The king is in rags. The Forsworn Conspiracy: how to uncover the secret of Markarth and put an end to the dishonest deeds of the Silver Blood once and for all. Attack on the market and meeting with Eltris

I am a king in my kingdom, even if it is a kingdom of cesspools. (Charles Manson) Madanach woke up and took a deep breath, looking into the darkness. The time has come. He dreamed of Markarth, a gigantic Dwemer mechanism rising to fight for the Reach - he crushed the Nords, defenseless against his wrath, with his stone fists, merciless, like the eastern High Rock itself, whose hard stones cannot compare with the softness of the snows of Skyrim. But there is greatness in this, and for it the colossus of Markarth fought in a dream, set in motion by the awakened levers of the ancient Dwemer machine. But the dream ended and Madanach again found himself in the hard, dry belly of the Sidna Mine. He stood up, still looking into the darkness, and held out his hands to her - the way out was very close, Madanach had known about this for a long time. Wichman, skilled in any kind of sorcery, easily scouted out the winding path through the perforations in Markarth’s intestines, but knowledge alone was not enough to escape - a desire was required, as alive as blood. Now it has come: Madanach heard yesterday how the jailers were talking about the Silver Blood clan, that the new king had given Markarth to Thongvor. But Thongvor is only a mortal ruler, and the Reach belongs to the Wichmen, a people of outcasts. Madanach gathered his people, everyone in the Sidna Mine who was called an outcast, because this name is not given by birth, but is chosen by the mind and heart. Holding hands like blind men or children, they followed Madanach - out into the starry night sky of the Reach, where their freedom lived. The night watch did not expect an attack, but even though his men were eager to kill, Madanach did not allow them to paint the gray streets of Markarth with scarlet blood: simple people not their prey - not this time - both magic and blades should have been saved for others. Hiding under the veil of simple, eye-catching sorcery, the outcasts proceeded to the high doors of the Understone Fortress. Having crossed its threshold, Madanach raised his hands, summoning a firestorm, blindingly bright, as if a piece of the sun had fallen into a cold stone, burning the bodies of the guards to the bone. The smell of roasting meat filled the air, and Borkul knelt beside one of the dead; More than once Madanach saw him tearing the warm flesh of corpses with his teeth, yearning for the meat that the mines did not give to the prisoners, but in these charred bodies even an orc would not have found even a piece of edible pulp. Madanach was not at all interested in ordinary Nords, such as those whom Ulfric Stormcloak executed without pity - no, he came to see the new Jarl of Markarth and his brother. Rising up the steps worn out by a thousand steps, Madanach opened the high doors, and the outcasts filled the jarl’s chambers, like water or fire, wordless and merciless. Grabbing the sleepy Thongvor, who barely had time to reach for a weapon, Madanach summoned the power of elemental cold into his hands and nailed him to the stone of the bed with ice spikes: entering the flesh, they bound Thongvor, and the cold of the ice stopped the flow of blood from the wounds. “I greet you, Earl of the Reach,” Madanach smiled, and, turning around, smiled in the same way at Tonar and his wife, dragged by Borkul from the ruler’s chambers. Betrid, silver-haired, young, defenselessly naked, like her husband, herself resembled a Wichman, but Madanach did not allow his eyes to deceive him and was the first to hit her in the face. He did nothing more, just looked and forced Tongvor to look, clutching his thin hair. Tonar gave him the opportunity to make this escape, and therefore Madanach granted him death - Broculus, letting go of Betrid’s hands, bit his throat. A stream of hot blood washed away the white pattern from the green skin, and, always hungry for the pain of others, Broculus buried his face in the wound, and then, all red, jumped up to open the skull with several blows on the hard stone, exposing the delicious brain covered with a film. Betrid was also given death: yearning for the softness of women, the outcasts scratched her tender womb and ripe breasts with sharp nails, trying in vain to share her beauty among everyone - and broke Betrid like a fragile toy with their terrible semblance of caresses, broke her back, and twisted her neck. Only after these deaths did Madanach look into Thongvor's eyes again. “You captured our lands and populated them with your dirty people,” said Madanakh, “you desecrated our border with your filthy war, and our stone with your filthy blood.” You are not worthy to be called people, you are pigs. He took the dagger that was lying by the bed - a useless, ugly, crude Nord weapon, the kind of blade Tonggovor deserved. Slowly, as if not torturing a person, but decorating an enchanted staff with skillful carvings, Madanakh, penetrating the blade so deeply that it scratched the bone, carved “pig” on Tongvor’s forehead. - Your war is over, our time has come - my people will stop hiding, and we will come out against - in your own cities, on your roads, to kill hundreds and hundreds of your children. He leaned towards Thongvor, disgustedly feeling the sour and putrid smell of fear, pure as the silver of Markarth. The mead of the Nords is sweet, but barely intoxicating, and the Wichmen strain their wine from juniper - it is bitterer than tears, but intoxicating than freedom. And this night was a sip of wine for Madanahu. “I was taught a lesson twenty years ago—but only now have I understood it.” Your new king explained to me with his victory: the one who fights for a part receives nothing, and the one who fights for everything sits on the throne,” Madanach ran his fingers over the letters on Thongvor’s forehead, and, repeating this movement on his own skin, crossed his forehead with a red stripe. “I am a king in rags, but not the king of the Reach.” Skyrim belongs to the outcasts.

The Guard will immediately come up to us and ask what happened. You can choose any answer. Next, Eltris will come up to us and tell us that a note fell from us. In fact, he planted it. Let's get it out and read it.

Well, let's head to the sanctuary of Talos.

It is located in a small passage, and is displayed on the Markarth Map as follows:

Now our path lies in the tavern or anthill. In any order. Well. Let's go to Anthill.

Next, we intimidate/bribe/convince the guy at the entrance to give us the keys to Weylin’s room, it’s the last one on the right. In it, we find a chest with a note from someone - N. Now let's go to the Tavern. We'll go see Mr. N later.

Then, after leaving this wretched place, a guard will meet us and try to intimidate us. Well, how can some guard intimidate us, because we are fighters for justice, or at least dovahkiin.

However, we will continue to snoop around.

The Chest itself:

We head to the Tavern. Now we have two options: Either Margaret is already dead or you managed to save her. Although these options are not particularly different.

I'll start with option "A"

So, after Weylin we head to the Tavern where Margaret will sit by the Fireplace. We talk to her and find out that she is an imperial spy and reports personally to Tulia. We leave the Hotel.

Option "B"

We go to the Tavern and steal Margaret's diary where we find out that she is a Tulia Spy. In general, these options are almost no different from each other. At the exit from the Tavern we meet the mercenary Druston, who wants to intimidate us and offers a fist fight. We agree, beat him until he’s blue in the face and find out that the mysterious Mr. -N is none other than Nepus Nosy.

As you may have noticed, I did not go to Tonar right away. I'll tell you why: while completing the quest, I had a bug - upon returning to Eltris, there was an Imperial Legate and a Guard there.

Here Nepus’s maid meets us and, with the words “The old man needs rest,” tries to drive us out, but she hears her master’s command with the words “let him come in” and lets us through.

Indeed, Nepus is very nosey. But this does not change the essence of the matter. After a conversation with him, in which he admits his “Outcast,” Nosy Outcast will take out a sword and try to kill us. His whole family will attack us. The most powerful opponent of them will be the gatekeeper who did not let you in.

I would like a secretary like this: D . We talk to her (I personally intimidated her) and go to Tonar, who is in the room you can see on the left.

And here he is. We talk to him, try to find out something, and then he sends us away in a rude manner. However, at the same time, Grandfather and Granny, the treasury cleaners, take out their weapons and attack Tonar’s Wife. It serves him right! We return to Eltris in the Sanctuary of Talos. Unfortunately, instead of Eltris there will only be three guards there who will try to put you in prison. There is no point in defending yourself because... Every Markarth guard will pester you. We give up and move to Sidna.

We go along the Marker to the prisoner below and ask him about Madonakh - the King in Rags. In order to get to the Leader of the Outcasts, we must overcome the guard in the person of Borkul, about whom the Convicts tell terrible things. One of them is about how he tore off his opponent’s leg and finished off his opponent with it. (just like Quan Chi's fatality).

There are many options for passage, but the safest option is to “run around the mine.”

We go here and ask for sharpening. In return, we are asked to bring a little skooma. Drug addicts…

Skooma is taken from another part of the mine. We tell this prisoner that we are experiencing withdrawal symptoms and he gives us the skooma. We return, get the sharpening and go to Borkul for disassembly. Borkul will agree to let us through for sharpening. We agree, Madonach will still give one more.

And here is the legendary king himself in rags.

He sits and writes something. It’s sad, he just writes, but doesn’t fight. After his pathetic speeches, Madonakh asks to kill that unsuccessful thief who gave us the shiv. We say that our master key has been “wrung out” and the Royal Majesty is giving us a new one. Let's go, kill and return to the king.

Upon your return, Madonach will gather all the prisoners and lead you through the Dwemer Ruins. The ruins are not difficult, there will be a couple of spiders and a couple of Dwemer machines in them.

Before leaving, Madonakh will return all your things to you and give you the Armor of the Ancient Gods as gratitude for your salvation. At the exit, you will be able to capture the death of Tonar, who sent you so rudely. The outcasts will rebel, and are now free and free to do what you want.

Hi all.

I continue to write short documents detailing some of the hidden aspects of the game.

So, the next document will be devoted to a large-scale task, which is given when you first enter Markarth. It is given by Eltris' boyfriend when a woman is attacked by a man at the market. Eltris will simply slip you a note that only says, “Meet me at the Temple of Talos.” After this the quest begins...

1. Attack at the market and meeting with Eltris

2. Start of investigation

So, Eltris will ask us to investigate this murder, and the previous ones. He did this himself, but later decided to give it up because... married and will soon become a father.
First, we must find out about Margaret, the victim of the crime, and Weylin, the killer. It doesn’t matter where to start, but I started with Margaret.

There is one detail here - if you saved her from death, then there is no need to look for information about her and Vaylin - just talk to her and, through persuasion, bribery or threat, extract not only the information that we need to find out about her, but also about who is behind everything - she will reveal that she serves Tullius and her guess about who is behind the assassination attempt.

In order to find out about her, if she died, you need to go to the Silver Blood tavern. We ask the tavern owner for the key to Margaret’s room and go to examine it.

Good luck - we come across her diary. From it you can find out that she worked for the empire, and for General Tullius personally. And she came to Markarth to weaken the position of the Stormcloaks and buy back the Sidna mine from the Silver Blood.

Now we need to find out about Vaylin. To do this, we go to the “Anthill” - the place where the poverty of Markarth lives. We ask Harvey for the key to his room. Now we need to examine it.

And again - luck. We find a note in which Weylin is given instructions to kill Margaret. The author signed "N." We need to find out who it is.

At the exit from the Anthill we will be “met” by a man named Druston. He will want to beat us up - they say, you’re minding your own business! We accept the challenge.

After they painted his face, all that remained was to ask who he served and whether he knew the person who signed “N.” He will answer that "N." - this is Nepus Nosy and it is he who serves. Now let's go to Nepus...

3. An unexpected turn of events: who controls the outrages of the Outcasts

We just have to find out about Nepus and Tonar Silver Blood. It's better to start with Nepus. Let's go "visit" him. He'll let us through.

Let's enlighten him - we already know that he is an outcast. He is not surprised that we got to the bottom of it and calmly, without nerves, tells us everything. About the fact that Tonar and the king of the outcasts, Madonach, are behind everything. About the fact that Madonach is in the Sidna mine. About the fact that the outcasts are simply Tonar’s puppets. About the fact that only those disliked by Tonaru die at their hands. In general, from his story you can imagine what we got ourselves into. After the story, Nepus will politely apologize and say goodbye. Now we need to deal with him and his servants - all the inhabitants of his house are outcasts.

Having dealt with them, we go to the treasury, to Tonar.

Ask him about the Outcasts. He won’t tell us anything - he simply won’t have time - our conversation will be interrupted by the murder of his wife by his own servant. Deal with the old people and ask about the Outcasts again.
Tonar will only confirm everything. He rules the outcasts - thanks to this he is almost the King-God of the Reach. All undesirables are dead, all silver receipts are controlled.
Now it's time to leave. Time to tell Eltris everything. Let's go to the Temple of Talos...

At the entrance we are met by the city guards - Eltris is dead, and all the guards were bought by Tonar, and now they are just waiting to take your head off. Now, if you had a house and title (obtained during civil war titles also apply here) - you can forget about them. Now all the murders will be pinned... On you! There is only one right decision left - to surrender and go to the Sidna mine for life imprisonment.

4. Sidna Mine

Now you are a prisoner in the most secure prison in Skyrim. "Congratulations". Now we must find Madonach, and finally get answers to our questions.
First, let's ask the prisoners about him. About him and about Sydney in general.
It turns out that Madonakh is guarded by the bloodthirsty orc-maniac Borkul the Beast, and the means of self-defense in the mine is a sharpening - a small dagger, about the length of a palm. Since we will have to make our way past Borkul the Beast, if we want to get out of here, it’s better to stock up on it, just in case.
It turns out that Grisvar the Unlucky has an extra sharpening. He will agree to give it to us, but only if we bring him a bottle of skooma that Duah has. Steal it by pickpocketing, or beat him up. Bring Grisvara. Now you have a sharpener.
Now you can take the risk of making your way past Borkul. He will agree to let us through if we give him... A shiv. It was not for nothing that there was this head-to-head battle with Grisvar and the skooma. We give him the shiv and we can go to Madonakh, the King-In-Tatters. You have a choice...

1) Talk to Madonach. He will react quite calmly to our accusations of murder and cruelty, and will tell us that this is only retribution to the Nords. As proof, he will ask us to listen to Braig's story.
Listen to him. He will tell you what the Nords did to his family. What did they do with the other Reach families. Now you can return to Madonach. He will offer an escape plan, but first he will ask you to kill Grisvar the Unlucky. According to the convicts, he cannot be trusted under any circumstances.
Now Madonakh will gather all the convicts. As it turns out, they are all outcasts. We will run through the Dwemer ruins.
So, let's go out. It's time.

2) Kill the King-in-Tatters - it's time for him to answer for his atrocities! Remove the key and note from the body. Now it's time to get out of here.

So, you have made your choice... You cannot change it.

5. Long-awaited freedom

For those who went with the Outcasts:
Now just run along with everyone - the tunnel is safe, only at the end we will be met by several spheres and frost spiders. Deal with them.

The girl Keye will meet us at the exit. She will give Madonach "What he asked for" - the armor of the outcasts. Talk to him. He will give us a set of armor of the Old Gods and all your things. Exit the tunnel. We will be met by Tonar and the Markarth guards.
Wait for Madonach to talk to him and kill Tonar and his guards.
Now you can either leave the city for a couple of hours, or help the outcasts kill the guards - they most likely will not touch any of the peaceful townspeople - at least that’s how it was for me.

Actually, a reward.

For those who killed Madonach
Open the grate behind Madonach's room - and you can safely tear out your claws. You will be “warmly greeted” by the local inhabitants - two frosty spiders and two spheres. Since you have to run alone, it’s better to simply run away from them.
Here is the exit to Markarth. Tonar will meet you outside - he, naturally, does not admit his guilt, but the charges against you will still be dropped.
And the most interesting thing is that Tonar the Silver Blood will even thank you for the death of Madonach (who so boldly betrayed our innocent friend) and will present you with your reward - the family ring of the Silver Blood. Well, of course, he will give away your things.

Now you are free. And all your crimes, both those “hanged” on you by Tonar and those actually committed, were either taken upon by Madonach along with his Outcasts, or removed by the jarl together with Tonar himself. Now, if you had a house and a title, everything came back to you. Your name is clear again.
The outcasts, if you chose their side, are in the Druad stronghold
they won’t attack you, but in other places the stout is more tolerable. Madonach and others, if they are alive, can be found in the main stronghold of the outcasts - Druadach.
