Anti-freeze for heating reviews, price. Anti-freeze for heating systems. Operation of autonomous heating systems and use of non-freezing coolant How to dilute non-freezing liquid for boilers

It is difficult to imagine comfortable living in an apartment or private house in winter without high-quality heating. Residents of urban high-rise buildings with centralized heating are lucky. After all, there is no need to think or worry about the safety of pipes during the cold period. Maintenance falls on the shoulders of housing maintenance offices. But you have to monitor the proper operation of the autonomous heating system in the private sector yourself.

A coolant is used as a heating element in the heating network. It is a heating fluid that circulates through the circuit. May be of different types. The operation and maintenance of the system depends on what kind of liquid is used. Therefore, this article will focus on the coolant, its types and rules of use.

The most common liquid for a heating system is water. But there are also other options. Do not forget that the circuit needs to be cleaned periodically. And for these purposes, special washing compounds are used.

Freezing or non-freezing liquid can be used for heating. The first category includes ordinary water, and the second includes various alcohol compositions with the addition of chemical elements (they are also called additives, anti-freeze agents). There are many types of additives on the market, each of which performs a specific task. But if it is not necessary to pour such liquid into the heating system, then use distilled water.

In distilled water, the amount of various metal impurities is reduced to a minimum. This means that the likelihood of scale formation is reduced. In a private home, using such a liquid is expensive. Therefore, some people collect rainwater for these purposes.

The choice of circulating fluid largely depends on the type of heating system.

It can be of two types: steam and water. Only water is suitable for steam. This is due to the operating principle of these networks. The liquid heats up, turns into steam and begins to circulate around the circuit. And when it cools down, it returns to its original state and flows into a collection container. Next, water is supplied to the heater and the cycle is repeated. For steam systems, non-freezing heating fluid is not suitable, since when heated it loses its performance properties and becomes toxic.

For water heating, both ordinary water and antifreeze can be used. You can read more about choosing between two coolants from our article. If there is gas in the private sector and people live in the house permanently, then water is most often poured into the circuit. Of course, a non-toxic liquid can also be used specifically for gas heating. But, as practice shows, there is no particular need for this. For stove heating, antifreeze is mainly used. This is because if the oven is not running for a long time, the water may freeze. Therefore, an antifreeze fluid for a furnace-based heating system is a more suitable option.

Water as a coolant

Water is the most accessible type of coolant. Most modern heating boilers and heating elements are made to operate using water. Naturally, it is better to purchase distilled water. The price for such heating fluid is the cheapest compared to other types of coolant. You can find out how to prepare water for the coolant. It is environmentally friendly for humans, and in case of spillage it will not cause much harm. What can you say about the anti-freeze?

Water also has a number of disadvantages:

Antifreeze as a coolant

Considering the disadvantages of water, in some cases it is better to buy antifreeze liquid for home heating systems. Unlike water, there is no need to drain antifreeze from the heating system. After all, even at low temperatures, the functional characteristics of the liquid are preserved.

Other positive aspects of antifreeze include:

  • The coolant does not foam thanks to special additives;
  • no corrosion processes occur;
  • when using an anti-freeze device, scale does not form on the inside of the heating structure;
  • does not cause dissolution or swelling of seals.

In this connection, antifreeze for heating, the price of which is quite acceptable for most domestic consumers, is a fairly popular liquid for heating systems.

Of course, there are some disadvantages to using antifreeze:

The composition of non-freezing liquids for home heating systems can be different. The most non-toxic options include liquids based on propylene glycol and glycerin antifreezes. The first option is the most expensive. But at the same time and the most modern. It has high performance characteristics compared to other compounds. a very useful and necessary coolant.

But non-freezing liquid for the heating system, the price of which is affordable, is not the best choice. Because it most likely contains substances harmful to health. Therefore, when choosing antifreeze, you should immediately abandon cheap options.

Non-freezing liquid for heating Warm home

The use of non-freezing liquid for heating a warm house should take into account some important features that must be taken into account at the stage of developing the circuit design and selecting heating equipment. For example, the pump and boiler should be more powerful, and it is better to choose pipes with a larger section than when using water. The use of a heat accumulator is not recommended. The expanzomat should have a volume half that used for water.

Batteries and pipes are suitable from any material, with the exception of galvanized metal. After all, the non-freezing liquid for heating systems, Warm House, is distinguished by a composition that does not have a destructive effect on either polymers or metal. The negative effect of antifreeze appears only after its service life has expired. And this, as a rule, is about five years. It is also important to strictly follow all operating rules.

If the antifreeze for heating a warm house is overheated, the active components of the liquid will lose their original characteristics. When antifreeze comes into contact with the zinc protective coating, a reaction occurs and white flakes are formed that settle in the pipes and contaminate them. It is also prohibited to use antifreeze in systems with an electric boiler. Indeed, in this case, the coolant interacts with heating elements. And when it touches hot metal, antifreeze for a warm house overheats and changes its properties.

How to choose an anti-freeze agent for a heating system?

You can purchase antifreeze liquids for water heating systems in a specialized store or order online. But before making a purchase, it is important to analyze some aspects. For example, what freezing temperature will need to be maintained in the coolant? The answer to this question determines the characteristics that the product should have. The heating system is made of a certain material. It can be polypropylene, aluminum, cast iron, steel, etc. The operating and maintenance conditions depend on this.

When choosing a liquid for the heating system of a private home, price is a decisive factor for many.
This type of coolant is more expensive than ordinary water. Therefore, some buyers, deciding to equip a heating system with antifreeze, opt for more affordable options. As a result, this brings a lot of problems. Because cheap antifreeze is of low quality and contains toxic elements.

It’s good if you choose a non-freezing liquid for heating systems that perfectly combines price and quality. As a rule, the cost varies from 49 to 120 rubles per liter. If you buy in bulk, it works out a little cheaper. The price depends on the manufacturing company. Imported options are slightly more expensive than domestic ones.

Among Russian manufacturers, it is worth highlighting non-freezing liquids from Dixis. This product is usually diluted with water. It is used undiluted only in the Far North. Technical characteristics depend on the ratio of liquid and water. It should be noted that Dixis heating fluid has anti-corrosion, anti-oxidation, anti-foam and heat-stabilizing properties.

A liquid based on monoethylene glycol has been developed. The product is fireproof. It can be used with metal and plastic pipes. There are two options on sale: Dixis-30 and Dixis-65. The numbers indicate freezing temperature. Such an anti-freeze solution for a home heating system, the price of which is quite reasonable compared to analogues from other manufacturers, is very much in demand among Russians. As a rule, the price is in the range of 70-85 rubles per liter.

In addition to the fact that water or antifreeze is used for heating, flushing liquids are also widely used in heating systems.

Such means are simply necessary if the batteries, pipes or boiler are clogged and are no longer functioning as efficiently as before. Either ordinary water or special chemicals can be used as flushing liquids. To perform this procedure, special equipment is required. Therefore, it is better to trust cleaning to qualified professionals.

Thus, today there are different types of coolants. Before buying liquid for a heating system, you need to analyze a number of points: the material of pipes and radiators, operating conditions and the possibility of periodic maintenance. The choice also depends on your financial situation. So, imported non-freezing liquid for heating, the price of which is several times higher than ordinary distilled water, may not be affordable for everyone. In this case, it is better to purchase domestic high-quality products. It is very important not to forget that the system needs timely flushing. The efficiency and durability of its work depends on this.

How to choose an anti-freeze

Modern heating systems can operate according to different principles of heat transfer to heat exchange points. Traditional water, without an influx of heat from outside, begins to freeze, significantly expanding with volume. It is being replaced by special compounds - antifreeze for heating, which have a significantly lower freezing threshold.

The choice of antifreeze liquid should be based on the following criteria:

  • safety for humans (Warm House ECO-30);
  • harmless to the system;
  • long service life;
  • heat capacity.

But the key selection factor remains the chemical base raw material.

Traditionally, the following are used as a basis:

  • propylene glycol – non-toxic, suitable for use in the food industry;
  • ethylene glycol is a toxic dihydric alcohol.


An important selection criterion is the additives added to the coolant. It is customary to distinguish between organic and inorganic additives. The type of substance affects the service life and quality. The best characteristics are guaranteed by organic matter, plus it protects the system from corrosion.

Anti-freeze compatibility with heating systems

It would be a good idea to evaluate how heating equipment manufacturers treat the product.

In this context the following can be said:

  • propylene glycol based product with organic additives– demonstrates a wide range of indicators. These are safety, environmental friendliness, versatility of use, excellent physical and chemical properties. Suitable for use in food production, kindergartens, and for home heating;
  • compositions based on ethylene glycol with organic additives(DIXIS) – we can talk about some restrictions in application. This is a solution for industrial facilities and systems isolated from human activity;
  • propylene glycol with inorganic additives– safe for people and animals, but has a shorter service life;
  • ethylene glycol with inorganic additives– demonstrates a short service life, is poisonous. But this is the most budget option. It is quite logical for a system well isolated from contact with human life.

How to calculate the required volume

Calculating the quantity is not too difficult a task. When the system is fully installed and commissioning has been carried out, you can look at the results of the control pressure test. The water drawn from the system will indicate the exact amount of liquid.

Dilution with water

Heating system manufacturers advocate for efficient and safe operation by setting their own requirements. Users, on the contrary, are inclined towards saving money. Antifreeze companies offer coolants at -30, -65 degrees. These are the most popular samples, which are guaranteed not to freeze at the time of sale. When choosing, it is recommended to look at the density.

For example, for antifreeze -25 degrees is 1.03 g/cm3, -30 degrees is 1.04 g/cm3. There is not too much deviation in the concentration of the main substance. But keep in mind that all the water may not be drained from the system; the circuit itself may be refueled. Some reserve of concentration is still necessary.

On the other side, diluting antifreeze from -30 degrees to -25 degrees will not provide significant savings. But, at the same time, you can lose some of the beneficial properties. It is much more efficient to take a product at -65 (Teply Dom 65) and dilute it; in this case, savings can result in 20%.

Service life

The longest-lasting antifreeze with organic additives. The service life reaches 10 years (10 seasons). Silicate additives provide a service life of 5 years. I advise you to check the composition after each heating season.

It is enough to drain a small amount of the substance and inspect it for the presence of impurities, transparency, and color. If there are grains or crumbs, the product must be drained, washed, and filtered. Clots and flakes indicate traces of chemical changes, which should be addressed to specialists.

  • COZY TECHNOLOGY– this brand hides high-quality, modern, highly efficient coolants from the Russian company Obninskorgsintez. This is a world-class manufacturer that produces auto chemicals and other products for the industrial and household sectors. Antifreezes for autonomous heating systems are in high demand due to their low cost, multifunctionality, and quality;
  • TERMAGENT- another brand of the Obninskorgsintez company. These are high-quality products based on polypropylene glycol or monoethylene glycol, based on the best German raw materials. The company's product range includes four types of coolants;
  • Warm House 65– owner of the trademark is the Himauto group of companies. The holding specializes in the production of coolants for heating systems for industrial and residential premises. In its niche, the products are the standard of quality and ensure uninterrupted heating operation during harsh winters;
  • DIXIS– the brand produces antifreezes based on propylene glycol and ethylene glycol using a patented additive package. All formulations and technologies of process fluids are developed by highly qualified specialists. This is one of the best solutions that is on the market today;
  • Thermotrust, Aquatrust– both antifreezes are produced by Thermotrust. This Russian brand specializes in the production of instantaneous water heaters, electric boilers and a wide range of antifreezes. All produced antifreeze liquids comply with GOST requirements.

Antifreeze liquid for heating systems

Non-freezing liquid for heating “TECHNOLOGY COMFORT-65”

Low-freezing coolant works successfully in closed heating systems and Compatible with any type of heating boilers - electric, gas, diesel. The only limitation is that the liquid is not used in boilers in which heating occurs due to an electric current passing through the coolant.

I'll add a few words about pipes. The liquid is compatible with polypropylene and aluminum pipelines. But, her cannot be poured into galvanized pipes. Antifreeze “Technology of Uta-65” provokes zinc peeling and its sediment remains on the boiler heaters over time.

The basis of the product is ethylene glycol (65%) with silicate additives. This gives antibacterial, anti-foaming and anti-corrosion properties. In operation, the antifreeze behaves stably and works for 5 years (in other words, enough for 10 heating seasons).

Crystallization begins at -65 degrees; even at such a low temperature, the non-freezing liquid will not turn into ice. In general, an option for the Far North and other harsh conditions. A significant plus is the elimination of destruction and damage to the system, since the product does not expand. Weight – 20 kg. Price – from 1.8 tr.


  • optimally suited for a wide range of consumers;
  • can be diluted with ordinary tap water;
  • does not contain amines and nitrates;
  • works against corrosion;
  • service life 5 years.


  • not suitable for electrolysis boilers;
  • toxic, contact with drinking water must be avoided;
  • requires special disposal.

Non-freezing liquid for heating "TERMAGENT-65"

The manufacturer produces antifreeze that can be used as a coolant in closed heating systems heated with hot water, solar energy, heat pumps. In industry, the product works in refrigeration equipment. The composition is based on highly purified monoethylene glycol.

This is a diatomic alcohol to which anti-corrosion organic additives (carboxylate inhibitors from European manufacturers) have been added. They work to protect the system from the formation of corrosion, scale, bacteria, foam.

The operating temperature range is from -65 degrees to +112 degrees. The composition is compatible with pipes based on elastomers and plastics. Antifreeze is supplied in 20 liter plastic cans. Antifreeze is characterized by high viscosity and therefore requires dilution. To do this you need to use distilled water. The minimum concentration allowed for use is 20% of the total volume of the system. This non-freezing liquid for the heating system can be purchased at a price of 2.2 tr.


  • presence of anti-corrosion additives;
  • wide temperature range;
  • works on plastic pipes;
  • complies with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • does not expand when frozen;
  • blocks the formation of scale, foam, and corrosion.


  • you will have to purchase distilled water separately;
  • Overheating must be completely excluded (continuous circulation of liquid, complete immersion of heaters in antifreeze, etc.);
  • does not work with zinc-containing elements.

Non-freezing liquid for heating “Teply Dom-65”

We have before us a concentrated coolant, the basis of which is high-quality Russian-made ethylene glycol (red). It is designed to work in various heating systems. Dilution with water is carried out based on the required temperature. As a rule, this is from -20 to -30 degrees, although the permissible range is much wider: from -65 to 112 degrees.

Antifreeze contains an additive package. These are 10 active components that work to stabilize thermophysical characteristics over the entire temperature range, anti-foam, and anti-corrosion properties. The result is an aqueous solution with a much lower crystallization temperature.

Reducing the concentration when diluting ethylene glycol with water reduces the freezing point, increases the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the solution. At the same time, the viscosity is reduced, which gives improved performance of antifreeze in the system. At the output we have excellent heat transfer without consequences. Volume – canister 20 l. Price – from 1.7 tr.


  • optimal thermophysical characteristics;
  • 10 additives in the composition;
  • service life is 5 years, while the liquid retains its antifreeze properties, but loses the effectiveness of additives;
  • explosion- and fireproof;
  • affordable price.


  • does not work in systems with galvanized pipes, on electrolysis boilers;
  • mixing with other antifreezes is undesirable;
  • ethylene glycol is poisonous.

Anti-freeze for the heating system of a private house

Anti-freeze for the heating system of a private house DIXIS-65 with ethylene glycol

Before us concentrated aqueous antifreeze based on monoethylene glycol. The manufacturer did not forget to add unique additives with which the antifreeze acquired heat-stabilizing, anti-foam, antioxidant properties and the ability to protect the system from corrosion.

In addition, the inertness of the liquid to sealing materials has increased significantly. The composition is completely ready for use and does not require dilution with water. However, the manufacturer allows two uses: without dilution and diluted.

Among the obvious advantages of anti-freeze over competitors, I would like to note its long service life - the liquid can work for up to 10 years (!). The product is characterized by high frost resistance and works to remove deposits on the internal surfaces of pipes. Antifreeze does not cause degradation of paronite, rubber, or Teflon seals.

The operating temperature range of the non-freezing liquid is simply amazing - from -65 to +95 degrees. Crystallization will begin at -66 degrees, boiling - from 111 degrees. Volume – canister 20 l. This anti-freeze for the heating system of a private house has a price of 1.8 thousand rubles.


  • fireproof;
  • effective additive complex;
  • wide range of operating temperatures;
  • long service life - 10 years.

There are no cons.

Antifreeze liquid for the DIXIS TOP system on propylene glycol

This is a safe antifreeze based on propylene glycol., which distinguishes it favorably from traditional ethylene glycol-based analogues in terms of toxicological properties. The composition is intended for use as a working fluid in heat exchange systems of industry and residential buildings. It successfully eliminates “defrosting” when exposed to negative temperatures.

A complex of additives protects equipment from the development of microorganisms and the formation of corrosion. The liquid is compatible with metal-plastic, plastic pipes and seals, works in double-circuit boilers, in open systems, and allows commissioning at subzero temperatures. Crystallization begins at -31 degrees, freezing - at -40 degrees.

Due to the fact that antifreeze is prepared on the basis of food-grade propylene glycol, it can be safely used even in food industry systems, not to mention residential buildings. The drug provides excellent frost resistance and prevents the destruction of elements of heat exchange systems during freezing, corrosion of cast iron, steel, brass, aluminum and solder. Plus, it prevents the accumulation of scale and, in principle, prevents its formation. Volume – 20 kg canister. Price – from 1.9 tr.


  • eliminates system destruction;
  • fireproof;
  • favorable price;
  • 100% output quality control;
  • full set of additives.


  • not suitable for harsh Yakut winters.

Antifreeze liquid for the home heating system Antifreeze Thermotrust

Antifreeze Thermotrust used in the form of aqueous solutions or in the original form. It can be safely used in autonomous heating systems of residential buildings to prevent defrosting at low temperatures. The additive package is optimally balanced and provides protection against microorganisms, corrosion, and scale.

The composition is inert to sealing materials, contains heat-stabilizing, antioxidant, anti-foam components. Does not destroy cast iron, steel, copper, aluminum, brass and solder, compatible with metal-plastic and plastic pipes.

The basis of the liquid is monoethylene glycol, it is homogeneous, red in color, and does not contain mechanical impurities. In areas with a temperate climate it can be diluted with water; in the Far North it is used in its pure form. Crystallization temperature -66 degrees, boiling point 111 degrees. The price of a 20 l canister is from 1.8 tr.


  • high frost resistance;
  • blocks degradation of elements of heat exchange systems during freezing;
  • operates in the range -65 – +90 degrees;
  • diluted with plain tap water;
  • made from high-quality raw materials;
  • service life is 5 years.


  • does not work with galvanized systems and electrode-type boilers.

Non-freezing liquid for the heating system of a private house using propylene glycol

Non-freezing liquid for heating the house "Warm House ECO-30" environmentally friendly

Antifreeze is environmentally friendly and ready for use. The base is propylene glycol (green). The composition can be diluted with plain tap water down to -20 degrees. If you have a double-circuit or heating element boiler, dilution is mandatory.

Antifreeze liquid based on propylene glycol is best used where there are increased requirements for environmental safety (heat pumps, double-circuit boilers), but it works well with any heating systems.

The liquid is characterized by good temperature range from -30 to +104 degrees. The composition includes a special set of additives. This provides protection against corrosion, foaming, and scale. Antifreeze is not aggressive to metal and plastic, paronite, rubber, flax. With such characteristics, the possibility of leaks is eliminated. The price of a 20 liter canister is from 1.6 tr.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • explosion and fire safety;
  • works on any system;
  • excellent set of additives;


  • does not work with galvanized systems.

Antifreeze liquid for heating and air conditioning Antifreeze Aquatrust

This is another safe antifreeze in our rating. The composition is based on high-quality propylene glycol, corrosion inhibitors, demineralized water, and dyes. It works successfully in heating and air conditioning systems of residential buildings.

It is a homogeneous green chemical liquid without mechanical impurities. The beginning of crystallization occurs at a temperature of minus 31 degrees, the boiling point is plus 107 degrees.

Thanks to the latest formula, the composition prevents corrosion of copper, cast iron, brass, steel and solder. There is no aggressiveness towards seals, plastic and metal-plastic pipes.


  • environmentally friendly;
  • good operating range;
  • excellent corrosion protection;
  • does not affect plumbing rubber, gaskets, plastic and metal pipes.


  • does not work with galvanized surfaces;
  • not suitable for areas of the Far North.

An overview of non-freezing liquids for heating systems (coolants) from a professional is shown in the video:

With the help of modern technologies and materials you can significantly influence the comfort of living in your home. For example, improve the quality and reliability of the coolant. For this purpose, they began to use anti-freeze for the heating system of a private house. It is easy to launch using special tools.

Purpose of antifreeze liquid

When living in a private house, it is very important to provide it with all the necessary communications. Many people know that in severe frosts the water in the heating system can freeze. Such an emergency situation with the coolant is not uncommon if ordinary water is used. According to experts, it is better not to use other types of liquid, but in a country house there is simply no other choice. For example, residents may not live there permanently, and it is not always possible to “mothball” heating equipment.

To avoid freezing of the coolant, rupture of pipes and radiators, they began to use non-freezing liquid. However, it has certain requirements for operating conditions. Its characteristics differ from those of plain water, so they must be taken into account when designing a heating system. Using non-freezing compounds, you can avoid unexpected surprises with the onset of frost. If they are poured into the system, they will not turn into ice at low temperatures.

Does anti-freeze kill heating?

Heating compositions

Ordinary water is considered the best type of coolant, since it has optimal density, sufficient heat capacity and low price. More expensive non-freezing compounds lead to greater costs for owners of private buildings.

Antifreeze is used as a non-freezing liquid for heating. It differs in its composition depending on the manufacturer. The following types are most commonly found on sale:

This coolant does not freeze even in severe frosts. When it cools, the composition can only thicken. Each type is made according to the same principle and contains several basic substances.

Advantages and Disadvantages

When antifreeze is used as a coolant, there is no need to drain it immediately after the heating season. It is not afraid of even severe frosts, so the system remains in normal condition. If the permissible threshold of operational parameters is exceeded, the liquid will turn into a gel. However, under normal conditions it will again become a working solution. Special low temperature substances freezing has many advantages:

The use of non-freezing liquids in heating systems of a private home

However, despite a number of advantages of anti-freeze for heating a home, it still has disadvantages. You need to know about them before using it at home. Among the disadvantages:

  • compositions with propylene glycol contain harmful substances and, if leaked, harm human health;
  • aggressive effect on pipes, taps and fittings;
  • the viscosity of such a liquid is above 20%, which leads to an increase in hydraulic loads in the main equipment, so it is advisable to use models of pumping units with high power.

To increase the heat transfer of such an antifreeze liquid, it is advisable to dilute it with distilled water. Since plain water contains a lot of salts and calcium, they cause great harm to equipment. It is these substances that destroy it over time. They are deposited inside pipes, pumping equipment and heat exchangers.

Selection criteria

The properties and technical characteristics of all these liquids are slightly different. If you decide to use antifreeze, then it is very important to choose it correctly. What is the best solution to use for heating a private home, it is better to consult a specialist. He will also tell you how to add antifreeze to the heating system. When independently studying the properties and purchasing, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • period of use without complete replacement;
  • level of toxicity of the solution;
  • compliance with heating equipment in the house;
  • the presence of additives, which will improve the performance characteristics of heating devices.

High-quality antifreeze can be used for 5-10 seasons in winter. This indicator confirms the high properties of the composition. Liquid based on propylene glycol is considered safer.

You also need to know about the rules for using antifreeze in a private home. This will help make the system safer for home use. Sometimes such a product cannot be used for some reason. If there is an electrochemical coating and zinc in the heating system, antifreeze cannot be used. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of manufacturers of heating equipment.

Equipment startup

Any of the compositions will affect the operation of the heating system. It is recommended to buy ready-made liquid. Before using it, it is necessary to drain the old coolant and check its condition. The degree of contamination will affect the implementation of comprehensive cleaning. To fill in a new product, you need to clean everything.

When using antifreeze for the first time, it is mandatory to completely flush the entire system. In stove heating, two different compositions will lead to a negative chemical reaction. In a closed system, the filling point should be lower than other devices. To heat a private house, it is performed using pumping equipment. The pressure in the pipes should not be higher than 3 atm.

In open systems for water heating, the use of antifreeze agents is not recommended. With constant contact with air, foaming increases greatly. Pour liquid through the upper expansion tank.

After filling, testing should be carried out. The temperature in the system usually increases gradually and at the same time the tightness of the main components can be checked. There should be no extraneous noise when the coolant circulates. After starting to operate the equipment, it is recommended to add antifreeze over time. For this reason, it is advisable to buy more liquid by about 20% of the required volume.

The coolant in the heating system of a private house is often ordinary water. Although its use creates a certain problem - at a temperature of zero degrees the liquid crystallizes, which can lead to mechanical damage to pipelines, radiators (batteries), and boiler equipment. To avoid such problems, “anti-freeze” is used - a special non-freezing liquid for heating systems. In terms of properties, it is very similar to car antifreeze, although it is still different in some ways.

Types of fluid for heating systems

The main classification of non-freezing liquids is based on their composition. So, according to the presence of the main component in them, they are:

  1. Propylene glycol antifreeze, created on the basis of a colorless viscous substance.
  2. Ethylene glycol (the so-called “antifreeze”; ethylene glycol is also used in car antifreezes).
  3. Glycerin. Although this option is still quite rare, over time it has a chance of gaining enormous popularity due to its non-toxicity, excellent thermal conductivity and freezing temperature of -40 degrees.

Antifreezes are also distinguished by viscosity, freezing point and price category. However, most often they pay attention to exactly what composition.

Antifreeze (propylene glycol liquid)

Non-toxic varieties of antifreeze have been known for only a couple of decades. They are made from propylene glycol and are almost completely harmless to humans. Thanks to this quality, propylene glycol liquids will be the best option for a double-circuit system in a private home. They are easy to fill with your own hands.

According to the instructions, such compounds can be used until the outside temperature reaches -35 degrees; at a lower level, antifreeze can freeze.

The harmlessness of propylene glycol is proven by the fact that this material is included in the list of approved food additives as E1520 and is often found in confectionery products, where it is used to soften and retain moisture. At the same time, propylene glycol antifreeze may also contain quite dangerous substances - additives that can affect the heating system.

They are necessary to avoid foaming or oxidation of pipelines and radiators, but make the liquid dangerous for people. Antifreeze for heating of this type is identified thanks to the green dye specially added to it.

Disadvantages of Propylene Glycol

The disadvantage of propylene glycol-based antifreeze is its relatively high cost. Moreover, its density is less than that of ethylene glycol coolant, and its thermal conductivity is worse. Therefore, such non-freezing liquid is used very rarely in heating systems of apartments or houses.

Antifreeze (ethylene glycol version)

This is a widely used non-freezing heating fluid due to its excellent thermophysical properties and reasonable cost. When used in the system, virtually no scale is formed and no salts are deposited. Thanks to this, such an “anti-freeze” can be considered as an option for filling heating pipelines and radiators. Although she has many shortcomings.

Negative qualities

First of all, it is worth noting the high toxicity of ethylene glycol liquids. When they come into contact with the skin, they cause a serious burn, and the lethal dose can be 100–600 ml, depending on the percentage of the main substance. Even the vapors of this type of coolant can be dangerous, so its use for heating a home must be very careful, following a number of rules.

If there is an open type expansion tank in a single-circuit heating system, the use of ethylene glycol-based antifreeze is strictly prohibited. Moreover, any pipelines in which it is used must only be closed and completely sealed. Leakage of the substance can lead to unpleasant consequences for the health of nearby people.

If the system of a private house in which antifreeze is used is double-circuit, both circuits are separated. This avoids the possibility of antifreeze getting into the hot water supply pipeline needed for domestic needs.

Dilution of antifreeze

Before pouring ethylene glycol-based “anti-freeze” into the heating system with your own hands, it is diluted with water.

So, for a liquid with an ethylene glycol content of 70% by volume, diluting it twice will lead to the fact that it will no longer freeze at -60 degrees, but at -15.

Features of use

The main features of any type of non-freezing liquids are:

  • crystallization of salts and their precipitation on the walls of pipes and batteries (radiators) when the coolant reaches the critical boiling point;
  • a noticeable decrease in the efficiency of the system in this case.

Such situations can be avoided by uninterrupted operation of the boiler heating system and temperature control. It is advisable to reduce the corrosive properties of antifreeze by adding special inhibitors to them yourself.

If the heating system of a private house is used irregularly, then it is necessary to think about how it will function in the winter. Leaving water in the pipes is prohibited, as it will freeze under the influence of low temperatures and burst the pipes. It is much more convenient to use antifreeze or antifreeze liquid here. It is able to maintain its main useful characteristics even at -60 degrees.

Another positive aspect of non-freezing liquid compared to ordinary water is the absence of oxidation processes. It will not form rust or scale. The third advantage is the high heating rate and slow cooling of antifreeze. It turns out that the boiler will have to turn on much less often, and accordingly, it will consume fewer resources.

There are also quite a few negative aspects to using antifreeze:

  1. High cost– 20 liters of such coolant will cost from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. Depending on the size of the house, a fairly large amount of antifreeze may be needed, which will ultimately be quite expensive;
  2. This liquid is quite toxic. It is better not to spill it on the floor or carpet, as in the future it will begin to release toxic compounds.


Regardless of the type of antifreeze liquid, it will always contain the same compounds:

  1. Warp made from alcohol or ethylene glycol.
  2. Key active ingredient.
  3. Connections, preventing the occurrence of corrosion processes (inhibitors).
  4. Additives, which are responsible for the key properties of the liquid.

The alcohol base itself is not harmful to human health, but various compounds included in the antifreeze liquid can cause harm. The composition of the antifreeze directly determines where it will be used. Many who use such products for heating systems agree that it is better not to purchase compounds where ethylene is the active compound.

It is highly toxic and can even cause burns. If ingested by a person, in especially severe cases it can lead to death.

It is strictly forbidden to use ethylene glycol non-freezing liquids if a double-circuit boiler is used as a heat source. Propylene glycol liquid is absolutely harmless.

A Question of Choice

The behavior of the antifreeze fluid in the heating system directly depends on how high-quality additives were added, as well as on the operating conditions.

However, it is worth noting that all antifreeze compounds have 2 key positive characteristics:

  1. Anti-corrosion properties.
  2. Anti-foaming properties.

Without additives that ensure the presence of these indicators, the liquid turns out to be quite aggressive. The fact is that the air contained in the foam leads to disruption of the circulation process, the appearance of air pockets and the formation of water hammer.

It is worth noting that all additives are equipped with a certain service life. After the time allotted to them, they disintegrate at the molecular level. When this happens, a precipitate forms and acid is released.

The service life of the “anti-freeze” can be as follows:

  1. Ethylene glycol based antifreeze operates for 5 years.
  2. On propylene glycol also 5 years.
  3. Antifreeze liquid, made on the basis of glycerin, works for about 10 years.

It is worth noting that you should not heat the heating system to too high temperatures. If this indicator increases to 90 degrees, then the antifreeze will begin to disintegrate and lose its main positive characteristics.

Such an increase in temperature can also occur involuntarily:

  1. Due to incorrect starting of the heating system after it has been idle for a long time.
  2. Due to incorrect assembly the entire heating system.

Additives have a direct impact on a number of characteristics of antifreeze fluid for the heating system, including the following:

  • viscosity;
  • expansion under high temperature;
  • density;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • fluidity;

It is worth noting that the quality of additives affects the level of all these characteristics. The thermal conductivity of this liquid is much lower compared to water, and the lowest thermal conductivity is observed in glycerin products. Due to its rather high viscosity, antifreeze liquid is much more difficult to circulate than water.

In order for the coolant to move normally along the circuit, you will need to use a fairly powerful pump.

An increased fluidity rate can cause a large number of leaks. They can occur even where ordinary water would not seep through.

Key leak areas may include:

  1. Pipe joints.
  2. Sites, where various additional elements are connected.
  3. Directly in the heating boiler itself.
  4. Radiators, especially areas where sections connect to each other.

Popular brands

Today you can find on sale a large number of different antifreeze liquids that are designed directly for use in heating systems. One of the most popular brands is HNT-40.

It is a red liquid. This antifreeze begins to freeze at -70 degrees. Its density is slightly higher compared to water and is 1.075 g / cubic meter. cm. The cost of such antifreeze is about 180 rubles per liter. The service life of antifreeze liquid from this manufacturer can reach 10-12 years.

Another variety is called Hot Blood 30 Eco. It is also colored red, but its characteristics are very different from those of water. In particular, this antifreeze boils at a temperature of 130 degrees, and it begins to freeze with thickening, which occurs at -50 degrees.

In any case, antifreeze is used in the heating systems of private houses when the building is empty in the winter, and accordingly, the heating there is turned off. This allows you to prevent the system from depressurizing and freezing.

Thanks to the use of non-freezing liquid as the main coolant, it is possible to significantly extend the life of the entire heating system, including even radiators. Another important point is that antifreeze does not allow foam and gas formation.

Worth remembering

The way the heating system is assembled also affects the likelihood of using antifreeze fluid. If the assembly is carried out using fittings and other prefabricated elements, then it is better to avoid adding antifreeze. Due to its higher fluidity compared to water, it will begin to seep into even the smallest cracks.

A heating system mounted by welding metal pipes will be much better able to contain such a coolant. However, even here you need to be quite careful, since radiators may be weak points.

Old designs of heating systems, which were assembled several decades ago, did not provide for the use of radiators at all, due to which a variety of non-freezing liquids can be poured into them.

When using antifreeze for heating systems, it is necessary to calculate how much of this liquid is required. To do this, take into account the diameter, length of the pipeline, as well as its footage; in addition, it will be necessary to take into account the volume of liquid placed in key structures, which include the expansion boiler itself, radiators, and so on.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to pour automotive antifreeze into the heating system. The fact is that automotive antifreeze does not contain the necessary additives that are needed specifically in the heating system. This can have a very negative impact on rubber seals and metal structures of the heating system;
  2. Galvanized products do not react well with antifreeze liquids. As a result. over time, a metallized suspension or a poorly soluble precipitate in the form of white flakes may form. If the system has galvanized pipes, then the use of antifreeze is strictly prohibited;
  3. Sometimes the antifreeze liquid is diluted with water to make it more. Accordingly, the freezing temperature becomes higher. It is worth noting that only distilled water can be used for this purpose. If you use ordinary tap water, which contains a large number of different chemicals, they can react with compounds found in antifreeze. Because of this, the quality of this liquid can change greatly.