years you will not be able to get more than 25% of its maximum capacity. Is there a way out? The easiest way to get a full harvest is to do proper pruning and preparation for the winter.

Some gardeners simply remove old shoots and dried branches from the garden bed, and in mid-spring they trim the tops by pinching them. In fact, such care is not of high quality and cannot ensure the full growth and development of the plant. Immediately after harvesting, shoots must be removed to allow the root system to grow. One-year-old branches give a much larger harvest if they grow on time and you provide them with all the conditions for this.

Is it possible to prune raspberries in the fall if they are not a remontant variety? Even necessary! One of the most common mistakes novice gardeners make is feeling sorry for the bush. A large number of branches is bad. They do not increase the number of berries, but only make them small and weak, so make sure that before the onset of frost you have no more than 10 shoots left for the entire bush. Please note that this figure is the maximum. That is, if you do not plan to fertilize the plants correctly and a lot, then it is better to reduce it to 6-7. Only in this case will you be able to harvest a full harvest.

You also need to cut out all diseased stems in the fall - they are a breeding ground for fungus and other diseases characteristic of raspberries. Their intensive development is accompanied by a high density of plants. If the distance between the bushes is less than 1 meter, and the row spacing is less than 130 centimeters, then get ready to encounter fungus - it will be on all branches that are protected from the sun by other tiers of plants. The pest multiplies especially intensively after the “rainy season,” when moisture stands for 1-2 weeks in a row. To avoid this, you need to properly plan the placement of all the branches so that they do not cover each other and there is at least some space between them.

In addition, you need to remove all damaged branches (by wind, machinery, under a load of fruit) - they will consume a lot of energy, and there will be almost no berries on them. You need to cut it at the root. Some gardeners practice digging up a bush and, it is worth noting that this method is very effective. This is a unique method of autumn pruning. Using a bayonet shovel, you need to dig around the bush to a depth of 25 centimeters. What does this give? All shoots from the root that are underground will be cut off and the plant itself will look much tidier in the spring and will not spread to the sides or between rows. The only negative is that you need to carry out this procedure once every 2 months so that the bed is well-groomed.

After the winter has passed, you need to reconsider the shoots again, trim all the tops so that a new growth point is immediately formed and wait for the phase of intensive vegetative propagation to begin. Shortening the stem provides many advantages, but the main ones are the density of the shoots and the large size of the berries. Before pruning raspberries in the fall, you must also remove all the shoots. One-year shoots that form after the beginning of summer do not have much vitality to become woody before the onset of cold weather. They will immediately die off and become a breeding ground for many insects. It is better to remove them immediately, thereby clearing the bed of pests and debris.

If you don’t know how to properly prune raspberries in the fall, or what tool you need for this, no problem. The only mandatory rule is to use sharp pruning shears. If this is not done, then the wounds in the spring will take a very long time to heal, and the raspberries will take a long time to recover from autumn work.

Double pruning - how to do it and why it is needed

We have already talked about whether it is necessary to prune raspberries in the fall and how to do it, now let’s move on to instructions on how to increase the yield. Relatively recently, the method of double pruning raspberries and other shrub plants began to be used in Russia. It gives an opportunity get 50% more yield from one bush with the same fertilizer and care. You can also optimize the free space in the garden bed and direct more branches upward, preventing the bush from growing to the sides. What is the essence of the method, what needs to be done to make it work, let's look at it in detail.

Step 1 Pruning before frost

Whether it is necessary to prune raspberries in the fall or not is not even discussed, since no one has canceled the fight against weeds. Of course, everything unnecessary will also need to be eliminated from the garden bed. That is, you perform the first pruning and leave the bush for the winter.

Step 2 Shortening the tops at the end of July

Many professionals recommend doing this in early May, as is the case with, but remember an important thing: time is not the main indicator, but the height of the bush. If at the end of May it is 80-90 centimeters, cut it off. If less, wait until June, July or even August. As soon as you remove 10 centimeters of the top, side shoots will appear from the axils of the leaves that are at the top.

Step 3 Shortening side shoots.

At the end of September, when they grow 40-50 centimeters, you need to pin them so that they thicken and store useful substances. If this is not done, there is a risk of freezing in winter. To prevent this from happening, you can collect the shoots and bend them to the ground. One-year-old branches can overwinter if the winter is not too cold. If they die, shorten them to a two-year stem, and they will quickly grow in the spring.

Such a simple operation will improve the yield, quality of berries (weight and taste), and reduce the risk of disease. You will end up with something like a fan, where 4-6 new ones will develop from one branch. As a result, the darkening of the lower areas will be minimal, and the free space will be used rationally.

Pruning remontant varieties - what are the differences?

Many agronomists do not see the difference between processing a remontant variety and a regular one. But it exists and is quite large. While simple raspberries bear fruit on two-year-old shoots, remontant berries bear fruit on one-year-old branches. Let us now consider how this affected the method of shortening the stems.

From several main stems (up to 8-10 pieces per bush), one-year shoots emerge, of which you need more. We pinch the growth point of each stem, then it forms another 4-5 small shoots, then each of these 4-5 pieces needs to be shortened by 10 centimeters and wait until tillering. Next year, cut out the inner shoots (so as not to thicken too much), and leave the outer ones untouched. Thus, instead of 10 stems, you will have about 100 pieces, and each of them will bear fruit equally.

Dutch gardeners use this method to obtain up to 30 kg of berries from one bush throughout the season and they succeed. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is good watering and fertilizers, since a large number of berries will require a lot of minerals and nutrients, which are scarce in the soil.

What to do after pruning

The first step is to ensure that all unnecessary plant debris disappears from the site, similarly. This is done so that bacteria, fungal spores, and insect pests that live throughout the year do not get into the ground and cause plant disease in the spring . It is necessary to remove not only the stems, but also the leaves; they must be burned away from the growing area.

Next, pay attention to shelter from frost. After you have cut off the excess, you must immediately group the stems for wintering and cover them with agrofibre. This will help protect them from icing and also eliminate drafts. Benching to the ground is the most effective way to preserve the crop. Under snow cover, the plant is not afraid of anything. The only thing you need to know is This operation cannot be performed at temperatures of +5 and below, since the wood becomes brittle, it will not revive in the spring and will have to be cut out.

After the first pruning, you don’t have to do anything, the main thing is to remove plant debris. They, again, can be a breeding ground for various biologically active life forms. To prevent raspberries from getting sick and to grow big and healthy, keep the area in order.

Raspberry is a fairly unpretentious plant, resistant to diseases and pests, growing quickly in the designated area. A large number of positive qualities begin to form the idea among gardeners that raspberries do not require care at all. We rejoice at the increase in the green mass of plants, the number of new branches, large foliage and powerful shoots, and all this is actually a path to reducing the yield of the next season and crushing the berries. Caring for raspberries is necessary, and one of the main criteria for obtaining healthy plants and an excellent harvest is proper autumn pruning. It is imperative to prune raspberries, and in this article we will look at how to properly prune raspberries in the fall, as well as the differences between pruning raspberries of regular varieties and remontant varieties.

Why prune raspberries in the fall?

Ordinary garden raspberries have a two-year development cycle - in the first year, young shoots develop, which begin to bear fruit the next year. At the same time, we get high yields precisely in the second year; three-year-old stems bear fruit several times less, so the main task of proper autumn pruning is remove all fruit-bearing branches. This will allow, firstly, to thin out the raspberries, giving young shoots more light and nutrients, and secondly, to reduce the number of pests that actively overwinter in old foliage and dead stems. It is also better to collect fallen leaves and take them outside the raspberry patch - they can cause the spread of mold and various fungi.

Don't be sorry for old shoots! You can't get a harvest from them!

Autumn pruning height

Timing of autumn pruning

Raspberries should be pruned immediately after harvesting; therefore, the timing directly depends on the variety and climatic zone of growth. Don't delay pruning! Young shoots need time to gain strength in order to winter well and actively bear fruit the next year. Old shoots are a place for the active development of diseases and pests, therefore, the faster they are eliminated, the healthier the raspberry plant will be for the next season. The only reason for delaying autumn pruning may be the cultivation of raspberries in warm regions. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, they are not in a hurry with pruning, because raspberries, after active summer fruiting, can bear fruit again. In autumn, there will be many times fewer berries, but who can deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying aromatic raspberries in September or October.

Raspberries should be grown in one place for no more than 10 years, then the location of the raspberry plant is changed.

How many shoots to leave when pruning?

Most often, the number of young shoots left will correspond to the number of old ones removed, because initially you formed the number of branches also in accordance with some technology or according to recommendations related to the characteristics of a particular variety. If there was a break in caring for raspberries and it is difficult to figure out how many new shoots to leave, then you can focus on the average numbers for all varieties. It would be optimal to leave 7-10 shoots per bush, with a distance between bushes of 50-60 cm, but if planting was carried out in a trench and we form a row of raspberries, then the density of shoots should not exceed 10-14 pieces per linear meter.

Step-by-step instructions for autumn pruning raspberries for beginners:

  1. Remove all dried branches at the root, as well as shoots that show signs of infection. Raspberries are especially susceptible to fungal diseases, which actively develop in dense plantings, which once again confirms the need for timely pruning;
  2. Remove all broken and damaged shoots at the root. A broken branch will consume nutrients just like a regular one, but you still won’t get a decent harvest from it. Leaving such a shoot will only reduce the number of berries on the remaining branches of the bush;
  3. Remove all fruit-bearing shoots at the root. There is no need to leave stumps. Raspberries produce shoots from the roots;
  4. Remove all growth that has appeared since mid-summer, as well as all weak shoots. These shoots will not have time to grow stronger before winter; most likely, they will die in the winter, but even if they overwinter, they will not produce a high yield;
  5. Prune young shoots according to the recommendations presented in the “Autumn Pruning Height” section of the article;
  6. Burn the cut shoots and fallen leaves. The result of autumn pruning should not be left as mulch. You can end up with an excellent “breeding ground” for diseases and a wintering place for pests, thereby only harming your garden.

Features of autumn pruning of remontant raspberries

Pruning remontant raspberries has a number of features. It all depends on how many harvests we want to get for the next season. Pruning using the technology of ordinary garden raspberries will give two harvests - summer and autumn, but if the remontant variety is pruned completely, at the root, then we will get a large harvest, but only once, only in the fall.

Components of proper pruning:

  • only a sharpened tool (knife or pruning shears) is used;
  • pruning is carried out to the very root. If stumps are left, they can rot and become sources of disease, as well as a breeding ground for pests;
  • cut shoots and fallen leaves are immediately removed from the raspberry tree;
  • Upon completion of pruning, the earth around the bushes is dug up using half a shovel, and fertilizers are applied to the plants.

Features of autumn pruning of standard raspberries

Autumn pruning of standard raspberries or, as they are also called, raspberry trees consists of removing all two-year-old shoots at the root. Young shoots are not pruned; they had to be pruned in the summer, immediately after harvesting, so that the main shoot has time to produce lateral branches, on which the main harvest of the next year will be concentrated. It is the side shoots that we need to trim in the fall so that their length does not exceed 50 cm.

Differences in pruning in the Krasnodar region, Moscow region, Siberia

Different climatic conditions make adjustments to the rules for autumn pruning of raspberries.

  • In Siberian conditions, autumn pruning is a mandatory agrotechnical practice. Cold winters require the use of covering materials; pruned bushes will allow the covering procedure to be carried out faster and with less material costs;
  • in Central Russia, in particular in the Moscow region, autumn pruning can be replaced with spring pruning. Long young shoots are easier to tie into bunches and bend to the ground. Bending down will protect from strong winds, icing, and will allow you to use snow cover as a natural insulation. But covering materials in conditions of frequent thaws can play a cruel joke on the gardener - condensation formed inside the shelter can lead to the development of fungal diseases, rot, mold;
  • In the Krasnodar region, autumn pruning is carried out late, towards the end of autumn, thereby having time to obtain a repeat autumn harvest. The berries in autumn are most often small, the yield of the bushes is low, so there will definitely not be enough of them for canning, but you will be able to enjoy fresh aromatic berries to relieve the autumn blues.

The statement that raspberries are unpretentious is, in principle, true, but you still cannot do without competent care measures. Pruning raspberries - when and how to do it correctly in spring and autumn? This procedure is simply necessary to obtain a good harvest of large and sweet raspberries. Even from an aesthetic point of view, neatly decorated bushes look more attractive after pruning, and the process of picking fruit becomes easy and enjoyable.

Raspberries before and after pruning

Why do you need to prune raspberries?

If the bush is too dense, you should not expect large berries. This factor also affects the taste of the fruit: dense growth does not allow enough sunlight to pass through, as well as air currents (all parts of the plant must be well blown by the wind). Proper pruning of raspberries prevents the occurrence of various diseases, and also reduces the chances of pests breeding, and the harvesting process itself is easier - there are fewer thorny branches.

As you know, in most raspberry varieties, flower buds are formed on two-year-old shoots. After a two-year growing season, the branches must be cut out and replaced by young stems growing from the rhizome of the bush. In other words, if the “spent” branches are not removed in time, the young livestock will not have enough vitality to ripen well before the onset of winter.

Such shoots may freeze or even freeze with the arrival of frost. Pruning of berry bushes is done in spring, summer, and also in autumn. Let's take a closer look at all the stages.

Pruning raspberries in spring

This procedure is a kind of addition to autumn pruning; it is carried out when the last snow melts. The bush should be carefully inspected and all frozen and broken fragments should be removed. Frozen branches are cut back to the first viable bud. Shoots that look diseased should be completely pruned. Ideally, about 8-10 powerful branches should remain on one bush, the rest should be cut out without regret. If you have a large raspberry garden, then the distance between the rows should be approximately two meters, and between the bushes - one and a half.

Spring pruning is the radical removal of all unnecessary fragments at the root, as close to the ground as possible. All other shoots should be shortened by about 20 cm (cut off the tops), so that the height of the bush is one and a half meters.

Experienced summer residents also recommend another rather interesting method of spring pruning, which makes it possible to enjoy the taste of your favorite berries for a long time, until the onset of autumn. To do this, you should figuratively divide all your raspberry bushes growing into three parts.

Raspberry cutting height will be different for each group:

  • The first one has the usual trimming of the tops by 15-20 cm;
  • The second one involves cutting off all shoots exactly half their length;
  • The third one has short pruning, leaving only 15 cm of the entire length of the branch.

The shorter the shoot, the later it will produce a harvest. Thus, fruit ripening will occur in stages, starting from the second month of summer until late autumn. Proper pruning of young bushes is also important when initially planting in the ground! As we know, this process can be done in autumn or spring. In turn, plants in containers can be planted at any time. Pruning when planting in the spring helps the plants to better take root in their new location. The branches are cut so that their length is approximately 25 cm above ground level.

Pruning raspberries in summer

This crop is very prone to overgrowth, so in the summer the growth of excess shoots should be limited (so that it does not have time to take root). If you see that within a radius of 20-30 cm from the base of the bush there are numerous shoots sticking out of the ground, resolutely remove them. In this case, you should, as it were, cut through the root system of the shoot with a shovel. At the same time, when raspberries begin to bloom, it is important to promptly remove yellowing foliage and shoots that you suspect of disease. All affected fragments must be burned immediately.

How to prune raspberries in the fall for a good harvest

In the fall, the raspberry garden is thoroughly prepared for the coming winter. Of course, all fruit-bearing branches are removed, all diseased or damaged shoots are cut out (sanitary pruning), as well as excess growth. Do not forget about cutting at the root and subsequent disposal of plant residues by burning.

Autumn pruning of raspberries should be carried out 3 weeks before the arrival of the first frost - this is the best time for this procedure. To calculate the timing in advance, it is recommended to study the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center.

A bush can grow about 20 young branches over the summer, sometimes more. If your raspberries grow in rows, then there should be 12-13 shoots left on each bush, but if they are grown in bushes, then leave no more than 10 branches. Winter pruning is sometimes combined with preparing plants for cold weather. This is especially true in the so-called cold regions of our country. In this case, the branches of the bush are grouped immediately after pruning (sometimes they bend down to the ground) and are covered with protective material (lutrasil, spunbond).

Double pruning of raspberries according to Sobolev

In this article, it will certainly be appropriate to mention this two-step pruning method. The famous gardener A.G. Sobolev developed it back in Soviet times, but this successful agricultural technique is actively used in our time. The essence of the technology is to strictly adhere to the timing of pruning, as well as to control the thickening of the bush. As a result of a simple procedure, the vital forces of the bush are concentrated on the growth of lateral branches, an increase in the number of flower buds, and the fruiting period of raspberries is significantly extended.

How to do double pruning:

  • Around the 20th of May (or at the very beginning of June, since the timing varies depending on the region of your residence), when the length of the branches is 70-100 cm, you need to cut off their tops by 15 cm. This technique will provoke the active growth of new side shoots that will gain strength by the time autumn arrives. Here it is extremely important not to miss the deadline, not to prune too late, because by the onset of cold weather the shoots should be well matured, reaching a length of about 40-50 cm. Branches that are not strong enough may simply not survive the winter.
  • Before wintering, it is recommended to carefully bend these stems to the ground and cover them with appropriate material.
  • The second - spring pruning is carried out immediately after the appearance of foliage on the branches of the bush. Each side shoot is shortened by 10-13 cm, which provides a powerful incentive to activate dormant buds.

Along with this, it is necessary to provide comprehensive care for raspberries, monitor the density of the bush crown, and carry out all the required agrotechnical procedures in a timely manner.

This two-stage pruning can be done on raspberry bushes of any variety.

Pruning remontant raspberries, when and how to do it correctly?

Despite the fact that this procedure is most often carried out at the end of the fruiting period, the time of pruning for remontant raspberries should be chosen taking into account the climatic characteristics of your area of ​​​​residence. Pruning raspberries in the fall is recommended for southern territories, but in northern regions, on the contrary, it is better to do this in early spring. You should also take into account the fact that remontant raspberries can bear fruit not only on two-year-old shoots, but also on annual shoots. Thus, you can harvest healthy berries twice a season. In most cases, the second wave of harvest is not as abundant as the first. But still, until the first snows, you can continue to feast on sweet berries.

Pruning of remontant raspberries in the fall is done with the onset of the first frosts (around November), all fruit-bearing branches are pruned literally “at the root” without regret.

Pruning remontant raspberries in the spring, as mentioned above, is more recommended for northern regions, where freezing of plantings often occurs in winter. Preserving the above-ground part of the plant will contribute to the accumulation of nutritional components in the root system of the bush, and when snow falls, the remaining branches will act as a kind of protective cocoon. Thus, spring pruning should be done around the end of March/April, before the buds open. Against the background of swelling healthy buds, you can easily see “dead” shoots that did not survive the winter. All frozen, broken, and withered branches are cut off either completely (if they are not viable) or to the first living bud.

We should not forget about pests and diseases that prefer to overwinter in the bark of the bush. To exclude the possibility of raspberry disease, immediately after pruning it is recommended to treat the bush with a solution of the drug “Decis” (according to the instructions) or Bordeaux mixture (3% solution). For the same reason, be sure to burn all trimmed plant fragments.

Remontant raspberry Generalissimo

Raspberry is a magical berry, it helps with colds, is an antidepressant, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, and keeps the skin youthful. According to our ancestors, everything beautiful in life is raspberry! D

In order for raspberry happiness to settle in our garden plots, you need to put in very little effort, just learn the basic rules for caring for this shrub.

Read this article to the end, which describes in detail when, how and how to prune raspberries correctly.

Types of raspberries

There are 2 types of raspberries: regular and remontant. Regular raspberries have a two-year development cycle:

  • 1 year - young shoots grow up to 1.5-2 m, while no ovaries form on them;
  • Year 2 – berries form on overwintered stems (last year).

Remontant raspberries are structured differently: their berries appear both on the shoots of last year and the current year.

However, for all types of raspberries, the dependence is true: starting from the third year, the fruits become smaller, and they themselves become smaller and tasteless. At the same time, three-year-old shoots have a completely marketable appearance, and novice gardeners feel sorry for them, hoping to revive their former productivity.

Remember! Shoots older than 2 years must be cut out completely! They take away the nutrition coming from the roots, thereby depriving the development of the most valuable shoots for 1 and 2 years.

The differences between shoots from different years are obvious; they are easy to distinguish by color (current year - green, last year - brown) and the degree of lignification of the stem.

Type of shoots 1 and 2 years

Types of pruning

To ensure a regular harvest, pruning must be carried out constantly. There are 4 types of pruning:

  • sanitary or formative;
  • planned;
  • digging;
  • double according to A.G. Sobolev.

Purpose of sanitary pruning

It is necessary to remove weakened shoots and leaves affected by pests or diseases, and thin out the bush to ensure access of sun and air to the fruiting shoots.

To obtain a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to regularly, at least once a month, prevent the raspberry shoots from growing wider.

This will lead to the active development of fruiting branches. Two or three times a month, it is necessary to cut out new shoots that appear at a distance of at least 20-30 cm from the base bush. Sanitation care is performed during spring and summer.

Planned pruning

The most important procedure in the life of a raspberry. Its correct and timely implementation is the key to a good harvest of berries with excellent taste. It is carried out in 3 stages: spring, summer and autumn. Details of planned work for each season of the year.


In March - April, shoots are normalized. Of those that have overwintered, the strongest ones are selected, others are cut as close to the soil surface as possible. The remaining shoots are carefully examined, the frozen tops are cut off to a healthy fruit bud.


It is difficult to name the exact month of summer pruning; it is carried out after picking the berries. The shoots from which the berries are obtained are cut off at the base. It makes no sense to leave these shoots until autumn pruning: they will draw nutrients from the developing shoots and lead to thickening of the bush.


How to prune raspberries in autumn? First of all, pruning of bushes must be completed 2 - 3 weeks before the onset of permanent frosts. In the fall, it is imperative to remove:

  • old fruit-bearing branches;
  • diseased or pest-infested shoots;
  • weak sprouts that may freeze in winter;
  • shoots with mechanical damage;
  • barren branches thickening the raspberry bush.

Attention! Autumn pruning should begin after the mass berry picking is completed. For early ripening raspberries this may be August, for late raspberries - mid-September.

Old shoots are cut flush with the soil, or, in extreme cases, with a stump height of no more than 5-7 cm. This prevents pathogenic microflora and pests from overwintering in the stumps.

After the autumn treatment, as many shoots should remain on the bush as it is able to “feed”. This approach allows you to wait for large and tasty berries to fully ripen without depleting the bush.

When rationing a bush in autumn, you need to analyze all the components of the future harvest:

  • the ability and desire to carry out a full course of raspberry care;
  • availability of abundant watering;
  • degree of planting density;
  • place where raspberries grow (sunny or in partial shade, on good soil or poor).

Depending on the answers, the number of annual shoots left is determined. As a rule, with a good planting location and regular care, one bush can provide abundant fruiting to 10-15 shoots. With poor soils and care only during the weekend, it is optimal to leave no more than 2-3 shoots.

On average, leave from 4 to 6 strong, healthy annuals on each bush. The tops of these shoots are shortened by 20-50 centimeters, then during the time remaining before the cold weather the plant’s forces will be directed to strengthening the main part of the shoot.

The less time remains before the cold weather, the more the top is cut off: the first group (the earliest) - by 10 cm, the second - by 30 cm, the third - by 50 cm. This will not only rationally expend the plant’s energy, but also extend the fruiting period by longer period.

The remaining shoots after pruning are treated with phytosporin to prevent the development of diseases. When cold weather sets in, the shoots are bent to the ground and tied.

So, for the winter, raspberry bushes should be shaped by pruning and standardization.

Digging up a raspberry bush

A bayonet shovel is forcefully stuck into the ground at a distance of 20-25 cm from the main bush, thus creating a line for cutting the roots at a depth of 25 cm. This prevents the regrowth of young shoots, which still will not ripen before the onset of frost, but can significantly weaken the bush, taking nutrition from the roots for its development.

Double trimming

The procedure was proposed in 1982 by A.G. Sobolev, since then she has many supporters, but also enough opponents. A special feature of the method is the complex of measures taken:

  • exact fulfillment of pruning deadlines;
  • ensuring abundant watering;
  • regular feeding of plants.

Double pruning consists of two stages:

  • The first pruning of annual shoots is carried out when they reach a height of 80-100 cm. With good care, this is possible in late May - early June. The shoots are shortened by 10 - 15 cm, after which the lateral branches begin to activate. Until the end of the warm period, these branches grow up to 50 cm and gain strength for successful wintering. Next year, berries will form on these shoots.

Important! The first pruning according to Sobolev should be completed before mid-June, so that the newly formed shoots can get stronger by the winter cold!

  • The second pruning of overwintered shoots is carried out at the end of spring, when leaves appear on the branches. With this pruning, the side shoots are shortened by 10-15 cm. This causes rapid growth of branches from the axils of the side shoots. As a result of these operations, a real raspberry tree is formed, which amazes with abundant flowering and fruiting.

Pay attention! To obtain a good harvest and long-term fruiting using the double pruning method, it is necessary to strengthen the care of raspberries: regularly fertilize, water abundantly, mulch and remove weeds.

Sobolev’s method is quite traumatic for the bush and without additional care there is a risk of losing the plant altogether.

Important! All cut branches must be burned or removed from the area to prevent the transfer of pests to new shoots.

Caring for plants after pruning

After pruning, which is a traumatic operation, the raspberry needs to create all the conditions for a speedy recovery. To do this:

  • provide abundant and regular watering for 2-3 weeks;
  • mulch the soil with grass, leaf litter, sawdust;
  • apply the necessary seasonal fertilizers, limiting the percentage of nitrogen in the autumn feeding;
  • bend the stems to the ground before the onset of cold weather;
  • In case of strong temperatures (more than 30 degrees), cover the stems for the winter.

All of the above operations will allow you to reap a good harvest without spending a lot of time and effort. And the answer to the question - is it necessary to prune raspberries for the winter - will disappear, and you will have raspberry happiness and health!

Double pruning of raspberries:

Pruning remontant raspberries:

It would be a mistake to believe that more raspberries ripen in dense thickets than on neatly trimmed single bushes. It is enough to see an overgrown raspberry tree with your own eyes to understand that the berries ripen worse among the abundant greenery, and moreover, their taste and size leave much to be desired. Although raspberries are capable of growing quickly like a weed, they will not bear fruit well without proper care.

Everyone would like to see raspberry bushes strewn with large, tasty berries on their plot, but such a result will not be easy to achieve without knowing how to prune raspberries in autumn. Annual pruning of the shoots in combination with proper bush care will provide you with an excellent harvest.

In the photo there is a raspberry bush

But pruning of shoots is carried out not only for the purpose of thinning out thickened bushes. Raspberries have a two-year development cycle, and already in the third year the fruits become noticeably smaller. Of course, it is a pity to cut out shoots that have overwintered well and pleased with an excellent harvest, but this is the most reasonable solution.

Video about pruning raspberries in autumn

If you intend to pick large, juicy berries from the bush next year, then cast aside all doubts and make it a rule to specifically set aside time for pruning at the end of the season.

How do you determine which shoots to cut? If the raspberries are of ordinary varieties (not remontant), then in the fall all fruit-bearing biennial stems should be removed, leaving strong annual shoots for high-quality fruiting next year.

It has its own characteristics, depending on the purpose for which it is grown: to obtain a double harvest or a single harvest. In the first case, the same pruning is carried out as with conventional varieties, and in the second, all shoots are completely cut out in order to collect berries from annual stems in the fall.

The photo shows raspberry pruning

Pruning raspberry bushes is carried out as follows:

  • first, cut out at the root all broken stems, dried, disease-damaged and weak annual branches that are more like grass;
  • remove the two-year-old shoots that have served their purpose in the same way;
  • if the bushes have grown too large, thin them out, leaving about 8-10 of the strongest healthy stems per 1 square meter;
  • all cut branches must be burned immediately, as they may contain dangerous pests;
  • after pruning, raspberries should be dug up, destroying the weeds;
  • the final stage will be fertilizing with fertilizers and treating the remaining stems with iron sulfate.

New branches of raspberries grow from the rhizome (underground part), so feel free to cut the shoots flush with the ground. No need to leave any stumps!

Photo of raspberry pruning

Important nuances or how to prune raspberries in the fall?

Should raspberries be pruned in the fall or should this work be done in the summer, as soon as fruiting is over? Most often, the main pruning is carried out in the autumn, before the onset of frost. However, some gardeners begin this procedure immediately after collecting the last berries (in August), so that the plant can direct all its energy to the young shoots that grow just at this time.

If it is not remontant varieties that grow on your site, but ordinary ones, you should not wait until late autumn. This will not provide any benefits, but it will give pests and diseases additional time to reproduce. Once all the raspberries have been collected, you can immediately start cutting out unnecessary branches.

Video about pruning raspberries

Try to leave as many new healthy shoots as you cut out old ones - this way you will be able to avoid thickening the raspberries. As you know, the wider the space between the bushes, the better they are ventilated and receive more sunlight. Accordingly, the berries turn out tastier. Root shoots that appear between the bushes can be dug up for the purpose of transplanting to another place. If there is no need to propagate raspberries, it is better to pull out the shoots as soon as you notice them.

If you still have questions, how to prune raspberries correctly in the fall - the video will help you better imagine this procedure. Watch the video attached to the article and try to put your raspberry garden in perfect order yourself - there is nothing difficult about it.