Do-it-yourself Charcot shower drawings. Massage shower: description of the process, healing properties, device design. Where can you take hydromassage treatments?

Charcot's shower is a unique method of healing hydromassage. Initially it was used only in the treatment of neurotic disorders, but then began to be used more widely. Charcot's soul was considered an official means of losing weight in the recent past, although doctors and patients have long known that it improves the condition of the skin and gets rid of fat deposits.

As a rule, hydromassage is performed not at home, but in a clinic, beauty salon or sanatorium. The main purpose of Charcot's shower is to combat cellulite. The strong pressure of water massages the body and increases the flow of blood and lymph. Thanks to this, areas with excess fat reserves are again included in cellular metabolism. They are freed from stagnant fluid and cell waste. After a full course of Charcot's shower for weight loss, cellulite practically disappears, the size of the waist, hips and buttocks decreases. Skin tone increases: it visually looks more elastic and smooth.

How to take a Charcot shower for weight loss

Charcot hydromassage is carried out in a small shower room, along the perimeter of which there are handrails. During the massage, the patient holds on to them so as not to fall from the strong pressure of the water. During the entire procedure, the patient remains at a distance of 3.5 meters from the massage therapist. It is precisely this distance that is necessary so that the stream of Charcot’s soul is not too strong or, conversely, weak.

When performing hydromassage, the specialist carefully regulates the strength and temperature of the shower in order to achieve maximum benefits from the procedure. A weight loss shower begins with treating problem areas with a fan jet. It doesn't hurt at all, but rather pleasant. Then each area of ​​the body is massaged with a directed jet. Due to the strong pressure of water, the patient experiences pain. People sensitive to pain do not tolerate this part of the procedure well.

Most often, Charcot's contrast shower is used for weight loss. This means that the patient is “watered” with two water jets at once: cold and hot. The temperature of each of them is in the range of 20-45 °C. Sometimes the difference between hot and cold jets can reach 35 °C. Naturally, this causes great discomfort to those who take a Charcot shower for weight loss.

One hydromassage procedure takes from 1 to 5 minutes. The first sessions are the shortest, then the time gradually increases. To achieve a pronounced effect of weight loss and the disappearance of cellulite, 10-15 procedures are necessary with a break between each of them of 2 days.

How to achieve greater efficiency from Charcot's shower

Charcot's shower itself is very useful for weight loss. It breaks down fat deposits in the thighs, buttocks and waist, and also stimulates their removal from the body. But you can get much more from your shower if you follow simple rules:

  1. During the hydromassage course, it is recommended to adhere to a low-calorie diet.
  2. Every time you shower, you need to do intense exercise. This is especially important if you want to make your muscles elastic and avoid sagging skin after losing excess weight.
  3. After a water massage, it is advisable to apply anti-cellulite products to the body, for example, use.

Cons of Charcot's shower for weight loss:

  • causes pain during and after the session;
  • Due to the strong pressure of water, bruises appear. In people with particularly sensitive skin, the capillary network protrudes;
  • with a weakened immune system, a contrast shower can cause a runny nose, cough and other diseases associated with the nasopharynx and ears.

Contraindications: underweight, pregnancy, lactation, varicose veins, weak blood vessels close to the surface of the skin, heart disease, hypertension, acute viral and infectious diseases, diseases of the skin and excretory system, oncology.

Alekseev shower head - shower for weight loss at home

Not everyone wants to go to a beauty salon or go to a sanatorium to try the “weight-loss” power of hydromassage. Not long ago, an alternative to the traditional Charcot shower for home use appeared: the Alekseev shower head. This is a device that gives almost the same results as a professional procedure. Now you can do a weight loss shower in your own bathroom.

Alekseev’s nozzle is suitable for household faucets and is not demanding on the incoming water pressure.

The uniqueness of Alekseev’s home shower is that it has intricately designed micro-holes. Passing through them, the water turns into very thin streams, each with a diameter of only 0.6 mm. Their movement speed reaches 30m/s. When they get on the skin, they exert a pressure of 3-4 atmospheres. These indicators are quite enough to make a high-quality hydromassage for weight loss.

How to use Alekseev's douche for weight loss

It is advisable to exercise first and then use the shower.

Do not eat one hour or one hour after hydrotherapy.

For massage, use water at 21-24 °C. In case of severe discomfort, adjust the temperature according to your feelings.

Select the distance from the shower to the body individually, so that you do not experience too much pain. During the procedure, make small circular movements with the nozzle. Process the abdomen and buttocks in a spiral, starting from the center to the edges. Massage the outer side of the thigh from top to bottom, the inner side from bottom to top.

Allow no more than a minute for each area so as not to injure the skin and blood vessels. After your shower, use anti-cellulite cream.

The inventor of the shower recommends a course of 10 daily procedures. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again. The number of such repeated courses must be determined independently, focusing on the weight loss results already achieved. When your body and skin become the way you want them to be, take a long 6-month break from using the shower.

It has long been known that under the shower Charcot You can not only wash, but also be treated. But for hydromassage procedures to be effective, HIGH water pressure is required. The skin should turn red - this is a manifestation of a general generalized reflex that occurs when the entire surface of the body is irritated.

The brilliant doctor Charcot created a chair for shower procedures. The shower chair creates high pressure (water at a temperature of about 10 degrees is perceived as warm), but does NOT make the water jets light, fast, or flying at high speed. And that’s why Charcot’s shower can leave bruises - it’s like he’s “hitting” the body with his fist. However, since the 19th century, this shower has been the best treatment for obesity and other metabolic diseases. To take a high-pressure shower for therapeutic purposes, you need to go to special hydropathic clinics - such a shower must be carried out by specially trained personnel.

Alekseev nozzle- a type of home shower Charcot, works from pressure in a regular water supply network, and not from a pump. The author-inventor is Andrey Nikolaevich Alekseev, a Russian scientist, engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences and a hydraulics specialist.

In the creation of Alekseev's hydromassage, innovative technology for manufacturing outlet holes was used. An exceptional feature is the special nozzles of a conoidal (not cylindrical, like everyone else, and not cone-shaped, but specially designed, with complex geometry) shape. The diameter of the inlet part of the hole is 5 mm, the outlet diameter is 0.6-0.8 mm. They are ideal converters of water pressure energy (in a plumbing system) into the kinetic energy of a jet flying from a shower, which sharply increases the kinetic energy of the jet several times and reduces water consumption. The nozzle comes with two meshes with 19 and 60 holes, allowing you to change the flow pattern. Alekseev's shower is cast from colored plastic from BAYER AG (Germany) and is compatible with any faucets, for which an adapter is included.

The water pressure is transformed by the shower into thin, fast streams of water filled with energy and rejuvenating power, especially useful for cellulite, varicose veins, arthrosis, VSD

Edema, varicose veins, cellulite, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, obesity - all this can be dealt with if you have healthy blood vessels and capillaries. They create normal cellular nutrition and remove metabolic products from the cell.

U Alekseev's soul There is two most important for each woman effect:

These two diseases not only cause aesthetic suffering, but can also seriously damage health and well-being in general. In the initial stages of these diseases, swelling of the legs appears, the legs seem to buzz in the evening, and sleep is disturbed. At first, dousing with cold water helps, but you still need to restore the functioning of the capillaries and vein walls. And for this there is no better way than hydromassage with tight and light streams of water.

Unique jetsCharcot

The most important thing in Alekseev’s soul is jets of water with unique characteristics. And the streams of Alekseev’s soul are exactly like that. The drops are located very close to each other and look like a powerful jet that moves horizontally at a distance of up to 5 meters at a tremendous speed of more than 30 meters per second.

Only the shower from Penza is a high-pressure shower, almost a complete analogue of the Charcot shower in terms of water pressure. Alekseev's shower is the only one that changes the behavior of the jet. Up to 50 cm the jet is hard and needle-shaped. And then - drip. By changing the distance from the outlet holes by just 10 cm, you get a full variety of jets. You can also change the water pressure and get different jets. If you don’t like the strong hydromassage at any time, you can change the mesh (put it on 60 holes) and get a completely different sensation. You can also enjoy an underwater massage - the high jet pressure will allow you to do this easily.

For those who have never felt them, it is difficult to even imagine how pleasant they are. They are light and fast. Fast - because the speed of movement of a water droplet in a stream of water is much higher than in any other shower head. Light - because they are fast - they do not have time to get enough air while moving.

Modern work in the field of hydrodynamics has shown that at speeds above 11 meters per second, the phenomenon of cavitation occurs in streams of water, which leads to the release of many types of energy in microvolumes upon impact with a body:

Thermal – burns the bacteria, but stimulates the cell;
light (sonoluminescence) – stimulates mitosis, cell division;
electrical – stimulates biochemical processes in the body;
sound – wave action, stimulates regeneration processes;
ions are formed - after 5 minutes of operation of this shower, the air in the bathroom is saturated with negative ions, like the air near a waterfall in an Austrian resort (12,000 negative ions per cm 3) - the functioning of the respiratory system begins to improve.

Jets of water, encountering an obstacle, break into water dust, which creates negative ionization of the air with hydroions. If ordinary air contains 1000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, then after 15 minutes of Alekseev’s shower, the number of negative hydroions increases 12 times! That is, you get the same air in your bathroom as at a mountain waterfall.

Rapidly rushing into the water, the “Alekseev’s Soul” jets do not “dissolve” in it, but create turbulence, involving particles of standing water in their movement. This gives not only new (and, mind you, wonderful) sensations, but also an additional hydromassage effect.

Amazing water massage

A “boiling” layer of water forms near the skin. No other shower really has this: jets directed at the body at an acute angle not only massage it, but also relieve “oxygen starvation” of skin cells. Doesn't it look like the water on your body is boiling? It is easy to wrinkle the skin on the stomach or where there is a layer of fat underneath... You can clearly see how jets of water massage the body, kneading and kneading the skin and even muscles.

The water coming out of the nozzle represents a drop-shaped stream of high kinetic energy. The droplets are tightly packed and look like an ideal and powerful stream. Upon impact with the surface of the skin, the effect of repeated point impact is created. And all this is the uniqueness of the hydromassage that Alekseev invented.

"Alekseev's shower" can be used in a small bathroom

All you need are curtains and a rod. You can massage your back thanks to the specially elongated shape of the handle.

A delightful vascular reaction occurs after a water massage

Essence vascular reaction the body to hydrotherapy procedures not in the vascular reaction itself - redness of the skin, but in the general reaction of the body. In order to achieve the same effect as from Alekseev’s one-time 20-minute shower, you need to take a contrast shower every day for a whole month.

Objectively, the reaction is expressed by pink-red skin, warm and even hot to the touch. Subjectively, a person with a good reaction experiences a feeling of freshness, vigor, special lightness in the body, a feeling of pleasant warmth in the body (“the body is on fire”), and has a good mood.

Underwater massage - jacuzzi. This is how the injector works.

Do you still think there is a better shower?

Look how the stream of “Alekseev’s Soul”, directed upward, “kills” the jets of the German supposedly “massage” shower of Grohe. Imagine that a combat laser and a Chinese lantern were crossed in battle... Here the “Alekseev Shower” and a popular high-quality European watering can with a “massage” function were crossed.

This happens due to conoidal jets, for the invention of which Doctor of Technical Sciences Alekseev A.N. received a silver medal at the invention exhibition IENA-2005 (Nuremberg).

The hydromassage shower can be easily disassembled and cleaned with ordinary vinegar or silyte.

Physiological effects of dynamic hydropuncture “Alekseev’s Soul” on the body

Increases blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and accelerating blood flow in them. As a result, more oxygen, nutrients and chemically active substances are delivered to the tissues, and metabolic processes are removed faster.

Significantly lowers blood pressure and normalizes low blood pressure.
Reduces heart rate, changes the secretory activity of individual organs.
Strengthens metabolic and generative processes.

Activates tissue nutrition and removal of fatigue products (CO2 and lactic acid), strengthens muscles.

Regulates the process of gas exchange, increases the minute volume of respiration and oxygen consumption by tissues.
Promotes stretching of adhesions, scars, resorption and removal of deposits in joint tissues, as well as increasing the range of motion in joints and their strength.

During use, it increases the temperature of the skin by 3-4 degrees, which reduces the viscosity of the muscles, relaxes them, thereby increasing their extensibility and elasticity.

Eliminates swelling, resolves various pathological deposits, enhances lymph formation.

At the exit points of nerves and along their course, it reduces excitability, reduces pain due to neuritis and neuralgia.

Nonspecific effect of Charcot's shower

The non-specific effect is that it gives a "good feeling" lifts the mood, gives joy. It seems surprising to you, but it is true.

The effect on the largest organ of the body - the skin - also stimulates the production endorphin hormone, the hormone of pleasure and joy. Bodybuilding, yoga, meditation are universal suppliers of endorphins. We constantly observe how Alekseev’s shower affects people, what a strong feeling of pleasure it gives, how long it lasts positive emotional charge.

This invention saves your money. Firstly, you will no longer need expensive physiotherapeutic procedures (hydromassage in a sanatorium or beauty salon from 500 rubles per session). Secondly, if you have a water meter installed, you can save on water consumption, even using the most powerful hydromassage. Water consumption during use will be 7 liters per minute at maximum power and 2 liters per minute in simple shower mode (19-hole grid). An ordinary shower consumes from 10 liters per minute.

It is theoretically and practically impossible to make a more functional and effective hydrotherapy device.

Inventor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Andrey Nikolaevich Alekseev found a way to create an excellent massage effect in a shower head. However, as usually happens in Russia, the invention was made at a defense enterprise for washing parts in galvanic production, and only in 1997 it began to be introduced into the practice of hydrotherapists.

Actually, the idea of ​​complex conoidal holes for creating piercing jets of water is not new, but only A.N. Alekseev managed to come up with a simple way to make these small holes - a stream of water in diameter is only half a millimeter.

As a result, a new type of shower head appeared - Alekseev's shower. Although the history of showers goes back about 150 years, not counting the treatment with a stream of water from the inventive Japanese, a breakthrough in the field of soul building was achieved only by Russian scientists - Knysh (Samara) and Alekseev (Penza). It was in Russia that completely new shower devices were created.

And for these inventions, Russian scientists receive well-deserved awards at the most authoritative International exhibitions.

The history of this inventions turned out to be quite happy. It was registered in 1993. Only 16 years have passed, and Alekseev’s Shower has become widely known both in Russia and abroad! For comparison: back in 1840, Steinhäuser discovered that oil extracted from cod liver cured rickets. But this fact of colossal importance remained unrecognized for more than 80 years!

People often ask why such a thing was not invented earlier and somewhere abroad, in the same inventive Japan? What can you answer to this? And you, too, were born not ever before, but on your birthday and in your own country. - There is a time and place for everything.

Additional features of the modern Charcot shower:

1. Air ionizer– inhalation of water vapor relieves the condition of a runny nose and headache. After 10 minutes of operation of the hydromassage in the bathroom, the number of negative ions in the air reaches 13,000 per cubic centimeter (for comparison: a large waterfall has 37,000 negative ions).

2. Underwater massage shower. A particularly remarkable effect is achieved by immersion in a warm bath and massage with a cold stream of water.

3. Possibility of easy care for dogs– quickly washes dirty paws and produces a beneficial hydromassage.

4. Washable products made from delicate fabrics, wool.

5. Cleaning Products with a complex profile.

6. Engine washing car.

The use of hydromassage for therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures brings great benefits to a person. Hydrotherapy, as one of the areas of physiotherapy, in the form of douches, swimming, a simple shower, helps restore the body after illnesses, operations, and is widely used in cosmetology. It returns slimness and beauty to the figure, and keeps the entire body in an active state.

  • Has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and lymphatic system;
  • Activates metabolism;
  • Helps improve the nutrition of skin cells, cleanses them of accumulated impurities;
  • Popular in the treatment or prevention of certain forms of obesity and cellulite;
  • Removes inflammation, back pain, and relieves insomnia.
  • 1 What is the procedure
  • 2 Indications, contraindications, features of hydromassage
    • 2.1 Limitations of accepting contrast hydromassage
    • 2.2 Features
  • 3 Where can you take hydromassage treatments?
  • 4 Conclusion

What is the procedure

A Charcot shower is a kind of two-phase “shock” type shower with a directed stream of water into certain areas of influence. During the procedure, the person is located at a distance of three to three and a half meters from the source of the directed jet. How does this treatment procedure work?

  1. Initially, a heated stream of water under low pressure massages the entire body, gradually focusing attention on certain areas. During the procedure, the pressure reaches four atmospheres according to a specific program.
  2. The movement of the massaging water jet during the procedure can periodically be:
    • Fan;
    • Ascending;
    • Circular.
  3. Hydromassage begins with treating a person with a fan jet from all sides. Then the flow of water is directed to the legs and arms, back and sides, affecting problem areas of the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
  4. The second phase of the hydromassage procedure involves reducing the temperature of the supplied water stream by 10 - 15 degrees. Due to increased pressure and temperature changes, human skin usually turns red.
  5. The temperature regime of the water supply is quite sensitive. Its contrast can vary from 40 to 20 degrees or even from 45 to 12 to 10 degrees.
  6. Due to the effect of contrasting values ​​of pressure difference and temperature on the human body, the therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved. It manifests itself in:
    • A rush of blood to all organs and parts of the body;
    • Dilation of the blood vessels of the subcutaneous layer and removal of toxins from the body;
    • Increased skin tone;
    • Increasing metabolism under the massaging areas, and then burning excess fat deposits there.
  7. At the beginning of the course, the duration of the procedure can last for a minute, then it is increased to 5 minutes. The minimum course of treatment is 10 procedures, the optimal is 15 - 20 with a frequency of 1 - 3 days between doses.

Charcot shower acts on the human body in a similar way to reflexology. All elements of this hydromassage are very well thought out. Its result helps restore the mechanism of regeneration and rejuvenation. Alternate narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, the powerful massage effect of water, washes away negative energy, removes toxins, and raises the overall tone of the body.

Indications, contraindications, features of hydromassage

Charcot douche, for medical reasons, is attributed to people suffering from:

  • Depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, manifestations of obsessive neurasthenia;
  • Lesions of the lymphatic system;
  • Reduced immunity, metabolic processes, gastrointestinal problems;
  • Overweight, cellulite, gout;
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the spine;
  • Arthrosis, arthritis, allergic manifestations;
  • Muscle atrophy, which is the result of a genetic disease or injury.

Many experts recommend Charcot showers to prevent increased stress resistance of the body, improve mood and general physical condition. For overweight people, with proper low-calorie protein nutrition, this shower provides a significant reduction in weight and body volume. For a patient with frequent mood swings, hydromassage acts as a relaxing and calming factor.

A Charcot shower is necessary for people who constantly work at the computer. He:

  • Relieves muscle tension in the spine;
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the back area, which is most vulnerable from prolonged sedentary work;
  • Relieves headaches that arise due to the monotonous position of the cervical spine and this insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.

As a preventive measure, Charcot shower is widely used by professional athletes, which helps them relax their muscles after long workouts.

During hydromassage procedures, blood circulation in the human body improves, metabolism accelerates, the blood is more quickly saturated with life-giving oxygen, and waste and toxins are released from its cells.

Limitations of accepting contrast hydromassage

In order not to provoke complications of chronic diseases or cause the development of new problems, Charcot douche is prescribed only after consulting a doctor. People at risk include:

  • Varicose veins prone to bleeding;
  • Skin diseases, ulcers, weeping eczema;
  • Cardiovascular pathology;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Low body weight;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Damage to mucous membranes;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Oncology.

Pregnancy will also be a specific contraindication.


The peculiarities of this hydromassage procedure are the manifestation after the first sessions of a painful sensation throughout the body and the presence of bruises formed as a result of the impact of a stream of water on a person’s skin.

People with a high threshold of skin sensitivity and women with fair skin are more susceptible to these factors. Although dark-skinned people are also not immune to receiving such “gifts.”

This healing procedure gives good results in combination with the complex:

Where can you take hydromassage treatments?

Charcot shower head at home

Many people who want to improve their health or get an excellent figure have been convinced of the effectiveness and stunning results of Charcot shower. Therefore, nowadays these procedures are widely used not only in traditional spa treatment, but are offered by spa salons and beauty studios.

Modern technologies today make it possible, in a slightly modified form, to use Charcot showers at home. For this purpose, a special Alekseev nozzle is used, which is attached instead of a shower in a regular bath. The design of this nozzle allows you to create a water jet pressure of up to 6 atmospheres, which is quite enough for a body massage.

This technical innovation is recommended for home use only after detailed consultation with a specialist. To ensure that the result of the procedure does not bring much harm and disappointment, you need to decide in advance with your doctor:

  • Hydromassage techniques;
  • Location of massage lines;
  • Technical indicators of the procedure program.


The hydromassage procedure in the form of a Charcot shower has recently become very popular. It has earned universal recognition for its effective performance.

It is better to carry it out under the supervision of a competent specialist with work experience, who will select an individual program for everyone, calculate the duration and optimal frequency of implementation, in accordance with the state of the body.

This is the only way this water procedure will restore vitality to many, give good spirits, elasticity, skin tone, and a beautiful figure.

Charcot shower at home

From this article you will learn what Charcot's Shower is, what benefits it brings to our body and whether Alekseev's Shower can fully replace Charcot's Shower at home.


More and more often, adherents of a healthy lifestyle talk about the mysterious soul of Charcot. Let's figure out together what it is and whether we need it.

Charcot's shower got its name from its inventor, Jean Martin Charcot. Jean Charcot is a French psychiatrist, teacher of Sigmund Freud, and specialist in neurological diseases.

The essence of the Charcot shower procedure is that your body is intensively massaged with jets of water of varying power. That is, you stand at a distance of 3-3.5 m from the Charcot shower control panel, and to begin with, you are doused with a fan-shaped stream of water from all sides. Then a strong jet pressure is applied to the limbs, back, side surfaces of the chest, etc. Alternately give a stream of hot water (up to forty degrees) and cold (twenty degrees).

Jean Charcot, as a psychiatrist, conceived of such a procedure primarily in order to combat stress and strengthen the nervous system of patients. But in general, the “side” effect of such a shower on the body is very impressive:

Massage. Provides increased blood circulation in the affected area. A mechanical rupture of intercellular connections in adipose tissue occurs, resulting in weight loss and an anti-cellulite effect.

Lymphatic drainage. Leads to activation of metabolic processes. Tissue regeneration. The overall tone of the body increases.

Clinics give the following indications for the use of Charcot's shower:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Metabolic disorders

General health of the body

It is obvious that Charcot's shower is a very useful hydrotherapy, which has a complex effect on the entire body.

But how accessible is this procedure? After all, sometimes we don’t have time to visit specialized institutions. Is it possible to organize such therapy at home?

There is an alternative - Alekseev Shower. You purchase an Alekseev shower head and screw it on instead of your regular watering can. This way you will have your own personal home Charcot shower, which is not inferior in impact, but is much gentler (there will be no bruises, like after a Charcot shower).

Alekseev's shower is the creation of the Russian inventor A.N. Alekseeva. He received a Silver medal for this at the IENA-2005 exhibition in Germany.

Alekseev's Shower has the functions of almost all professional physiotherapeutic showers: underwater massage shower, needle shower, Charcot shower.

The pressure generated by a Charcot shower is, in fact, quite achievable with normal water pressure in the plumbing system. Normally it is from 2 to 6(.) atmospheres (in Charcot's Soul there are 4 atmospheres). It's just that the regular shower heads in our homes are not able to use this pressure effectively. The whole secret is in the conoidal openings of Alekseev’s soul. In cylindrical holes, the water pressure is lost, but conoidal holes maintain maximum water pressure and create a powerful jet with enormous kinetic energy.

Why has no other plumbing manufacturer taken full advantage of conoidal holes? Because only A.N. Alekseev managed to come up with a way to make such specially designed holes, where the exit hole is less than a millimeter.

It is worth noting the financial side of the issue. One Charcot shower procedure costs an average of rubles. Usually the full course of treatment includes procedures. Obviously it is more profitable to have a “home” Charcot shower)

Search queries: Charcot home shower, Charcot shower at home, Charcot shower at home, Charcot Alekseeva shower, Charcot shower at home, Charcot shower head for home, Charcot shower for home use

How to make a Charcot shower and Jacuzzi at home

The human need for bodily sensations is enormous. Research conducted at McGill University has shown that if a normal, physically healthy person is immersed in a special pool and completely isolated from any stimuli (sound, temperature, etc.), then after a short time he begins to lose control over his emotions. With thoughts and ideas He even loses orientation in the structure of his own body. The sense of reality and time is also lost, hallucinations and nightmares begin. The central nervous system, deprived of sensory stimuli, first makes a person drowsy, but then he develops increasing anxiety and tension.

Since a person extremely rarely finds himself in conditions of such sensory hunger, he does not realize how important the high workload of his receptors is for the functioning of his brain. And in general, a city person, especially one living an “office” life, experiences a huge deficit of bodily sensations. Hence the growing popularity of extreme recreation, which provides a short-term supply of sharp and vivid sensations and impressions. But the hunger for “simple” tactile sensations remains. In our culture, unfortunately, bodily “stroking” is not accepted; we live in an “air-conditioned” world and we have little time for proper rest.

Many studies have been devoted to the role of vitamin deficiency, everything has been studied in great detail. But apart from the old, old and cruel experiment with volunteers caught in a “bath of fear”, deprived of tactile sensations, no more research was conducted. Some data were obtained from observing disorders that appear in children deprived of maternal care and living in the monotonous conditions of hospitals and nurseries. In infants under these conditions, it came not only to a stop in development, but also to a whole series of somatic disorders leading to exhaustion. And this is with thoughtful medical supervision and proper feeding!

Problems of obesity, cellulite, destructive behavior, chronic inflammation can also be the “voice” of the body itself, crying out for new sensations.

It is no coincidence that water parks have become so popular. They are not only entertainment, but also a source of a huge number of necessary bodily sensations. Noise and splashing, cascading waterfalls, a pendulum of emotions from fear to delight...

The prototype of the water park was the Roman baths, which were not just baths, but also places for massage, rubbing with oils and even small stadiums for gymnastics. It is not surprising that the Roman historian Pliny believed that “the Romans of the 6th century knew no disease, because they were treated only with water.” The thermal baths also had the first hydromassage installations - pipes from which water flowed under high pressure.

Then the high art of obtaining exquisite bodily pleasures was lost for many centuries, and Europe plunged into a series of endless epidemics and diseases. The art of water hygiene gradually returned, and baths appeared in the apartments of ordinary people. But only the rich and very rich get those most exquisite pleasures - jacuzzi, hydromassage showers. And even an ordinary Charcot shower, which used to be available even in an average city hospital, today turned out to be unaffordable for many people.

Buy fancy shower cabins? A bathtub with controlled jets and huge power consumption? Visit spa salons regularly? Or visit the hydropathic clinics of municipal hospitals with rusty tiles?

There is another way out. Russian inventor Doctor of Technical Sciences A.N. Alekseev received a Silver medal for his invention - a hydromassage shower at the IENA-2005 exhibition in jaded Germany. And this is where every tenth exhibition stand was dedicated to one or another invention related to saving water and improving devices for hydromassage. That is, the competition was enormous. But why in Europe, where companies in Italy and Germany produce a huge number of modifications of hydromassage shower heads, shower cabins and Jacuzzis, did the seemingly unpretentious, not even chrome-plated “Alekseev shower” win?

This shower head, similar in appearance to all others, creates a completely special sensation that leads to extraordinary bodily pleasure.

Plus the noise of water and wind. The jet flies at the highest possible speed, “rubbing” air ions from the air, as happens at a waterfall. Compare: ions in the air - maximum recorded at two large waterfalls; formed from the work of “Alekseev’s soul”; and about any other shower.

Plus - the capabilities of almost all professional physiotherapeutic showers: underwater massage shower, needle shower, Charcot shower.

Why is this possible in a regular bathroom? The pressure generated by a Charcot shower is, in fact, quite achievable with normal water pressure in the plumbing system. Normally it is from 2 to 6(.) atmospheres. It's just that other shower heads are not able to use this pressure effectively. In cylindrical holes, the water pressure is lost, and the conoidal holes “Alekseev’s soul” make it possible to maintain maximum water pressure and create a powerful jet with enormous kinetic energy. Because the conoidal profile of the holes perfectly matches the behavior of the jet, and the smooth walls of excellent German plastic create minimal resistance to flowing water. Why has no other plumbing manufacturer taken full advantage of conoidal holes? Because only A.N. Alekseev managed to come up with a way to make such specially designed holes, where the exit hole is less than a millimeter.

There are fears that a high-pressure shower will simply be unbearable - everyone who has ever had a Charcot shower procedure remembers the bruises that a strong stream of water leaves. So - NOT ONE person from more than (!) families already using “Alekseev’s shower” found a single bruise on his body. This is explained by the different behavior of the jet: it pricks and caresses at the same time.

Alekseev’s cool shower in the morning will replace a cup of coffee - it brings more energy. And Alekseev’s warm shower in the evening - a sleeping pill. Due to its unique property of causing an instant vascular reaction (the skin becomes pink and warm), it will gently reduce high blood pressure and normalize low blood pressure.

It is useful for those who suffer from osteochondrosis and varicose veins, and will help weather-sensitive and simply tired people. A shower is indispensable in the fight against cellulite and allergies. Restores youthful skin and successfully fights all signs of aging - wrinkles, dull skin, rough skin.

Finally, it gives the amazing sensations of ionized air and gushing water jets. We guarantee that you will not get such a comprehensive and sophisticated experience from any other shower head. You will fill the deficit of bodily sensations from which your body and brain suffer. You will understand what physical and mental well-being is.

Underwater shower-massage. While in a warm bath, massage your body with strong water pressure.

Overwater shower-massage. Raise the nozzle above the surface of the water, direct the jets onto the body through the layer of water and enjoy not only the underwater jets of water, but also the bubbling water above the body - the full effect of a jacuzzi!

Charcot's home shower. Buy thicker curtains and massage your body until it turns red.

Hydro- and air ionizer. Ionized air creates a sauna effect; you will sweat, almost like in a bathhouse, at any water temperature.

An amazing tool for comfortable hardening. You will be surprised when you realize that a contrast shower can be delightfully pleasant, and not at all frightening with its harshness.

You can stop using unsafe synthetic soaps. Just do an experiment - wash without detergents and run a cotton pad with toner over your body to make sure your skin is crystal clear. Thin half-millimeter jets of water will most effectively remove waste particles of the epidermis.

And, besides, Alekseev’s shower is your indispensable assistant: wash a dirty dog ​​to its satisfaction, wash a delicate item, wash a zero-resistance filter. And all this – without problems and effort.

Personal Charcot shower in the bathroom

Charcot shower is a general strengthening and health procedure that helps you lose extra pounds and increase the overall tone of the body. The system is presented in the form of hydromassage, which is actively used both in cosmetology and in medicine.

Hydrotherapy has been used for quite a long time to treat many diseases: it restores blood circulation, improves immunity and corrects the figure.

Origin of the modern device

The healing properties of water were especially clearly identified back in the nineteenth century. Those classes of the population that could afford trips to resorts, boarding houses and simply “to the waters” chose places famous for their springs and springs.

The mechanism got its name thanks to the first French doctor who began to use a similar method of shower treatment, his name is Jean Martin Charcot. A renowned neurologist, researcher and psychiatrist invented this procedure to treat the central nervous system.

The invention of a talented psychiatrist was originally intended to treat nervous disorders and hysteria in women. Having studied over time the positive effect of the procedure on the entire body, Doctor Charcot began to use the shower practically for all diseases of the nervous system and even for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In modern times, Charcot showers are used more in spa salons than in medical centers. The main goal of this procedure in a beauty salon is weight loss and figure correction, and in boarding houses and hospitals it is to strengthen the immune system and normalize blood circulation.

The procedure at first glance seems quite simple, however, some actions performed by an amateur can harm the body. Therefore, such shower treatment should be trusted only to a professional with a medical education.

What is the essence of shower treatment?

The healing properties of the shower are based on a fairly active and strong massage using a shock jet of water. The procedure is carried out at a distance of 3m or 3.5m, and the water pressure reaches 4 atmospheres.

The water temperature should be slightly lower than comfortable or room temperature - this is necessary to lower the body temperature and speed up metabolism. This requirement is very important, because when cooling we spend a lot of energy on warming up, which inevitably leads to the consumption of fat reserves.

Some spa salons use a contrast shower technique: the temperature ranges from 100C to 450C.

The Charcot shower procedure looks like this: the patient stands against a tiled wall and firmly grasps the special handrails (turning his face to the wall). Then the specialist directs a strong jet pressure at you and begins the massage.

It is very important to massage in accordance with the rules: one stream of water should be easily sprayed over the entire body, both front and back, and the other should hit problem areas of the body (hips, stomach, buttocks or back) more forcefully. If possible, the water pressure should be gradually increased.

Despite the fear of a strong jet, specialists very carefully go around the area of ​​the spine, genitals, face and entire head.

After hydrotherapy, you need to massage the abdomen, making circular movements clockwise.

Experts note that after such treatment, redness and even bruising may remain on your skin, so just before the beach season you should not subject your body to such tests.

Keep in mind that an effective course of such procedures is at least 20 times. Each massage lasts from 1 to 5 minutes. At each new session, the specialist lowers the temperature of the water and increases its pressure, while increasing the massage time. Such loads on the body can be carried out no more often than every 2-3 days, and the whole course can be carried out once every six months.

However, such criteria can be contradictory; some health workers claim that procedures can be performed every day, and the time is not 5 minutes, but all 15. Therefore, we recommend doing the necessary tests and determining treatment criteria exclusively for your body, and not following a template.

Hydrotherapy effect

Despite the fact that Charcot showers today are used mainly for one purpose - to make your figure as attractive as possible, the mechanism has a positive effect on a lot of organs and systems.

The influence of Charcot's shower:

  • normalizes blood circulation, which subsequently promotes weight loss;
  • prevention of nervous conditions, irritability, arthritis, fatigue;
  • increases skin elasticity and tone;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • calms sleep and improves performance.

Modern doctors note that the main indicator of weight loss is best combined with other physical activities, such as Pilates or yoga.

Indications for use:

  • cellulite or obesity;
  • getting rid of the “orange peel” on the thighs;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • headaches, nervous tension, depression;
  • neurological pain;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system or muscle atrophy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • prevention and strengthening of immunity;
  • massage is effective after intense training and for people with a sedentary lifestyle.

It is very important to discuss all the nuances of massage with your doctor before starting the course, because they are not suitable for every person. Be especially specific about water pressure and temperature limits.

  • colds, bronchitis, sore throat;
  • low weight of the patient (dystrophy);
  • low sensitivity threshold;
  • skin diseases;
  • post-stroke period;
  • pregnancy;
  • cancerous tumors and stomach ulcers;
  • varicose veins.

As practice has shown, such procedures should not be carried out before or during menstruation. In this condition, a woman is more sensitive, so the procedure can be quite painful.

Experts note that even for an adult and healthy man, the first time may seem unpleasant and painful, however, you should be patient a little and then you will feel the healing and relaxing effect of Charcot shower.

Is it possible to carry out a similar procedure at home?

The exact mechanism of a Charcot shower at home is an exceptional lie and a fairy tale. If a plumbing store convinces you that the effect and healing effects of a regular shower stall are identical, don’t believe it.

As we noted, the main features of a Charcot shower are high pressure and a distance of at least 3 m, which cannot be achieved in a domestic bathroom. No matter how powerful the massage nozzle of the sprayer is, there will be no such effect as the Charcot system has.

Unfortunately, at home it is impossible to achieve a shock jet of different temperatures, especially on different parts of the body.

All you can do is a daily contrast shower and water procedures under a special massage sprayer. With proper treatment and little physical activity, you will be able to get rid of 2-3 kg.

Today, an expensive but effective replacement for the Charcot shower has appeared on sale - this is the Alekseev nozzle. The water pressure in such a device can reach 6 atmospheres. As practice shows, such attachments are quite functional and can have many of the qualities inherent in treatment in a sanatorium.

A Charcot shower at home is very difficult to replicate, even with modern and functional nozzles. But if you are serious, you need to be examined in a clinic to avoid injury at home and the subsequent negative impact on your immune system.

However, do not be upset: a regular contrast shower in the morning can strengthen weakened immunity and make the skin more elastic and healthy.

Charcot shower is an amazing invention that has a lot of benefits for our body, without irradiating it or having a negative effect.

Of course, you should not expect a miracle after the first session and refuse further procedures with horror from small hematomas and redness. Complete the entire course - from 15 to 20 procedures and then you will feel the promised strengthening effect on the entire body.

Do-it-yourself Alekseev shower: device and application features

Is it possible to recreate the hydromassage equipment of treatment centers at home? In full, of course, not, but in part, completely. Installing an Alekseev shower, which has the necessary functions, which we will consider in more detail in this article, will help you with this.

Alekseev's shower in action


What is so special about the device in question? How is it different from a regular shower head? In order to answer these questions, let's take a look at the design features of the device:


Structural difference of Alekseev shower

It's all about the special shape of the holes, which is a kind of cone with a wide part at the entrance and a narrow part at the exit. Thus, we do not get a scattering of drops, as happens with a conventional watering can, but a set of jets escaping from the nozzles under high pressure. It is this factor that allows for a therapeutic effect on a person, the features of which we will consider a little later.

Let's summarize the main differences in operation between Alekseev's shower and a regular one:


Hydromassage set

If you are concerned about the question of how to make an Alekseev shower yourself, then simply buy its complete set and install it according to the instructions instead of a regular watering can. (See also the article Tropical rain shower head: features.)

The set includes the following elements:

  • A nut that allows you to adjust and change the meshes.
  • Grids with 19 and 61 holes, which have special properties:
  • Rubber seal.
  • Fixing insert.
  • Hull part.
  • Lever.
  • An adapter that allows the device to be connected to most types of shower hoses in use.


Photo of a working hydromassage device

  1. The amazing healing effect of hydromassage. Helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, cellulite, hangover, chronic fatigue, low immunity, arthritis, edema, insomnia, weather dependence, gastrointestinal dysfunction, menopause, poisoning and varicose veins.

This will protect you from possible side effects.

  1. Elementary installation instructions, which consist of just two simple steps:
    • Unscrew the watering can.
    • We screw the assembled device. If the holes of the hose and the connected device do not match, then use an adapter.

Connecting Alekseev's shower with your own hands

  1. Affordable price. It is much cheaper to visit medical institutions with similar equipment.
  2. Economical use of water. Compared to a conventional system, it looks like this:
  1. Availability of different attachments. This allows you to configure the optimal operating mode for your specific case.
  2. Long service life. Thanks to the strong pressure, the holes are less likely to become clogged with limestone deposits.

Massage areas of the body

So, we have reviewed the technical description of Alekseev’s shower, now let’s figure out which parts of the body are used for massage and how it is used:

  1. Back. To stimulate blood circulation and relieve fatigue, we move the device in a vertical and horizontal direction at a short distance from the surface of the back.

Hydromassage of the back area

  1. Stomach. By holding the operating device at a distance of half a meter, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as speed up the process of losing weight.

Effects of Alekseev's shower jets on the stomach

  1. Sides. Allows you to get rid of the presence of folds and various types of formations.
  2. Buttocks. Massage using any convenient method without restrictions. In this case, the main thing is the goal, which is to give this part of the body a fit and athletic appearance.
  3. Inner thigh. This area tends to have the largest accumulations of cellulite, which can be very painful to break up. Therefore, it is undesirable to linger on it for a long time.
  4. Outer thigh. It is carried out along the location of the veins.

This will make it more convenient and allow you to achieve maximum effect.

  1. Caviar. The jets should move from bottom to top, preventing the occurrence of varicose veins.
  2. Breast. You should set the minimum water pressure, then perform ten circular movements clockwise and clockwise, and then the same amount, but counterclockwise.
  3. Feet. Perfectly relieves fatigue from the legs. There are no restrictions on use.
  4. Hands. Use contrasting temperatures to enhance the effect.

Treatment of brushes with a hydromassage device

  1. Upper arm area. Normalizes blood circulation, especially when using long-term massage.
  2. Neck. Direct the water flow from bottom to top to achieve skin tightening and eliminate the formation of wrinkles.

Impact of jets on the neck

  1. Elbows and knees. Prolonged exposure helps relax joints.

Relaxing knee massage

  1. Collar area. Breaks up salt deposits.
  2. Face. After the first experiments, you may feel some dryness on your skin, which can be easily eliminated with baby cream. But after a couple of weeks this side effect will disappear.


Do you need hydromassage at home? Without a doubt! Thanks to such a simple device as Alekseev’s shower, in your own bathroom you can get rid of excess weight, wrinkles, disperse blood through the veins, relieve fatigue, stretch your muscles and joints. The result will not take long to arrive. And all due to the unusual conical shape of the holes, which guarantees strong pressure to the jets coming out of the device. (See also the article How to connect a shower stall: features.)

The strong jet pressure of hydromassage equipment will improve your health

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials that are directly related to the topic presented. Take care of your health in a timely manner!

Alekseev’s shower is an analogue of the design known as “Charcot’s shower”. It allows you to create an environment at home that is in no way inferior to medical institutions equipped with the latest equipment. Thanks to Alekseev's shower, you can achieve the maximum healing effect at home through a functional hydromassage.

Alekseev’s shower device is often compared with standard designs, namely nozzles, trying to find similarities, but in reality there are none. Conventional shower heads are designed in such a way that, due to rubber inserts, the water stream is formed and strengthened.

In addition, modern manufacturers equip nozzles with several alternative modes that allow you to adjust the number of functioning holes, as well as their relative position relative to each other. There is also a ball inside the device, which creates some massage effect. However, it cannot be compared to what you get from using Alekseev's shower.

This type of hydromassage is a design with special cone-shaped nozzles. The diameter of the narrow part is 0.6 millimeters, and the wide part is 5 millimeters. Due to these nozzles, the liquid pressure is converted into the kinetic energy of the jet that exits the hydromassage. Alekseev A.N. came up with a virtually unique nozzle production technology, which is his merit.

Features of the device

In terms of the way it works, Alekseev’s shower can be compared to a fire hose. To be more precise, the hydromassage consists of a large number of small “fire nozzles” - nozzles that produce many streams of small prickly jets.

Under normal pressure conditions, these jets move strictly horizontally over a distance of three to five meters. In this case, the liquid is not sprayed and represents a single powerful jet, which, in contact with the skin, acts on it in a targeted manner. This way the massage effect is realized.

Due to the described design, virtually all areas of the body are massaged:

  • back – in order to stimulate blood circulation and relieve fatigue, it is necessary to move the device vertically and horizontally at a short distance from the back;
  • abdomen - this type of massage allows you to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also promotes weight loss. It is important to use the hydromassage correctly, pointing it at the surface of the abdomen at a distance of 50 centimeters from the skin;

  • sides - used to get rid of folds and various types of seals;
  • buttocks - this area is allowed to be massaged in any way, there are no strict restrictions. The goal is toned and athletic buttocks;
  • inner thigh– this type of massage is considered the most painful, since these areas most often represent an accumulation of cellulite. You should not linger long in this area;
  • outer thigh– jets of water are directed according to the flow of blood through the veins. For convenience, this procedure is best performed in a sitting position;
  • calves - massage is carried out exclusively from bottom to top. Tight jets help prevent the occurrence of varicose veins;
  • breasts - the procedure should be carried out by first adjusting the low pressure of the liquid. It is better to direct the device in such a way that the jets slightly lift the chest. It is recommended to make up to ten circular movements in a clockwise direction and ten of the same movements counterclockwise;
  • feet – this massage is very useful for relieving tired legs. The foot area can be massaged in any way;
  • hands – for this procedure it is recommended to use contrasting temperatures, as this produces the greatest effect;
  • upper arms– short massage helps improve blood circulation;
  • neck – massaging this area allows you to achieve tightened skin, as well as get rid of problematic folds on the chin. To do this, direct the jet from bottom to top;
  • elbows and knees;
  • collar zone;
  • face - at the first stage, the skin may be dry after such a massage, but it is extremely easy to get rid of the side effect with the help of a regular baby cream. After two to three weeks, the skin condition returns to normal.

Conditions for using hydromassage

Alekseev’s shower turns out to be relevant if a person, for one reason or another, needs a massage.

The most common reasons are the following:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cellulite;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • arthritis;
  • swelling;
  • insomnia;
  • weather dependence;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • menopause;
  • hangover;
  • poisoning;
  • varicose veins


The shower is equipped with two nets:

  • 19 holes;
  • for 61 holes.

With the help of these meshes, a person has the opportunity to independently control the intensity of the jet, as well as its direction.

The 61-hole mesh allows you to achieve maximum pressure, which even exceeds that of Charcot's shower. As for the nineteen-hole mesh, this is a chance to get a unique needle massage, which, with constant use, gets rid of the “orange peel” and also helps restore hair on the head. Adjustment and change of mesh is carried out in accordance with the purposes of the massage.

The use of a hydromassage is contraindicated only for those people who have consulted a doctor and for one reason or another were refused.

Massager device

The Alekseev Shower hydromassage set includes:

Installing the device yourself

Installation of Alekseev's shower will not take much time. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1. Unscrew the shower head.

Step 2. Screw the device to the hose.

If it is necessary to install it on a domestically manufactured hose, the algorithm changes slightly.

Stage 1. Unscrew the shower head.

Stage 2. Screw the adapter to the hydromassage.

Stage 3. Attach the device to the shower hose.

Changing grids

  1. Unscrew the top nut.
  2. We take out the mesh.
  3. Insert an alternative grid.
  4. We tighten the nut.

Operation of the device will not cause users any problems. It is made from high-quality plastic, which is highly resistant to mechanical damage.

Video - Do-it-yourself Alekseev shower

Video – Features of Alekseev’s shower

The pleasure that a person receives from the four elements - from bubbling water, from clean air, from warmth and from the gifts of the earth - is the basis of all bodily sensations.

The human need for bodily sensations is enormous. Research conducted at McGill University has shown that if a normal, physically healthy person is immersed in a special pool and completely isolated from any stimuli (sound, temperature, etc.), then after a short time he begins to lose control over his emotions. With thoughts and ideas He even loses orientation in the structure of his own body. The sense of reality and time is also lost, hallucinations and nightmares begin. The central nervous system, deprived of sensory stimuli, first makes a person drowsy, but then he develops increasing anxiety and tension.

Since a person extremely rarely finds himself in conditions of such sensory hunger, he does not realize how important the high workload of his receptors is for the functioning of his brain. And in general, a city person, especially one living an “office” life, experiences a huge deficit of bodily sensations. Hence the growing popularity of extreme recreation, which provides a short-term supply of sharp and vivid sensations and impressions. But the hunger for “simple” tactile sensations remains. In our culture, unfortunately, bodily “stroking” is not accepted; we live in an “air-conditioned” world and we have little time for proper rest.

Many studies have been devoted to the role of vitamin deficiency, everything has been studied in great detail. But apart from the old, old and cruel experiment with volunteers caught in a “bath of fear”, deprived of tactile sensations, no more research was conducted. Some data were obtained from observing disorders that appear in children deprived of maternal care and living in the monotonous conditions of hospitals and nurseries. In infants under these conditions, it came not only to a stop in development, but also to a whole series of somatic disorders leading to exhaustion. And this is with thoughtful medical supervision and proper feeding!

Problems of obesity, cellulite, destructive behavior, chronic inflammation can also be the “voice” of the body itself, crying out for new sensations.

It is no coincidence that water parks have become so popular. They are not only entertainment, but also a source of a huge number of necessary bodily sensations. Noise and splashing, cascading waterfalls, a pendulum of emotions from fear to delight...

The prototype of the water park was the Roman baths, which were not just baths, but also places for massage, rubbing with oils and even small stadiums for gymnastics. It is not surprising that the Roman historian Pliny believed that “the Romans of the 6th century knew no disease, because they were treated only with water.” The thermal baths also had the first hydromassage installations - pipes from which water flowed under high pressure.

Then the high art of obtaining exquisite bodily pleasures was lost for many centuries, and Europe plunged into a series of endless epidemics and diseases. The art of water hygiene gradually returned, and baths appeared in the apartments of ordinary people. But only the rich and very rich get those most exquisite pleasures - jacuzzi, hydromassage showers. And even an ordinary Charcot shower, which used to be available even in an average city hospital, today turned out to be unaffordable for many people.

Buy fancy shower cabins? A bathtub with controlled jets and huge power consumption? Visit spa salons regularly? Or visit the hydropathic clinics of municipal hospitals with rusty tiles?

There is another way out. Russian inventor Doctor of Technical Sciences A.N. Alekseev received a Silver medal for his invention - a hydromassage shower at the IENA-2005 exhibition in jaded Germany. And this is where every tenth exhibition stand was dedicated to one or another invention related to saving water and improving devices for hydromassage. That is, the competition was enormous. But why in Europe, where companies in Italy and Germany produce a huge number of modifications of hydromassage shower heads, shower cabins and Jacuzzis, did the seemingly unpretentious, not even chrome-plated “Alekseev shower” win?

This shower head, similar in appearance to all others, creates a completely special sensation that leads to extraordinary bodily pleasure.

Plus the noise of water and wind. The jet flies at the highest possible speed, “rubbing” air ions from the air, as happens at a waterfall. Compare: 37,000 ions in the air - the maximum recorded at two large waterfalls; 14,000 is generated from the work of “Alekseev’s soul”; and about 2,000 - any other shower.

Plus - the capabilities of almost all professional physiotherapeutic showers: underwater massage shower, needle shower, Charcot shower.

Why is this possible in a regular bathroom? The pressure generated by a Charcot shower is, in fact, quite achievable with normal water pressure in the plumbing system. Normally it is from 2 to 6 (!!!) atmospheres. It's just that other shower heads are not able to use this pressure effectively. In cylindrical holes, the water pressure is lost, and the conoidal holes “Alekseev’s soul” make it possible to maintain maximum water pressure and create a powerful jet with enormous kinetic energy. Because the conoidal profile of the holes perfectly matches the behavior of the jet, and the smooth walls of excellent German plastic create minimal resistance to flowing water. Why has no other plumbing manufacturer taken full advantage of conoidal holes? Because only A.N. Alekseev managed to come up with a way to make such specially designed holes, where the exit hole is less than a millimeter.

There are fears that a high-pressure shower will simply be unbearable - everyone who has ever had a Charcot shower procedure remembers the bruises that a strong stream of water leaves. So - NOT ONE person out of more than 25,000 (!) families already using “Alekseev’s shower” found a single bruise on his body. This is explained by the different behavior of the jet: it pricks and caresses at the same time.

Alekseev's cool shower in the morning will replace a cup of coffee - it brings more energy. And Alekseev’s warm shower in the evening - a sleeping pill. Due to its unique property of causing an instant vascular reaction (the skin becomes pink and warm), it will gently reduce high blood pressure and normalize low blood pressure.

It is useful for those who suffer from osteochondrosis and varicose veins, and will help weather-sensitive and simply tired people. A shower is indispensable in the fight against cellulite and allergies. Restores youthful skin and successfully fights all signs of aging - wrinkles, dull skin, rough skin.

Finally, it gives the amazing sensations of ionized air and gushing water jets. We guarantee that you will not get such a comprehensive and sophisticated experience from any other shower head. You will fill the deficit of bodily sensations from which your body and brain suffer. You will understand what physical and mental well-being is.

Underwater shower-massage. While in a warm bath, massage your body with strong water pressure.
Overwater shower-massage. Raise the nozzle above the surface of the water, direct the jets onto the body through the layer of water and enjoy not only the underwater jets of water, but also the bubbling water above the body - the full effect of a jacuzzi!
Charcot's home shower. Buy thicker curtains and massage your body until it turns red.
Hydro- and air ionizer. Ionized air creates a sauna effect; you will sweat, almost like in a bathhouse, at any water temperature.
An amazing tool for comfortable hardening. You will be surprised when you realize that a contrast shower can be delightfully pleasant, and not at all frightening with its harshness.
You can stop using unsafe synthetic soaps. Just do an experiment - wash without detergents and run a cotton pad with toner over your body to make sure your skin is crystal clear. Thin half-millimeter jets of water will most effectively remove waste particles of the epidermis.
And, besides, Alekseev’s shower is your indispensable assistant: wash a dirty dog ​​to its satisfaction, wash a delicate item, wash a zero-resistance filter. And all this - without problems and effort.

P.S. detailed methods, detailed descriptions and a lot of interesting articles about the possibilities of “water” therapy can be found on the website

P.P.S. Don't put off your purchase until later. Your body and brain are craving new sensations from skin receptors!!