Hippocrates. About a healthy lifestyle. Steam is stronger than polyarthritis

Private people (that is, those not in public service) should lead such a lifestyle: in winter they should eat as much as possible and drink as little as possible; let it be a drink wine, perhaps less diluted, and food bread and all fried foods; but at this time of year you should consume as little greens as possible. From this lifestyle, the body will be the warmest and driest. But when spring comes, you should take in more drinks, namely wine diluted with plenty of water, and drink in sips, and you should eat softer and smaller foods; eliminate bread completely, and use maza (Maza is unleavened dough for baking barley cakes or bread, kneaded with water without leaven); You should also eliminate meat and replace everything fried with boiled food. Also, greens should be used a little, so that a person prepares for summer by eating softer foods; boiled meat, fried and raw vegetables and drinks, in as large quantities as possible and as diluted as possible; and do this gradually, so that there is no big change at once. In the summer, one should eat both soft ointment and abundant and diluted drinks and all boiled vegetables; All this should be used in the summer so that the body is moist and soft, because this time of year is warm and dry and it makes the body hot and dry. Therefore, it is necessary to protect them from this with this established way of life. In exactly the same way as winter to spring, one must move from spring to summer, namely, by reducing food and increasing drink, and in the same way, doing the opposite, moving from summer to winter. In the autumn, food should be consumed in larger quantities and drier, as well as fish and meat, drinks in smaller quantities and less diluted, so that the winter is good for a person; and let him use purer drinks and in smaller quantities, and let him use food as plentiful and dry as possible. In fact, this will make him the healthiest and the least chilly, since this time of year is very cold and wet.

With fleshy, soft and red physiques, it is beneficial to eat dry types of food most of the year, because their nature is moist. Solid ones... must always consume a more moist type of food, since their bodies are dry. Younger bodies benefit from a kind of food that is softer and more moist, because this age is dry and their bodies are tight. Old people should spend most of their time in a drier lifestyle, because at this age their bodies are wet, soft and cold. So, in accordance with age, season, habit, country, locality, physique, we must arrange our lifestyle in such a way that we can withstand the coming heat and cold, for only in this way is the best health achieved.

Then in winter you should walk quickly, and in summer slowly, but you shouldn’t walk in the heat of the sun. It is beneficial for portly people to walk faster, and for skinny people to walk more slowly. Baths should also be taken frequently in summer and less often in winter. It is more beneficial to wash yourself skinny than fat. Also: in winter you should wear clean clothes, and in summer you should wear clothes soaked in olive oil.

Chapter 7 (excerpt)

For those who do gymnastics, it is useful to run and wrestle in the winter, and in the summer, wrestle a little and not run at all, but walk a lot in the cool. Those who are tired from running should fight, and those who are tired from fighting should run, for in this way any part of the body that is tired from labor can best be warmed up, strengthened and rested.

This text is taken from the book “The Book of Antiquity and the Renaissance about the Seasons and Health.”, Kniga Publishing House, Moscow 1972





Introductory article by V. N. Ternovsky and Yu. F. Shultz

Compilation and comments by Yu. F. Shultz

All poetic texts after which are not indicated

surname of the translator, translated by Yu. F. Shultz.

Introductory article 5

Seasons and health 7

Hesiod Works and days. 22

Translation by V.V. Veresaev

Hippocrates About a healthy lifestyle. 26

About airs, waters and places. 27

Aphorisms. 29

About diet. 32

Translations by V. I. Rudnev

Nicholas Callicles

I outline in verse the properties of 12 months. 37

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

Healing instructions of the Asklepiades. 49

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz


Poems about 12 months. 50

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

Lucretius Carus

About the nature of things. 55

Translation by F. L. Petrovsky

Aulus Cornelius Celsus

About medicine. 59

Translation by P. P. Petrov, S. A. Zyzin,

R. N. Kirillova

Quint Seren Samonic

Medical book. 66

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

Walafrid Strabo

About the culture of Gardens, or Sadik. 74

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

Odo of Mena

(Matzer Floridus)

About the properties of herbs. 88

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

The color of medicine Salerno. 92

About months. 93

About edible herbs. 95

Translations by Yu. F. Shultz

Arnold from Villanova

Salerno Health Code. 97

Translation by Yu. F. Shultz

Helium Eoban Hess

About maintaining good health 102

Abu Ali Ibn Sina


Canon of medical science. 112

Translation by M. A. Salye, U. I. Karimov, A. R. Rashidov

“The book is perhaps the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by humanity on its way to the happiness and power of the future,” said M. Gorky.

Over the course of several thousand years of its history, the book has gone through a complex path from ancient papyrus scrolls to richly illustrated and superbly executed printed publications. The book remained handwritten for a long time. Only in the middle of the 15th century, thanks to the discovery of Johannes Gutenberg, books began to be distributed in an unprecedented number of copies.

During the Renaissance, a huge number of books were published. Thus, from 1460 to 1500, more than 30 thousand titles were printed in Europe with a circulation of up to 5 million copies - much more than handwritten books were created in all previous times. Especially many works of Roman and Greek classics are published. In Italy, which was, in the words of V.S. Lyublinsky, “the high road of the revival of antiquity,” numerous editions of the works of Roman and Greek classics began to be published earlier than in other countries. “A bold thought flows from the pages of Cicero and Livy, Plautus and Lucian into the minds of readers in those very years when the Cape of Good Hope opens and the outlines of the New World appear before Columbus” (Lyublinsky V.S. At the dawn of printing. M., Uchpedgiz, 1959 , p. 71.).

During the Renaissance, numerous libraries were created, not only private - royal and princely, personal libraries of scientists, but also public ones. Luxurious library buildings are being built. Thus, the Laurentian Library in Florence was built according to the sketches of Michelangelo. Since 1470, Peter Schaeffer, the founder of a book publishing company, has been publishing lists of books he published - the prototype of our catalogs.

Soon the printed book is decorated with illustrations - woodcuts. The printer's typographic sign was an obligatory element in the design of a book of that time. At first these are only initials and monograms, then - beautiful multi-figure compositions with intricate patterns. Thus, on the typographical stamp of the French scientist and typographer Jodocus Badius Ascenzius (from 1501), an image of a printing press appeared.

In the same 15th century, a bookplate appears in a book - a book sign indicating that the book belongs to a specific owner. Initially, the bookplate consisted only of the surname and

As has already been said, the book “On a Healthy Lifestyle”, περὶ διαίτης ὑγιεινῆς, de diaeta (victu) salubri, was in ancient times one with the book “On the Nature of Man” and was allocated to Littre. It is, indeed, a completely independent work, treating a diet for healthy people without any connection with the previous one. Galen considered its author Polybius, the son-in-law of Hippocrates.
The book is written in simple, understandable language and gives instructions on diet at different times of the year (Chapter 1), for people of different constitutions and ages (Chapter 2), instructions on walking (Chapter 3), advice for those who want to lose weight and gain weight (Chapter 3). 4), rules for when and how it is advisable to take emetics and give enemas for dietary purposes (Chapter 5); This is followed by bathing (chapter 6) and a chapter on gymnastic exercises (7). The last two chapters are omitted in the translation, as they are not relevant to the topic. Many places in the book are in connection with “Aphorisms” and “On Airs, Waters and Places,” representing the further development of the thoughts expressed there, so the origin of the book from a circle of people close to Hippocrates is beyond doubt.
Literature see "On the Nature of Man."

Private people should lead such a lifestyle: in winter they should eat as much as possible and drink as little as possible; Let the drink be wine, perhaps less diluted, and let the food be bread and all fried foods; but at this time of year you should consume as little greens as possible. From this lifestyle, the body will be the warmest and driest. But when spring comes, you should take in more drinks, namely wine diluted with plenty of water, and drink in sips, and you should eat softer and smaller foods; Eliminate bread completely and use oatmeal; You should also eliminate meat and replace everything fried with boiled food. Also, greens should be used a little, so that a person prepares for summer by eating softer foods; boiled meat, boiled and raw vegetables and drinks, in as large quantities as possible and as diluted as possible; and do this gradually, so that there is no big change at once. In the summer, one should eat both soft ointment and abundant and diluted drinks and all boiled vegetables; All this should be used in the summer so that the body is moist and soft, because this time of year is warm and dry and it makes the body hot and dry. Therefore, it is necessary to protect them from this with this established way of life. In exactly the same way as from winter to spring, one must move from spring to summer, namely, by reducing food and increasing drink, and in the same way, doing the opposite, moving from summer to winter. In the autumn, food should be consumed in larger quantities and drier, as well as fish and meat, drinks in smaller quantities and less diluted, so that the winter is good for a person; and let him use purer drinks and in smaller quantities, and let him use food as plentiful and dry as possible. In fact, this will make him the healthiest and the least chilly, since this time of year is very cold and wet.
2. For fleshy, soft and red physiques, it is useful to eat dry food most of the year, because their nature is moist. The hard, skinny, red and black ones should always eat a more moist type of food, since their bodies are dry. Younger bodies benefit from a kind of food that is softer and more moist, because this age is dry, and their bodies are tight. Old people should spend most of their time in a drier lifestyle, because at this age their bodies are wet, soft and cold. So, in accordance with age, season, habit, country, locality, physique, we must arrange our lifestyle in such a way that we can withstand the coming heat and cold, for only in this way is the best health achieved.
3. Then in winter one should walk quickly, and in summer slowly, but one should not walk during the heat of the sun. It is beneficial for portly people to walk faster, and for skinny people to walk more slowly. Baths should also be taken frequently in summer and less often in winter. It is more beneficial to wash yourself skinny than fat. Also: in winter you should wear clean clothes, and in summer you should wear clothes soaked in olive oil.
4. If fat people want to lose weight, then they should do all physical exercises on an empty stomach and start eating while still out of breath after work and not cooled down, and first drink diluted wine and not particularly cold. Likewise, fish and meat should be taken cooked with sesame or with sweet sauce and other seasonings of the like; at the same time, let it all be fatty, because in this way you can get enough of it with as little as possible. In addition, one should take food once, refrain from taking a bath, sleep on a hard place and walk as naked as possible. Those who, being skinny, want to become fat, should do the opposite of this, and should also not undertake any physical exercise on an empty stomach.
5. Emetics and enemas should be used in this way: during the six winter months, vomiting should be induced, because this time, more than summer, produces mucus and diseases are excited around the head and the area that is located above the abdominal barrier. But when summer comes, one should use enemas, because this time of year is hot and the body is more abundant in bile; Also, the lower back and knees feel heaviness, there is a feeling of heat and the stomach is bothered by cramps. Therefore, the body must cool, and everything that rises must be brought down from these places. But the portly and wetter ones benefit more from salty and thin enemas, while the drier, skinnier and weaker ones benefit from fattier and thicker ones. Enemas are fatty and thick - those prepared from milk, pea broth and the like, and thin and salty - from brine, sea water and the like. Vomiting should be caused in this way: in obese and lean people on an empty stomach after running or a brisk walk around noon. The emetic is prepared from half a ounce of hyssop, ground in some water: take it after adding vinegar and adding salt, so that it is as pleasant as possible, and first you need to drink a little, and then quickly. Those who are leaner and weaker should “vomit after eating and in this way: after a warm bath, they will first drink a cotilia of pure wine, then take food of all kinds and let them not drink either during or after meals, but hold on for as long as required.” to run ten stages. Then, mix triple wine for them to drink, bitter, sweet and sour, and let them drink first undiluted, in sips, at long intervals, and then more diluted, quickly and in abundance. Who is used to vomiting every month? twice, for this it is better to do this for two days in a row than on the 15th day; but usually they do the exact opposite. For those who are accustomed to throwing away food by vomiting or whose bowel movements are difficult to pass, it is useful for all of these to eat frequently throughout the day. and eat all kinds of food: meat and fish, prepared in a variety of ways, and also drink wine of two or three kinds. For those who do not throw away food by vomiting and have wet stomachs, a diet opposite to this is useful for all of them.
6. Small children should be bathed in warm water for a long time and given wine diluted with water and not completely cold to drink; They should be given such wine because it least excites the stomach and causes bloating. This should be done so that children are less susceptible to convulsions, so that they grow more and have a healthier color. Women should be fed with a drier type of food, because, on the one hand, drier foods are better suited to the softness of female muscles, and on the other hand, cleaner drinks are better for the uterus and for the nutrition of the fetus.
7. For those who do gymnastics, it is useful to run and wrestle in winter, and in summer, wrestle a little and not run at all, but walk a lot in the cool. Those who are tired from running should fight, and those who are tired from fighting should run, for in this way any part of the body that is tired from labor can best be warmed up, strengthened and rested. Those who, at the end of gymnastic exercises, get diarrhea and at the same time excrete feces similar to food and undigested, should reduce their gymnastic exercises by at least a third, and their food by half, for it is obvious that their stomach cannot warm up enough to digest copious amounts. Let their food be bread, baked as best as possible, dipped in wine, and drinks in as small quantities as possible and as little diluted as possible, and let them not take walks after eating. During this time, it is useful to eat only once a day, because in this way the stomach can best warm up and overcome the food taken. This type of diarrhea most often occurs with physiques endowed with a dense body, when someone, despite this, is forced to eat meat, because the veins, compacted, cannot accept the food reaching them. Such nature is changeable; it turns in one direction or another, and in such bodies a good state is maintained at a height only for a short time. But physiques that are looser and more hairy allow this eating of meat on command, withstand labor better and remain in good condition longer. Those who regurgitate food the next day and whose pit of stomach rises (no doubt due to indigestion) benefit from longer sleep. In addition, they must be forced to perform other bodily labors, drink purer wine and in large quantities, and at this time take food in smaller quantities, for it is clear that the stomach, due to weakness and cold, cannot digest many foods. Those who are overcome by thirst should eliminate some of their food and physical exercise and drink wine diluted with water and as cold as possible. For those who experience pain in the insides from gymnastic exercises or from any other labor, it is useful to rest and abstain from food. Let them drink such a drink that, in the smallest quantity, produces very copious urine, so that the veins located in the insides do not stretch from overflowing, for this causes tumors and fevers.

Private people, ἰδιώται, as explained by Galen, are those who, not being in public service, mind their own affairs; they have enough time to take care of their health.
See “On Internal Suffering,” approx. 25.
Sesame, Sesamum orientale L., sesame. Sauce or gravy played a big role in Greek cuisine; they were prepared from various herbs and vegetables and were divided into sweet (ἡδύσματα) and salty or savory (ἄλμη), which included garlic. Ready-made sauces were also sold, for example. γάρος – fish sauce.
The Greeks of that time had the custom of periodically cleansing the body, as the French recommend doing in our time.
The hyssop here is not Hyssopus officinalis L., which does not grow in Greece, but probably (according to Sprengel and Fraas) Smyrna origanum: Origanum smyrnaeum L. Cotilia = 0.27 liters; khoei=3.24 l.
Stages - 177.4 meters.
This refers to the training of athletes associated with increased feeding.
Hair grows more strongly on loose or sparse skin (see “On the Origin of a Child,” Chapter 9).


The greatest ancient Greek doctor (460-356 BC), whose name is associated with the separation of medicine into an independent science. Originally from the island of Kos. Founder of the Kos Medical School. Three of his biographies were written by the physician Soran (probably Soran of Kos), the famous lexicographer Svida (10th century) and the philologist, prose writer and poet of the 12th century. I. Tsetsem.

Among the teachers of Hippocrates, in addition to his father and Gorgias of Leontina, Democritus of Abdera, one of the greatest materialist philosophers of antiquity, is named. 72 books have reached us, making up the so-called “Hippocratic collection”. They are written in the Ionian dialect. The manuscripts of his works were kept in the Famous Library of Alexandria and were a constant subject of study.

Already in antiquity (from the time of Herophilus of Alexandria - c. 300 BC), commentaries were compiled on the works of Hippocrates. Their authors are Zeuxis and Heraclides from Tarentum, as well as Galen, who provided information about many now unknown commentators of Hippocrates.

The works of Hippocrates were first published (translated into Latin) in 1525 in Rome, and in Greek the following year, 1526, in the printing house of the famous Venetian printer Aldus Pius Manutius (1449–1515), although the comments to individual works of Hippocrates were published back in the 70s. XV century. This was followed by the Basel edition of Hieronymus Froben (1538), edited by the physician J. Cornaro. In 1545, a Latin translation of the same J. Cornaro was published, which became widely known (it was reprinted 8 times during the 16th–18th centuries).

In 1588, in Venice, the Giunti published an edition of the works of Hippocrates in Greek with an attached Latin translation of Mercurialis and a review of the works of Hippocrates.

At the end of the same century (1595), an edition by A. Foetius appeared in Frankfurt, in which, along with the Greek text, an excellent Latin translation was also given. Of the publications of the 17th century, the most significant are: Leiden by Van der Linden (1665) and Paris by R. Chartier (1679) (the latter in 13 volumes).

But only in the 19th century did a period of critical study of the “Hippocratic Collection” begin, which resulted in a 10-volume edition by the French encyclopedist, philologist and physician E. Littre (1801–1881): vol. 1 - in 1839, vol. 10 - in 1861. At the same time, separate commented editions of the most reliable works of Hippocrates were published (in Teibner’s “Library of Greek and Roman Writers”).

In 1936, the 1st volume of “Selected Books” of Hippocrates was published in Russian, translated by Prof. V. I. Rudneva (edition, introductory articles and notes by Prof. V. P. Karpov). This was the beginning of the publication of the works of the great ancient Greek doctor in Russian (volumes 2 and 3 were published in 1944 and 1941, respectively). The following excerpts from the works of Hippocrates are given according to the text of this Russian edition.

Title page of the Complete Works of Hippocrates. In lat. language Edition Froben. Basel, 1554.

About a healthy lifestyle

Chapter 1

Private people 1 should lead such a lifestyle: in winter they should eat as much as possible and drink as little as possible; Let the drink be wine, perhaps less diluted, and the food be bread and all fried foods; but at this time of year you should consume as little greens as possible. From this lifestyle, the body will be the warmest and driest. But when spring comes, you should take in more drinks, namely wine diluted with plenty of water, and drink in sips, and you should eat softer and smaller foods; Eliminate bread completely and use oatmeal 2 ; You should also eliminate meat and replace everything fried with boiled food. Also, greens should be used a little, so that a person prepares for summer by eating softer foods; boiled meat, fried and raw vegetables and drinks, in as large quantities as possible and as diluted as possible; and do this gradually, so that there is no big change at once. In the summer, one should eat both soft ointment and abundant and diluted drinks and all boiled vegetables; All this should be used in the summer so that the body is moist and soft, because this time of year is warm and dry and it makes the body hot and dry. Therefore, it is necessary to protect them from this with this established way of life. In exactly the same way as from winter to spring, one must move from spring to summer, namely, by reducing food and increasing drink, and in the same way, doing the opposite, moving from summer to winter. In the autumn, food should be consumed in larger quantities and drier, as well as fish and meat, drinks in smaller quantities and less diluted, so that the winter is good for a person; and let him use purer drinks and in smaller quantities, and let him use food as plentiful and dry as possible. In fact, this will make him the healthiest and the least chilly, since this time of year is very cold and wet.

Chapter 2

With fleshy, soft and red physiques, it is useful to eat dry types of food most of the year, because their nature is moist. Solid ones... must always eat a more moist type of food, since their bodies are dry. Younger bodies benefit from a kind of food that is softer and more moist, because this age is dry and their bodies are tight. Old people should spend most of their time in a drier lifestyle, because at this age their bodies are wet, soft and cold. So, in accordance with age, season, habit, country, locality, physique, we must arrange our lifestyle in such a way that we can withstand the coming heat and cold, for only in this way is the best health achieved.

Chapter 3

Then in winter one should walk quickly, and in summer slowly, but one should not walk during the heat of the sun. It is beneficial for portly people to walk faster, and for skinny people to walk more slowly. Baths should also be taken frequently in summer and less often in winter. It is more beneficial to wash yourself skinny than fat. Also: in winter you should wear clean clothes, and in summer you should wear clothes soaked in olive oil.

Chapter 7 (excerpt)

For those who do gymnastics, it is useful to run and wrestle in winter, and in summer, wrestle a little and not run at all, but walk a lot in the cool. Those who are tired from running should fight, and those who are tired from fighting should run, for in this way any part of the body that is tired from labor can best be warmed up, strengthened and rested.

About airs, waters and places

Chapter 2 (excerpt)

And after that he 3 will predict for the year what general diseases will rage in the city in summer or winter and what individual diseases may threaten everyone, in particular due to a change in lifestyle, for who will know the changes of the seasons, the rising and setting of the stars, how each of them occurs , he will be able to foresee the state of the coming year. Whoever, by examining in this way, foreknows the contingencies of time, will best know the nature of everyone, will do a lot for health and will succeed a lot in art. If anyone thinks that all this relates to meteorology, if he deviates from this opinion, he will easily understand that astronomy has not a small connection with the medical art, but rather a very large one. After all, along with the seasons, people’s stomachs and illnesses change...

Chapter 10.

Regarding the seasons

By paying attention to the following, anyone can decide what kind of year it will be, healthy or bringing illness. If the signs of weather, during the rising and setting of the stars, appear according to calculation, if it rains throughout the autumn and the winter is moderate, neither too mild nor excessively cold, and in the spring and summer rains appear in a timely manner, then it is natural that such a year - the healthiest. But if the winter is dry and northern, and the spring is rainy and southern, then, of necessity, the summer is replete with fevers and brings on eye diseases and dysentery, for when the earth is softened by the spring rains and the southern wind and heat suddenly sets in, then, of necessity, the earth is wet and warm, and the heat of the sun doubles, while people’s stomachs are not settled at all and their brains are not drained. And in fact, when such a spring comes, then it cannot be that the body and meat are not filled with excess moisture, so that everyone, and especially phlegmatic people, are attacked by acute fevers.

In women and in very wet natures, dysentery naturally occurs. If when the Dog rises 4 rain and winter weather will come and the etesia will blow 5 , that is, hope for the cessation of diseases and that the autumn will be healthy.

Since during the existence of a southern, wet and warm winter, neither the body nor the veins contract, then with the onset of the northern, dry and cold spring, the brain, which along with the spring should have expanded and cleared itself through a runny nose and hoarseness, becomes so dense and contracted that with the sudden onset of summer and the resulting change to heat, the indicated diseases arise. And, of course, cities that are located well to the sun and winds and use good waters feel less changes of this kind; and those who consume marsh and lake waters and are not well disposed towards the winds and the sun. And if the summer is dry, the diseases will sooner stop, but if it is rainy, they become long-lasting and, naturally, corrosive ulcers, called phagedenic ulcers, appear on the wounds on every occasion. And finally, by the time the illnesses cease, diarrhea and dropsy appear, since the stomachs cannot easily drain;

If the summer is rainy and southern, so is the autumn, then winter necessarily brings many diseases. And those who are full of mucus and have passed the fortieth year naturally develop fevers, and those who are bilious - pleurisy and pneumonia. But if the summer is dry and northern, and the autumn is rainy and southern, then, naturally, by winter there will be headaches and inflammation of the brain, and in addition hoarseness, runny nose and cough, and some even have consumption. If the autumn is northern and dry and will not be rainy either during the Dog or during Arcturus 6 , then this is useful especially for phlegmatic and moist people by nature and women; this is most harmful to the bile, for they become very dry and develop dry eye diseases and acute and prolonged fevers, and in some also melancholy, for everything that is in the bile that is the most moist and watery is destroyed, but the thickest and most acute remains , and this happens for the same reason in the blood, where the indicated diseases originate in them. For phlegmatic people, all this serves to help, because they dry out and approach winter, not abundant in moisture, but dried out.

Chapter 11

So, whoever embraces and surveys all this with his mind will, on the basis of the changes, foresee quite a lot of what is about to happen. In particular, one must observe the most important changes of the seasons, so that no purifying medicines are prescribed unnecessarily, nor are they cut or cauterized before ten days or even more have passed. The most important and dangerous changes are the following: both solstices (especially the summer one), as well as both so-called equinoxes (especially the autumn one). One should also beware of the rising of the stars and especially Canis, then Arcturus and the setting of the Pleiades 7 , because on these days illnesses mostly fall into crisis...


Department 1

№ 17 You also need to look at who benefits from offering food once a day or twice and in larger or smaller quantities or in parts. It is also necessary to take into account everyone’s habits, the time of year, the terrain, and age.

№ 18 In summer and autumn food is most difficult to bear, in winter it is easiest, and then in spring.

Department 2

№ 25 Summer four-day fevers are mostly brief; autumn ones are long-lasting, and most of all those that occur towards winter.

Department 3

No. l Changes of seasons give rise to disease most of all, but great changes of cold, warmth, and everything else during these times have the same effect.

№ 2 Of human natures, some are well or poorly adapted for summer, others for winter.

№ 3 Of the diseases, some are well or poorly tolerated at some times of the year, others at others. In the same way, certain ages are adapted to certain seasons, localities and ways of life.

№ 4 At those times of the year when it is sometimes hot and sometimes cold on the same day, autumn diseases should be expected.

№ 5 Southern winds dull hearing, cloud vision, weigh down the head, and produce lethargy and relaxation. When such weather prevails, then everyone experiences illness. If there is a time of northern winds, then there will be a cough, sore throat, constipation of the stomach, difficulty urinating, trembling, pain in the side and chest. When this wind dominates, then everything like this should be expected in illness.

№ 6 When summer resembles spring, one should expect profuse sweating during fevers.

№ 7 During droughts, fevers are acute. And if the year for the most part is like this, then whatever weather condition it determines, this kind of illness should be expected in most cases.

№8 With stable seasons, if seasonal changes occur in a timely manner, then diseases are timely and easily resolved; When the seasons are inconsistent, illnesses are unstable and difficult to resolve.

№ 9 In autumn, diseases are the most acute and the most deadly; spring, on the contrary, is the healthiest time and carries the least mortality rate.

№ 10 Autumn is a bad time for consumptives.

№ 11 Regarding the seasons: if the winter is dry and with a north wind, and the spring is rainy and with a south wind, then in the summer there will necessarily be acute fevers, inflammation of the eyes, dysentery, most in women and men, who are naturally damp.

№ 12 If the winter is rainy and calm with a south wind, and the spring is dry and with a north wind, then women who are due to give birth in the spring miscarry at any opportunity, and those who give birth give birth to weak and sickly children, so these the latter either die immediately or live weak and sickly. Other people have dysentery and dry ophthalmia 8 , and the elderly have catarrhs, which are soon disappearing.

№ 13 If the summer is dry and with a north wind, and the autumn is rainy and southerly, then by winter there are headaches, coughs, hoarseness and runny nose, and in others - consumption.

№ 14 If the autumn is northern and without rain, then it will be favorable for people who are damp by nature and for women; the rest will have dry ophthalmia, acute fevers and chronic runny nose; others also have melancholy.

№ 15 Of all the conditions of the year, dry ones are generally healthier and less fatal than rainy ones.

№ 16 In rainy weather, the following diseases most often appear: prolonged fevers, diarrhea, purulent abscesses, seizures of epilepsy, apoplexy and tonsillitis. In dry weather there are: consumption, ophthalmia, inflammation of the joints, difficulty urinating and dysentery.

№ 17 As for the weather conditions for every day, cold days strengthen the body, make it elastic and flexible, give it a good color, sharpen the ear, but also harden the stomach, irritate the eyes, and also produce pain in the chest, and, if such previously existed , strengthen them. On the contrary, hot days relax the body and make it damp, dull the hearing and cause heaviness in the head, produce dizziness, make it difficult to move the eyes and body, and relax the stomach.

№ 18 As for the seasons, in spring and early summer children and those close to them in age feel great and are the healthiest; in the summer and some part of the autumn - old people. During the rest of the year, in autumn and winter, people are middle-aged.

№ 19 Diseases, of course, appear at all times of the year, but some of them appear more quickly and are most aggravated only at certain times of the year.

№ 20 So, in the spring there are: mania, melancholy, epilepsy, bleeding, sore throat, runny nose, hoarseness, coughs, leprosy, skin rashes, freckles, many ulcerative pimples, bumps and joint pain.

№21 In the summer there are some of these diseases, as well as constant fevers, burning fevers and very often three-day fevers, vomiting, diarrhea 9 , ophthalmia, ear disease, mouth ulceration, genital rotting, prickly heat.

№22 In the autumn there are many of the summer diseases, as well as four-day fevers, wandering fevers, diseases of the spleen, dropsy, consumption, strangury 10 , lienterii 11 , dysentery, sciatica, tonsillitis, asthma, volvulus, epilepsy, mania and melancholy.

№23 In winter: pleurisy, peripneumonia 12 , runny nose, bronchitis, coughs, pain in the chest, sides, lower back and head, dizziness and apoplexy.

Department 8

№8 All the suffering that occurs with consumption due to the natural disposition towards it is very strong and some are even fatal. And then in second place comes the circumstance when the subject will be ill at a time when time itself fights together with the disease, such as, for example, with a burning fever in summer, and with dropsy in winter, for nature is far stronger; and disease of the spleen is especially terrible.

About the diet

Book III

67 First of all, the natures of people are different; so dry natures are dry more or less both in relation to themselves and to others; exactly the same with wet ones and all sorts of others. Then - ages do not have the same needs; Keep in mind also the positions of places, changes in winds, changes in seasons, annual weather conditions...

68 So, first I will describe for many people what can be most useful for those who use food and drink indiscriminately, engage in necessary work, travel out of necessity, sail the sea to accumulate the means of life, are exposed to heat more than they should, the cold is more than useful, and in general they lead an unstable lifestyle. These people, in the conditions in which they find themselves, should adhere to such a diet. The year is divided into four parts known to most: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter lasts from the setting of the Pleiades to the spring equinox, spring - from the equinox to the rise of the Pleiades 13 , summer - from the Pleiades to the rise of Arcturus 14 , autumn - from the rising of Arcturus to the setting of the Pleiades 15 .

In winter, when you have to withstand the cold and strong season, you need to lead this way of life: first of all, food should be taken only once a day, at least if the stomach is not very dry; if it is dry, it is still easy to have breakfast. Food should be dry, astringent, intoxicating, made from coarse and unmixed substances. It is preferable to eat bread and foods - more fried than boiled; drink pure black wine in small quantities; eat less vegetables, including warming and dry ones, and least of all decoctions and barley soups. You need to do a lot of different exercises: bending run 16 , which is supposed to be gradually increased; wrestling in oil 17 which needs to be lengthened, starting with a light exercise; brisk walks after exercise and slow walks after lunch in the sun; long morning ones, starting with a slow step, speeding up and ending again with a quiet step. You need to use a hard bed, night walks, night running, because all this makes you lose weight and warms you up. Need to rub in more. When someone wants to wash, if he has been practicing in the palaestra 18 , you need to wash with cold water; after any other exercise, warm water is more suitable... One should not be afraid to expose oneself to cold, not only after eating and exercising, but during morning walks until the body begins to warm up, and during running and at other times, while avoiding excess.

It is not good for the body not to be chilly at this time: after all, trees that have not been exposed to cold at one time can neither produce fruit nor be strong. It is necessary to use all types of exercises at this time, because there will be no excess, as long as overwork does not occur - a sign that I point out to ordinary people. Why this happens, I explain as follows: since the season is cold and foggy, the animals themselves experience this; bodies, therefore, warm up from exercise more slowly, and only a small part of the existing moisture is released; Moreover, the time given to exercise is not enough, and rest is long, for the day is short and the night is long; as a result, neither time nor exercise is excessive. This diet must be followed at this time of year, from the setting of the Pleiades to the solstice 19 , i.e., for forty-four days, and around the turn you should be especially alert and, starting from the turn, use the same diet for the same number of days. After this, Zephyr begins to blow 20 and the season is milder; one must also follow the seasonal diet for another fifteen days. Then Arcturus will rise, and it is time for the swallow to appear. Subsequently, you need to use a more varied regimen until the equinox 21 within thirty-two days. Thus, in accordance with the time of year, one should change the diet and, making it weaker and easier in food, drink and exercise, gradually bring it until spring. When the equinox comes, the days become milder and longer, the nights become shorter, the approaching time is hot and dry, and the present time is nutritious and temperate. If trees, which have no intelligence, prepare for themselves at this time of year provisions for summer, growth and shade, should not man do the same? Since he has intelligence, he must prepare for himself a healthy increase in meat.

In order not to change your diet dramatically, you need to divide this time into six parts, eight days each. During the first part, you need to reduce the exercises, using easier ones; food should be softer and cleaner, drink should be more watery and whiter 22 ; wrestling “in oil” in the sun is applicable. At each time of the year, each part of the regime should be gradually changed; you need to reduce your walks: more in the afternoon, less in the morning; maza should be preferred to bread; eat more boiled vegetables and boiled dishes compared to fried ones; you need to use baths, have a light breakfast... During this time until the ascent of the Pleiades, the diet should remain light. Now summer is coming, and the diet must be adapted to it. So, with the ascension of the Pleiades, softer, purer food is consumed and in smaller quantities; then - more masa than bread, and the maza should be well mixed without being mashed; the drink should be soft, white, watery; breakfast is small; after breakfast - a short nap; overfill yourself with food and drink as much as possible; drink in sufficient quantities during meals, and drink as little as possible during the day, unless dryness of the body forces you to do so. You need to use boiled greens, excluding those that cause heat and dryness, you can also use raw vegetables, excluding those that warm and dry... Fruits are stronger than human nature, therefore, it is better to refuse fruits; if you consume them with food, the error will be less. As for exercises, you can do hoop running and double running 23 in small quantities and for a short time. Walking can be done in the shade, wrestling “in the dust” to keep warm as little as possible. Indeed, wrestling in the dust is better than running with a hoop, because the latter dries the body, depriving it of moisture. After lunch there is no need to walk, perhaps only a little; In the morning you need to take walks. It is necessary to beware of the sun both in the morning and in the evening, and the cold coming from rivers, ponds and snow. You need to adhere to this diet until the solstice in such a way as to take away during this time everything dry, hot, black, pure, as well as bread, leaving perhaps only a small piece for pleasure. All this time you need to use substances that are soft, moist, refreshing, white and pure until the rising of Arcturus and the equinox for ninety-three days.

From the equinox, you need to regulate your diet, preparing for winter in the fall, protecting yourself from changes in cold and heat with the help of thick clothing. At this time, without taking off your dress, you can use preliminary movements, then rubbing and wrestling “in oil”, keeping them gradual. You should walk in the heat, take hot baths, deprive yourself of daytime sleep; use hotter, less moist and clean food, drink blacker, but soft and not watery; Use dry vegetables in smaller quantities. The entire diet should be carried out by reducing summer foods; winter ones should not be used to the extreme, bringing them as close as possible to the winter diet for forty-eight days, starting from the equinox until the setting of the Pleiades.

If you came to this page from a search engine, then it is most convenient to continue searching for information on it through search function Your browser (keyboard shortcutCtrl+F).

The most complete search for the recipe you need (or other information) will be if you use the search module of this site - window up pages ( Google search by site) or window under table of contents left ( Yandex search on the site). Treatment recipes for all occasions are collected here. You can easily verify this.

Bulletin “Healthy Lifestyle” - “Healthy Lifestyle”, 2000, No. 01 (157)



The newsletter came to me in 1998. I didn’t even know about this newspaper before. My knee joints hurt a lot - the veins on my left leg are inflamed - the result of a cold during agricultural work in late autumn in the 80s. I once went to my neighbor to cry about my illness, and she gave me the numbers of the newsletter and advised me to read it. Now I constantly buy “HLS”. True, I tried everything that they write about treating joints, but unfortunately, nothing helped me radically. I temporarily relieve pain with sunflower oil, although I don’t remember which issue of 1998 I took the recipe from. The fact is that I gave my binder to a woman whose husband suffered a stroke, and did not receive it back. And I also have kerosene infused with green walnuts. Also a good remedy. I rub it at night so as not to irritate anyone with the smell. In the morning I get up and am able to move.

I decided to write to you after reading the article “Commandments of the School of Hippocrates” about milk in No. 18. I do not agree with the article itself, and, most importantly, with its categoricalness. I am not a scientist, not a medical professional, but just a construction materials technologist and I don’t know what happens inside the body after drinking milk. However, I know from the experience of my life that during the war and after, in the difficult post-war years, a cow saved the whole family from hunger. And not only ours. Milk was, in fact, the only food after potatoes and bread. Until now, those who are still alive walk on their own feet and work. At the same time, I don’t remember that we were sick with anything during our school years. At that time (50s - 60s) the food was more natural, local, and we lived a simpler and more fun life. I had a mother-in-law, so she drank milk with sugar: 1/3 of a cup of sugar, and the rest was milk. True, she lost her teeth early, but her heart, legs, and liver never hurt. Until old age, she mowed the meadow, dug potatoes and lived, thank God, 89 years and 6 months.

There was a man living in our house. Retired military man. He was often in the hospital - he treated his heart. So one doctor advised him to eat granulated sugar. He started with a teaspoon, gradually added to a glass and “went down” back. He cured his heart with sugar and lived until he was 80 years old without attacks. So, I think nutrition is individual for each body.

Sorry for the letter. It probably goes against the grain. But I don’t like it when they impose their ideas on others: either vegetarianism or a raw food diet... And why does the messenger so often refer to the opinion of foreign authorities? Do we really, in Russia, not have our own people to listen to? I love Russia very much, I was born here, I grew up here on native bread and milk, here I breathe my native air. I love our forests, rivers, meadows, people, and I am always indignant when people treat our native nature in a barbaric way - after all, it gives us life. I love wandering through the forests, collecting herbs, mushrooms, and berries. Especially in the fall... I always remember Pushkin’s poems:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty

I love the lush decay of nature,

The forests are dressed in scarlet and gold.

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath...

And I forget the world - and in sweet silence

I'm sweetly lulled to sleep by my imagination,

And poetry awakens in me..."

Here it is - truly native!

P.S. As one woman once said to John the Theologian during a sermon: “You are a true preacher, Chrysostom, but we don’t understand your sermons, you speak too cleverly.” Sometimes I want to say the same words to the newsletter: “Your articles are good, but they are not for the minds of many pensioners, diagnoses of diseases are written in a scientific way and, when reading, it is not clear what ails a person, but the newspaper is read by people who do not have a medical education . Once again, sorry for the letter. It turned out to be long, and maybe it’s not right... I wish the Messenger to get fatter, gain more authority and subscribers.

Address: Lyudmila Zakharovna Nezhentseva, 308014, Belgorod, st. Sadovaya, 30, apt. 300.

"HLS": The reader, in bewilderment, may ask the question: "Why did you actually publish this letter? It is, so to speak, anti-scientific. Sugar - in glasses, milk - in liters."

It is truly unscientific. But it reflects the opinion of a large part of our readers, ordinary people, who cannot understand why they suddenly started talking about the dangers of milk or the dangers of sugar. Now is not the time to explain why, especially since we have explained this more than once. But that's a point of view. It exists. And we would like to wish Lyudmila Zakharovna health, at least for the love that she feels for Russia. As for milk, it is sold in abundance in the most civilized countries. If it is sold, then it is bought. And science?.. Science says that you need to drink it with caution. Especially adults and elderly people. As they say, you can’t argue against science. Well, you decide according to your own understanding.



It so happened that I only learned about the Healthy Lifestyle newsletter last year. I'm sorry that so much time was wasted. We'll have to catch up. And now - about myself: Maria Filippovna Orlova, recently turned 80 years old. You see, we have to hurry! Medical worker, graduated from the Barnaul Obstetrics and Paramedic School and, as an excellent student, ended up in. Voronezh Medical Institute. After 2 courses there was war, and I was at the front. I went through the hell of war in a sapper battalion. She rose to the rank of senior lieutenant in the medical service. After being wounded and severely concussed, from the age of 23 he became a disabled person of the 2nd group. Plus, I picked up tuberculosis from the front.

No, I didn't give up. Having “deceived” people, myself, and nature, I managed to work for more than 40 years by hook or by crook. I have gone through all the official and alternative medicine, and I have something to say. However, I’m only going to write about what I myself experienced and what helped me and my loved ones. What do we encounter most often? With colds. And we are treated with whatever we can, poisoned by “chemistry”.

Meanwhile, everything ingenious is simple and - I would add - accessible. Nature itself gave us a natural antibiotic - aspen. It doesn’t just kill, it mows down the microbial evil spirits in our body.

Recipe. Before the buds open (April, May), you need to collect buds and bark, preferably from young aspen. There are fewer buds: 1 part and 3-4 parts of bark. Everything is dried in the shade. The bark is passed through a meat grinder, and the buds are passed through a coffee grinder. An alcohol tincture of 1:10 is made. If using alcohol, infuse for 2 weeks; on vodka - 3-4 weeks. The liquid must be constantly shaken and kept in a dark place. After the specified period, the tincture is ready for use. Take depending on age. Adults: 30 to 40 drops 3 times a day. For children, from 7-10 drops to 15-20 drops - according to age.

Treats all colds: catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, flu, sore throat, pneumonia, rhinitis, otitis and the like. There is evidence that aspen even overcomes the pathogens of diphtheria, dysentery and typhoid fever.

Children with bronchopneumonia (where medicine did not help well) were perfectly cured in a short time, especially when I used hot wraps according to Zalmanov (but this is only in severe cases). I myself have long forgotten what it’s like to catch a cold and get sick, although in the recent past I got sick 5-6 times a year, and my nose rarely breathed normally.

Of course, I didn't open anything. This has long been known. This is how our parents treated us children. They simply brewed aspen and added honey to the contents (it is bitter). Of course, the question arises: why is our healthcare system silent about aspen? One smart person answered a similar question to me: “Then more than one pharmaceutical plant will have to be closed. And this is a business, and money rules the world! What about health? Save yourself as best you can!”

And another piece of advice: don’t barbarically attack the poor aspen. This is the most intelligent tree - it grows only in ecologically clean areas. As a Siberian, I know what aspen thickets are like there. But in the Moscow region, aspen has disappeared, and if it exists anywhere, it is sick.

Address: 121359, Moscow, st. Ak. Pavlova, 1,2, bldg. 1, apt. 27. Orlova Maria Filippovna.

“HLS”: We hope that this letter from Maria Filippovna is just the beginning. If you have something to say, you have to say it! We are waiting for the continuation.


I subscribed to “Healthy Lifestyle” on the advice of friends in 1997, and now I myself advise everyone to subscribe to the newspaper.

I am 63 years old, disabled group 2. My whole life has been a struggle with a bunch of diseases. The appendix and gallbladder were removed. Well, and then angina pectoris, ischemia, arrhythmia, widespread osteochondrosis with unbearable chest pain. Constant weakness and pain in the legs... Later, doctors discovered a cyst and kidney stones...

Under the influence of “Healthy Lifestyle”, I began to do a little of everything, at the same time listening to my body and, as it were, studying it. I re-read Malakhov, Bragg, Shelton, Semenov, Ivanov, Bolotov, Gogulan... I eventually settled on the system of exercises according to K. Nishi. When I started mastering it, I thought I would end up in a mental hospital. It seemed to me that I would never overcome these six exercises with the text “I feel good, and every day it will become easier for me...”. However, gradually I coped with the task. After 2 months, the chest pain disappeared, the reason for which the doctors could not explain. Then the arrhythmia and shortness of breath disappeared, and the blood pressure returned to normal.

Now I walk briskly 5 times a week, 2-5 km a day, not counting trips to the market and shopping. On the crossbar in the doorway, I pull myself up (as carefully as possible) 2-5 times. I love flowers and starry nights. My husband and I have a garden plot where we spend our leisure time. I love this quiet corner with a green lawn where you can relax and meditate...

In conclusion, I want to say: you have to rely only on yourself. And don't stop halfway. Skills will come, and a good mood will come.

Address: Makarova Isabella, 347931, Taganrog, P-Togliatti, 20/4, apt. 39.



I am a disabled person of the first group due to rheumatic arthritis. Since 1970, I was treated with bicilin, penicillin and hormonal drugs. The result is crutches. Official medicine turned out to be powerless: you took ortofen - after 3-4 hours you can move a little, the time of action has passed - you are again a living corpse on the bed. But the recipe from “ZOZH” really helped me. I began to feel much better when I underwent a course of treatment with green walnuts on purified kerosene - ROE dropped to 16.

And I am also very grateful to the messenger for the interviews with hereditary herbalists. There are fewer and fewer of them left on earth.

Address: Evdochenko Svetlana Ilyinichna. 420110, Kazan, PO Box 228.


I have been writing the newsletter for two years. I’m so used to it that I can’t wait for the next issue. “Healthy Lifestyle” has become a reference book for me and for my daughter. But my husband, son and daughter-in-law (both, by the way, are doctors) are not interested.

First of all, I read the section “Respond!” I am concerned and amazed by the fate of people. Behind the diagnoses, by the way, the kind that you sometimes won’t find in medical textbooks (I’m also a doctor), I see people’s suffering. And I think: “How ignorant we are!” I just want to scream; “Why don’t you read, don’t take in the materials of “Healthy Lifestyle”, where almost all your questions have answers?!”

I inevitably link the materials of the newsletter with laws, traditions, and problems of official medicine. I'm indignant! And I scream from my powerlessness to influence the situation. The only thing I can do is, after I listen to the complaints of my patients (they still come to me, although I am already 67 years old), I advise them to subscribe to the “Healthy Lifestyle” newsletter, which listens to readers in a kindred way and gives the opportunity to correspond with people of our vast Russia (and not only Russia), share useful tips. And most importantly, it instills faith in life, teaches how to overcome illnesses, difficulties on the path to a healthy lifestyle, and helps to survive.

I'm a sick person. After retiring, she and her husband took up cattle breeding and gardening. I run my small farm both with pleasure and out of necessity - I help unemployed children. I learned to survive and overcome difficulties since childhood. It took place in Kuban during the war and after. That time and the present are similar. The country is in ruins. I'm not afraid for myself. I'm scared for the youth.

Well, now some practical tips for survival from your own experience.

Instead of expensive washing powders, you can use lye, which is made from wood ash. Particularly good lye is obtained from aspen firewood and sunflower wood. I haven't bought powders for a long time. I wash with simple soap and lye. And great! The skin of your hands does not suffer and your money is safe.

From a variety of tips and recipes, you need to choose what currently suits you. For example, I rub myself with salt once a week in the bathhouse. About 10 minutes at a time. I rub it all over my body - from ears to feet. Then I rinse. I wash my hair separately with soap and shampoo. I go to bed, wrap myself in clean linen, cover myself warmly and sweat. If I have enough strength, I rinse again with warm water. I don’t eat anything before the bath, I take a no-shpa tablet about two hours before. After the bath I drink tea. I’ve been receiving treatment like this for six months now. What do I have? Skin turgor has improved,

All joints are more mobile, my heart and kidneys are easier, I feel healthier.

Address: Barbashina V.D. 658710, Kamen-on-Obi, Altaisky, Gaidar, 41.


I read the “Editor's Column” in Newsletter No. 15 (147) and decided to respond. Materials such as “Green Willow” are definitely needed.

I think everyone is interested in knowing about our roots, how our great-grandfathers lived, what their life was like and how they survived. After all, life in Rus' has never been easy, and perhaps articles like this will be a recipe for survival in our time. Survival optimism is also medicine! Reading about our ancestors, you can’t help but admire their ability not to whine, but to look for a way out of the current situation. The exit is dignified, calm, persistent. They had some kind of wisdom, which, unfortunately, is missing now.

My grandmother had 14 children. My grandfather died after the war from hunger. I want to say that I have never seen my grandmother cry. She didn’t raise her voice at anyone, didn’t swear at anyone. She was always confident and collected. And she worked slowly, calmly, and laconicly. She lived to be 99 years old. Everyone complained: “In the next world, they broke everything, they’re looking for me, but I’m here.” I still admire her endurance. Although life was not easy.


I am a disabled person of the first group (severe anemia and hyperthyroidism). I have been writing out the newsletter for three years. I am very glad that it unites all people suffering from various ailments, both physical and mental. It is “Healthy Lifestyle” that gives hope for recovery to everyone who at some point has come to terms with their fate as a disabled person and eternal sufferer.

By sharing traditional medicine recipes that have been tried and tested on ourselves and others, we help each other find hope and find our path to a healthy lifestyle. I remember in one of the letters there was a remark to the effect that all the recipes can be found in the flow of medicinal literature on the current book market, but the author apparently forgot about the cost of the books. Today only wealthy people can afford them, and “Healthy Lifestyle” is available to everyone The value of the materials printed here is that we are treated by the main healers of the Earth: Mother Nature, the divine Word, age-old folk wisdom and doctors from God.

I develop a treatment for myself every month using the “Healthy Lifestyle” recipes, which prolongs my life. I share the knowledge I have gained with sick people and give lectures to healthy people. After all, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it with pets for years.

If there is a forest in your area, go for a health walk with your family or friends - you will be richly rewarded.

I would especially like to draw attention to the healing storehouse of coniferous forests. They are unique: everything about them is healing - the air you breathe, fallen pine needles, cedar cones, a transparent resin tear on the bark of a mighty cedar.

The newsletter has already published recipes using the gifts of these forests (tinctures from nut husks, pine baths, ointments using resin, and so on). I would like to continue the topic.

In cotton clothes, ride on the coniferous cover - and a cosmetic compress for your body is ready, and annoying insects will fly around you. Walk around in a puddle or stream filled with pine needles with bare feet - that's a pine bath, and the cold will leave you.

Nuts will satisfy the body's protein deficiency. You can get cedar nut oil at home. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals - this will relieve your body of stomach pain, increase immunity, and improve blood hemoglobin. Use the mass obtained after squeezing the nut grains as a food additive in soups, meat dishes, and baked goods. Your guests will be enchanted by these dishes. Most importantly, don’t forget to leave empty buds: they can work wonders. Steam them in a saucepan and you can enjoy the smell of pine forests all year round, without even leaving your home (recommended for people with limited mobility). Do inhalations if you have a cold, and use the water decoction for saunas and baths. There will be no harm from these procedures, only benefit, and your spirits will increase.

A pine cone, dried in the sun or in the oven, will become a good applicator and home massage therapist for you. Place the dried pine cones in a bag made of natural dense fabric, sew it up, place it on the floor, and lie down on this rough “rug.” By the way, don’t forget to turn on pleasant music... Make relaxed body turns to the right, left, stretch, if you wish, just “dance” with your back to the sounds of music, as far as your imagination allows. Then you can do this while standing on the “mat” with your bare feet. This type of massage is suitable for both adults and children.

Do not leave broken branches or young trees destroyed by someone to dry in the forest. Make a panel out of them or sew a healing bath mat. Make the sketches yourself, just don’t forget that when you make the blanks, the thickness of the round parts should not be less than 2 cm, and it is advisable to always leave the longitudinal parts with bark. Thanks to the coniferous rug, your children will never have flat feet; it also treats neuroses.

Suck the resin “tears” of cedar - all microbes will be destroyed and your gums will be strengthened. For children, the resin can be mixed with honey (in a water bath), then cooled in the refrigerator and given as chewing gum or “medicinal candy.” If a child swallows it, there is no big problem. Make toys from wood for your children, pine brooms for the bathhouse, etc. After all, in the old days, all toys were made from natural materials (wood, straw, bark), natural fabrics (linen, cotton). Maybe this was the secret of Russian prowess and heroic strength.

Items made from coniferous trees will last you 2-3 years - that’s about how long they retain their healing properties. Then make new ones, and collect the outdated ones, dry them and, inviting friends, light a fire so that they can say goodbye to you with a warm living flame. And you will thank them for the health they have given you.

All the recipes given are just a small part of the memo I compiled, which is called “Sacred Cedar”. It is bought up by both the sick and the healthy. If you can add anything to this memo, you will help people even more. For example, I continue to work on it, adding new recipes that I have tested on myself.

Address: Klyuchnik Svetlana Viktorovna, st. Yubileinaya, 32, apt. 60, Spassk-Dalniy, Primorsky Territory, 692210.


Lymph nodes are the bastions of the body

So I have only one piece of advice for you: read Ivanchenko carefully. And references to the lack of medical education, as well as the latter in general, do not do honor and do not serve as an excuse. There is such a thing - self-education, an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Moreover, in this case the subject of knowledge is you yourself. In this regard, many of our readers have truly succeeded and today are not inferior to other certified physicians. Conversations with Ivanchenko are the path along this path.

“It seems like you’ve already shared everything,” I muttered gloomily, because the first issue was not going well, and here was the professor with his eternal “Parisian secrets.”

In this case, answer me, why are lymph nodes needed? - the professor pretended to have missed the remark.

Why, why... So you tell me “why.” Probably to gather lymphocytes into a fist to fight viruses, bacteria and other rubbish...

Well, this is too approximate. Let's start in order... Lymph nodes are the main organ of antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal and generally anti-infective defense of the body. I hope you know this.

Well, basically...

Then let's move on. The role of lymph nodes varies depending on the age of the person. In childhood, this is protection against infection, because already in children the primary introduction of staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and candida occurs, to which active lymphocytes are formed in the lymph nodes, producing protective antibodies. Did you know that tonsils are essentially the same lymph nodes, only in contact with the external environment? They contain the same lymphoid tissue... And another question, as they say, “for reference”: can you name the main organ of the body’s anti-stress defense?

Hm, probably the nervous system. After all, all the stress falls on her?

The nervous system in this case is just a superstructure. The main blow of a stress attack falls again on the lymph nodes. It is known that under the influence of stress, the adrenal cortex releases special hormones, glucocorticoids, into the blood. So, the latter suppress lymphoid tissue, causing its depletion and atrophy. The more stress, the more depleted the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, and appendix become. In old age, as stress increases, the situation gets worse. That is why it is during this period that tumors develop, and infections are sluggish, with low temperatures and almost untreatable.

But there must be some kind of anti-stress protection?

Alas, there are not many funds. The most effective among them are meditation, auto-training, attitudes like those proposed by Nikolai Sytin, some physical exercises - jogging, swimming, walking. This also includes winter swimming. That is, everything that gives positive emotions.

Don't you think this is a different topic?

And I’m not going to develop it. I remember very well that today we are talking about lymph nodes.

By the way, what are they?

Figuratively, these are bags filled with lymphocytes and lymphoblasts.

Lymphoblasts? Something new.

Let's talk about this. Here's a new fact for you. It turns out that in children, primary infection with chlamydia occurs not through sexual contact, but from... cats. Now even a special “Cat Scratch Disease” has been described. This is an inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by chpamydia penetrating through damaged skin: scratches, bites. In their place, pustules develop, and then inflammation: local lymph nodes swell, the temperature rises. Nobody even thinks about the cat; a small problem is an abscess. But after a few years, parents are at a loss: where does chlamydia come from in the genitourinary system and other organs of the child? Moreover, no antibiotics take them. The fact is that if the infection gets into the lymph nodes, then the so-called reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes occurs in them. It lies in the fact that lymphocytes are rejuvenated, that is, they are transformed into younger cells - lymphoblasts.

It turns out that in order to “rejuvenate” you need to catch an infection?

This is what is surprising. Moreover, it is a very interesting mechanism. It turns out that when foreign substances - antigens - enter, blood lymphocytes, in contact with them, perceive antigenic information from them and go straight to the lymph nodes, where they transmit it to the lymphocytes of the lymph nodes. In the latter, a blast transformation reaction occurs with an increase in temperature, swelling of the glands, redness of the skin over them, and the like. Doctors are looking for hidden foci of dormant infection (LDI), but they just can’t find it. The cat scratches from many years ago are long forgotten. But it is they who then manifest themselves in the form of many infectious and allergic diseases such as lupus erythematosus, protracted septic endocarditis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, splenitis (enlargement and inflammation of the spleen), lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) and others.

And the cause of it all is a cat scratch?

Naturally, I exaggerated the picture somewhat and outlined the worst option. But look how many children walk with lymphadenitis. At least the submandibular lymph nodes. We are so accustomed to this that the presence of chronic sore throat or adenoids in children is taken for granted. Many people walk for years with enlarged, swollen glands behind the ears or under the arms, and these are the sources of the same chronic diseases - collagenoses such as rheumatoid arthritis and even severe systemic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease... Few people know that pain in on the left side are often not associated with the pancreas, but are a consequence of an enlarged spleen (as well as lymph nodes) due to a chronic viral or microbial infection. The same chlamydia enters the walls of blood vessels and provokes the deposition of cholesterol on them. So much for the development of atherosclerosis. And then - coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Yes, these very scratches give me dark thoughts. But once these scratches have occurred, how to treat them? I foresee a link in advance to the fact that with the help of CRD in your center you find the cause, then destroy chlamydia and other evil spirits with the help of CRD.

You guessed wrong here. In our Center (095-919-84-40), to identify the causes of infectious and allergic diseases, methods have been developed to determine not only chlamydial infection, but also food allergens, environmental toxins (various pollutants that weaken the lymphatic system), stressors and even mental attacks.

Can readers do something similar themselves?

Not fully, but something is possible. For example, you can use the recommendations of the American professor Robert Atkins, who treats almost all of the above diseases in his hospital (for 10 thousand people!) in New York only... with nutritional supplements.

For example, you can use the following recipe: vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 3-6 g per day, vitamin A - 20-40 thousand ME

(international units), vitamin E-400-800 IU, vitamin B6 - 100-200 mg, selenium - 200-400 mcg, paraminobenzoic acid - 500-1500 mg.

In addition to this, flaxseed oil - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, pantothenic acid -600-1200 mg per day, as well as a number of herbs - licorice root (decoction at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour) and infusion of milk thistle herb (prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain). Drink one third of a glass of herbs 3 times a day before meals.

Having visited Atkins Hospital, I was convinced in reality that his words were correct. By the way, we also tried using nutritional supplements. Indeed, they help in 50-70 percent of cases with many infectious-allergic and even autoimmune diseases. There is only one important nuance: the above recipe is basic. In addition to it, individual inclusions of those substances that a particular patient lacks are necessary. In Atkins, for example, missing supplements such as cobalt, nickel, and copper are determined by a blood test. At our Center - with the help of VSD. In principle, this is a huge problem for Russia...

Maybe you can suggest something else for the treatment of such serious diseases?

I have been using the lymph node compression method for many years now.

Is it possible to massage swollen lymph nodes?

Interesting question. Until recent years, recommendations prohibiting all mechanical influences (for example, massage) for lymphadenitis were considered classic. It was believed that this could contribute to the spread of infection. However, recent studies by St. Petersburg scientists have refuted this axiom. For chronic lymphadenitis, they performed deep (!) pressure on the lymph nodes and obtained brilliant results.

But it must be very painful, right?

Of course, compression is done until the maximum pain is tolerated. Usually, at first these are trial shallow pressures (5-10 seconds), then their strength increases, and at the end of the session they are maximum. This is something like a deep self-massage that lasts 30-40 seconds. Then rest - one or two minutes. Let's move on to the next lymph node. Again: pressure and rest. In general, no more than 4-5 groups of lymph nodes per session (for example, submandibular, parotid, occipital and axillary). The pressing itself is done either with the thumbs or with 2-3-4 fingers of both hands brought together, usually symmetrically and simultaneously on both sides.

I read several manuals on massage, and everywhere it is written that you need to bypass the lymph nodes and generally massage only in the direction of the lymph flow, that is, from the periphery of the limb to the center.

This is true for Western massage. The peculiarity of the deep pressing method is that it is done under the protection of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory herbs. This helps prevent the spread of infection. For example, you can use the triad I proposed (tansy, cloves, wormwood), described in “Healthy Lifestyle” No. 8 for 1999. Another way is to use anti-inflammatory antiseptic collection No. 308, also proposed by me. It consists of the following plants: licorice root (powder) - 1 teaspoon, elecampane (rhizome and root) - 1 teaspoon, dandelion root - 1 teaspoon, burdock root - 1 tablespoon. Pour the crushed roots with 1.5 cups of water, simmer over low heat, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. From the second day you can begin careful, and every day deeper and deeper compression.

What does this method do?

In my practice, there are often cases of healing lymphadenitis, asthma, polyarthritis, hypertension, depression, angina pectoris and others using this method. Interestingly, it also helps with many dystrophic diseases. For example, periodontal disease, hepatosis (fatty liver disease), pancreatosis (pancreatic dystrophy) and so on.

And the last question that readers often ask: is it possible to recover from chronic diseases for life?

Some scientists express the opinion that a person gets sick on average hundreds, or even thousands (!) of times during his life. Indeed, almost every day an avalanche of microbes, ecotoxins, and stress falls on him. They cause chronic diseases of civilization. Therefore, the modern pampered person is almost constantly sick.

What's the solution?

First, eliminate all of the above causes of chronic diseases. Secondly, use hardening more widely: not only with the sun, air, water, but also with food, in a word, with various fields - magnetic, electromagnetic, geopathogenic...

This, in fact, is the essence of my wish to the readers of “Healthy Lifestyle” in the new year: try to become environmentally friendly, physically hardened, mentally strong people. Then you will not be afraid of any viruses, germs and stress for the rest of your life.

I talked to the professor





As sad as it may be, the step into the new millennium does not at all relieve us of the saddest topic on the pages of the newsletter - oncology. Let’s face it, in our portfolio we have a great deal of material on this topic - from theoretical research to treatment methods that use herbs, diets, faith and much, much more.

Literally until recently, we gave preference to Shevchenko’s method - treating cancer with a mixture of vodka and unrefined sunflower oil. We remain faithful to this method today, because letters from readers convince us of its certain effectiveness. Alas, today there is no panacea for the plague of the 20th century, even in official medicine. There is no need to talk about folk music anymore. Another glaring problem is that official medicine - the one that really alleviates the situation with cancer - is extremely expensive and beyond the means of the vast majority of our readers. These people can only rely on God, the reserve capabilities of their body and those same folk methods.

This is not so little. Tincture of hemlock, celandine, chaga, fly agaric, poisonous milestone... Actually, there are more than enough folk remedies for treating cancer. There are significantly fewer brilliant healers. There was such a grandfather, Mikhail Vasilyevich Golyuk. He treated cancer by collecting herbs. There was Valery Tishchenko. He treated cancer with hemlock tincture. Golyuk died, and Tishchenko is now in America. I once sent a letter to Healthy Lifestyle. He complained that he was not understood in Russia, but who knows whether he really cured anyone. We have not received a single letter from people who have been treated with hemlock tincture, although it is possible that there have been successful experiences with such treatment. Mikhail Petrovich Todika lived in Chisinau. An amazing person who treated many diseases, including cancer, with tincture of green walnuts on purified kerosene. In the near future, we will undoubtedly continue this topic, because the drug Todika really alleviates the suffering of people with many diseases. Klavdiya Khabarova sent us a detailed letter from Voronezh, who was treated precisely according to the Todik method, with which Moscow oncologist Dmitry Nikolaevich Vasiliev helped her. We will probably publish the letter in the next issue. We also contacted Vasiliev. So, we hope that cancer treatment using Todik’s method will also be adopted by our readers. Well, today let’s turn to our already favorite drug - Shevchenko’s mixture, which readers constantly write about. Let us repeat once again: the mixture is not a panacea. Along with positive experiences, there are also many negative examples. Exactly the same, however, as with official medicine. Therefore, you make the choice yourself. We only publish lines from letters from our readers. At the same time, we don’t invent anything, and there is no point in inventing anything for them.



I wish everyone who prepares “Healthy Lifestyle”, Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko happiness, health and joy. You restored my father's faith in himself. To him

77 years old. In the spring, I began to notice that he had hoarseness. He did not experience any pain, did not complain about anything, and categorically refused to see a doctor. When we finally got him to do it, it turned out that he had stage 3 laryngeal cancer.

I am a paramedic myself. In 1996, my mother died of ovarian cancer. After her death, I became more interested in everything related to cancer. Of course, I also became acquainted with Shevchenko’s method.

Dad was irradiated for a whole month and a half. In the end, the doctors said that there was nothing more to help him and if he wanted to live, he needed to have surgery. My father is a man with a strong character. In the hospital I saw enough of all these people who had been operated on, especially for laryngeal cancer. He accepted and refused. I returned home on June 15, and on the 16th I was already taking the “medicine.” In September - that’s almost two months later - I showed it to our “hospital” ENT doctor, and he was very surprised that most of the tumor had disappeared. A month later we went to the oncology department, and there the doctor who suggested surgery for my father said that his throat was clear. I told her how and with what my father was treated. She listened with her eyes downcast and did not show much interest in the story. Well, God be with her. Just how many people I could help with advice.

I myself now drink the mixture once a day, as if for prevention. It’s uncomfortable even to write, but my chronic constipation (about 20 years) has gone away. Varicose veins on the legs have also decreased significantly. I continue to drink the mixture.

Now I have a convincing request about my father: what should he do next? Should I continue drinking or stop?

S. Tretyakova. Krasnoyarsk region

“HLS”: This is, in fact, an eternal question - what to do next? Unfortunately, due to the huge number of letters, Shevchenko stopped consulting us. Doctors Vladimir Sergeevich Nuzhdov and Pavel Vladimirovich Khoroshev are helping the messenger in this work today. But we know very well what Shevchenko would say in this case: continue drinking. Our consultants share the same point of view. As for S. Tretyakova’s address, it is in the editorial office.



I am 56 years old. Disabled person of the 2nd group due to cancer. Melanoma. There were three surgeries, four chemo treatments. When I arrived on the fifth day, they didn’t do it - the blood test was too bad. They offered a transfusion - I refused. I am allergic to many medications.

My daughter took me home. At that time I couldn’t even walk. I myself am a paramedic by profession. She worked in medicine for 33 years. But trouble struck - and like a blind kitten: how to help yourself, with what?

I had read a lot about alternative medicine before. The first books are by Valentina Travinka. They helped me mentally. I was treated according to Malakhov for a year and a half, and then I came across Maya Gogulan’s book “Say Goodbye to Diseases.” I think this book saved me. I began to drink juices of herbs, salads, berries, fruits - fortunately, it was summer - and my blood began to gradually recover.

I did everything as written in the book, according to the Katsuzo Nishi system: firm bed, exercise, contrast shower up to 11 times a day, juices, separate meals. By the way, the composition of juices depends on the time of year. In spring and summer - dandelion leaves, nettles, chicory, spinach, celery, carrots - everything that is in the garden. In autumn - rowan berries, apples, carrots, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, zucchini. In winter - viburnum, chokeberry, the same carrots, beets, cabbage.

After three months of this treatment, I went to see my oncologist, told how I got up, and she supported me: “You have found your treatment.” Two years have passed since the last operation, and one and a half years after the last chemotherapy. I understand that it is too early to draw any conclusions. But I walk around, work around the house, do absolutely everything and feel like a normal person. I'm alive! The Lord God helps me. I firmly believe in my healing and pray.

P.S. Today I met a woman. Three years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. They were preparing for surgery. At the department, someone gave her the “Healthy Lifestyle” newsletter to read, which talked about Shevchenko’s method. She believed in this method and left the cancer clinic. He drinks “30+30”, follows a strict diet, goes to see an oncologist on an outpatient basis, works, looks great, all tests are normal. We wished each other health.

V.G. Nizhny Novgorod region

“HLS”: The author of the letter asked not to give her address and not to name her. Yes, in fact, only the last paragraph is about vodka with butter. Nevertheless, we are publishing the letter because it is full of optimism and faith in victory. And there is no doubt that victory will come, because the author of the letter is doing everything right. Diet, juice therapy, faith in healing, hardening, support of loved ones - all this and much more certainly adds grist to the mill of success.




Recently, in materials about the treatment and prevention of cancer, we have been paying a lot of attention to diet. And this is no coincidence. Today, the vast majority of doctors and medical scientists involved in the problems of cancer directly associate their occurrence and development with poor nutrition. Of course, this is not the only reason for the disaster that has befallen humanity, but it is very significant. There is every reason to believe that in N. Shevchenko’s method, at least 50 percent of the success belongs to the diet he proposed. In this regard, it will be useful for our readers to get acquainted with the views of foreign experts on the connection between diet and breast cancer. The material was prepared by our correspondent Elena Pecherskaya.

The diet you choose is, of course, not the only factor that can prevent or accelerate the development of breast cancer. However, this is what depends most on yourself. So why not make the most of the opportunities that have opened up? First of all, research on diet and cancer shows that you should consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible. If this is difficult for you for any reason, drink more fresh vegetable juices. In addition, there is every reason to believe that foods high in beta-carotene reduce the risk of tumor development. Therefore, orange-colored fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, apricots or dried apricots), as well as dishes and juices made from them, should take pride of place on your table.

Equally important are vegetables from the extensive cruciferous family. All types of cabbage are beneficial, but especially broccoli, which contains indole-3-carbinol, a component that lowers the level of the hormone estrogen, which is associated with the development of breast tumors.

You should not ignore tomatoes, which contain the beneficial substance lycopene, which also reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Of all types of fish, salmon is the healthiest, especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Judging by some data, women whose tissues contain large amounts of these acids are less prone to cancer.

Components called limonoids are found in the skin and white hull of the orange. In laboratory conditions, these substances have a depressing effect on cancer cells. Interestingly, they end up in the finished orange juice due to the intense compression of the fruit during its production. So, this is also your possible ally in the fight against a formidable danger!

Unfortunately, refined white flour and similar products can contribute to the onset of the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to saturate your menu with whole grains and especially bran as much as possible. Bran can reduce the level of estrogen, which provokes tumor development.

A special component contained in green tea slows down the proliferation of malignant cells in laboratory animals. Therefore, this healthy and thirst-quenching drink should become a familiar part of the menu.

Women in Mediterranean countries, where they traditionally consume a lot of olive oil, are less likely to get breast cancer, as evidenced by statistics. Use this healthy and tasty type of oil to season ready-made dishes.

Regular garlic kills cancer cells in the laboratory. However, if you want to achieve an effective healing effect, we recommend using only “aged garlic.” Before adding it to the dish you are preparing, peel and chop the cloves, then

let them lie like this for 10-15 minutes. It takes time for the components that can fight malignant cells to “ripen” in garlic.

Avoid consuming margarine. Most varieties of this product include an extremely harmful type of fat, obtained artificially from vegetable oil. These fats may increase your risk of developing breast cancer.

Use flaxseed oil to season prepared dishes. The lignans it contains stop the growth of mammary tumors in laboratory animals.

Drink reduced fat milk. Why not low fat? - you ask. Because one of the components of milk fat is a special acid that slows down the growth of tumor tissue under experimental conditions and in laboratory animals.

Yes, diet is not a 100% guarantee of success. But, meanwhile, according to the British Medical Journal, about 80 percent of breast cancer cases are associated with poor diet. And one more thing: a diet compiled according to the proposed principles helps fight not only tumors, but also diseases of the cardiovascular system. This way you kill two birds with one stone!

“HLS”: It may very well be that some of our readers, especially pensioners, will find the material a kind of mockery. What kind of diet is there for 400-500 rubles, of which you need to pay part for utilities and allocate some funds for the pharmacy?!

And yet... Carrots are practically everywhere. Pumpkin? You can afford a kilogram of pumpkin for a week, but it is better to grow it in the garden. In Russia it is more difficult with apricots, but you can get by with cheap varieties of dried apricots.

Broccoli is practically inaccessible to ordinary people, but regular broccoli is also very good. It is clear that tomatoes do not end up on every table in winter. But it is known for sure that lycopene tolerates heat treatment well. That’s why tomato paste is even better than “live” fruits.

The objection, of course, will be raised by olive oil. Use flaxseed. If it is cold-pressed, then it has no price! A teaspoon in the morning and evening - prevention not only against cancer...

So, friends, shake your head and “get out”, based on Russian conditions.



In fact, there is no more pressing topic today than the flu. However, what does relevant mean? The flu is already on the doorstep. He surrounded us from all sides. Both in the western part of Russia and in the eastern part. Some new, very nasty strain. Western media are sowing mild panic by reporting deaths, although mainly among the elderly. In Moscow, Grippferon is heavily advertised in the press. There are wild queues for it in pharmacies. Everything that appears, in very limited quantities, by the way, is snapped up immediately. Meanwhile, doctors close to Healthy Lifestyle say that Grippferon is little better than human interferon, and they simply “sneezed” at the latest flu. They name some effective French drug, but it costs a lot of money. In connection with the impending danger, we decided to repeat the material of Nikolai Nikolaevich Shtab, which was published last year at approximately the same time: the same flimsy winter mixed with thaws, high humidity, a warning about the possible arrival of the flu - however, the flu did not come then, which I got scared. But today he is making up for lost time. Therefore, today we decided to repeat the simple but effective advice of the Headquarters.

So, what should a mere mortal do during an epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections, when, as a rule, there are no effective remedies in pharmacies or they are at outrageous prices.

The first thing I would advise you to do is add more raw vegetables to your daily diet, especially carrots, cabbage, and beets. Immediately make it a rule to have garlic and onions on the table. The more you eat, the better.

Try purchasing anti-flu serum. It’s a good idea to suck it into your nose at least once or twice a week, especially if you are going to crowded places - a market, a tram, a theater.

It is extremely important to avoid hypothermia at this time, especially the legs. Feet are the first and main conductor of a cold. If your body is hypothermic, then as soon as you get home, take all measures to warm up your legs. Especially the soles of the feet. Any thermal procedures are suitable for this, but it is best to pour mustard into socks or rub the soles of the feet with any rubbing: pepper-camphor, turpentine (with oil). Vodka is good for this purpose, but moonshine is better. Drink hot tea with linden and raspberry blossoms. Yes, I almost forgot: immediately buy a bottle of iodine at the pharmacy.

If there is already a sick person in your family, he sneezes 3-4 times in a row, then do not wait for liquid to flow from the nose. Start prevention immediately. The best way would be:

take 1 liter of boiled, cooled water, drop 5% pharmaceutical iodine (6-8 drops) into it, mix well, add 1 teaspoon of table salt, shake the mixture again, pour the liquid into the palm of your hand, pull it into your nose, rinse your larynx. Do 3-4 such rinses in a row. Drink the remaining liquid, no matter how disgusting it may be. All! No amount of acute respiratory infections can overcome you, especially if you managed to carry out this event as a preventive measure. If you were late and the illness began, then in this case the proposed measure will ease your suffering, shorten the time of illness and protect against complications.

It’s a good idea to grind raw onion to a paste-like mass (garlic is also good), pour it into a glass and breathe in this mass 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth,

Well, now what to do if you have not had time to carry out any of the proposed procedures. You are overcome by a barking cough, your eyes are like a rabbit’s, red and painful, and a stream is running from your nose. For the first 4-5 days, it is necessary to do a water-iodine-salt mixture. In addition, I suggest the following procedures. Take out the blooming wild rosemary. Take a certain amount of it and pour in the same amount of vegetable oil, leave for 20 days, shaking occasionally, strain. By the way, I advise you to prepare this potion in advance and always have it on hand in your cabinet.

When the disease begins, take out and instill 3-5 drops into each nostril, drawing it as deep into the nose as possible. Repeat 3-4 times a day. An excellent remedy for both a runny nose and infection, and also relieves headaches. If there is no wild rosemary, which may well be the case, fasting is very effective, especially dry fasting, without drinking any liquid - 1-2 days. In this case, it makes sense to take baths with one of the following components: either birch leaf, or chamomile, or oak bark, or St. John's wort. Pour a handful of raw materials into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours and pour into the bath. After fasting, you can drink raw citrus or blackcurrant juices in unlimited quantities.

What else? I advise you to take enemas from infusions of chamomile, yarrow, calendula flowers or St. John's wort for 3-4 days in a row.

Rinse your nose with fresh beet juice, placing 5-7 drops in each nostril. Kalanchoe juice is used for the same purpose and in exactly the same way.

Lemon juice is also good.

If you don’t have anything at hand, rinse your nose and larynx with evaporated urine.

Well, now the actions for the temperature reaction. In this case, the body develops immunity against the disease. If you do not disturb him, then, as a rule, after the 4th day the patient begins to recover. And just don’t feed the patient various delicacies. His body will have to spend 70 percent of its energy on digesting food, and not on developing immunity. If at this time you give the patient sulfonamide antibiotics, this also extremely burdens the work of the digestive organs and nervous system, which also greatly inhibits the fight against infection. In general, there is such a very true folk wisdom: “If you treat the flu or an acute respiratory infection, you will get over it no earlier than two weeks, and if you don’t treat it, then 4-5 days will be enough.” They also say differently: “The flu can be cured with medications in a week, but without medications it can be cured in 7 days.” I’m not saying that you shouldn’t resort to any means - the ones listed are definitely necessary - just stick with it and don’t complicate the patient’s situation. Moreover, drug treatment not only prolongs recovery time, but also often leads to complications. Naturally, if the illness drags on for more than 5-7 days and the high temperature persists, then the patient should be shown to a doctor.

And, finally, how to deal with acute respiratory infections with a barking cough that tears the sternum, scratches the throat and gives the patient no rest?

What happens in the respiratory organs when they are affected by influenza and acute respiratory infections. Firstly, the sensitivity of the mucous membranes in the respiratory organs, the “cough center,” sharply increases. The slightest suspended dust in the room, cold air, or a pungent odor irritate the mucous membranes, and a cough occurs. Meanwhile, if you listen to the lungs, then everything in them is clean. This means that the main goal of treatment is to reduce the sensitivity of the respiratory mucosa. Many people take expectorants. I don’t see any point in this, because during the first week there is absolutely nothing to cough up.

What's the right thing to do here? There are several simple remedies.

1. Herb thyme and sweet clover, pine buds, wild rosemary - take everything in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, take 1 tablespoon before meals.

2. Black radish (juice) - 1 part, honey - 2 parts. Mix, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 3-5 days.

Z. Spear lavender - 10 g, cudweed (flowers) - 20 g, decorative peony (flowers) - 20 g, peppermint (leaf) - 50 g. Pour 20 g of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, Take 1-2 glasses a day for severe cough. Flu and acute respiratory infections are not dangerous in themselves. However, they can cause dangerous complications, especially in the respiratory system and nervous system. You should be especially vigilant in this regard during the first two weeks after illness. During this period, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, overwork, and provide a nutritious, varied diet enriched with vitamins. That is, having recovered externally, still exercise caution for some time, remembering that in the form of the flu you have a rather insidious enemy.

Nikolay HQ. Krasnodar region.



Recently, traditional healers write to us more and more often. It's nice. Their bits of experience are priceless. They help people survive in our difficult times and use available means and methods of treatment. Another such letter came from the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region from Alexander Andreevich Makagonov. Perhaps his advice is not all new; our experienced readers probably have some of it in their arsenal, but the main thing is that they are simple. And this is captivating. In addition, Alexander Andreevich wrote about the so-called “home repentance.” Recently, our authors have been greatly exploiting the theme of healing the soul. They say that illnesses cannot be cured physically if the soul is sick. Well, how to treat this soul, not feel anger, envy, forgive insults, and so on and so forth? What does all this look like in practice? This is what Alexander Andreevich offers in this regard.

So, in order for a sick person to begin treatment according to the recipes and methods of one or another healer, one must understand an important thing. First, you need to deal with your past: remember your problems, your mistakes, troubles, adversities, that is, remove the “stone from your soul.” Only after this work is the treatment most effective and really helps the patient to heal. The essence of the technique is as follows. You are in the evening in the kitchen, in the room - it doesn’t matter where. The main thing is that loved ones do not interfere. Arrange your icons (that is, on which feast day the icons were born), light a candle blessed in the church and read the “Our Father” prayer aloud three times. You can call on all your saints for help.

Then say: “I am ready for work, that is, for forgiveness.” Remember your main offender - the person, at the thought of whom you are overwhelmed by irritation, anger, a desire to punish, perhaps even kill. Also remember the face, first name, last name, or just a person who once “stepped on a sore spot” or annoyed him in life, say out loud: “Forgive me, for Christ’s sake.” If you are truly ready to forgive and are already ripe for forgiveness, then mental relief will inevitably come. Tears may appear, it will become easier to breathe, however, everyone may have their own feelings here.

This work does not always happen right away. It all depends on your willingness to forgive. How will you know that you have completed the task? It's simple. You have achieved your goal if the next day’s memories of your offender living in this world do not cause you any negative emotions. And thus follow further. From offender to offender, if any. All this is called home repentance. If you have stepped into this field, then have a good journey and your health will slowly grow stronger in collaboration with faith, hope and hard work.

And I also ask everyone: if you take a step, don’t stop. Health has been spent for years, so don’t expect quick results. Work for your own good and in your own name. All my recipes have been tested. There is no doubt about their strength and effectiveness.


Real restoration of the immune system, restoration of the functions of the stomach, esophagus, large intestine, liver, as well as blood vessels of the extremities and, most importantly, blood vessels of the brain, protection against colds and acute respiratory infections.

Take 3 large lemons and 3 heads of garlic. Peel the garlic. Grind everything in a meat grinder, add 1 liter and 250 g of good water (I only use spring water). Mix, leave in a warm place for 24 hours, strain through cheesecloth, and squeeze out the grounds. It turns out the composition of 1 liter is 300-350 ml. Keep refrigerated. Drink 50 g on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals in the morning and before bed. If it burns too much, drink a little water.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to lemon, garlic; hr. kidney diseases; increased acidity.

Against colds - gargle with this mixture every 2 hours before going to bed. Sometimes 3-5 procedures are enough. The course is determined as follows: drink 1.3 liters, count how many days it took, and take a break for the same amount. And then decide for yourself whether you should continue drinking garlic with lemon or not. According to herbal medicine, such a course lasts 21 days and 21 days of rest. Only after these 42 days can you say whether it helped or not. I wish you all perseverance and discipline.

Arthritis, arthrosis, gout, bruises.


1) 51 g of dark kerosene (not aviation), 1/4 cup of sunflower oil, 1/4 piece of household. soap, 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix, grind to an ointment, leave in a warm place for 3 days. Then stir well. Take a little bit and rub into the sore spots until dry. Then wrap it up until the morning. Wash off the ointment with water and soap. The course depends on the severity of the disease.

Contraindications: varicose veins of the lower extremities, oncology and allergies to kerosene.

2) 250 g of sunflower oil, 250 g of kerosene, 5-10 pods of red hot pepper (for the desired strength of the ointment) - grind, mix, leave in a warm place for 5 days. Rub in overnight. In the morning, put on woolen underwear.

The contraindications are the same.

Fibroids, fibroids, inflammation of the female organs.


1) take 1 tbsp. spoon of rye flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey, 1 yolk. Whisk everything. Douche and insert a tampon at night. Wash with plain soap. Course - 15 days.

2) Take 100 g of vodka in half with boiled water and insert tampons with this solution for the whole day.

3) Take an unpeeled onion, put it in a dry frying pan, and bake until done. Peel the onion. Take a bandage, wrap the onion (make a doll), tie the middle with thread to remove it. Insert overnight. In the morning, insert a tampon with vodka. And so alternate. Sometimes seven days are enough.

Vaginal itching, microflora disturbance, erosion.

1) Grind a lemon slice with a wooden mortar, add 100 g of warm boiled water. Douche at night.

2) Crush two cloves of garlic with a wooden mortar. Pour 100 g of boiled water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Douche with this garlic water at night.

3) pour 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a sealed container, strain. Douche at night.

4) 1 part calendula flowers, 1 part chamomile, 1 part yarrow herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool to 36 degrees, strain. Douche at night. Course - 12 procedures. Wash with plain or baby soap.

5) 1 tablespoon of aspen bark, 1 tablespoon of willow bark, 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers. Pour 250 g of boiling water, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 50 g 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening (but not before bed). Douche 50-100 g at night. Course - 14 procedures. This remedy treats both kidneys and bladder inflammation.


For men: recovery after a serious illness, restoration of energy, potency, performance.

Take 2 cups of sunflower seeds, rinse, dry, stirring in a frying pan. Then grind everything in a coffee grinder. Pour ground seeds into 1 liter of hot water and bring to a boil, adding 3 tablespoons of honey (2 tablespoons is possible). Then strain everything. The infusion (or “milk”) is ready. Drink 100-150 g in the morning before meals. How much to drink, decide based on your health.

Address: Alexander Andreevich Makagonov,

46, apt. 10, metro station Danki, Serpukhov district, Moscow. region, 142274.




You need to take beeswax and rosin, each the size of a matchbox. Melt them in a water bath and, as soon as they melt, remove from the heat and pour in 2-3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and 1.5 tablespoons of propolis. When cool, form candles. Place in the refrigerator. Insert 1 suppository into the rectum daily.

I would be glad if the queue of patients at the proctology office decreases.

Address: Ryzhkova A.A., st. A. Kesaeva, 11, apt.

in, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia.

It gives very good results in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The roots are harvested in the fall, starting from the end of flowering and until the plant (above-ground part) dies completely, the dug roots are dried without washing them, at 40-60 degrees or in the air. Make sure that the roots do not turn black. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

Recipe. Take 1-2 teaspoons of powdered root 4 times a day with water. Place a teaspoon in a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain and drink immediately. Or pour a tablespoon of crushed roots into a glass of boiling water, cool, strain and drink 3 times a day.

Tested on relatives. The results are very good.

Address: Valery Kikot, Altai Territory, Tonkikha district, Trud settlement,

pack Central, 43.

This problem happened to me while I was still working. Someone suggested: insert aloe into your anus. So she inserted it, cutting off the thorns. After 2-3 days it passed.

The second time the lump popped up was already at retirement age. I ran around the village to look for aloe. One grandmother asks: “Why do you need this aloe?” I explain it to her. Here

She brings me a black piece of var (resin), which is used to rub the grit when hemming felt boots, and says: “Roll up five peas from the var and drink one every hour - it will all be removed with your hand and will never happen again.” I never found aloe, I had to swallow these peas. Imagine: the next day I was healthy, and there was no relapse for 15 years. But in 1997 it broke and I got a lump. I didn’t find Vara this time and used a recipe that was given to me by a person who suffered from this illness. Collect your urine at one time in a pot or enamel pan, cover with a lid and put on fire. As soon as it boils, remove and place in the place where you will warm up. Pour in 1 tablespoon of soda - a violent reaction will immediately begin - and sit on this pot as soon as possible, wrapping yourself in a blanket to keep the heat longer.

Lutsenko V. M.

Boil vegetable oil, add camphor and menthol oil in equal parts, make a flagellum from fabric, moisten it with this oil and place it in the anus as far as possible. Let the mixture soak in. Do the procedure for 10 days.

Vorokhova M. L.



I got polyarthritis at the age of 30. She was bedridden for eight years, and after disability she worked for 17 years. She was not in the hospital. I was treated like this.

Wooden bathhouse. Heated in white. Pour boiling water over the broom, add it, and close it. As soon as it dries in the bath, go to the steam room, sit on the shelves, warm up for 5-10 minutes. Put a hat on your head, and let someone hover you with a dry broom. And no water, only dry steam.

Breathe hot steam, steam as much as you can. For those who can’t, pour cold water into a ladle and wash your face. And after the parka, try like I did, whip your feet with a nettle broom. Then stretch your joints for 20-30 minutes on the floor. After the parka, be sure to wrap yourself warmly and go to bed until the morning. During the night the whole body will warm up.

She was also treated with May dust from under the hay. Place it in a tank and fill it with boiling water. Once it cools down a little, sit in the tank with your arms and legs and sit as long as you can.

Address: Knyazeva Olga Andreevna, st. Inzenskaya, 26, apt. 2, Ulyanovsk, 432012.



I offer a recipe with the help of which my friends were cured of chronic bronchitis.

For a bottle of vodka: 200 g of aloe (pass through a meat grinder), 200 g of honey, 100 propolis, 100 g of birch buds, 100 g of triple cologne. Mix everything and leave for 12 days. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals - drink for 10 days, break for 10 days. Then drink 1 dessert spoon for 10 days and a 10-day break. And then drink 1 tablespoon for 10 days. It is recommended to drink 2 bottles.

Address: Sitnikova V. A. 427870, Udmurtia, Kambarsky district, pos. Kaskiy, st. Vostochnaya, village Za, apt. 11.


We take 7 layers of regular newspaper, put it on the knee and put the mustard plaster on as usual (in hot water and then on the newspaper). Wrap it in something warm. At first you won’t feel anything, but then it will burn intensely. It would be good to do the procedure at night.

Address: Svetlana Alexandrovna Timofeeva, st. Druzhby, 33, Tambov, 392014.



Some readers ask to send a recipe for thinness and for a speedy recovery after surgery. I offer a recipe that does not fail, because dozens of people who have used this recipe very quickly

gained weight and acquired a “voracious” appetite.

You need to drink 1-2 times a day, warm, a mixture of beer and milk in equal parts - 1-2 glasses.

Address: Ogorodnikov Nikolai Dmitrievich, st. Volgina, 104-55, Samara, 443070.



I went to the skin clinic several times. I did everything as the doctor prescribed, but the result was zero - the fungus progressed. And I decided to self-medicate, namely: I lubricated my nails with acetic acid. She poured acid into a penicillin bottle, dipped a plastic stick with cotton wool into it and lubricated the affected nails without touching the skin. Occasionally she took warm foot baths, after which she removed the affected part of the nail using a blade or scissors. Some time passed. The nail began to recover, and the fungus completely disappeared.

Address: Selkina P.D. 140060, Moscow. region, Lyubertsy district, pos. Oktyabrsky, st. Gogol, 13.



A friend of mine treated her goiter with a milestone. Veh is a poisonous plant that grows near swamps. Grind the root of the milestone. 1 tablespoon per bottle of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 12 days and rub in externally. Her goiter had resolved, and she was being prepared for surgery. The doctor didn’t believe me during the examination and sent me for an ultrasound, where they found that there were no traces of the goiter left.

Address: Gostev, st. Beregovaya, 9, village Kondratyevo, p/o Plinchet, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region, 665030.



I read in “Healthy Lifestyle” how one woman got rid of a cyst on her kidneys with the help of burdock leaves. I was diagnosed with cysts on both kidneys, a 2 cm stone and pyelonephritis. The operation in December was postponed until June, and during this time the stones were dispersed with the help of rosehip root.

Prepare the root in early spring or late autumn. I boiled it a little and drank it as tea - delicious. I drank for about a month. In May, burdock leaves appeared. I brewed and drank without the norm for a month, even inconsistently. In June I went for surgery - no stones were found, the cysts became smaller.

I treat any wound like this: I roll up a cotton cloth with a cigarette, light it, then blow it out and smoke the wound. Everything heals right away.

Last year I had a sore toe. There was pus around the nail. I decided to apply red clay through a rag and wrapped it in a woolen sock. A few minutes later: no pain, slept peacefully. Repeated 4 evenings for 2-3 hours. The pus came out, the nail turned black, then went away... a new one grew under it.

About two months ago I fell, hurt my leg, and my shin turned black. When the pain began to subside, the bone began to vomit and the leg became swollen. I applied the clay again, and everything went away.

Address: Glushkova Valentina Prok., st. Shevchenko, 6-4, Kotelnich, Kirov region, 612100.



Address: Svetailo Lyubov Pavlovna, st. Lesnaya, 13, Grabovo, Penza region, 442770.



When vision problems began, I remembered my grandmother’s old advice.

1st day. Pour cold spring water into a basin, bend over, lower your face into the water for 10-15 seconds and open your eyes. Rest for half a minute and repeat. And so several times, up to 10.

2nd day. Alternate room temperature water with very cold water. Pour a glass of chilled dill infusion into a bowl of “room” water (brew like tea and let stand). But always finish the procedure with cold water.

Everything is done while sitting, and the basins are on the table so as not to strain. Do the procedures for 10 days. Then take a break for a few days and repeat. I feel great after this. My grandmother saw without glasses almost until her death.

Address: Khadikov Nikolai Ivanovich, st. Gogiberidze, 23-25, Lyudinovo, Kaluga region, 249405.




In issue 20, I read a letter asking for advice on how to improve a child’s hearing. I know one recipe. You should make compresses from raw grated potatoes behind both ears at night. In turn, I want to ask for advice. A young man has an intervertebral hernia. These are constant, almost hellish pains, slight paralysis of the arms and legs. Pain causes insomnia. Tell me what to do? The operation is contraindicated for him.

Address: Aksenova Angelika Anatolyevna, st. Orshanskaya, 10-13, Bugulma, Tatarstan, 423200.

Spurs on heels cured


I then worked as a postman, the correspondence was huge, and I carried

I had a full bag on my shoulder, in my hands, and couldn’t step on my foot. Not a single piece of advice helped me. But one day one grandmother took me aside and said: “Heal with your urine. In the evening, boil the urine accumulated during the day for 3-5 minutes, pour it into a basin and lower your legs. Sit there until it cools down. Then dry your feet and put on your socks.” I took 5 procedures and was cured.

I will be glad if my recipe helps someone.

Address: Vasilyeva K. A., st. Initiative, 18-11, Noginsk, 142407.




And when he finally began to walk, it turned out that he had a fissure in the rectum, and it was very large and deep. An operation was needed, but it was impossible to do. Meanwhile, severe bleeding began, which lasted about six months. And then one day a distant relative, having learned about our grief, advised us to make baths from bark and oak branches.

It was winter. I found an oak tree and with difficulty broke the branches. I boiled them for half an hour in a six-liter saucepan until the water turned reddish. Then she insisted for about an hour or a little more.

I poured the warm broth (under no circumstances hot) into a plastic bowl (the iron one cools quickly) about half of the broth. You need to sit in the basin for at least 30 minutes. The remaining half was reheated and topped up every 10 minutes or so to maintain a constant temperature in the bowl. Such baths should be done at night, for at least 10-15 days.

Address: Bloshenko V.V., st. Lenina, 29-18, p. Bekhteevka, Korogan district, Belgorod region, 309218.




I would like to clarify the note “Let's wait for the snowdrops” (No. 19, 1999). In Russia, the first spring flowers are called snowdrops. In the Stavropol region it is “white galanthus” or “snowdrop” from the bulbous family (“snowdrop” is its official name).

In the Middle Zone it is the “blue scylla”. Following it, “sleep-grass” (lumbago) from the buttercup family, a poisonous plant (in our area they are called “samsons”), blooms.

Behind the Ural ridge, the first to bloom are yellow and purple shaggy bells. Both species are equally poisonous. This is what the author of the letter “Let’s wait for the snowdrops” writes about. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the plant is poisonous, so you need to monitor the condition of the heart, liver, kidneys - whoever is weak.

And one more thing. My 3-year-old grandson was allergic to the cold - in winter, outside, his cheeks turned bright red. One woman advised me to give him a decoction of young viburnum branches. I also started making compote from viburnum fruits and giving it to my grandson. I drank as much as I wanted. After 2 weeks everything went away.

Address: Elena Leshchikova

Fedorovna, Studgorodok, 7-23, Lipetsk, 398058.




I am 63 years old. For many years, my legs periodically felt cramps, especially at night, from 12 to 2 o'clock. I rubbed them, and massaged them, and pinched them, but I just couldn’t sleep. And then I heard somewhere that you should put a few aspen logs under the bed, and the cramps will go away. That's what I did. And now I have had no seizures for 7 years. You know, even now I don’t remove the logs, I just exchange them for fresh ones. Maybe they can help with something else?

Address: Rite, K. Marx Ave., 20-8, Neftekamsk, Bashkortostan, 452950.