Job Description for Russian Railways Track Fitter. Labor protection of track fitters (Section of the thesis). Required according to job description

03/06/2014 – We present to your attention the occupational safety instructions for track fitters. The instructions include five chapters: 1) general labor protection requirements; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) labor protection requirements when performing work; 4) labor protection requirements upon completion of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. Persons whose age corresponds to that established by current legislation, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner and who have no contraindications to performing this type of work, who have undergone industrial training according to the relevant program, are allowed to carry out work for the installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the upper structure of railway tracks theoretical knowledge and practical skills of safe working methods and allowed to work independently in the prescribed manner.

Before being allowed to work independently, a track fitter must undergo an internship for 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the employee) under the supervision of a specially appointed person.

2. A track fitter is allowed to work using power tools after appropriate training, testing of knowledge and obtaining permission to work with this tool.

Persons allowed to work with power tools must have an electrical safety group of at least II.

3. To work on machines (rail cutting, rail drilling, etc.) track fitters who know the structure of the machines, the operating mode on them and the rules for the safe performance of work are allowed.

4. A fitter is allowed to hook a load onto the crane hook of a trolley and other track machines after appropriate instruction and testing of skills in slinging loads in the manner established at the enterprise.

Books on labor protection in publishing houses, Alpina Publisher, 1C Interest, Bamboo (Ukraine), Yakaboo (Ukraine), Buklya (Ukraine)

Books on certification of workplaces for working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

5. Periodic medical examination of the track fitter must be carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Health.

6. A track fitter must undergo periodic testing of knowledge on labor safety issues at least once every 12 months.

A track fitter undergoes an extraordinary test of knowledge on labor safety issues in the following cases:

with a break in work in the specialty for more than one year;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

at the request of state supervisory and control authorities;

upon the entry into force of new or revised regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection;

when commissioning new equipment or introducing new technological processes.

7. The track fitter must undergo labor safety instructions:

when hiring - introductory and initial at the workplace;

during work at least once every 6 months - repeated;

when new or revised regulations (documents) on labor protection are introduced or amendments are made to them;

changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, instruments and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor protection;

violation by workers of regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection, which could or have led to injury, accident or poisoning;

at the request of state supervisory and control authorities, a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

during breaks in work for more than 6 months;

receipt of information materials about accidents and incidents that occurred in similar industries - unscheduled.

8. The track installer must:

know the requirements set out in the “Instructions for signaling on narrow-gauge railways of the peat industry”, “Instructions for the movement of trains on narrow-gauge railways of the peat industry”, “Safety rules at enterprises of the peat industry”, instructions (passports) of equipment manufacturers and instructions for labor protection;

know the fire and electrical safety requirements when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;

When performing work, use personal protective equipment issued in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees:

cotton suit MP – 12 months.

waterproof raincoat Vn – 36 months.

signal vest Co - until worn out;

headdress – 12 months;

tarpaulin boots B – 24 months.

combined mittens Mi - until worn out;

protective helmet – 24 months.

When working with pneumatic tools, additionally:

anti-vibration gloves MV - until worn out;

protective face shield KS - until worn;

anti-noise headphones- until worn out.

In winter additionally:

cotton jacket with insulating lining Tn – 36 months.

cotton trousers with insulating lining Tn – 36 months.

insulated tarpaulin boots with rubber soles SlTn30 – 24 months.

winter balaclava – 24 months.

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

comply with internal labor regulations;

know sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with industrial sanitation requirements.

9. The track fitter should not expose himself to danger and be in places where work is being carried out that are not related to the work he directly performs. While working as a track fitter, the following harmful and (or) dangerous production factors are possible: moving vehicles, transported and stored cargo, increased or decreased air temperature in the work area, increased or decreased air mobility, insufficient illumination of the work area, cutting or piercing objects .

10. The track fitter should go to (from) work only along the side of the roadbed or away from the track. When walking in a group along the side of the track, it is prohibited to walk in a disorderly crowd and to be closer than 2 m from the outermost rail. If it is impossible to walk to the side of the path or along the side of the road, walking along the path is allowed, but you should be especially careful and walk one after another, while following the instructions of the work manager.

11. You should cross railway tracks at a right angle, having first made sure that there is no approaching rolling stock on the tracks you cross. You need to be especially careful when entering the track behind a standing train or individual cars.

You should cross the track occupied by wagons using the brake pads. It is allowed to walk around cars standing on the track no closer than 5 m from the outer car.

It is prohibited to crawl under cars, drag tools, instruments and materials under them, or walk along coupling devices and between cars standing at a distance of less than 10 m from each other.

13. When crossing tracks, it is prohibited to step on the rails, stand between the frame rails and points or in the turnout grooves.

14. Transportation of track linemen must be carried out by road or rail transport, specially equipped for transporting people.

While moving to the place of work on the track layer, the track fitter must be in a specially designated place on the self-propelled power plant.

15. The victim or eyewitness must immediately report every accident at work to the immediate supervisor of the work, who is obliged to:

organize first aid for the victim and his delivery to the medical center;

report the incident to the head of the unit;

Before the commission of investigation begins, preserve the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.

16. The track fitter must report all noticed malfunctions of the equipment, tools and devices used to the immediate supervisor of the work and not begin work until they are eliminated.

17. The track technician is responsible for:

compliance with the requirements of instructions (passports) of equipment manufacturers and labor protection instructions, fire and electrical safety rules;

compliance with the established work procedure;

compliance with labor regulations;

serviceability and safety of the equipment, tools and devices assigned to it;

breakdowns, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of a track fitter who violates the requirements of the instructions (passports) of equipment manufacturers and labor safety instructions.

18. For violation of labor discipline, failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, the track fitter is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus.

19. A track fitter who appears at work drunk, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication is not allowed to work that day.

20. The track fitter is obliged to perform the work stipulated by the employment contract, is obliged to assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, to immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, means protection against deterioration of your health.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

21. The organization of the track fitter’s workplace must ensure the safety of work.

No unauthorized persons are allowed at the work site.

22. Before starting work, the track installer must:

check and prepare personal protective equipment;

check the serviceability and completeness of the traveling tools, equipment and devices necessary for the work;

check the serviceability of the power tool (when performing work with power tools);

check the availability of signaling accessories;

familiarize yourself with the conditions and nature of the upcoming work.

23. When checking and preparing personal protective equipment, the track installer must:

put in order and put on overalls and safety shoes. Overalls should be tightly fastened and not interfere with movements during work. When carrying out track work, an orange signal vest must be worn over the overalls;

check the condition of the safety glasses and make sure there are no damages;

check dielectric gloves for punctures by twisting them towards the fingers (when performing work with power tools).

24. When checking the serviceability of the traveling tool, you must make sure that:

the strikers of hammers and sledgehammers have a smooth, slightly convex surface without warps, chips, gouges, cracks and burrs;

the handles of hammers and other impact tools are made of dry hardwood (birch, oak, beech, etc.) without knots or cross-layers or from synthetic materials that ensure operational strength and reliability in operation. The handles must have an oval cross-section along their entire length, be smooth and free of cracks;

impact tools (chisels, bits, etc.) have a smooth back part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels; there is no damage at the working end. The impact tool must, as a rule, be at least 150 mm long;

the working surfaces of the wrenches do not have bevels, and the handles do not have burrs. The size of the key must be indicated on the handle. Jaw (grip) dimensions wrenches should not exceed the dimensions of the heads (nut faces) by more than 0.3 mm;

The surface of the metal handles of the pliers is smooth (without dents, nicks or burrs) and free of scale.

25. When checking the serviceability of a power tool, the track fitter must check:

completeness and reliability of fastening parts;

external inspection of the serviceability of the cable (cord), its protective tube and plug; integrity of the insulating parts of the body, handle and brush holder covers; the presence of protective covers and their serviceability;

clear operation of the switch;

idling operation.

For class 1 power tools, in addition, the serviceability of the grounding circuit (between the housing and the grounding contact of the plug) must be checked.

26. When preparing rail drilling, rail grinding and other machines used for track work, pay special attention to the presence and serviceability of:

protective devices for moving parts of the machine (belt, chain, gear, etc.);

fencing devices for live parts of the machine;

grounding devices;

devices for securing cutting tools;

measuring, fastening tools and devices;

safety devices for chip protection, etc.

The operation of the machine should be tested at idle speed.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

27. Safety requirements for track work.

28. Track work must be carried out under the supervision of a foreman (foreman, senior worker).

29. When starting to perform track work, the track fitter must protect the work site with appropriate signals.

30. When carrying out track work, the installer must:

be especially attentive;

carry out the orders of the immediate supervisor;

when a train approaches, leave the track in advance to the nearest side of the roadbed or to a wide inter-track at the station and move at least 2 m from the outer rail; when carrying oversized cargo - at least 4 m;

while a train is passing along an adjacent track, stop work on the intertrack from which it is necessary to leave. There is no need to leave the path on which the work is being carried out;

before entering the track after a train passes, make sure that there is no train, separate locomotive or handcar coming towards you;

when approaching track machines, move to the side of the track at a distance from the outer rail: when operating a track layer (except for the crew servicing it), snow plows and other heavy machines - 5 m; when the track plow is working - by 10 m; when operating rotary snow blowers - 5 m and in the direction opposite to the emission of snow, ice or weeds;

when taking a break from work, go to the side of the road at a distance of at least 2 m from the outermost rail;

constantly ensure that there are no tools under your feet, and that materials (rails, sleepers, fastenings) are neatly folded and do not interfere with moving out of the path of the approaching train;

work only with serviceable traveling tools and power tools;

When lifting tracks manually, use track-lifting trolleys or travel jacks;

When working with a jack, ensure that it is installed correctly (without distortion) and that it rests firmly on the ballast. Overloading the jack is not allowed.

31. When performing work in unfavorable conditions (darkness, snowstorm, fog, etc.), track installers must be located on the work front with a length of no more than 50 m.

32. When working with track tools, the track fitter must comply with the following safety requirements:

check the alignment of the holes in the linings and rails with a punch or bolt;

when changing rails, remove the linings after removing the bolts; move apart the linings fixed at one end of the rails and hold the other end of the rails while sliding it into the linings only with the help of a crowbar;

when moving the rail with crowbars, stand only on one side of the rail, opposite to the direction of movement;

If there are no gaps, change the rails only after clearing the gaps in order to avoid sudden ejection of the rail. When spreading rail gaps, use special joint spreading hydraulic devices;

when screwing nuts by hand, use a wrench of normal length and the required size;

Bevel an 8 m long rail using a crowbar, shallowly inserting it into the outer bolt hole at only one end of the rail. When tilting the rail, it is prohibited to stand in the direction of possible ejection of scrap. Turning of rails should only be done with special crowbars;

When re-stitching tracks, press out the rail thread using special devices or a pointed crowbar with its tip resting on the ballast prism at an angle of at least 45º. When re-lining the track, it is prohibited to move the rail thread using crutches driven into the sleepers as a stop for the claw;

pull out the crutches with a claw crowbar by pressing your hands on the end of the crowbar;

when straightening the track, place crowbars under the base of the rail at an angle of at least 45º and to a depth of at least 20 cm;

when working with a chisel, wear safety glasses;

when clearing burrs on sleepers, place your feet in such a way that the possibility of accidental injury is excluded;

When changing sleepers, use sleeper pliers.

33. When tamping sleepers with swing tamps, workers should be positioned with a minimum interval equal to four times the distance between adjacent sleepers.

34. If the driving of spikes is carried out by several workers, then they must be no closer than 4 m from each other or each of them must be assigned a certain section of the path (a link or several links).

35. When screwing and unscrewing the nuts of track bolts, the track fitter is prohibited from:

use wrenches that do not match the size of the nuts;

increase the length of the key by extending it with another key, pipe, etc. and use faulty keys;

use gaskets between the jaws of the wrench and the nut (from crutches, washers and other items);

unscrew the nuts by hitting a hammer or kicking a wrench; To make it easier to unscrew rusted nuts, you must first lubricate them with kerosene.

36. When working with power tools, the track installer must comply with the following safety requirements:

Before turning on the power tool, check that the voltage and frequency of the current in the electrical network correspond to the voltage and frequency of the electric motor of the power tool indicated on the plate, and that the working actuator tool (drills, etc.) is securely fastened;

When working with a power tool, monitor the condition of the working tool; integrity of body parts, handles, protective guards; the appearance of increased noise, knocking, vibration; the appearance of smoke or odor characteristic of burning insulation;

before passing rolling stock along the track on which work is being carried out, or along an adjacent track, the power to the main cable must be turned off, and the electric tool must be removed to the side of the roadbed outside the dimensions of the rolling stock;

when moving with a power tool from one place of work to another and during every even short break in work, the voltage in the main cable must be turned off and the power tool must be disconnected from the power source;

If you discover a malfunction of a power tool during operation or feel at least a weak current from the body of the power tool, stop working and report this to your immediate supervisor.

37. When using power tools During track work it is prohibited:

pull, twist and bend the cable, place a load on it;

disassemble and carry out any repairs yourself (both the power tool itself and wires, plug connections, etc.);

remove shavings or sawdust by hand while the tool is operating (chips should be removed after the power tool has completely stopped using special hooks or brushes);

touch a rotating cutting tool with your hands;

use random objects as leverage;

handle icy and wet parts with power tools;

work with a power tool that is not protected from the effects of drops or splashes, does not have excellent marks, in conditions of exposure to drops and splashes, as well as in open areas during snowfall or rain;

leave a power tool connected to the network unattended, as well as transfer it to persons who do not have the right to work with it;

operate a power tool whose periodic inspection period has expired.

38. When performing work on machines, the following safety requirements must be observed:

turn on the engine of the rail cutting machine only after the machine is securely fastened to the rail; Lower the saw frame carefully, with the load removed. It is prohibited to clean the hacksaw blade until the electric rail cutting machine has completely stopped;

When working on a rail grinding machine, wear safety glasses;

rail drilling machine put into action after strengthening the drill and installing the machine in the right place.

39. When using machines for track work, it is prohibited:

work on faulty machines, as well as on machines with faulty or loose guards;

open and remove guards and safety devices while the machine is operating;

pick up and feed any objects through a working machine;

tighten bolts, nuts and other connecting parts of the machine;

lean on the machine, place tools, workpieces, products, etc. on it.

40. When carrying out track work, it is prohibited:

begin repair work before fencing off areas dangerous for trains with signals;

remove signals fencing dangerous places until the work is completed, as well as checking the condition of the track and compliance with the clearance;

sit down to rest on the rails, the ends of the sleepers, inside the rail track, on the intertrack;

when lifting the track, be on the lifting link;

when pulling out crutches, use a claw crowbar to become or use stones, crutches and other objects instead of special metal spacers;

straighten bent crutches on the sole or head of the rail. Straightening of crutches should be done in mechanical workshops;

pull out or drag in sleepers using an axe, pickaxe, shovel, etc.;

pick out debris and wood chips with your hands from under a suspended rail link or rail, and also remove metal filings from the sawn rail with your hands;

cut off the rails with a chisel;

push apart the pads attached to one end of the rail with your hands, hold the end of the rail with your hands when it is pushed into the pads, and also check with your fingers the accuracy of the hole in the pad and the rails;

stand in the way of moving a rail link.

41. Safety requirements when performing work on loading and moving materials of the superstructure of the track.

42. Loading and unloading of rails and turnouts must be mechanized. In exceptional cases, loading and unloading of rails and parts of turnouts may be carried out on inclined slopes installed with a slope of no more than 1:3, and the following safety requirements must be observed:

it is forbidden to be between the beds;

The transfer of rails and switches is carried out using pincers and hooks with ropes and only at the command of the work manager. Workers must be at both ends of the rail;

When loading and unloading, observe the correctness and simultaneity of movements, which must be carried out at the command of the work manager.

43. When loading rails onto a coupling of two platforms, the rails must be laid on special sleeper pads and securely fastened.

44. On platforms, in order to avoid collapse, sleepers and beams should be laid in stepped rows.

45. When loading and unloading sleepers, rails and other materials with cranes of trolleys and other track machines, the track fitter must comply with the following safety requirements:

slinging of sleeper packs and beams should be carried out with serviceable and tested load-handling devices;

grab the package of sleepers and beams so as to prevent displacement and collapse of the packages;

to turn sleepers and rails during their movement, use hooks or guys of the appropriate length;

be at a distance of no closer than 2 m from the lifted load;

remove load-handling devices from the crane hook only after making sure that the lowered load is firmly in place.

46. ​​When loading and unloading sleepers, rails and other materials with cranes of trolleys and other track machines, it is prohibited:

hold or correct slings that slip during lifting;

balance a load with your own body weight or support overweight parts of the load;

adjust the slings while hanging;

pull or support the load directly with your hands.

47. Sleepers and beams should be unloaded from above in horizontal rows, with each sleeper or beam moved to the edge and lowered vertically. It is prohibited to throw sleepers and beams from the middle of the stack.

48. When unloading and loading antiseptic sleepers and beams, the track fitter must:

wear special clothes;

lubricate your face and hands with a special paste to avoid burns;

carry sleepers and beams only with the use of sleeper pliers.

At the same time, it is prohibited to place things, especially food products, on timber impregnated with an antiseptic, or to touch your face with mittens or sleeves of overalls.

49. Long materials should be moved using mechanisms. Carrying them manually is allowed only if the workers comply with the established amount of physical activity.

50. When using a track trolley to move long materials, the following safety requirements must be observed:

rails, sleepers, beams and other long materials place it on the track cart along the track so that both ends are balanced;

when loading and unloading materials and tools, the trolley must be slowed down (wedged) with brake shoes;

when following the tracks, the trolley must be fenced on both sides by installed signals;

when moving a traveling trolley, it is prohibited to sit on the transported material;

the number of workers accompanying the trolley must be sufficient to clear the load and trolley as the train approaches.

51. When transporting materials on a track trailer, the following safety requirements must be observed:

when loading and unloading materials and tools, the trailer must be wedged with brake shoes;

The sleepers on the trailer should be laid along the track, and the rails should be loaded so that their ends are balanced. When loading rails, they need to be laid on the edge of the trailer on its side and in this position moved into place, and then placed on the sole;

track fitters accompanying the trailer should only walk behind it;

When transporting materials, it is prohibited to stand in front of the trailer, lag behind it, launch the trailer at a speed greater than the speed of a normally walking person, or adjust the load while moving.

52. When performing loading and unloading operations, it is prohibited:

load while the train is moving;

unload rails from platforms and railcars on the move, if there are no special devices for this;

unload several rails from adjacent platforms and couplings simultaneously;

board the platform;

move from platform to platform while moving;

be on platforms with rails, sleepers, slabs, etc. when the train is moving;

when working with dispensers, open or close hatches while the train is moving, perform one-sided unloading of ballast;

be under a load moved by cranes or loaders in the immediate vicinity of operating mechanisms, as well as in the dangerous zone of the cranes, equal to the length of the crane boom plus 5 m.

53. Safety requirements when performing work using track machines.

54. While working with track machines, the track fitter is prohibited from:

be within the range of action of the working parts of the machine after the driver gives a signal to begin work;

crawl under or cross under cars to the other side;

walk in front and behind the open wings of the plow, and also be in close proximity when opening and closing;

sit or stand on the working parts of the machine;

be on the intertrack when trains are passing on an adjacent track.

55. When lifting and moving the track with a track machine, the track fitter must be on the side of the roadbed on the side opposite to the direction of moving the track. In this case, it is prohibited to approach the moving section of the track no closer than 2 m from the side where it is moving.

56. When working with track-laying cranes, it is prohibited:

carry out track work in front of the dismantling train at a distance closer than 25 m from the first moving unit and behind the laying train at a distance closer than 25 m from the last moving unit;

be on the rail link while it is being raised, moved and lowered;

cross and be under a raised link, as well as closer than 2 m to the side of it;

pass between loaded packages, as well as be between them when hauling or moving a train;

be at a distance of closer than 10 m from the cable when hauling packages;

When joining a link, place your hands under the link. The link should be held from above by the rail heads at a distance of no closer than 0.5 m from the joint. In this case, the track assemblers must stand so that their feet are outside the sleepers of the link being laid.

57. When performing work using a rail layer, it is prohibited to carry out track work in front and behind the rail layer at a distance closer than 25 m and to be under raised rails, as well as closer than 2 m to the side of them. In winter, frozen soil can only be removed by first turning the link over and laying it on the ground.

58. When working straightening-tamping-finishing machine It is forbidden to be closer than 5 m behind or in front of the machine.

59. When working with snow removal machines, the track fitter is prohibited from:

stand closer than 2 m from the area of ​​action of the side wings at the time of their opening and closing;

be on the conveyors of the head section or gondola cars while they are moving;

when using snow plows of the plow or ram type, be in the working area when opening or closing the wings and lowering the plow, as well as near the wings of operating snow plows;

when using rotary snow blowers, be in the area of ​​opening and closing the wings, as well as in the area of ​​the scoring knife. It is prohibited to be on the side of the snow discharge closer than 5m from the opposite side, as well as on the railway track at a distance closer than 25m in front of the snowplow.

60. While moving detachable railcars, it is prohibited:

stand on a trolley or trailer;

sit on the boards;

move from trailer to trailer;

alight or sit on a trolley or trailer;

Smoking while driving, as well as in parking lots when refueling the trolley.

61. Lightning Safety Requirements.

62. To avoid being struck by lightning, a track technician with the approach of a thunderstorm must take the necessary measures to ensure the safe passage of trains through the work site, and then leave the track.

63. During a thunderstorm, it is recommended to take shelter in enclosed spaces, and, if remote from them, in small depressions on the slopes of hills or slopes (slopes) of embankments and excavations. It is dangerous to be in elevated places and open plains during a thunderstorm.

64. During a thunderstorm it is prohibited:

hide under trees, touch their trunks;

approach lightning rods or high single objects (poles, supports, etc.) at a distance of less than 10 m;

keep or carry tools and other metal objects.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

65. Upon completion of work, the track fitter is obliged to:

check the condition of the track and make sure that there are no tools, devices, or materials left at the work site;

remove fences at the work site;

inform the immediate supervisor of the work about the completion of the work and about all problems and malfunctions identified during the work;

remove signaling accessories, tools and devices to the place designated for these purposes;

take off overalls and safety shoes in a specially designated place;

After working with antiseptic timber, put the workwear in the storeroom, take a shower or thoroughly wash your hands and face.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

66. If a malfunction of the track, signals or other railway structures is detected that threatens traffic safety or people’s lives, the track fitter is obliged to immediately, by all means available to him, take measures to stop the train and fence off the dangerous place, and also notify the immediate supervisor of the work or the administration of the enterprise.

67. If fires are detected near the work site, the track technician must:

inform the immediate supervisor of the work;

take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means. It is prohibited to use foam fire extinguishers and water to extinguish fires in electrical installations and live cables;

If it is impossible to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishing means, call the fire department.

68. In the event of an accident (injury, poisoning, frostbite, sudden illness), the track technician is obliged to provide first-aid to the victim.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section “ Occupational safety».

Labor protection for track fitters

The work of track fitters is related to the movement of trains and requires special vigilance and strict and unquestioning compliance with the instructions of the work manager. Workplaces for track fitters are located in close proximity to rolling stock that is moving or ready to move. Working conditions are further complicated by the fact that railways operate around the clock, at any time of the year and in any weather. In winter, the condition of the production site deteriorates sharply. Due to snow drifts, the conditions for crossing tracks and moving between tracks are worsening. In icy conditions, the risk of falls increases; in the cold season, wearing warm clothes makes movement difficult, impairs the audibility of signals, so the danger of rolling stock colliding with people increases. Prolonged work outdoors in severe frosts can lead to frostbite.

When carrying out track work, in addition to the threat of collision with rolling stock, there are a number of dangers associated with the use of load-handling mechanisms, hydraulic devices, and electrified tools. The tools and materials used in the work of track fitters are heavy, which, in addition to the danger of mechanical injuries, creates increased physical stress, so the work of track fitters is work with difficult and harmful working conditions.

Safety measures when staying on the railway. d. ways

Passage from the assembly point to work and back is permitted only along the side of the roadbed or to the side of the track, and at stations and along wide intertracks - along established routes. Passage along the path is allowed in exceptional cases. At the same time, on double-track and multi-track lines it is necessary to go only towards the correct movement of trains, not forgetting that they can also go in the wrong direction. Workers walk in a group in one or two rows. The leader follows behind the group, protecting it with a red signal. A trained track lineman is walking ahead, also with a red signal. In case of poor visibility, additional signalmen are assigned to protect the group on both sides at a distance of no closer than 500 m, and on high-speed sections - 800 m. When a train approaches, including along an adjacent track at a distance of up to 400 m, and in high-speed traffic within 5 minutes before the train passes, everyone must step off the track to the nearest side of the road and be at least 2 m away from the outer rail (4 m when passing a high-speed train), 10 m when the track plow is operating, 5 m when the track laying machine and electric ballaster are operating. When passing a crushed stone clearing machine, double-track and rotary snow blowers, you must get off in the direction opposite to the release of snow or weeds and be no closer than 5 m from the outer rail.

You cannot stay on bridges less than 50 m long if a train is approaching them. If the length of the bridge is more than 50 m, shelter should be provided on special platforms or in niches. When a high-speed train passes, workers must be removed from the bridge at least 5 minutes in advance.

At stations, you should cross the tracks at right angles, without stepping on the rails or putting your foot between the point and the frame rail. Tracks occupied by rolling stock are crossed using braking platforms. It is allowed to walk around cars standing on the tracks no closer than 5 m, it is prohibited to crawl and drag tools or materials under the cars, to walk along shock and coupling devices or between cars if the distance between them is less than 10 m. In all cases, after a train has passed, before entering the track, it is necessary to ensure that it is not being followed by a separate locomotive or other moving unit.

Particular vigilance must be exercised when on the railway. roads in the dark and under unfavorable meteorological conditions, when visibility and audibility deteriorate significantly. In winter, you must also beware of ice and snowdrifts, so as not to slip and fall.

Safety requirements during operation.

All work on the railway. on the tracks must be carried out in compliance with the PTE, the Signaling Instructions and the Technical Safety Rules. Fencing the work site precedes the start of most track work and should provide timely and reliable notification of workers about the approach of trains.

The fencing system includes: exposed portable signals and signal signs, firecrackers, automatic signaling, telephone communications, signalmen to protect signals and notify workers of approaching trains. Stop signals protect work related to violation of the integrity of the track and obstacles to the movement of trains.

Speed ​​reduction signals signal work related to changing the position of the rail track in plan and profile, or weakening the rail-sleeper grid.

Signs "C" (whistle) are installed to warn workers about approaching trains. When carrying out work on one of the tracks of a 2-track or multi-track section, regardless of what signals are used to mark the work site, signal signs “C” must be installed on the adjacent track, except for work in which the adjacent track is fenced with stop signals.

Warnings must be issued to trains regarding the performance of work that must be protected by stop or speed reduction signals. When carrying out track work that is not protected by stop or speed reduction signals, but is carried out in conditions of poor visibility, when working with electric tools that impair audibility, the work manager is obliged to issue warnings to trains and post a signalman with a horn. The signalman should stand as close as possible to the working crew, but so as to be able to see the train from both sides at a distance of at least 500 m.

Within the station, work that requires fencing with stop or speed reduction signals is carried out in agreement with the station duty officer and with the preliminary entry of the work manager in the DU-46 form log. The procedure and time for performing anticipated work requiring the closure of station tracks and turnouts is agreed upon by the work manager the day before with the station manager. The work manager must ensure continuous monitoring of approaching trains and stop work in a timely manner.

When working through a “window” or fencing with stop signals, while a train is passing along an adjacent track, if it is not high-speed, there is no need to leave the track on which the work is being done; it is enough to stop working between tracks and get off it.

If work involves crossing an adjacent path, then it must be stopped in advance in order to get out of the way in time. When working, the tool should not lie under your feet, and the materials should be folded so that they do not interfere with going out of the way.

Safety requirements in emergency situations.

If a sudden obstacle to the movement of trains is detected on a stretch (a broken rail, a track overshoot, a broken contact wire, a washout of the track, a collapse, a snow drift, etc.) and if the necessary portable signals are not available on site, the worker must immediately install a signal at the site of the obstacle stops (during the day - a red flag, at night - a lantern with a red light). Then, with a general alarm signal (one long and three short blasts of the horn) sounded continuously, call for help. When there is a firm certainty on which side the first train should be, then you should go towards it and place firecrackers at a distance B from the obstacle, and then place them at the same distance on the other side of the obstacle. If the approach of the train is unknown, then on 2 and multi-track sections, if there is an obstacle on one of the tracks, firecrackers are first placed on the side of the expected train in the correct direction, and if there is an obstacle on two or more tracks, you should stay at the obstacle. If there is an obstacle on one track of a 2-track or multi-track section, the train traveling on the adjacent track is stopped and the driver is informed about the presence of the obstacle, indicating the kilometer and the track on which it occurred.

After completing work on the railway tracks, it is necessary to collect the track tools used during the work, hand them over to the work manager and return to the designated collection point along the service passage route.

I APPROVED Head "_________________" _________________ (____________) "___"___________________ ____ Mr. M.P.


track lineman 2nd category

(for organizations performing construction, installation

and repair and construction work)


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a track lineman of the 2nd category "_______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. A 2nd category track fitter is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The 2nd grade track technician reports directly to _____________.

1.4. A person with ________ professional education and ____ years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of 2nd category track fitter (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. A 2nd category track installer must know:

Route signs and signals;

Types of basic materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track;

General data on the construction of the superstructure of the track and roadbed and general requirements for their operation;

Methods and techniques for performing simple installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures;

Name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and roadbed;

Standard instructions on labor protection.

1.6. In his activities, a 2nd category track assembler is guided by:

Regulatory acts on the work performed;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the Organization, immediate supervisor;

This job description;

Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a 2nd category track lineman, his duties are assigned to _____________.


A 2nd category track fitter carries out simple installation, dismantling and repair of superstructure structures and surface metro lines.

Approximate types of work:

Filling ballast into sleeper boxes.

Removing debris from under the rail base.

Marking wooden sleepers.

Painting of track and signal signs, reinforced concrete and wooden posts at crossings.

Stacking old sleepers.

Numbering of rail links.

Tightening and unscrewing bolts and screws in sleepers using a socket wrench.

Complete set of terminals with terminal bolts and washers.

Dismantling of rail joints. Removing and laying snow fence panels.

Driving stakes when laying out and leveling lines.

Loading, transporting and unloading fasteners.

Clearing the path of snow manually.

Laying out sleepers and fastenings manually.

Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of waymarks and snow fences on the stretch. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches, rails on the stretch and lubricating them.

Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the bottom of sleepers.


A 2nd class track technician has the right to:

3.1. Require the Organization's management to provide assistance in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.3. Make proposals to the head of the Organization and the immediate supervisor on issues of their activities.

3.4. Receive official information necessary to perform your duties.


The 2nd category track technician is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description, in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. The work schedule of a 2nd category track fitter is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 2nd category track fitter is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

_________________________________ _____________ _______________________ (position of the person who developed (signature) (full name) instructions)

"___"__________ ___ G.


Head of the Legal Department (Legal Advisor) ____________ _______________________________ (signature) (Full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

I have read the instructions: _____________ ____________________ (signature) (full name)

by order of JSC Russian Railways
12.12.2008 N 2671r


1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. This Instruction has been developed on the basis of the Labor Safety Rules for the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and structures POT R O-32-TsP-652-99, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on February 24, 1999, the Standard Labor Safety Instructions for track fitters TOI R-32 -TsP-730-99, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on December 30, 1999, other regulations on labor protection issues and establishes the basic labor protection requirements for a track fitter when performing work on the routine maintenance and repair of the railway track (hereinafter referred to as the track).
In track distances (hereinafter referred to as PF) and track machine stations (hereinafter referred to as PMS), on the basis of this Instruction, labor protection instructions can be developed that take into account local conditions and the characteristics of the technological equipment used.
1.2. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone a mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) medical examination, introductory briefing on labor protection, initial briefing on labor protection in the workplace, fire safety briefing, training, internship and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.
Track fitters working with electric tools must undergo special training and knowledge testing and have Group II electrical safety.
No later than one month after being hired, a track fitter must undergo training in providing first aid to victims of accidents (hereinafter referred to as victims).
1.3. When hired, a track fitter must undergo training and knowledge testing within the scope of his duties:
Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation;
Instructions for signaling on railways of the Russian Federation;
Instructions for train movement and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation;
Regulations on discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation;
job descriptions and other documents establishing his responsibilities, rules and instructions on labor protection.
1.4. In the process of work, the track fitter must undergo repeated - at least once every three months, in the prescribed manner, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection, at least once a year - training in providing first aid to victims and testing knowledge of electrical safety, within the established time limits - testing knowledge (to the extent of their duties) of the regulatory documents specified in paragraph 1.3 of this Instruction, and periodic medical examinations.
1.5. A track fitter performing work related to the control of lifting mechanisms, slinging and hanging equipment, parts and other loads on the hook of a crane or lifting mechanisms must undergo a medical examination without contraindications for performing work at height, be trained in the related profession of a slinger, and certified by a qualification commission , have a certificate for the right to perform slinging work, work on managing lifting mechanisms and at least once a year undergo a repeated knowledge test.
1.6. When going to work, from work or moving around the territory of a railway station (hereinafter referred to as the station), the territory of the track distance, the track fitter must comply with the following safety requirements:
cross railway tracks along specially equipped pedestrian bridges, tunnels, paths (flooring), crossings, overpasses, along specially established routes marked with "Service Passage" signs, and in the absence of specially equipped crossing points, cross railway tracks, observing the requirements of paragraph 1.7 of these Instructions;
comply with the requirements of safety signs, visible and sound signals;
monitor the movement of locomotives, wagons, cranes, cars and other vehicles.
1.7. When on railway tracks, the track fitter must comply with the following safety requirements:
walk along the tracks on the side of the road or in the middle of the intertrack, paying attention to locomotives, cars and other rolling stock moving along adjacent tracks;
cross the tracks at right angles, stepping over the rail, without stepping on the ends of reinforced concrete sleepers and oil stains on the sleepers, and after making sure that no rolling stock (locomotive, multiple unit rolling stock, cars), railcar or other transport is approaching the crossing point means;
when crossing a track occupied by stationary rolling stock, use the transition platforms of cars, having first made sure that the handrails, steps and floor of the platform are in good condition. Before leaving the transition area of ​​the car on the inter-track, it is necessary to inspect the derailment area and make sure that the steps, handrails are in good working order, as well as the absence of rolling stock moving along the adjacent track, and whether there are any foreign objects on the inter-track that could cause you to trip when dismounting. When climbing onto and off the transition platform of the carriage, you must hold on to the handrails and position yourself facing the carriage;
pass between uncoupled cars, locomotives and locomotive sections, if the distance between their automatic couplers is at least 10 m;
walk around a group of cars or locomotives standing on the track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler;
pay attention to traffic lights, sound signals and warning signs.
1.8. While on railway tracks it is prohibited:
stand or sit on rails, sleeper ends, ballast prisms, electric drives, track boxes and other floor devices;
step on the ends of reinforced concrete sleepers;
climb onto and off a carriage, railcar, motor locomotive, railcar and other moving units while moving;
be on the steps, ladders and other external parts of the carriage, trolley, motor vehicle, railcar and other moving units when they are moving;
cross the switches equipped with electrical centralization at the locations of the switches and crosspieces, place your foot between the frame rail and the switch, the movable core and guard rail, in the groove on the turnout;
cross or run across tracks in front of a moving train or rolling stock;
crawl under standing cars, climb onto automatic couplers or under them when crossing tracks, as well as drag tools, instruments and materials under cars;
to be in between tracks when trains are moving non-stop along adjacent tracks;
be on the territory of a railway station, track distance and other production units in places marked with the sign “Caution! Oversized place”, as well as near these places when passing railway rolling stock or special self-propelled rolling stock.
1.9. When leaving the track from the premises, as well as from behind switch posts, platforms, buildings, track and other structures that impede the visibility of the track, you should first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it.
1.10. After leaving the room at night, you need to stop and wait a while until your eyes get used to the darkness and normal visibility of surrounding objects is established.
1.11. The track fitter must know:
safe work practices;
requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire and industrial safety;
visible and sound signals ensuring traffic safety, safety signs and the procedure for fencing the site of track work;
the effect on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that may arise during work, and measures to protect against their influence;
fire alarms and fire reporting methods;
rules for the application and use of fire-fighting equipment and inventory;
storage place for a first aid kit with necessary medications and dressings;
requirements of this Instruction.
1.12. The track installer must:
comply with internal labor regulations and the established work and rest schedule;
perform only work that is part of his job responsibilities or assigned by the foreman (foreman);
apply safe work practices;
keep mechanisms, devices, tools, equipment, materials, workwear, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) in good condition and cleanliness;
comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicative and prescriptive safety signs and inscriptions, sound and light signals given by drivers of locomotives, multi-unit rolling stock, drivers of special self-propelled rolling stock, train compilers;
comply with fire safety requirements, have practical skills in using fire-fighting equipment and inventory;
be able to provide first aid to victims;
Be extremely careful in traffic areas.
1.13. The route operator is prohibited from:
start performing new work not related to his direct duties without receiving instructions from the foreman (foreman) on safe methods of performing it;
use personal protective equipment that has expired;
touch broken or exposed wires, contacts and other live parts of electrical equipment;
be under a raised load and in the path of its movement;
step on electrical wires and cables;
independently repair broken power tools and electrical equipment;
work near rotating parts of equipment that are not protected by fencing nets or shields;
be at work in a state of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication.
1.14. While working, a track lineman may be exposed to the following main dangerous and harmful production factors:
moving rolling stock, railcars, track machines, moving parts of their equipment, road transport and other vehicles;
transported track superstructure materials, prefabricated structures and other items;
increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;
insufficient illumination of the working area at night and when working in tunnels;
an increased voltage value of an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
reduced or increased temperature of the surfaces of equipment, inventory, tools and metal parts of the upper track structure;
low or high temperature, humidity and air mobility of the working area;
increased levels of noise and vibration in the workplace and when working with power tools;
location of the workplace at a significant height relative to the ground surface;
increased level of ionizing radiation when working in areas of radiation contamination;
chemical factors when working with new wooden sleepers impregnated with oil antiseptics and in areas treated with pesticides;
physical overload when moving heavy objects manually;
neuropsychic overload when performing work on railway tracks, bridges and tunnels while trains are moving.
Work at height includes work during which the track installer is located at a distance of less than 2 m from unfenced differences in height of 1.3 m or more from the surface of the earth, platform (water - when working on bridges) over which work is being carried out. If it is impossible to fence such differences, work must be carried out using a safety belt and a safety rope.
1.15. The track installer must be provided with the following certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE):
summer suit "Puteets-L";
yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles or yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
a raincoat jacket;
a set for men to protect marshalling station workers from water;
combined mittens;
a signal vest with reflective pads;
summer headdress of a signal color.
When working with power tools:
dielectric gloves (on duty).
When carrying out work on water control and cleaning of sub-ditch drainages, slots, galleries, adits, trays and track repairs at salt loading points, additionally:
rubber boots.
When working in tunnels:
a raincoat raincoat instead of a raincoat jacket;
protective helmet (duty helmet).
In winter additionally:
in III, IV and special climatic zones, as well as in the Kazan branch of the Gorky Railway, Samara, Ulyanovsk branches of the Kuibyshev Railway:
short fur coat or jacket with fur lining (for foremen);
a jacket with insulating lining in III, IV and special climatic zones;
In the II zone - on the Moscow-Kursk, Moscow-Ryazan, Moscow-Smolensk branches of the Moscow Railway; at the St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg-Vitebsk, Moscow branches of the Oktyabrskaya Railway:
short fur coat
or a jacket with a fur lining (for foremen);
a jacket with insulating lining;
trousers with insulating lining.
Heat-protective suit "Traveler" in the first belt.
All track installers in winter must be provided with the following additional equipment:
a hat with earflaps with sound-conducting inserts;
cotton mittens;
felt boots;
galoshes on felt boots.
A track technician engaged in unloading sleepers impregnated with an antiseptic at track distances and track machine stations must be provided with:
a canvas suit;
yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
canvas mittens;
shoulder pads.
Instead of combined mittens, track linemen may be given combined fabric gloves, as well as other special clothing and special footwear in the prescribed manner.
At the Tyndinsky branch of the Far Eastern Railway, in addition to the specified overalls and special footwear, track fitters for external work must be provided with a sheepskin coat, fur mittens and yuft boots with oil-freeze-resistant soles.
In areas where midges, mosquitoes, and midges are common, the track installer, in order to protect against them, must be provided with repellents that have sanitary and epidemiological certificates issued in the prescribed manner, as well as mosquito nets and special clothing that provide protection against insect bites.
According to the conditions for performing certain types of work, the track fitter must be given additional protective glasses or a protective mask, protective glasses with light filters, a respirator, a gas mask, a safety belt, a protective helmet, an anti-encephalitis suit, a cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation and other PPE. In addition to the protective helmet, one of the following headgear must be issued: a balaclava for protection from low temperatures; winter helmet with sound-conducting inserts; balaclava with sound-conducting inserts.
When performing work with pesticides, it is recommended to provide the track technician with the following personal protective equipment:
special clothing made from mixed fabrics with impregnation (such as Greta, Camellia) - when working with drugs of hazard classes 1 and 2 and pesticide solutions, as well as, in addition to workwear, aprons and sleeves made of film materials;
technical rubber gloves (type 1 and 2), latex gloves, industrial gloves made of latex, butyl rubber and other gloves for technical and industrial purposes - when working with concentrated emulsions, pastes, solutions and other liquid forms of pesticides. The use of medical rubber gloves is prohibited;
rubber gloves with a knitted base;
rubber boots with increased resistance to pesticides and disinfectants;
canvas shoe covers - when working with dusty pesticides;
leather shoes - when working in pesticide warehouses. In southern regions with elevated temperatures, it is allowed to issue tarpaulin boots when spraying, with the exception of cases of preparing working solutions;
anti-dust (anti-aerosol) respirators such as Uralets, Astra-2, Lepestok, U2-K, F-62Sh - when working with moderately hazardous low-volatile substances in the form of aerosols;
gas respirator (RPG-67), universal respirator (RU-60M) with appropriate cartridges or industrial gas mask with a replaceable box - for respiratory protection when working with volatile compounds, as well as with drugs of hazard classes 1 and 2, gas cartridge brand "A" "and sealed goggles type PO-2 - to protect the respiratory system and vision from organophosphorus, organochlorine and other organic substances. In the absence of the specified respirators and cartridges for them, when working with these substances, especially with concentrated forms, it is recommended to issue an industrial gas mask with a box of the appropriate brand, equipped with an aerosol filter (there is a white vertical stripe on the box).
1.16. During work involving dirty hands, difficult-to-wash-off contaminants, oils, lubricants, petroleum products, irritating chemicals, the track fitter must be provided with soap, protective, regenerating restoration creams and cleansing pastes for hands in the prescribed manner.
1.17. When receiving such personal protective equipment as a respirator, gas mask and others, the track fitter must undergo instructions on the rules of use and the simplest ways to check the serviceability of these equipment, as well as training in their use.
1.18. Personal clothing and workwear must be stored separately in the dressing room cabinets. It is prohibited to take protective clothing beyond the distance of the track (track area).
During the summer, winter overalls should be stored in the storage room.
1.19. The track technician must ensure that the work clothes are in good condition, have them washed and repaired in a timely manner, and also keep the cabinets for storing personal clothing and work clothes clean and tidy.
1.20. The track installer must comply with the following fire safety requirements:
Smoking only in designated and designated areas;
do not approach rolling stock, track machines, flammable materials and containers with flammable liquids with open fire;
Do not use electric heating devices in undesignated places.
1.21. Meals should be eaten in canteens or specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment. When working on the haul and other cases of performing work at a significant distance from the track, PMS and their production units, food should be taken in the carriage of a service train, adapted for a food intake point.
Before eating, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or approved cleaning pastes.
1.22. If an injury or illness occurs, a track technician must stop work, notify the senior road foreman (road, tunnel, bridge foreman, track foreman) and seek help from a first-aid post or the nearest medical facility.
If another worker is injured, the track technician must stop work, take measures to provide first aid to the injured person, and immediately report the accident to the work manager or a superior manager.
1.23. A track installer who does not comply with the requirements of these Instructions bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work
and when traveling to and from the work site

2.1. Before starting work, the track fitter must arrive at the assembly point at the appointed time.
Before starting work, the track installer must:
put on overalls, safety shoes and put them in order (fasten the cuffs of the sleeves with buttons, tuck in the clothes so that there are no hanging ends). When performing upcoming work in a train traffic area, the track technician must wear a signal vest with reflective pads;
receive targeted instructions from the work manager about the route to the work site and back, the rules for safe work performance, leaving the track at designated places while trains are traveling, weather conditions (fog, snowstorm, rain, high or low air temperatures) and safety requirements for these weather conditions;
check the serviceability of the tool, signal accessories, devices and the condition of personal protective equipment.
The track technician should not take off his overalls and special footwear during the entire working time.
It is not allowed to wear overalls unbuttoned and with sleeves rolled up.
2.2. The tool prepared for use must meet the following requirements.
The strikers (impact part) of a crutch hammer, crutch puller and other impact tool must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without warps, chips, gouges, cracks, burrs and metal deposits. It is not allowed to use a crutch puller without a bar designed to hold the head of the crutch in case it is torn off when the crutch is pulled out.
The handles of the crutch hammer and dexel (an ax for cutting sleepers) must be made of dry hardwood (birch, oak, maple, ash, rowan, dogwood) without knots and cross-layers, have an oval cross-section along the entire length, be smooth and have no cracks or burrs.
Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handle must be made of mild steel and have notches (ruffs).
The handles (handles) of shovels must be firmly fixed in the holders, and the protruding part of the handle must be cut off obliquely to the plane of the shovel. Shovel handles must be made of wood without knots or cross-layers or from synthetic materials.
The travel wrench should not have bent jaws, and the crutch crowbar should not have deformed horns.
Rubber air hoses of a pneumatic tool must not be damaged and must be securely fastened to the fittings for connection to the pneumatic tool and the air line. It is not allowed to use wire instead of clamps to secure hoses to fittings. The fittings must have good edges and threads that ensure a strong and tight connection of the hose to the pneumatic tool and the air line. The working part of the inserted replaceable tool (drills, screwdrivers, keys, etc.) must not have cracks, gouges, burrs and other defects, and the shanks must fit tightly, be correctly centered and fit tightly into the axle box of the pneumatic tool.
The protective covers of the abrasive wheel of the grinding machine and the abrasive disk of the rail cutting machine must be in good condition and securely fastened.
The electrified tool must not have damage to the cable, plug, insulating parts of the case, handle, brush holder covers and protective covers.
2.3. When using personal protective equipment, workers must verify their integrity by external inspection. Goggles, protective helmets, gloves, respirators, safety belts must not have mechanical damage. Dielectric gloves should not be dirty, wet or mechanically damaged (including punctures detected by twisting the gloves towards the fingers). In addition, it is necessary to check the date of their next tests on dielectric gloves and safety belts.
2.4. It is prohibited to use dielectric gloves and other personal protective equipment with mechanical damage, as well as a safety belt with the following defects and violations:
expired test period;
faulty carabiners (with cracks, a weakened or broken locking spring or lock, a clogged lock slot, a faulty lock that is jammed);
a carabiner attached to a sling with wire;
local damage to the fabric (cuts, burns, etc.), broken stitching or with the length of transverse folds reduced by stitching;
chain links connected with wire or cracked;
faulty buckles and damaged belt material.
2.5. The track technician must report any detected malfunctions of tools, devices and personal protective equipment to the foreman (foreman). Working with a faulty tool is prohibited.
2.6. Passage to and from the work site must be carried out away from the track or along the side of the roadbed under the supervision of the work manager or a specially designated employee.
Passage to and from the work site within the railway station (hereinafter referred to as the station) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1.6 of these Instructions.
2.7. If it is impossible to pass away from the path or along the side of the road (in tunnels, on bridges, during river floods, when there are no roadsides, during snow drifts and other cases), passage along the path is allowed in compliance with the following precautions.
You should walk one after another or two in a row, avoiding falling behind.
On a double-track section, guided by traffic lights, it is necessary to go towards trains in the correct direction, remembering the possibility of trains traveling in the wrong direction.
On multi-track sections and sections equipped with two-way automatic blocking, to determine the direction of train movement, you should rely on traffic lights.
At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the movement of trains and follow the instructions of the manager walking behind and a specially designated and instructed track technician (signalman) walking in front of the group. The work manager and the signalman protect the group with stop signals (during the day - an unfurled red flag, at night - a lantern with a red light). In conditions of poor visibility (in steep curves, deep cuts, in forested or built-up areas, as well as in the dark, in fog, blizzards and other cases), in addition, the group is protected by two dedicated signalmen, one of whom must go ahead, and the other behind the group at a visual communication distance, but so that the approaching train is visible to them at a distance of no closer than 500 m from the walking group, and promptly notify it with the sound of a brass horn about the approach of the train.
When a train approaches, the signalman must give signals to the group until it leaves the track. If the group does not leave the track in a timely manner, the signalman must leave the track at least 400 m from the approaching train and give the train a stop signal.
In cases where the signalman is not visible to the work manager at a distance of more than 500 m, intermediate signalmen must be allocated.
Signalmen are appointed as track fitters with qualifications of at least the third category, who have passed the established tests and have a signalman’s certificate.
2.8. When a train approaches, track technicians must leave the track in advance at a distance not less than that specified in paragraph 3.2.4 of these Instructions.
In places where snow is cleared using trenches, track installers must take cover in niches made in the slopes of the trenches in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.8.11 of these Instructions when the train approaches.
2.9. It is prohibited to use mobile phones while traveling to and from the work site, as well as during work.
2.10. When delivering to the work site by passenger trains, handcars, or vehicles specially equipped for transporting people, track fitters are required to comply with the requirements of the senior group and the driver of the vehicle. Boarding and disembarking from cars on double-track sections should be done only from the field side.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. General requirements

3.1.1. Work on the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and switches at stations must be carried out with the permission of the person on duty at the station (shunting area, park, hump) and with the obligatory recording of the work manager (foreman, foreman) or an employee who has the right to independently perform work, in Inspection log of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact networks, form DU-46 (hereinafter referred to as the log, form DU-46) on the place, time of work and means of notification of the upcoming passage of trains and shunting movements (disbanding of cars from the hump) along the track being repaired and adjacent tracks.
3.1.2. The track fitter must familiarize himself with the fencing diagrams of the work site in particularly difficult conditions, places with poor visibility, particularly dangerous places, approved by the managers of the track distance, as well as the list of places with particularly difficult conditions where it is necessary to limit the speed of trains, approved by the heads of the department railway or railroad.
3.1.3. Track linemen assigned to inspect the track, walk-throughs and track inspections are usually carried out by one person.
In particularly difficult sections according to the plan and profile of the track, in conditions of poor visibility and audibility, in multi-track sections of the track, bypass and inspection should be carried out by two people. The track technician must familiarize himself with the list and diagrams of such sections of the track, indicating the routes for their inspection, approved by the head of the track distance, against signature.
3.1.4. When performing track work in conditions of poor visibility (in steep curves, in deep recesses, wooded areas, in the presence of buildings and other conditions that impair visibility), when working with electric, pneumatic and other tools that impair audibility, if the work does not require fencing the area works with stop signals, the work manager, in order to warn workers about the approach of trains, is obliged to install automatic means of warning, and in case of their absence, place a signalman with an audible signal from the side of poor visibility or audibility so that the approaching train is visible to the signalman at a distance of at least 500 m from places of work at a set train speed of up to 120 km/h and at least 800 m from the place of work at a set speed of up to 140 km/h inclusive.
In cases where the distance from the work site to the signalman and the visibility distance from the signalman to the approaching train total less than 800 m, the main signalman is placed further away and an intermediate signalman is also posted with a sound signal to repeat the signals given by the main signalman. In these cases, trains must be given warnings in the prescribed manner about special vigilance and more frequent warning signals, and when working in places with particularly difficult conditions, the speed of trains should be limited or the work site should be fenced with stop signals, regardless of the type of work. In these places, planned work, as a rule, should be carried out during technological “windows”.
When carrying out work that requires stopping the train, signalmen, as well as the work manager, must be provided with portable radio stations.
3.1.5. When carrying out work at night, during fog, snowstorms and in other cases when visibility is less than 800 m, signalmen must be placed on both sides of the work site and automatic warning devices (if available) must be used to warn workers about the approach of a train. .
3.1.6. It is allowed to start work on the instructions of the work manager after fencing the place of production in the prescribed manner.
3.1.7. When working as part of a team servicing a track-laying crane, a machine for laying turnouts, a rail laying machine, or a crushed stone cleaning machine, the track fitter must wear a protective helmet.
3.1.8. When working with impact hand tools (hammering spikes, cutting off nuts, bolts, rail connectors and others), cleaning parts and equipment from rust, paint, dirt and when working with the release of sparks, the track fitter must use safety glasses or a protective mask, when when performing work involving the emission of dust, use safety glasses and a respirator, and when assisting an electric welder in welding rail butt connectors and other work, use safety glasses with light filters.
3.1.9. The permissible weight of the load lifted and moved manually constantly during the work shift should not exceed 15 kg for the track fitter. The weight of the load lifted and moved manually when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) should not exceed 30 kg.
It is allowed to lift and move larger loads by two or more workers, but taking into account that the load on each worker does not exceed the values ​​​​specified above.
3.1.10. When notifying via loudspeaker communication or giving a special sound signal about the upcoming passage of a train or shunting movements along a track being repaired (a turnout being cleared of snow), or receiving a warning from the signalman about the upcoming passage of a train (shunting movements) through the work area, the track fitter is obliged to:
stop working immediately;
remove tools, materials and spare parts from the path outside the dimensions of the rolling stock;
move away from the path to the distance specified in clause 3.2.4 of these Instructions, or to a place pre-specified by the work manager.
3.1.11. With the approach of a thunderstorm, the track at the work site should be brought into a condition that ensures safe passage of trains, after which all workers should leave the track. To avoid being struck by lightning, you should not hide under trees, lean against them, or approach lightning rods or tall single objects (pillars) at a distance of less than 10 m. It is dangerous to be in elevated places or open plains during a thunderstorm. It is recommended to take shelter in enclosed spaces, and if remote from them, in small depressions on the slopes of hills or slopes of embankments or excavations. During a thunderstorm, you should not carry or carry tools or other metal objects.
3.1.12. During the cold season, when there is severe frost, before going out into the open air, you should lubricate exposed parts of the body with a water-free frostbite cream. Safety shoes should not restrict your feet.
To avoid frostbite in severe frosts, do not touch metal objects and parts (rails, fasteners, tools) with bare hands.
To prevent hypothermia and frostbite when working outdoors in winter at low temperatures, the track fitter must take regulated breaks for heating, the duration of which is determined by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.
When working outdoors in winter at low temperatures, protection of the face and upper respiratory tract should be provided.

3.2. Labor protection requirements during track work

3.2.1 Track work (hereinafter referred to as work) on hump, marshalling tracks, tracks of sub-hull parks, as well as on switches of these tracks should be carried out only during breaks in shunting work and dismantling of cars or with the closure of the track after agreement with the duty officer at the hump (station) and compliance with the requirements set out in paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.4 of these Instructions.
During the dissolution of trains or shunting work, track fitters must fulfill the requirements set out in paragraph 3.1.7 of these Instructions and retreat to places predetermined by the work manager.
3.2.2. When working in cramped places where there are high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes of excavations on both sides of the track, as well as on bridges, tunnels and snow trenches, track fitters must be attentive to the signals given by the signalmen and know where to go from the track when a train approaches. If adjacent tracks on multi-track sections, high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes of excavations, walls of snow trenches more than 50 m long do not allow placement to the side of the track, then work can begin only after fencing the work site with stop signals in the prescribed manner.
3.2.3. When carrying out work during a technological “window” in a train schedule or when fencing a work site with stop signals on one of the tracks of a double-track (multi-track) section, work must be stopped while a train is passing along an adjacent track. The track linemen must leave the inter-track. There is no need to leave the path where the work is being done.
3.2.4. When a train approaches in a section where movement is allowed at a speed of no more than 140 km/h, track technicians must remove tools and materials and get off the track to the nearest side of the roadbed at a distance of at least 2 m from the outer rail when the train is not at a distance less than 400 m.
On high-speed sections of the railway, all work on the tracks, structures and devices must be stopped at least 10 minutes before the passage of a high-speed passenger train. The track, structures and devices must be brought into a condition that ensures safe passage of the train, materials and tools are removed to the side of the road and no later than 5 minutes before the passage of a high-speed train, the track fitters must move at least 4 m from the outer rail when passing a train from at a speed of 141 - 160 km/h, and at least 5 m at a speed of 161 - 200 km/h. The track fitter appointed by the group leader must have with him an extract from the train schedule.
It is prohibited to begin scheduled work that requires fencing the site with stop signals if there is less than 1 hour left before the passage of a high-speed passenger train.
When a high-speed passenger train passes along an adjacent track, the track fitters must also get off in advance to the nearest side of the roadbed at the distances specified in this paragraph.
3.2.5. In the event that a high-speed passenger train does not proceed according to schedule, it is necessary to exercise special vigilance and until the passage of the train or receiving the appropriate command from the work manager, who has clarified through the station duty officer or train dispatcher the upcoming time of passage of the high-speed passenger train, it is prohibited to resume work.
3.2.6. After a train has passed, before entering the track, you must make sure that there is no train, locomotive or other moving unit coming from either side.
3.2.7. If the work involves crossing an adjacent track (cleaning or carrying materials from the upper structure of the track), then before the train passes, it must be stopped in advance in order to have sufficient time to leave the track.
In conditions of poor visibility and if the work being performed does not require fencing the work site with stop signals, track installers must monitor the signals of automatic warning alarms and signalmen.
3.2.8. When approaching working track machines, it is necessary to move away from the track at the following distances from the outermost rail:
track laying machine (except for the crew servicing it), electric ballaster, snow removal machine, rail grinding train and other heavy machines - by 5 m;
track plow - 10 m;
machines equipped with crushed stone cleaning devices, double-track and rotary snow blowers - 5 m in the direction opposite to the release of snow, ice or weeds;
single-track snow plows - 25 m.
3.2.9. During work, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the tool does not interfere with movement and is not underfoot, and that new and old materials (rails, sleepers, fastenings) are neatly stacked outside the dimensions of the rolling stock and do not interfere with leaving the track when a train approaches.
3.2.10. Pulling out old sleepers and dragging in new sleepers and transfer beams should only be done with sleeper pliers.
It is necessary to carry sleepers and transfer beams using special devices for carrying them.
A single change of reinforced concrete sleepers, as a rule, should be carried out using machines, mechanisms or special devices.
A single change of reinforced concrete sleepers manually must be carried out by a group of at least 6 people under the leadership of the track foreman. Sleepers must be transported to shift sites, laid out, and removed after the shift by rail or road transport equipped with cranes or lifting devices. Pulling out a reinforced concrete sleeper should be done using a cable or ropes along a metal sheet previously placed under the sleeper. Dragging the new sleeper along the same sheet.
3.2.11. When installing and removing adjusting shims, only standard socket wrenches should be used to unscrew and tighten the terminal and mounting bolts, and serviceable hydraulic jacks should be used to lift the rail. After loosening the terminal bolts and lifting the rail with a jack, remove the mounting spacers stuck to the base of the rail using a metal plate 40 - 50 cm long, sharpened at one end. Installation of the mounting and adjusting spacers should be done with special devices such as pliers, which prevents hands from being between the base of the rail and the lining. Laying and adjusting gaskets by hand is prohibited.
3.2.12. When changing the rail line of a continuous track, it is necessary to first ensure gaps (if there are none) between the leveling rails and the ends of the rail line.
3.2.13. Providing clearances between the leveling rails and the ends of the rail string must be done by sliding the leveling rails adjacent to the ends of the rail string, or cutting a piece of the equalizing rail with oxy-fuel cutting and removing this rail.
3.2.14. In accordance with the Technical Instructions for the design, laying, maintenance and repair of continuous track, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on March 31, 2000, the rail string should be released from its fastening to the sleepers only after replacing the leveling rails or ensuring clearances between the leveling rails and the ends of the rail string. Before replacing the leveling rails, it is not allowed to loosen the pressure of the terminals of the intermediate fastenings on the base of the rail string and leveling rails.
In order to avoid the ejection of the rail string and injury to the track assemblers, the pressure on the terminals must be released from its ends to the middle. In this case, the teams of track fitters should be located on the side opposite to the possible release of the rail lash.
3.2.15. Roller bearings or sliding pairs of plates should be placed under the sole of the rail string using special holders to prevent injury to hands.
3.2.16. During a break in work, it is necessary to step off the track to the side of the road away from the outer rail at the distances specified in clause 3.2.4 of this Instruction.
3.2.17. When carrying firecrackers, you should use special boxes.
solder to the firecrackers the torn off springs and legs of the firecrackers;
expose firecrackers to shock and heat, open them;
stand closer than 20 m from firecrackers placed on the rails when rolling stock collides with them;
store firecrackers near fire or heating devices;
use firecrackers if their expiration date (10 years) has expired.

3.3. Labor protection requirements during work
on bridges, tunnels and other artificial structures

3.3.1. Before starting work on a bridge or in a tunnel, track fitters must receive instructions from the work supervisor about the storage areas for tools, materials, places to exit the bridge and the locations of shelter areas on the bridge, niches or chambers in the tunnel, where they should go when the train approaches.
3.3.2. If there is no automatic light and sound alarm in the tunnel or its malfunction, before starting work, signalmen connected with the work supervisor by telephone must be posted on both sides of the work site (behind the tunnel portals no closer than 1 km from the work site). Telephone communication with the work manager can be replaced by such a number of intermediate signalmen, equipped with signal horns, that the workers should be reliably notified of the approach of a train.
3.3.3. In pre-portal sections, where steep slopes of excavations, retaining walls and other devices do not allow track installers to position themselves on the side of the rail track, the work site must be fenced off with stop signals.
3.3.4. During work in the tunnel, materials and tools must be placed in compliance with the dimensions of the rolling stock and be in a stable position.
Niches intended for sheltering workers and passages to them must be free. Storing materials and tools in a tunnel near the walls is allowed only for the duration of the work.
3.3.5. Before the train passes through the tunnel, the track fitters must remove the tool outside the dimensions of the rolling stock and take refuge in the niches indicated in advance to each of them by the work manager.
If one of the tracks of a double-track tunnel is closed, track fitters located on the active track must stand in a single row against the wall on the side of the inactive track or take refuge in niches before the train passes.
3.3.6. During the passage of track cars, trains on diesel and steam locomotive traction and ventilation of the tunnel after their passage, as well as when there is visually determined persistent smoke due to the failure of ventilation units, track fitters working in the tunnel must put on gas masks.
All auxiliary and final work must be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes after the last vehicle with an internal combustion engine leaves the tunnel.
3.3.7. You are only allowed to be in the tunnel during work.
It is prohibited to remain in the tunnel during lunch breaks and after completion of work.
3.3.8. When working on bridges, decks and scaffolding must be cleared of debris, and in winter - from snow and ice and sprinkled with sand.
3.3.9. When working on bridges up to 50 m long, track fitters must leave the bridge in advance, before the train approaches, and when the bridge is 50 m or more long, take shelter in special shelter areas with railings. Standing on the sidewalk of the bridge outside the shelter area while a train is passing is prohibited.
3.3.10. On high-speed sections of the railway, all work on the bridge must be stopped at least 10 minutes before the passage of a high-speed passenger train and the requirements set out in paragraphs 3.2.4 - 3.2.6 of this Instruction must be met.
3.3.11. When working at height, tools, materials and parts should be positioned so that there is no possibility of them falling.
3.3.12. Work on bridges, tunnels and pre-portal sections of tunnels at night without sufficient lighting is prohibited.
3.3.13. Before starting work in drainage wells in which harmful gas may appear, it is necessary to analyze the air environment with gas analyzers.
If the presence of harmful gas is detected, natural or forced ventilation of the well must be carried out.
Natural ventilation is created by opening the hatches of at least two wells and installing special canopies near them to direct air flows. Before starting work, the duration of natural ventilation should be at least 20 minutes.
Forced ventilation should be provided by a fan or compressor for 10 - 15 minutes to completely exchange air in the well by means of a hose lowered down and not reaching the bottom of the well by 0.25 m.
It is not permitted to use compressed gas cylinders for ventilation. If natural or forced ventilation does not ensure complete removal of harmful gases, descending into the well is allowed only with the use of respiratory protection, including the use of a hose gas mask.
3.3.14. Checking, cleaning and repairing closed drains in wells must be carried out by at least three people, one of whom performs work in the well, and the other two, including the work manager, are at the well hatch and control its actions.
3.3.15. Before descending into the drainage well, the track technician must put on a safety helmet, a safety harness and attach the end of the safety rope to the belt.
The second end of the safety rope must be in the hands of one of the observers or attached to his safety belt.
3.3.16. From the moment the trackman descends into the drainage well until he exits it, observers located at the well hatch must monitor the condition of the trackman who has descended into the well, as well as ensure that the end of the safety rope does not fall into the well.
3.3.17. For lighting in drainage wells, 12 V lamps or explosion-proof battery lamps must be used.
3.3.18. If the smell of gas appears in the drainage well, the track technician must immediately stop work and go to the surface, and if his health worsens, give a pre-arranged signal to the observers, who are obliged to help him rise from the well or pull him out using a safety rope.
A signal for the need for assistance in lifting may be a voice demand or frequent twitching of the safety rope, or another conditioned signal.
3.3.19. When descending into the well to assist the track fitter located in the well, the observer must comply with the requirements of paragraph 3.3.15 of these Instructions.

3.4. Labor protection requirements at work
with hand-held tool

3.4.1. Track installers should use proper hand tools and regularly check the security of impact tool attachments.
3.4.2. When screwing (unscrewing) nuts manually, you must use a standard wrench. It is forbidden to hit the wrench with anything, increase its length by extending it with a second wrench or pipe, or use a faulty wrench or insert gaskets between the nut and jaws of the wrench. If necessary, use wrenches with long handles.
When cutting off a nut with a chisel, you must wear safety glasses.
3.4.3. Checking the alignment of the holes in the linings and rails should only be done with a punch or a bolt.
3.4.4. When changing rails, remove the linings after loosening, and also move the linings apart and hold the end of the other rail when installing the linings using a crowbar. Doing this with your hands is not allowed. A 12.5 m long rail should be turned over with a pointed crowbar, inserting it into the outer bolt hole and facing the end of the rail. When tilting the rail, it is prohibited to stand in the direction of possible ejection of scrap.
Turning rails 25 m long should be done only with a special device (crowbar with bracket).
3.4.5. When shifting a rail line being replaced or laid, you can only stand on one side of the rail, opposite to the direction of shift.
3.4.6. When expanding rail gaps, hydraulic expansion devices must be used. Expansion of gaps by hitting the lining with rails is prohibited.
The transfer of a hydraulic spreading device from one rail line to another must be carried out by two track fitters, and movement from one rail joint to another - using a track trailer, two-wheeled single-rail or single-axle trolley in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 3.9.16 of these Instructions.
3.4.7. When lifting the track with jacks, it is prohibited to place your hands and feet under the raised rail or rail and sleeper grid.
3.4.8. When clearing burrs on sleepers, the legs should be placed in such a way that the possibility of injury to them by an ax (dexel) is excluded.
Remove debris and wood chips from under the rail base only with a broom or broom. Cleaning with hands is prohibited.
3.4.9. Before pulling out the crutch, it is necessary to inspect it. If there is significant wear of the neck, in order to avoid injury when the head of the crutch is torn off, to remove it, you should use a puller equipped with a bar that holds the torn off head of the crutch.
3.4.10. Pulling out crutches with a claw crowbar should be done by pressing your hands on the end of the crowbar.
To create additional forces, it is prohibited to stand with your feet or lay your body on the crowbar, as well as to place crutches, bolts or other objects under its head.
To pull out crutches in cramped places on turnouts, you should use a special crutch puller.
3.4.11. When re-lining the track, the rail thread should be pressed out (moved) with a tightening device or a pointed crowbar inserted into the ballast prism of the sleeper box under the base of the rail at an angle of at least 45° and to the depth required for stability. It is prohibited to use crutches driven into a sleeper as a support.
3.4.12. When working with a crutch hammer, you must comply with the requirements set out in paragraph 3.1.6 of these Instructions. When driving a crutch, you must first bait (secure) it with light blows, and then finish it off. In this case, you should stand above the rail along the track.
It is prohibited for workers to be in the movement zone of the crutch hammer.
3.4.13. Removal and installation of spring anti-theft devices should be carried out using a special device designed for this work. If it is not available, they can be installed (removed) using a crutch hammer. When installing and removing anti-theft devices, the legs should be placed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of being hit by a rebound anti-theft device.

3.5. Labor protection requirements when working with track machines

3.5.1. Before working with track machines, track fitters must receive targeted instructions from the work manager about their locations when preparing the machines for work, putting them into operation and working, the rules for safe work, and the procedure for leaving the track at designated places while trains are passing on the adjacent track.
When performing work with track machines, track fitters must wear safety helmets.
3.5.2. While working with track machines, it is prohibited:
be within the range of action of the working parts of the machine after the driver gives an audible signal to begin work;
crawl under cars to cross to the other side of the road;
sit or stand on the working parts of the machine;
be on the intertrack when trains are passing on an adjacent track;
Smoking and using open fire in the immediate vicinity of the power plant or fuel and oil tanks.
3.5.3. When transferring the working parts of the crushed stone cleaning machine from the transport position to the working position and back, you must not be:
at the rotor when it is raised and lowered;
near the conveyor at a distance of less than 3 m.
3.5.4. When performing work using crushed stone cleaning machines (cleaning and cutting out ballast), it is not allowed for track fitters and other workers to be at a distance of less than 5 m in front or behind a crushed stone cleaning device with a centrifugal cleaning method and less than 3 m with a cesspool working element. In this case, it is prohibited to stay on the side of the release of weeds and closer than 3 m from the levelers and discharge conveyors.
3.5.5. When performing work using straightening-tamping-straightening, straightening-tamping-finishing, ballast-compaction machines, dynamic stabilizers and travel motor impact wrenches, you should use noise-protective headphones and be at a distance of more than 1 m from the lowered working parts of the machines (vibrating plates, slope compactors, leveler wings , tamping blocks, ballast compactors).
3.5.6. When performing work using rail cleaning machines, you should be at a distance of more than 3 m from the trolley with hydraulic monitors.
3.5.7. When working with track-laying cranes and machines for laying turnouts, the following is prohibited:
carry out track work in front of the track dismantling train at a distance closer than 25 m from the front moving unit and behind the track laying train at a distance closer than 25 m from the last moving unit;
be on a raised, moved or lowered rail link or turnout block;
cross and be under a raised rail link or switch block;
be on platforms loaded with packages of rail links during their transportation and movement;
be at a distance of less than 10 m from the traction steel rope of the winch when moving packages of rail links;
guide the steel rope of the winch with your hands to move the packages of rail links when winding it onto the drum.
When laying new rail links and removing old ones, track installers must be in front or behind the raised link at a distance of at least 2 m.
When joining a rail link, it is necessary to hold it with a guide rod by the rail heads at a distance of no closer than 0.4 m from the joint. In this case, the track installers should be positioned so that their feet are outside the place where the link is laid.
3.5.8. When performing work using a rail layer, track work in front and behind it must be carried out at a distance of at least 25 m. Track fitters working with a rail layer must be at a distance of at least 2 m from them when lifting, moving and lowering rails.
3.5.9. When laying long rail strands of a seamless track using a crane and devices for moving the strands, track installers are prohibited from being in the cable tension zone. The rails should be kept from swinging and spontaneous reversal in accordance with requirement 3.9.10 of these Instructions.

3.6. Occupational safety requirements when working with mobile equipment
power plants and power tools

3.6.1. To ensure the possibility of quickly removing a mobile power station to the side of the roadbed and leaving workers from the track when a train approaches, its movement along the work front on a double-track section should be carried out along the outer rail thread, and on a single-track section - along the most convenient rail thread with fencing with stop signals.
Distribution boxes of the main cable of the power plant must be placed on light trolleys moved on rails.
3.6.2. The mobile power station must be installed on the side of the roadbed at a distance of at least 2 m from the outermost rail.
3.6.3. The housing of a mobile power station must be grounded with a special grounding conductor driven into the ground to a depth of at least 1 m at a distance of no closer than 2 m from the outer rail. As a grounding conductor, it is allowed to use metal pipes with a diameter of 40 - 50 mm or metal rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm and a length of at least 1.5 m.
A flexible bare copper wire with a cross-section of at least 4 mm2 must be used as a connector between the body of the portable power station and the grounding switch.
3.6.4. As the power plant moves, the main cable must be carried and laid in dry places without twisting.
If it is necessary to cross a railway track, the main cable should be laid in the sleeper boxes of the railway track under the soles of the rails.
3.6.5. While the power plant is operating, it is prohibited to refuel it, touch live parts, light a fire near it, or smoke.
3.6.6. Before starting work with electric tools, it is necessary to inspect and put in order the protective clothing. During operation, parts of the workwear should not touch the tool.
3.6.7. During operation, the body of the electric tool must be connected to the zero output of the mobile power station through the fourth core of the supply and main cables. Working with an electric tool is only allowed with a four-wire cable.
3.6.8. Adjustment of the electric tool is allowed after a complete stop and disconnection of the tool from the power supply.
3.6.9. When moving with a power tool from one place of work to another and during each, even short-term, break in work, the voltage in the main cable must be removed, the power tool must be turned off and, in addition, during a break in work, it must be removed outside the dimensions of the rolling stock.
Before passing a train, locomotive, handcar and other rolling stock along the track on which work is being carried out, or along an adjacent track, the voltage in the main cable must also be relieved.
3.6.10. The trackman must immediately turn off the power tool if he senses even a slight current and report this to the work manager.
3.6.11. When carrying an electric tool, do not hold it by its working parts.
3.6.12. When sawing a rail or drilling holes in it, rail cutting machines (electric or with an internal combustion engine) and electric rail drilling machines must be securely fastened to the rail using a bracket.
While operating electric drilling and rail cutting machines, it is prohibited to clean the drill and hacksaw blade until they stop completely, and also to remove metal filings from the rail being cut by hand.
3.6.13. When working with a rail cutting machine with an abrasive disc and an electric rail grinding machine, the track fitter must wear safety glasses to avoid getting abrasive dust and molten metal particles into the eyes.
3.6.14. It is prohibited to use an electric rail grinder for sharpening axes, dexels and other tools, or to work with it without special clothing, safety glasses, or with a faulty grinding wheel.
3.6.15. The total time of working with powered power tools, the vibration of which meets the requirements of sanitary standards, should not exceed 2/3 of the duration of the work shift. The rest of the time, work that does not involve vibration should be carried out.
When working with electric sleeper tampers, it is necessary to ensure alternation of track fitters working with them.
3.6.16. When working with a power tool with an individual drive from an internal combustion engine, the following requirements must be met:
The gas tank caps of the instrument must be tightly closed;
Refilling the gasoline tank must be done using a funnel;
Before starting the engine, it is necessary to remove gasoline stains from the gas tank and the tool body with a rag.
It is prohibited to move the tool to another work site while the engine is running.
3.6.17. Smoking is prohibited when refueling the gasoline tank of a mobile power station and power tools with an internal combustion engine, as well as lighting a fire near them and gasoline storage containers.
3.6.18. The lids of gasoline storage containers must be tightly closed, and the containers themselves must be removed at a distance of at least 5 m from the source of open fire, places where work is carried out using power tools with an internal combustion engine and electric rail grinding (rail cutting) machines, and at least 10 m - from the place of fire (electric, gas welding) work.

3.7. Labor protection requirements at work
on electrified sections of railways

3.7.1. When working on an electrified section of the railway, track fitters must be especially careful not to approach energized or disconnected, but not grounded, wires and parts of the contact network and overhead power lines (hereinafter referred to as overhead power lines) at a distance of less than 2 m.
3.7.2. To avoid contact with live parts of the contact network and overhead lines, i.e. closer than 2 m, if there is voltage on them, it is prohibited to climb:
on tank boilers, upper platforms and roofs of other rolling stock;
on trusses and booms of track machines, railcars, motor locomotives, railcars, booms and roofs of cabins of cranes, excavators and other machines;
on elements of bridges and other structures from which it is possible to approach live parts closer than 2 m.
The danger zone on bridges of electrified sections of railways (2 m from live parts of the contact network) is indicated by a red stripe on elements of spans and overhead line suspension structures.
3.7.3. Carrying out work (painting, repairing artificial structures and others) associated with the need to approach live and unfenced parts of the contact network, waveguides and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m must be carried out after removing the voltage and grounding the contact network, overhead lines and associated devices for the entire duration of work.
3.7.4. It is prohibited to touch the broken wires of the contact network, waveguides, overhead lines and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch or not touch the ground or grounded structures, and approach them at a distance of less than 8 m. If a broken wire of the catenary, waveguides, The overhead line, as well as foreign objects hanging from it, must take measures to fence off this dangerous place and report this to the work manager, the station duty officer or the nearest duty station of the contact network area or power supply area.
Once you find yourself at a distance of less than 8 m from a broken wire lying on the ground, to prevent exposure to step voltage, you should leave the danger zone, moving your feet along the ground and without lifting them from one another.
3.7.5. When rewiring, track straightening and other work in electrified areas and areas equipped with automatic blocking, it is necessary to use insulated templates.
3.7.6. Before clearing rail gaps and other work involving breaks in the rail track in places of upcoming breaks, it is necessary to install and securely fasten with clamps or two hook bolts to the soles of the rails temporary jumpers made of copper wire with a cross-section of at least 50 mm2 at alternating current and at least 120 mm2 at direct current, allowing the rails to be moved apart at the joint by up to 200 mm.
3.7.7. Changing the rails to which signaling devices are connected (throttle transformers, track boxes, cable inserts, rail pedals) must be carried out in the presence of a representative (electromechanics) of the signaling, centralization and blocking station of the railway.
Before changing the rail, a temporary transverse jumper must be laid and secured in the insulating joint on the rails remaining on the track on that side of the insulating joint on which the rail being replaced is located, and on the same side, the middle terminal of the track choke must be connected by a temporary jumper to the rail that is not subject to replacement.
3.7.8. When changing rails alone on electrified sections, simultaneous changing of rails on both rail threads of a rail link is prohibited.
Before changing a rail, two temporary cross-pieces made of copper wire with a cross-section of at least 50 mm2 at alternating current and at least 120 mm2 at direct current must be laid and tightly fixed to the base of the rails using clamps or two hook bolts.
3.7.9. It is prohibited to touch a cable discovered during work under a ballast layer or in the ground. In this case, work must be stopped, and the track fitter is obliged to notify the work manager about this.

3.8. Occupational safety requirements for cleaning
railway tracks and turnouts from snow

3.8.1. Work to clear snow from centralized turnouts should be carried out only during breaks between the movement of trains and shunting units. Work on turnouts located on hump and marshalling tracks must be carried out only during breaks in shunting work and disbanding of trains or when the track is closed and with mandatory compliance with the requirements of paragraph 3.1.1 of these Instructions.
Work on clearing and removing snow from hill and sub-hill tracks must be carried out during periods when these tracks are closed.
3.8.2. The work of cleaning turnouts must be carried out by a team consisting of no less than two and no more than six track fitters, one of whom must monitor the movement of trains and not participate in the work.
At separate points where there is no constant shunting work, it is allowed to manually clear the turnouts of snow by one track fitter with qualifications of at least 3rd category. The list of such separate points, the procedure for notifying track linemen about the approach of trains and additional security measures are established by the head of the railway department (chief engineer of the railway) or the head of the station to whom these separate points are assigned, in agreement with the technical labor inspector of the trade union.
3.8.3. Track fitters working for the first winter are not allowed to independently clean centralized turnouts. They must be trained in the specifics of working in winter conditions, work only as part of a team, and are assigned by order of the enterprise to experienced team workers. The track fitter and the brigade worker to whom he is assigned must be familiarized with the above-mentioned order against signature.
3.8.4. Before starting to clear snow at centralized turnouts, the track fitter who is the senior member of the group, or the track fitter working as one person, must fence off the work area:
during the day - a red signal;
at night and during the daytime in fog, snowstorms and other unfavorable conditions that impair visibility - with a hand-held flashlight with red lights.
3.8.5. Before the start of snow clearing work, a wooden liner must be placed on the centralized switch against the electric drive rods between the retracted point and the frame rail, and on crosses with a movable core - between the core and the guard rail.
3.8.6. When working as one person, the track fitter must:
monitor notifications about the receipt, departure, passage of trains and upcoming shunting movements;
position yourself facing the direction of the expected shunting train or train in the correct direction of travel, without weakening your attention to the movement of trains in the opposite direction.
3.8.7. Clearing snow from turnouts with compressed air must be carried out by two track fitters of at least 3rd category, one of whom directly cleans the turnout from snow, and the other (an observer, who is also a signalman) must be located at the point where the air hose is connected to the shut-off valve of the air supply network, monitor announcements via loudspeaker communication or the issuance of a special sound signal about the upcoming passage of a train, the dissolution of cars, the passage of a locomotive or shunting train through the work area and be ready at any time to stop the supply of compressed air and give a command to the track fitter working with a hose to stop work and leaving the turnout.
When blowing off a switch, track installers must use safety glasses and gloves to protect their eyes and skin on their hands.
3.8.8. The air hose should be transported assembled into rings to the work site and storage areas.
3.8.9. When cleaning (blowing) turnouts with compressed air, the following requirements must be observed:
if it is necessary to cross a railway track, the hose from the air supply network should be laid under the rails in sleeper boxes cleared of snow and ballast;
do not use a hose that does not have a standard connection head or a shut-off valve on a metal tip, as well as a hose that leaks air or has an unreliably fastened connection head;
when connecting the hose to the shut-off valve of the air supply network, the shut-off valve at the tip of the hose must be closed;
after connecting the hose to the air supply network, check the reliability of the connection between the connecting heads of the hose and the shut-off valve of the air supply network, then open the tap at the tip of the hose, and then gradually open the shut-off valve of the air supply network;
direct the air stream at the switch at an angle that eliminates the possibility of snow getting into your face;
when moving from one turnout to another, close the shut-off valve of the air network and release compressed air from the hose;
After cleaning the turnout, the shut-off valve of the air supply network must be closed, the compressed air must be completely released from the hose, then disconnect the connecting heads of the hose and the shut-off valve of the air supply network and close the valve on the metal tip of the hose.
It is forbidden to open the air supply shut-off valve unless the hose is completely straightened and the tip is in the hands of the operator.
3.8.10. It is prohibited to carry out any work on the switch when the electric heating is turned on, except for manual cleaning using a non-metallic tool and hose cleaning.
3.8.11. Clearing the track of snow and manually removing it at stages and stations must be carried out in compliance with the following requirements.
When clearing the track with trenches or cutting snow slopes after clearing it with snow blowers, niches should be made in the slopes in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another to provide shelter for workers when passing trains.
The dimensions of the niche must be determined in each individual case, taking into account the number of workers hiding in it and their location no closer than 2 m from the outer rail, but its depth must be at least 0.75 m and its width at least 2 m.
When clearing the path of snow in the excavations, measures necessary to prevent snow avalanches should be taken.
When cleaning station tracks and switches, it is necessary to pile snow in shafts in which gaps must be made (1 m wide, at least every 9 m), or in piles with the same gaps for ease of work and passage of workers.
3.8.12. Loading and unloading of snow onto the snow train platforms must be done after the train has completely stopped. Loading and unloading snow while the train is moving is prohibited.
When a snow train moves in the snow loading or unloading area, track fitters on the platforms must sit down and hold on to the sides of the platforms.
3.8.13. When removing snow by train, track workers must be located in a passenger or freight boxcar equipped for transporting workers.

3.9. Labor protection requirements in production
loading and unloading operations and transportation of materials
track superstructure

3.9.1. When performing loading and unloading operations, track fitters must wear yellow or orange safety helmets, and the work manager must wear a red safety helmet.
3.9.2. All operations for moving cargo must be carried out only at the command of the work manager or track fitter performing the duties of a slinger (hereinafter referred to as the slinger), and when two or more slingers are working, one of them appointed as the senior one.
3.9.3. Loading and unloading of rails, turnouts, crosses, reinforced concrete sleepers and other heavy cargo (hereinafter referred to as cargo) must be carried out mechanized.
Loading and unloading rails manually is prohibited.
In exceptional (emergency) cases, it is allowed to unload single rails from platforms to the side manually using at least two beds of wooden sleepers (without wear) or rail cuttings at the rate of at least two per four-axle platform.
3.9.4. Load slinging should be done using inventory slings or special load-handling devices. Slinging methods must exclude the possibility of the slinged load falling or sliding.
3.9.5. When performing loading and unloading operations, the choice of the type of sling (circular, single-leg with two loops, two hooks or with a hook and loop at the ends, four-leg with hooks or loops at the ends) should be made depending on the weight, configuration and places of slinging of the load.
Slings must be selected such a length that when slinging a load, the angle between the branches of the sling and the vertical does not exceed 45°.
Each sling and traverse must have a metal tag indicating its number, load capacity and test date.
3.9.6. Slinging of rails during unloading and loading should be done using a traverse with rail grips equipped with clamps (locks) against self-release. The rails must be grabbed in at least two places.
3.9.7. Before each operation of lifting, moving and lowering a rail (another load), the slinger must give an appropriate signal to the operator of the load-lifting crane (trolley), and when servicing one load-lifting crane by several slingers, the signal must be given by the eldest of them.
3.9.8. It is not permitted to lower a load onto a trolley platform, trailer platform or other vehicle, or to lift it while workers are on the platform (vehicle).
Unloading and loading of metal fastener parts supplied without containers must be carried out using a magnetic plate. It is prohibited for maintenance personnel to be closer than 2 m from the vertical of a possible falling load.
3.9.9. Before giving the crane operator (trolley driver) a signal to lift a rail, switch or other load (hereinafter referred to as the load), the slinger must make sure:
the reliability of the cargo slinging and the absence of obstacles on which it can get caught when moving;
in the absence of foreign objects (tools) on the cargo;
in complete uncoupling of the load from the vehicle (trolley platform);
in the absence of workers in the loading and unloading area.
3.9.10. When loading, unloading and moving rails, turnouts, crosses, packs of sleepers and other long or large-sized cargo with a lifting crane or trolley crane, it is necessary to use guy ropes made of nylon, hemp or cotton rope to prevent them from spontaneously turning and swinging. The length of the ropes must allow workers to be at least 2 m away from the vertical plane formed by the projection of the nearest point of the load.
3.9.11. When lifting and moving rails, switches, crosses or other cargo with a crane, the slinger must:
first give a signal to the crane driver (trolley driver) to lift a load, the weight of which is close to the permitted load capacity for a given boom reach, to a height of 0.2 - 0.3 m to ensure correct slinging, uniform tension of the slings, and also check (by the driver crane, trolley driver) reliability of the brake operation of the load lifting mechanism;
if you detect uneven tension in the slings or unreliable slinging of the load, give a command to the crane operator (trolley driver) to lower the load to re-sling it;
after checking the correctness and reliability of slinging the load and lifting it to a height of no more than 1 m from the floor (platform) level, move to a safe place determined by the technology (work plan or technological map), or at a distance no closer than 2 m from the vertical of a possible drop of the load ;
when moving the load horizontally, make sure that there are no workers in the path of its movement and that the load does not approach the structural elements of the crane closer than 1 m. The load or load-handling devices when moving them horizontally by the crane must be raised 0.5 m above objects encountered along the way;
immediately give a signal to the crane operator (trolley driver) to stop lifting (moving) the load if unauthorized workers appear in the crane operating area or malfunctions of the crane are detected.
Moving loads over people is prohibited.
3.9.12. The rails on the trolley should be laid between the cabin and the side on each side in one row. Rails 25 m long should be loaded using a traverse, placing them on a handcar and a platform attached to it. The rails must be securely fastened, the sides of the trolley and the trailer platform are closed.
3.9.13. Packages of sleepers should be placed on the trolley platform in such a way that when the trolley moves, the driver is provided with the necessary visibility of the track. Packages of sleepers must be securely tied and secured to the railcar.
3.9.14. Unloading of wooden sleepers, transfer and bridge beams impregnated with oil antiseptics from gondola cars, as well as reinforced concrete sleepers, should be carried out by lifting cranes.
In order to prevent the fall of stacked panels when unloading sleepers from gondola cars, the panels should be removed using cable clamps, when their lower end remains secured by horizontal rows of sleepers at a height of at least 1 m. Stacked panels must be removed by crane using cable clamps.
If there are incorrectly loaded sleepers in the car (in bulk) or if the sleeper packs are collapsed, they should be unloaded one by one by a crane using rope grippers.
Unloading sleepers and beams manually from gondola cars is prohibited.
3.9.15. When loading and unloading sleepers and beams impregnated with oil antiseptics, track fitters must use special clothing and special footwear specified for this type of work in paragraph 1.15 of these Instructions. Before starting work, to protect the skin, track linemen must lubricate the face, hands, neck and other exposed parts of the body with the protective pastes issued to them for these purposes.
During the process of loading, unloading, and carrying sleepers and beams impregnated with oil antiseptics, you must not touch your face with mittens or sleeves of overalls. Before eating, you should thoroughly wash your hands, face, and exposed parts of the body with warm water and soap and rinse your mouth.
3.9.16. Transportation of track tools and materials on track cars, two-wheeled single-rail or single-axle bogies must be carried out by specially appointed track fitters in a sufficient number (but not less than two people) to remove the load and remove the carts (track cars) from the track in advance of the train's arrival. Along the route they must be accompanied by signalmen.
3.9.17. When transporting materials on a track trailer, you must not be in front of the trailer, lag behind it, let the trailer go downhill, sit on it, roll the trailer at a speed greater than the speed of a normally walking person, or adjust the load while moving. The sleepers on the trailer should be laid along the track.
3.9.18. Transportation of single rails must be carried out by two removable portal cranes, and the rail must be located along the axis of the portal cranes.
The rail should be transported at a speed of 3 - 5 km/h at a height of 20 cm from the top of the sleeper bed.
When moving portal cranes along the track, the fitters must be on the outside of the track.
Installation and removal of the portal crane must be carried out by two track fitters.
3.9.19. To allow a train to pass, track technicians must remove single-rail carts, track cars, materials, tools from the track and move to the side of the track at the distance specified in paragraph 3.2.4 of these Instructions, and 5 m from the cart, track car, materials, tools towards the approaching trains.
3.9.20. Ballast can be unloaded from hopper-dispensers while the train is moving at a speed of no more than 5 km/h, and ballast and soil can be unloaded from gondola cars only after the train has completely stopped.
When unloading ballast, track installers are prohibited from being inside the body of the hopper-dispenser (gondola car).
3.9.21. When unloading ballast from a gondola car, the hatches should be opened using crowbars or sledgehammers. In this case, the track installer must:
before opening the hatch, inspect the hinge joints and locking devices and make sure that they are in good working order;
remove the wire twists (if any) and discard the safety sectors of the hatch locks;
when opening the hatch locking devices, be on the side at a distance of at least 1 m from the hatch;
Having opened the locking device on one side of the hatch, and then on the other side of the hatch, step back from the cargo spilling out of the hatch towards the next (closed) hatch.
3.9.22. A team of three people must close the hatches of the gondola car. In this case, two workers must lift the hatch cover using crowbars, and the third, using a crowbar through the middle eye, must press the hatch until it stops. Then one of the workers who lifted the hatch cover uses a sledgehammer to push the locking device into place and secures it with a sector against spontaneous opening.

3.10. Labor protection requirements in production
work with pesticides to destroy vegetation
on the railway tracks

3.10.1. Track fitters involved in the destruction of vegetation on railway tracks using pesticides must be familiar with the basic properties of pesticides, the characteristics of their effects on the human body, and trained in safe work methods, rules of industrial and personal hygiene and first aid in cases of poisoning.
Track fitters with medical contraindications are not allowed to work with pesticides.
3.10.2. The duration of work on loading, unloading, transporting pesticides, as well as work related to chemical destruction of vegetation, should not exceed six hours a day.
3.10.3. If the smell of a pesticide appears under the mask of a working respirator or gas mask, the track technician must stop work, move to the windward side of the work site and replace the faulty filter device or the respirator (gas mask) as a whole.
The used filter device (filter, box, cartridge) must be handed over to the track installer for recycling.
3.10.4. You should wear protective clothing and safety shoes designed for working with pesticides only when working with them.
Track linemen who do not have special clothing or are not fully provided with it are not allowed to work with pesticides.
3.10.5. Workwear in which work with pesticides is carried out must be ventilated daily and degassed at least twice a month.
It is prohibited to wash overalls, wash rubber boots, gloves at a distance of less than 300 m from wells, rivers, lakes, streams and springs.
3.10.6. Track fitters involved in working with pesticides must comply with the following requirements:
when performing loading and unloading operations, opening containers, preparing a solution and spraying vegetation, to protect open areas of the body, respiratory organs and eyes, use protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator or gas mask;
during spraying, preparing a solution or loading work, do not allow smoking, eating or drinking water, or storing food in pockets;
Before eating, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap, rinse your mouth with drinking water, and after finishing work, take a shower and lubricate your hands with regenerating cream.

3.11. Labor protection requirements during work
at the production base

3.11.1. To work on link assembly and link disassembly lines not related to the control of line mechanisms, track fitters who have undergone targeted training on safe work on these lines are allowed.
3.11.2. The supply of rails, fasteners, sleepers (wooden and reinforced concrete) and other long and heavy loads to the assembly bench track must be done only by mechanization.
3.11.3. When supplying rails, fasteners, a package of sleepers or a rail and sleeper grid to the assembly bench track for its disassembly, workers must leave the area of ​​their movement.
It is prohibited to be closer than 2 m from the vertical of the magnetic plate (the vertical of a possible falling load) when feeding metal parts of rail fastenings with a magnetic lift.
When re-tensioning rail packages on platforms equipped with removable equipment such as SO or USO, workers must be at a distance of at least 10 m from the cable.
3.11.4. The layout of sleepers and rails on the assembly bench track (hereinafter referred to as the bench track) for the assembly of rail and sleeper grid links should be done using gantry cranes.
3.11.5. The layout of the sleeper package on the bench track should be done sequentially row by row, starting from the bottom. In this case, after installing the package of sleepers on the bench track, the track fitters - slingers must make sure that the package is stable, release the bottom row from slinging, sling the rest of the package to be laid out further and give the command to the crane operator to lift and move the package. Lay out the remaining rows of the sleeper pack in the same sequence.
3.11.6. The layout of the sleepers according to the marks (diagram) and their trimming should be done using crowbars.
When antisepticizing holes drilled in wooden sleepers, you should wear safety glasses.
3.11.7. Parts of rail fastenings intended for assembling links of a rail and sleeper grid must be in containers (containers) placed in breaks in the bench track.
3.11.8. Before assembling rail fastenings, rail pads and other fastening parts should be placed on the sleepers in such a way as to prevent them from falling and injuring the feet of workers.
3.11.9. When laying the rail on sleepers with assembled rail fasteners, it is allowed to guide it and keep it from swinging only with guide rods located at the ends of the rail. Shifting (pressing) the rail to ensure its required position relative to the rail pads must be done with crowbars.
3.11.10. Fastening the nuts and terminal bolts of rail fastenings must be done with electric impact wrenches. In this case, the installation of impact wrenches on the rails of the assembled rail and sleeper grid must be carried out by at least two workers.
3.11.11. The assembly of rail and sleeper grid links for both wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers is allowed to be carried out in no more than two tiers. Lifting and installation of electric impact wrenches on the rails of the rail and sleeper grid of the second tier should be carried out by a lifting crane or a team of workers consisting of at least three people.
3.11.12. When assembling the links of the rail and sleeper grid with wooden sleepers, the track fitters must drive the spikes with a crutch hammer while wearing safety glasses.
3.11.13. It is prohibited to stand and install anti-theft devices on a rail and sleeper grid link moved on trolleys.
3.11.14. The layout of the links of old rail and sleeper gratings for manual jointing should be done in no more than two tiers.
3.11.15. When dismantling the old rail and sleeper grid, pulling out the crutches and removing the spring anti-theft devices takes into account the requirements of paragraphs 3.4.9, 3.4.10 and 3.4.13 of these Instructions.
3.11.16. Storage of rails, sleepers, and rail links should be carried out on carefully planned sites.
3.11.17. Stacks of rails, sleepers and other materials must be positioned in such a way that they are within the range of gantry cranes (cranes) to ensure vertical lowering (lifting) of them without dragging, and the distance from the protruding elements of the gantry crane to the stack is at least 0.7 m .
3.11.18. Rails must be stacked in pyramid-shaped stacks no more than 2 m high. Each top row of the stack, in terms of the number of rails, must be two rails less than the bottom row (one from each edge). The rails must be laid on the sole, the ends are aligned. Under the bottom row of rails, transverse wooden spacers (beams) with a cross-section of 250 x 150 mm must be laid, and between the rows of rails - transverse wooden spacers with a thickness of at least 100 mm (at least 6 pieces for a rail length of 25 m and 3 pieces for a rail length of 12.5 m).
3.11.19. The height of the stack of new and old wooden sleepers should not be more than 16 rows, reinforced concrete - 8 rows. Sleepers in stacks should be placed perpendicular to the rails of the crane runway. Fire breaks must be provided between stacks of wooden sleepers.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. During the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and artificial structures, the following main emergency situations may arise:
fire of rolling stock or anything else that could lead to a fire or explosion;
breakage of the contact wire or overhead power line wire;
derailment of rolling stock;
spillage or scattering of hazardous and harmful substances;
violation of the integrity of the upper track structure, which can lead to derailment of rolling stock.
4.2. If an emergency occurs, the track installer must stop work, immediately report the incident to the work manager and then follow his instructions or act in accordance with the emergency response plan approved in the manual (PMS).
4.3. In the event of a fire, the track installer must:
immediately report the fire to the work manager (foreman, foreman) and the fire department, indicating the exact location of its occurrence;
if necessary, remove people from the danger zone;
take measures to extinguish the fire using available primary fire extinguishing means.
4.4. When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish it. At the same time, you should not direct a stream of carbon dioxide and powder towards people. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, to avoid frostbite, do not touch the fire extinguisher mouth with your hand.
If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of baking soda.
4.5. Extinguishing a fire with internal fire hoses must be carried out by a team of two people: one rolls out the hose from the tap to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the person rolling out the hose, opens the tap.
4.6. When extinguishing a fire with a fire mat, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under it does not reach a person.
4.7. When extinguishing a fire with sand, the scoop or shovel should not be raised to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.
4.8. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from live parts of the contact network is permitted only with carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers.
It is possible to extinguish a fire with water, foam and air-foam fire extinguishers only after the work manager or other responsible person informs that the voltage has been removed from the contact network and it is grounded.
4.9. Extinguishing a fire located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam solution does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.
4.10. If a broken catenary wire, waveguides or overhead lines are detected, it is necessary to act in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.7.4 of these Instructions.
If broken wires or other parts of the catenary (overhead line) violate the approach clearance of buildings and can be touched when a train passes, it is necessary to fence off this place with stop signals.
4.11. If an energized broken contact wire (VL wire) falls onto a motor locomotive or other track machine or if the working part or body of the machine accidentally comes into contact with the wires, it is prohibited to touch the machine while standing on the ground or get off it until the voltage is removed from the overhead contact line (VL). to the ground or rise to it.
4.12. When rolling stock derails, the track technician must act in accordance with the instructions of the work manager.
4.13. In the event of a spill or scattering of hazardous and harmful substances as a result of damage to the rolling stock, work to eliminate the accident can begin only after receiving the necessary personal protective equipment, targeted instructions on safety measures when performing work and permission from the work manager.
4.14. If the integrity of the superstructure of the track is violated, which could lead to the derailment of the rolling stock, the track fitter must give a stop signal to the approaching rolling stock and report the incident to the work manager or the station duty officer.
On electrified sections of the track, if there is a through transverse break in the rail, it is prohibited to touch the rail with hands or any tools simultaneously on both sides of the break until the longitudinal or transverse jumpers are installed.

Actions of the track lineman to provide
first aid for victims

4.15. Mechanical injuries
If the victim receives a mechanical injury accompanied by bleeding, it is urgent to temporarily stop the bleeding.
Signs of bleeding:
with arterial bleeding, scarlet blood flows out of the wound in a pulsating stream;
With venous bleeding, the blood is dark and does not pulsate.
Methods for temporarily stopping bleeding depending on the type of bleeding:
1) applying a pressure bandage;
2) application of a hemostatic tourniquet;
3) maximum flexion of the limb;
4) pressing the artery with fingers or a fist.
1) in case of arterial bleeding, apply a hemostatic tourniquet or twist above the wound, wipe the skin around the wound with alcohol (cologne), moving in the direction from the wound, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine and apply a sterile bandage. Place a tourniquet on the limb above the wound site, circling it around the raised limb, previously wrapped in some soft cloth, and fix it on the outside of the limb. After applying the first turn of the tourniquet, you must ensure that there is no pulse. Apply the next turns of the tourniquet with less force. You should definitely put a note under the tourniquet (twist) indicating the time it was applied. The tourniquet (twist) can be applied for no more than one hour;
2) in case of venous bleeding, apply a sterile napkin and a pressure bandage to the wound.
Give the victim a pain reliever.
For small wounds and abrasions, treat the skin around them with a 2% or 5% alcohol solution of iodine, apply a bactericidal adhesive plaster or bandage with a sterile bandage.
In case of a spinal fracture, provide the victim with complete rest while lying on his back, on a hard board.
In case of limb fractures, immobilize (immobilize) the broken limb (with splints or any available means - boards, slats) with fixation of two adjacent joints or fixation of an arm to the body, a leg to a leg.
For open fractures, it is necessary to lubricate the surface of the skin around the wound with a 2% or 5% alcohol solution of iodine and apply a sterile bandage before applying the splint.
Place the splint so that it does not lie on top of the wound and does not put pressure on the protruding bone.
In case of a dislocation, it is necessary to fix the limb (with a splint, a sling) in a motionless state, and in case of a sprain, apply a tight bandage to the site of the sprain and apply cold.
4.16. Thermal burns
Signs of a burn and first aid procedures:
in case of a first degree burn (redness of the skin is observed), you should cool the burned part of the body with a stream of cold water (for 10 - 15 minutes) or apply cold for 20 - 30 minutes (ice bag, snow), lubricate it with cream, Vaseline, etc.;
in case of a second degree burn (blisters filled with liquid form), it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned area;
In case of severe burn (tissue necrosis), a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area. The victim must be given plenty of hot tea and a pain reliever.
For second and third degree burns, it is forbidden to lubricate the burned area with fat or ointments, open or puncture blisters, or tear off parts of clothing that have burned to the skin.
4.17. Burns from acids and alkalis
For acid burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with a 2% solution of baking soda. If baking soda is not available, you should generously water the burned area of ​​the body with clean water.
In case of alkali burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with water acidified with acetic or citric acids, or watered generously with clean water.
Cover the burned area of ​​the body with a sterile bandage and give the victim an anesthetic.
4.18. Electrical injuries
In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current as quickly as possible: turn off the electrical installation using a switch, switch, by removing the fuses or plug connection. At voltages up to 1000 V, to free the victim from the action of the current, you can cut the wire (cutting the wire of each phase separately) with an ax with a dry wooden handle or throw it away from the victim with a dry stick, board or some other dry object that does not conduct electric current. To separate the victim from live parts or wires, you can pull the victim away from live parts by the clothing if it is dry and comes off the body. In this case, you should act with one hand, observing safety measures, so as not to end up in contact with the live part of the electrical equipment and under step voltage, being in the zone of spreading of the ground fault current. At the same time, do not touch the victim with bare hands while he is under the influence of current. To do this, the person providing assistance must put on insulating gloves or wrap a scarf around their hand, pull up the sleeve of a jacket or coat, and throw a rubberized cloth (cloak) or dry cloth over the victim.
At voltages above 1000 V, to separate the victim from live parts, the person providing assistance must wear dielectric gloves and boots and, instead of improvised means (dry stick, board, other non-conducting objects), use an insulating rod or insulating pliers (if available), designed to appropriate voltage.
If the victim is at a height, then until the electric current stops, measures should be taken to prevent the victim from falling and causing additional injury.
First aid procedure:
unbutton the victim’s clothes, ensure a flow of fresh air, restore breathing and blood circulation by performing artificial respiration and chest compressions (until the pulse and natural breathing are restored), apply a bandage with a sterile bandage to the places of electrical burns and immobilize (immobilize) fractures, dislocations, arising from a fall of the victim (tires, improvised means - boards, slats).
4.19. Poisoning
In case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, allowing him to drink a large amount (up to 6 - 10 glasses) of warm water, tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda, and then give him milk and let him drink 1 - 2 activated carbon tablets.
In case of acid poisoning, the stomach should be thoroughly rinsed with water, for which the victim should be given 7-8 glasses of warm water to drink and artificially induce vomiting. This procedure should be repeated 4 - 5 times. Water consumption during gastric lavage is up to 10 liters or until clean rinsing water is released during vomiting. Then give the victim activated charcoal to drink.
In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room into fresh air or a draft must be created in the room by opening windows and doors.
If breathing and cardiac activity stop, perform mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage.
In case of poisoning with acids and gases, the consumption of milk, kefir, vegetable and animal fats is not allowed, as they enhance the absorption of the poison.
4.20. Eye injuries
In case of wounds or severe bruises of the eye(s), a sterile bandage should be applied to both eyes. You should not remove objects that have gotten into the victim’s eye, so as not to further damage it.
If dust, chemicals or toxic technical liquids get into the eyes, the eyes should be rinsed generously with a weak stream of running water for 3 to 5 minutes and a sterile bandage should be applied.
If your eyes are burned with hot water or steam, it is not recommended to rinse your eyes; a sterile bandage should be applied to your eyes.
4.21. Hypothermia
Signs: chills, muscle tremors, lethargy and apathy, inappropriate behavior (“like a drunk”), blue or pale lips, decreased body temperature.
First aid procedure:
Cover the victim and give him a warm, sweet drink or food high in sugar.
Quickly transport the victim to a warm room. In the room, remove clothes, rub the body, place the victim in a bath with a water temperature of 35 - 40 ° C (the elbow is tolerated) or cover him with a large number of warm heating pads (plastic bottles with warm water). If there are no heating pads (plastic bottles), cover the victim with a warm blanket or put warm, dry clothes on him and continue to give him warm, sweet drinks.
4.22. Frostbite
Signs of frostbite on the extremities:
the skin is pale and cold, there is no pulse at the wrists and ankles, loss of sensation, when tapping with a finger there is a “wooden” sound.
First aid procedure:
Take the victim to a warm room with a low temperature.
Do not remove clothing from frostbitten limbs.
Immediately cover injured limbs from external heat with a cooled insulating bandage with plenty of cotton wool or a blanket or clothing.
External warming of frostbitten parts should not be accelerated. Warmth should arise inside with the restoration of blood circulation.
Give the victim plenty of warm fluids and get him moving. Feed the victim.
Give 1 - 2 tablets of analgin.
Do not rub or lubricate frostbitten skin with anything, place frostbitten limbs in warm water or cover them with heating pads.
4.23. Insect and snake bites
First aid procedure:
Remove the bee sting and wash the sting area.
If bitten by a snake, lay the victim down and keep him at rest. Apply a bandage (not too tight) to the bite site. If a limb is bitten, be sure to apply a splint and place the limb in an elevated position. Give the victim plenty of fluids (sweet or salted water). If you lose consciousness, place the victim on his stomach, turning his head to the side. If there is no breathing or heartbeat, begin resuscitation (external cardiac massage and artificial respiration).
To remove a tick, apply a swab soaked in gasoline, kerosene, or apply a drop of vegetable oil to it for 3 minutes. If it does not come out on its own, throw a loop of thin, strong thread over the tick as close to the skin of the body as possible and, rotating, sharply pull it out of the skin or take the tick with your fingers as close to its head as possible and rotate counterclockwise carefully so as not to leave it in the body head or part of the insect, remove it.
4.24. Heat or sunstroke
Signs: weakness, drowsiness, headache, thirst, nausea, possible increased breathing and fever, loss of consciousness.
First aid procedure:
Move (transfer) the victim to a cool place, apply cold to the head, neck, chest (you can pour a bucket of cold water on the chest).
During convulsions, turn the victim on his stomach, press the shoulder girdle and head to the floor.
If you lose consciousness for more than 3 to 4 minutes, turn the victim onto his stomach.
4.25. In all cases of electric shock, mechanical injuries, severe thermal and chemical burns, food poisoning or toxic liquids (gases), the victim must be urgently taken to the nearest medical facility.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the track installer must:
wipe down tools, equipment, devices and put them in specially designated places or put them in storage rooms;
take off overalls and other personal protective equipment and put them in the dressing room closet.
5.2. After working with pesticides, the track technician must, without removing his hands, wash the rubber gloves in a neutralizing solution (3 - 5% solution of soda ash, milk of lime), rinse them in water, remove boots, overalls, goggles and a respirator, rinse the gloves again in a disinfectant solution and water, and remove them.
Wash the outer surface of gas masks and respiratory cartridges with a soap-soda solution (25 g of soap + 5 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water), rinse in clean water and dry. Wipe the front parts of the gas mask and respirator with a cotton swab soaked in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol.
5.3. If necessary, the track technician must hand over contaminated and faulty workwear for washing, dry cleaning or repair.
5.4. Clean the protective clothing used when working with pesticides from dust and hang it for ventilation under a canopy or in the open air for 8 - 12 hours.
5.5. After work, the track technician should wash contaminated areas of the body with warm water and soap or, if possible, take a shower.
5.6. When using protective pastes, creams, or ointments to protect the skin of the hands, lubricate hands washed with soap with boric petroleum jelly or lanolin cream, lightly rubbing it into the skin.
The use of kerosene or other toxic petroleum products to clean skin and personal protective equipment is not allowed.
5.7. All malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during work and the measures taken to eliminate them must be reported to the foreman (foreman).

assessing the safety of workplace injuries in a number of professions in the track industry


Deputy Head of the Department of Tracks and Structures V.I. Andreenko 09/05/99

The methodology for assessing the safety of workplaces was developed by Pinchuk O.P., Murashova M.A., Borovchenko G.Yu. (Occupational Safety Department of VNIIZhT)



This methodology is intended for carrying out work to assess the injury safety of workplaces of the following professions of employees of railway track facilities: track fitter (code 14668), flaw detection trolley operator (code 15572), drivers of railway construction machines VPRS and SM (code 13720), in addition , it can be used to examine the results of certification of workplaces of these professions.

Assessing workplace injury safety is part of workplace certification for working conditions.

The methodology contains the basic provisions for assessing the injury safety of workplaces, requirements for the organization and conduct of work to assess injury safety, injury safety requirements for workplaces of four track industry professions, requirements for recording the assessment results and a protocol form.

The methodology for assessing the injury safety of workplaces was developed in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions at railway transport enterprises" (N TsSR-611 dated November 2, 1998) and the "Practical guide to assessing the injury safety of workplaces for the purposes of their certification on working conditions" (Ivanovo Research Institute of Labor Protection, 1997).

The assessment of workplace injury safety is carried out on the basis of existing and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection: state standards of the system of labor safety standards (GOST SSBT), industry standards of the system of labor safety standards (OST SSBT), sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN), regulations safety (PB), rules of design and safe operation (PUBE), safety instructions (IS), intersectoral labor protection rules (POT M), industry labor protection rules (POT O), standard (industry) labor protection instructions ( TOI), intersectoral and sectoral organizational and methodological documents (regulations, guidelines, recommendations), as well as other regulatory and technical documents.

The results of assessing the injury safety of workplaces using this method can be recognized as competent and reliable information when carrying out work to certify production facilities of the federal railway transport for compliance with labor protection requirements.

The methodology is intended for specialists assessing the safety of workplaces at track enterprises, examining the results of certification (according to the safety factor) and certifying production enterprises for compliance with labor protection requirements.


1.1. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions - a system for analyzing and assessing workplaces for carrying out health measures, familiarizing workers with working conditions, certifying production facilities, to confirm or cancel the right to provide compensation and benefits to workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and dangerous conditions labor.

1.2. Workplace - all places where an employee must be or go in connection with his work and which are directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

1.3. Injury safety - compliance of workplaces with labor safety requirements that exclude injury to workers under the conditions established by regulatory legal acts on labor protection.


2.1. Certifications on working conditions, incl. and assessment of injury safety, all workplaces of railway transport enterprises are subject to their staffing schedules and the list of equipment used at certified workplaces (for example, specified in the technical passport of the enterprise).

2.2. The timing of certification is set by the enterprise itself based on changes in the conditions and nature of work, but at least once every five years from the date of the last measurements.

2.3. Workplaces are subject to mandatory recertification after replacing production equipment, changing the technological process, reconstructing collective protective equipment, etc., as well as at the request of the State Expertise of Working Conditions of the Russian Federation when violations are identified during the certification of workplaces for working conditions or at the request of a higher organization.

The results of re-certification are documented in the form of an appendix for the relevant positions to the Workplace Certification Card for working conditions.

2.4. Workplace certification documents for working conditions are strictly accountable materials and must be stored for 45 years.

2.5. The assessment of workplace injury safety is carried out by railway track enterprises independently or at their request by third-party organizations, whose specialists have permission from the State Expertise of Working Conditions of the Russian Federation to carry out the specified work.

* Corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.7. Injury safety of workplaces is ensured by eliminating the possibility of damage to parts of the human body that can be obtained as a result of exposure to:

moving objects, mechanisms or machines (such objects are: gears, chains, V-belt drives, rotating parts, etc.);

electric shock (the source of electric shock can be unprotected and uninsulated electrical wires, damaged electric motors, open switches, ungrounded equipment, etc.);

aggressive and toxic chemicals (for example, chemical burns from strong acids, caustic alkalis and toxic chemicals in contact with the skin, in the eyes or in the lungs if inhaled);

heated elements of equipment and other coolants (examples of such elements are hot pipelines, equipment casings, parts of heating installations, etc.);

injuries received from falls (falls are divided into two types: various objects falling on a person and a person falling as a result of slipping, stumbling, falling from a height or a sudden deterioration in health).


3.1. To organize and conduct certification of workplaces for working conditions, including injury safety, an order is issued, in accordance with which a certification commission of the enterprise is created, and, if necessary, commissions in structural divisions, the chairman of the certification commission, his deputy, members of the commission and the responsible person are appointed for the preparation, maintenance and storage of documentation for certification of workplaces, and also determines the timing and schedule of work on certification of workplaces.

3.2. It is recommended that the commission include specialists from labor protection services, the labor and wages department, chief specialists of the enterprise, heads of structural divisions, medical workers, representatives of the trade union organization of the enterprise, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of the trade union or workforce, experts in the certification of production facilities for compliance with labor protection requirements (certified by the Ministry of Labor of Russia).

3.3. Certification commission:

carries out management and control over the work at all its stages;

forms the necessary regulatory and reference base for certification of workplaces for injury safety and organizes its study;

compiles a complete list of workplaces of the enterprise, highlighting those that are similar in nature of the work performed and labor safety conditions;

identifies, based on an analysis of the causes of industrial injuries at the enterprise, the most traumatic areas, technological processes and equipment;

determines the list and composition of equipment subject to injury safety assessment at each workplace;

certifies and makes decisions on the further use of production equipment, fixtures and tools at the enterprise’s workplaces, and the introduction of new technologies;

develops measures to improve occupational safety in the workplace;

makes proposals on the readiness of structural units and the enterprise as a whole for their certification for compliance with labor protection requirements.

3.4. Before the start of certification work, a complete list of workplaces of the enterprise is compiled, in which similar workplaces are grouped, the number of workers employed in these conditions is indicated, and the equipment specified in official documents is provided. In addition, if equipment is identified that was manufactured independently by the enterprise (specialized technological equipment), but is not taken into account in the official documentation, then such equipment, including non-standard equipment, is also included in the list of certified workplaces.

3.5. As a result, the list of workplaces should contain all equipment, fixtures and tools actually available at the production facility. Next, the distribution of equipment among workplaces is determined. For example, at one workplace, depending on the specific type of work technologically assigned to the employee, several types of equipment, mechanisms or tools can be used (for example, when assessing the workplace of a track fitter, several types of portable equipment and tools are considered). In another case, one machine may be used for several jobs, and this machine will be included in the list of jobs several times (for example, when assessing the jobs of a driver and assistant driver of railway construction machines).

3.6. Similar workplaces are those in which the nature of the work is identical and the values ​​of harmful production factors are in the same class (class degree) in terms of harmfulness, severity, and intensity.

3.7. The assessment of injury safety of workplaces similar in the nature of the work performed and working conditions is carried out on the basis of data obtained from the assessment of at least 20% of such workplaces.


4.1. The assessment of workplace injury safety is carried out by checking the compliance of workplaces with the injury safety requirements for workplaces contained in regulatory legal acts.

4.2. Appendices 1-5 contain injury safety requirements for the workplaces of a track fitter (code 14668), a flaw detection trolley operator (code 15572), drivers of railway construction machines VPRS and SM (code 13720) and unified injury safety requirements for the workplaces of the above-mentioned professions of track workers railway transport.

4.3. When assessing the safety of workplaces, only those requirements that correspond to the characteristics of a given workplace are considered. For example, when assessing the workplaces of track fitters who do not work in tunnels or bridges, the safety requirements for workplaces at these sites are not considered.

4.4. When assessing the safety of workplaces, the following is carried out:

safety assessment when staying or working on railway tracks and the territories of track facilities;

safety assessment of production equipment;

assessing the safety of tools and devices used by employees;

assessment of training and instruction tools, including the provision of regulatory legal documentation on labor protection (rules, instructions, etc.).

4.5. Safety assessment when staying or working on railway tracks and the territories of track facilities is carried out through an expert assessment of the fulfillment of the requirements set out in Section 1 of the injury safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the uniform injury safety requirements.

4.6. The safety assessment of production equipment is carried out by determining the compliance of the equipment with the requirements set out in section 2 of the injury safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the uniform injury safety requirements.

4.7. Manufacturing equipment is a major source of workplace injuries. Therefore, assessing the injury safety of equipment is very important during its operation.

4.8. For track linemen, the equipment is portable power stations, manual electric machines, for flaw detection trolley operators - a trolley with a flaw detector; for drivers of railway construction machines - machines.

4.9. Before conducting the assessment, the presence and sufficiency of occupational safety requirements in the technological and operational documentation of the equipment used is checked.

4.10. It is necessary to take into account the availability of a standard safety certificate for production equipment.

4.11. When assessing the safety of technological equipment, test starts and stops of the equipment are carried out in compliance with safety requirements, while the following is carried out:

checking the overall performance of equipment in accordance with regulated modes;

checking for each item the requirements of the current regulatory legal act that applies to the equipment being assessed, the availability of appropriate means of protection (fencing, alarms, braking devices, interlocks, signal painting, etc.), as well as controls, including for emergency stops;

checking the presence of an alarm system, if, due to technical necessity, the impact of hazardous factors on workers (for example, moving objects) cannot be excluded;

Checking the presence of the operating instructions.

4.12. An assessment of the injury safety of objects controlled by state or departmental supervisory authorities is carried out in the absence of acts of these authorities, according to which the operation of these objects is prohibited.

4.13. The safety assessment of devices and tools is carried out by external inspection and checking their compliance with the requirements of the current and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection, set out in section 3 of the injury safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the uniform injury safety requirements; if necessary, trial tests, measurements or expert assessments are carried out grade.

4.14. It is necessary to take into account the availability of standard safety certificates for tools and devices. In the absence of any regulatory requirements for this type of tool or device, its presence and serviceability are checked.

4.15. Devices and tools that do not comply with safety requirements (points of the requirements for which non-compliance was identified are indicated), faulty and worn out, the use of which can lead to injury to both the employee himself and a number of workers, must be removed from the workplace.

4.16. An assessment of training and instruction tools includes an analysis of regulatory legal documentation on labor protection (local instructions), checking the presence of safety sections in technological documentation, checking the availability of visual training and instruction tools in gathering places for teams of track fitters, flaw detection trolley operators, and in cabins machinists. The assessment is carried out in accordance with section 4 of the injury safety requirements for the relevant workplace and the uniform injury safety requirements.

4.17. The analysis of regulatory documentation on labor protection is carried out on the basis of the requirements for the content of the enterprise's instructions on labor protection for workers in certain professions.

4.18. The fundamental document in the development and assessment of these regulatory documents is the “Regulation on the procedure for the development and approval of regulatory legal acts on labor protection in federal railway transport” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on December 21, 1998 N TsSR-619.

4.19. This Regulation establishes the procedure for the development, coordination, approval, recording, publication, distribution, cancellation of rules and instructions on labor protection, as well as monitoring their compliance.

4.20. Labor safety instructions must be checked at least once every 5 years, and for professions or types of work associated with increased danger - at least once every 3 years.

4.21. If the working conditions of workers at the enterprise have not changed during this period, then the validity of the instruction is extended for the next period, which should be noted on the first page of the instruction (stamp “Revised”, date and signature of the person in charge).


5.1. The results of the injury safety assessment are documented in a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix 6.

5.2. The name and code of professions are given in accordance with the “All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes” OK 016-94 dated December 26, 1994 N 367.

5.3. Paragraph 1 of the protocol provides the regulatory legal acts (LLA) on labor protection used in the assessment.

5.4. In paragraph 2 of the protocol:

Column 2 indicates by section the injury safety requirements given in Appendices 1-5 of this Methodology;

Column 3 indicates the actual state of occupational safety at the certified workplace (installed devices and devices aimed at ensuring occupational safety in the workplace, including those manufactured in-house, should be indicated);

Column 4 provides a brief assessment of the actual fulfillment of the requirements imposed by regulatory legal acts (“Complies” or “Does not comply”);

in column 5, based on the results of comparing the actual state with the requirements of regulatory documents, proposals are given for the necessary measures to fulfill this safety requirement for the workplace. Activities are drawn up taking into account the technical and organizational solutions available in practice (it is not recommended to write down unrealizable and non-specific recommendations and measures, as well as to make entries “Find an opportunity”, “Correct”, “Take measures”; the danger of identified violations should not be explained).

5.5. Paragraph 3 of the protocol provides brief conclusions on the sections of the protocol. They indicate the numbers of paragraphs of the relevant standards, rules, instructions, according to which the assessed workplace does not meet safety requirements.

5.6. In conclusion, in accordance with the classification of working conditions by injury safety factor, a hazard class is established.

5.7. The safety of a workplace is determined by one of three hazard classes:

the first one is optimal; the workplace fully complies with regulatory requirements (production equipment, tools, fixtures are in good working order, the required protective equipment is installed, training and instruction tools are compiled in accordance with the requirements, etc.);

the second is acceptable; Deviations from occupational safety requirements in the workplace are allowed that do not affect the functional purpose of protective equipment, for example, which do not reduce the protective functions of collective protective equipment (partial contamination of signal paint, loosening of individual fasteners, etc.);

the third is dangerous; the protective equipment provided by the design on the equipment is missing or faulty (fences, interlocks, signaling devices, grounding, etc.), the tool is faulty, there are no labor safety instructions, no labor safety training tools (rules, training and monitoring programs, training manuals), or available instructions and training aids were compiled without taking into account the relevant requirements, and the conditions for their revision were violated.

5.8. At the end of the protocol, the positions, surnames, first names, patronymics and signatures of the persons who conducted the injury safety assessment are indicated.

5.9. If there are several groups or units of certification objects (equipment, fixtures) at the workplace, the assessment is carried out with the preparation of protocols for each group of objects. In this case, the name of the workplace is repeated in each protocol and the distinctive feature of the group is indicated.

5.10. For example, teams of track fitters can work with various tools and equipment and in different places on the railway tracks (at a station, on a stretch, on a bridge), so the protocol should indicate the place of their work, the name of the tools and equipment and evaluate the fulfillment of the requirements specifically for these certification objects.

5.11. The protocol of the results of assessing the injury safety of workplaces, in which workers of the same profession use several types of equipment and tools, or workers of different professions work on the same equipment, can consist of two parts: the protocol itself, containing sections with the results of assessing parameters that are individual for each workplace, and applications with the results of evaluating parameters that are the same for several workplaces. The application will belong to several protocols, the numbers of which with the corresponding names must be listed.

5.12. Brief conclusions of the results of the assessment of workplace injury safety are entered in line 060 of the Workplace Certification Card for working conditions (Appendix 3 to the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions at railway transport enterprises” dated 02.11.98 N TsSR-611). Line 061 of the Certification Card indicates the assessment of working conditions according to the degree of injury safety (hazard class). Based on the assigned hazard class, columns 5 and 11 of the Workplace List (WM) and the results of their certification for working conditions in the department are filled in (Appendix 12 to).

5.13. Based on the work carried out to assess the safety of workplaces, the commission develops measures to improve occupational safety, which are included in the Action Plan to improve and improve the working conditions of workers (Appendix 14 to the Regulations dated 02.11.98 N TsSR-611).


Appendix 1

Regulatory legal acts used:

GOST 12.2.003-91

GOST 12.2.062-81


GOST 12.2.010-75 *. Manual pneumatic machines. General safety requirements.

GOST 12.4.026-76 *. SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs.
GOST R 12.4.026-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

Rules for electrical installations. PUE. (6th edition). Ministry of Energy of the USSR, 05.10.79

Safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations *. Glavgosenergonadzor of the USSR, 12/21/84.
"Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations" (POT R M-016-2001, RD 153-34.0-03.150-00). Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations * (5th edition). Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, 03.31.92
* The Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations are in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here and further. - Database manufacturer's note.

POT R O-32-TsP-652-99

Instructions for snow fighting on the railways of the USSR. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 07.18.86, TsP/4390.

. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 02.19.90

1. Safety requirements when staying or working on railway tracks and the territories of track facilities

OST 35-11-86. SSBT. Laying the upper structure of the railway track. Security requirements.

2.3.* When carrying out work on the track using tracklayers and railway cranes, the voltage from the contact network must be removed for the entire period of work, and the contact network at the work site must be grounded.

2.36. On operating electrified lines, the laying of turnouts by railway cranes must be carried out with the voltage removed from the contact network during the entire period of operation. The contact network at the work site must be grounded. Written permission must be issued to carry out work.

POT R O-32-TsP-652-99. Rules for labor protection during the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and structures. Ministry of Railways of Russia, 02.24.99

2.2.6. Fence the place of work, in the prescribed manner, with stop signals, if adjacent tracks on multi-track sections, high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes of excavations, slopes of trenches more than 50 m in length do not allow workers to position themselves on the side of the track when passing a train;

2.3.26 Senior road foremen, road, bridge and tunnel foremen, foreman of tracks and artificial structures, crossing guards and linemen of railway tracks and artificial structures must have with them an extract from the high-speed train schedule.

2.6.1. Artificial structures must have devices designed for the safe maintenance of the structure itself and the path. Such devices include: on bridges - sidewalks and shelters with railings, bridge decking, railings on the upper chord and stairs with railings on portal frames (for bridges with traffic below); near pipes and cones - stairs (descents) with railings; in the tunnels there are niches and chambers.

2.6.2. Shelter platforms with railings must be on all bridges more than 50 m long, and in sections with passenger train speeds of more than 140 km/h and in northern conditions - on all bridges more than 25 m long.

Bridges with a total length of more than 25 m (in northern conditions - more than 10 m), as well as all bridges with a height of more than 3 m; Bridges located within the station and all overpasses must have two-way sidewalks with railings.

2.6.13. To warn of the approach of a train to workers engaged in inspection and maintenance of artificial structures without fencing with stop or speed reduction signals, a signal sign “C” must be installed, and in necessary cases warnings must be issued to trains about special vigilance

2.6.53. To improve visibility, chambers and niches (along the perimeter) should be painted white or framed with white tiles. Arrows on the tunnel walls should indicate the directions to the nearest chambers and niches.

2.7.10. During a continuous change of rails on electrified sections of direct and alternating current, the voltage from the contact network must be removed, and the contact network must be grounded in the established manner.

The track rails in the places where the grounding rods are installed are connected to each other by transverse jumpers made of copper wire, installed and removed by track workers under the guidance of a representative of the power supply distance.

2.8.7. Before starting cleaning at centralized turnouts, the team leader or track fitter working as one person must fence off the work area during the day with a red signal, at night and during the daytime in case of fog, snowstorm and other unfavorable conditions that impair visibility - with a hand-held flashlight with red lights.

On the turnout between the retracted switch and the frame rail, as well as on the crosspieces with a movable core, a wooden insert must be placed between the core and the guardrail against the electric drive rods.

2.11.14. Loading of pesticides into the storage car of a watering train must be carried out at specially equipped gas stations. The site of gas stations must be asphalt or cement.

3.2.17. To service lines (link assembly and link disassembly) and machines, safe passages, galleries, platforms, decks, walkways, stairs and railings must be provided. The construction of passages is not allowed in the area of ​​lifting and lowering loads. If it is necessary for people to be in this area, safety barriers must be installed.

Raising and lowering a load must be accompanied by a warning sound alarm, and warning and prohibition signs and inscriptions must be installed at work sites.

Simultaneous operation of two gantry cranes is allowed if there is a device for synchronous operation of the electrical part of the crane and a mechanical connection of the cranes to each other.

3.3.33. On link assembly and link disassembly lines, the width of the passages must be at least 500 mm, the width of the walkways for moving from one position to another must be at least 1 m.

The guardrails must have a height of 1 m, a width of stair steps of 300 mm and a distance between steps of 300 mm.

Safety rules and industrial sanitation for the repair and maintenance of railway tracks and structures. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 09/08/88, N TsP/4621. (Until cancellation).

2.1.10. If high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes of excavations, slopes of trenches, etc. length of more than 100 m does not allow workers to place themselves on the side of the track, then the place of work must be fenced off with stop signals in the established order

2.3.1. Senior road foremen, road, bridge and tunnel foremen, track and artificial structures foremen, crossing guards and linemen of railway tracks and artificial structures must have with them an extract from the high-speed train schedule.

2.6.10. When continuously changing rails on electrified sections of direct and alternating current, the voltage within the front of the track work must be removed from the contact network, and the contact network must be grounded by installing grounding rods equipped with safety interlock devices and connected to the contact network and to short-circuited track rails .

The rails in the places where the rods are installed are connected to each other by transverse jumpers made of copper wire, installed and removed by track workers.

2.7.7. Before the start of cleaning at centralized turnouts, the group leader protects the work area during the day with a red signal, at night and during the daytime in fog, snowstorms and other unfavorable conditions - with a hand-held lantern with red lights.

On the turnout between the retracted switch and the frame rail, as well as on the crosspieces with a movable core, a wooden insert must be placed between the core and the guardrail (against the electric drive rods).

4.12. Loading of pesticides into the storage car of a watering train must be done at specially equipped gas stations. The site of gas stations must be asphalted or cement.

5.1.1. Artificial structures must have devices designed for the safe maintenance of the structure itself and the path. Such devices include: on bridges - sidewalks with railings, bridge decking, railings on the upper chord and stairs with railings on portal frames (for bridges with traffic below); in the tunnels there are niches and chambers; near pipes and cones there are stairs (descents) with railings.

5.1.2. Shelter platforms with railings must be on all bridges more than 50 m long, and in sections with passenger train speeds of more than 140 km/h and in northern conditions - on all bridges more than 25 m long.

Bridges with a length of more than 25 m (in northern conditions - more than 10 m), as well as all bridges with a height of more than 3 m; Bridges located within the station and all overpasses must have two-way sidewalks with railings.

5.1.9. In places of crossings and passages through ditches and trenches, to ensure the safety of pedestrian traffic, bridges with a width of at least 0.8 m with railings 1.0 m high and side boards 15 cm high must be installed.

5.1.10. Wells, pits, mine mouths and other vertical openings in the working area must be closed or fenced with special barriers.

5.1.14. To notify workers engaged in inspection and maintenance of artificial structures of the approach of a train without fencing with stop or speed reduction signals, a signal sign “C” must be installed.

5.4.10. To improve visibility, chambers and niches (along the perimeter) should be painted white or framed with white tiles. On the walls of the tunnel, arrows indicate the directions to the nearest chambers and niches.

7.6.7. Coupled operation of gantry cranes is permitted subject to unified command and the presence of a device for synchronous operation of the electrical part of the crane and mechanical connection of the cranes to each other.

Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works. Ministry of Railways of Russia, July 28, 1999, N TsP-485.

4.8. When working with tools (electric, pneumatic, etc.) that impair audibility, as well as when performing track work in conditions of poor visibility (in steep curves, in deep recesses, wooded areas, in the presence of buildings and other conditions that impair visibility), if work does not require fencing with stop signals; the work manager is obliged to install a warning alarm to warn workers about the approach of trains. In cases where this is not available, place a signalman with a blowhorn from the side of poor visibility, who should stand as close as possible to the working crew so that the approaching train is visible to the signalman at a distance of at least 500 m from the work site.

Instructions for snow fighting on the railways of the USSR. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 07.18.86, TsP/4390

7.34. When clearing the track from snow drifts manually using trenches or when cutting snow slopes after clearing the track with snow blowers, niches should be made in the slopes at a distance of 20-25 m from one another, staggered to accommodate workers when passing trains.

The dimensions of the niche should be determined in each individual case by the number of workers, but be at least 0.75 m deep and 2 m wide.

Standard labor protection instructions for track fitters. Ministry of Railways of the USSR, 02.19.90

8.2. All work associated with approaching live and unfenced parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m should be carried out with the voltage removed from the contact network, overhead lines and associated devices and their grounding.

13.5. Laying out old links for manual dismantling should be done to a height of no more than four tiers. Embroidered rails must be removed by crane. Old sleepers are stacked in a stack no more than 5 m high.

13.12. Reinforced concrete sleepers are stacked in horizontal rows. The height of the strip stack of wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers should be no more than 5 m.

13.13. The rails are stacked on the base in a pyramid-shaped stack no more than 2 m high. Each top row of the stack should be two rails less in number of rails (one from each edge).

2. Safety requirements for production equipment

GOST 12.2.003-91. SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements.

2.1.4. The design of production equipment must prevent the falling or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricants, coolants and other working fluids.

2.1.5. Moving parts of production equipment that are a possible source of injury hazard must be fenced or located so that the worker cannot touch them or other means (for example, two-handed control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards, then the design of production equipment must provide an alarm system to warn about the start-up of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

Emergency stop (braking) controls must be installed in the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of sight of the operator if there may be workers in the danger zone created by the moving parts.

2.3.1. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation by the worker(s) of the sequence of control actions.

Workplaces must have inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information about the required sequence of control actions.

2.3.2. The control system of production equipment must include emergency braking and emergency stop (shutdown) controls if their use can reduce or prevent a hazard.

2.3.10. The emergency stop control, once activated, must remain in the stop position until it is returned to its original position by the operator; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red and different in shape and size from other controls.

2.4.8. The design of the protective fence should:

2) allow the possibility of moving it from a position that provides protection for the worker only with the help of a tool, or block the operation of production equipment if the protective fence is in a position that does not ensure the performance of its protective functions; +

2.5.5. Production equipment and its parts, the movement of which is intended to be done manually, must be equipped with devices (for example, handles) for movement or have a shape that is convenient for gripping by hand.

GOST 12.2.062-81 (ST SEV 2606-80). SSBT. Production equipment. Protective fences.

5. Folding, sliding and removable barriers in the protective position must be kept from spontaneous movement. Guards that open upward must be locked in the open position.

10. The protective function of the fence should not be reduced under the influence of production factors (for example, vibration, temperature, etc.).

12. Fences that prevent access to equipment elements that require special attention or are specifically designated must have an automatic lock, ensuring that the equipment operates only when the fence is in the protective position.

16. Fences that must be manually opened, removed, moved or installed several times during one shift must have appropriate devices (handles, brackets, etc.).

17. A fence that is periodically opened manually must be painted on the inside in a signal color in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76. A warning sign is applied or attached to the outside of the fence.

GOST (IEC 745-1-82). SSBT. Manual electric machines. General safety requirements and test methods.

7.1. Each machine must be marked with the following information:

rated voltage or range of rated voltages in volts;

symbol of the type of current, if necessary; ...

rated power input in watts or kilowatts if greater than 25 W, or rated current in amperes;

7.7. Terminals intended for neutral conductor only must be marked with the letter N.

Protective earth terminals must be marked with a sign.

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