The purpose of educational literature. Types and features of educational literature. Functions of the educational book

Tutorial functions

Educational literature- these are works of writing and printing, created as a means of teaching for a specific education system or retraining of personnel, for a specific educational institution or for self-education.

Textbook is a book that systematically sets out the foundations of knowledge in a certain area at the level of modern achievements of science and culture. This is the main and leading type of educational literature, which in its structure and content fully corresponds to the curriculum of a particular academic subject.

A textbook, along with a textbook, is a type of educational literature. But the textbook may not contain all the topics and sections of the program, or vice versa, it may contain new topics not provided for by the program. The study guide complements the textbook or partially (or completely) replaces it. Tutorials- all material teaching aids used in the educational process and intended to expand, deepen and better assimilate the knowledge provided for by the curriculum and set out in textbooks.

Let's consider the “classical” textbook, its structure and functions, features in comparison with non-educational literature.

The subject of the educational edition of the textbook is knowledge specially selected to a certain extent and adapted in accordance with the reader's address. The structure and content of the subject area of ​​the textbook includes not only knowledge, but also ideas, skills and methods of their practical use. Not only ideas and skills, but also methods of their practical use. The subject area of ​​textbooks ensures the performance of a number of functions characteristic of educational literature. The content of each textbook implements the functions that the education system as a whole is designed to perform.

Zuev D.D., in the monograph “School Textbook,” identifies 8 functions of a textbook:

1. Information- fixation of the subject content of education and types of activities that should be formed in students when studying academic subjects, with the determination of the volume (dose) of information required for students. The information function is designed to achieve an enlightening educational effect in the learning process (a shift in students’ learning), only on the basis of which changes in the development and education of schoolchildren can occur.

The formation of the information function of a textbook in the process of its creation presupposes, first of all, the high quality of the educational material, its high scientific level.

2. Transformational- is associated with the pedagogical processing of scientific knowledge to be acquired. The material in the textbook is pedagogically adapted in accordance with the didactic principles of science, accessibility, taking into account age characteristics, and the connection of the material being studied with life and practice. One of the most important areas of adaptation of educational material is the introduction of problematic and emotional expressiveness.

Also Zuev D.D. lists transformation content of the subject of study when transferring it to the level of educational material, which undoubtedly relate to the visualization of educational text in manuals:

  • · ensuring accessibility of content for a given age category - didactic processing of educational material;
  • · establishing connections between the studied material and life and practice that are significant for this category of students;
  • · optimal activation of schoolchildren's learning by introducing elements of problem presentation, enhancing its persuasiveness, interestingness and emotional expressiveness.
  • 3. Systematizing- ensuring a strict sequence of presentation of educational material in a systematized form, orienting students to mastering the techniques of scientific systematization. The implementation of this function contributes to the activation of control of the learning process on the part of the teacher.
  • 4. Consolidation And self-control- purposeful, under the guidance of a teacher, formation of types of activities for students, assisting them in firmly mastering compulsory educational material, in orientation in it and relying on it in practical activities.

The consolidation function is aimed at students’ ability to work with a textbook through a variety of methods. One of these methods is the introductory part of visualization in the educational book, because... visualization is a necessary element of any educational publication. Visualization and its competent introduction into an educational book can become the most important tool in the hands of a teacher, designed to help develop in the student the need to master not only the content of the discipline, but also the ability to generalize, verify accuracy, and apply knowledge in different situations.

  • 5. Educational (self-education)- developing in students the desire and ability to independently acquire (gather) knowledge, assistance in independently filling gaps in knowledge, stimulating their educational-cognitive motivation and need for cognition.
  • 6. Integrating - assistance in the selection and assimilation as a single whole of knowledge acquired by students in the process of various types of activities, from various sources of knowledge.

Visualization can enhance this function, because she is able to become a coordinator in the learning process.

  • 7. Coordinating- ensuring the most effective, functional use of all teaching aids, as well as the assimilation of additional information related to the subject of study and received by students with the help of extracurricular media.
  • 8. Developmental-Educational - promoting the active formation of the most important traits of a harmoniously developed personality.

Determining the functions of a textbook provides target orientation for all further work on creating a textbook; it is of paramount importance and is the main component in developing the concept of textbooks.

Over the long history of book publishing, from one generation to another, from the teacher of the past to the teacher of today, proven methods of transmitting knowledge through books have been developed, to which it is difficult to add anything to improve them. This is confirmed by works written back in 1988. according to the theory of the book Bespalko V.P. .

Bespalko V.P. writes that “...for a book, the purpose of which is to record and store universal human knowledge for an addressless consumer in the future, certain, although not always explicitly expressed, requirements have been developed: understandability, consistency, illustrativeness, etc.” .

These requirements are expressed in many books published for higher education and beyond. But no one can say for sure that the knowledge recorded in the book will be acquired by students.

This process always involves three components of learning: teacher - textbook (manual) - student.

A trained and skilled reader (learner) will always be able to assimilate such material. But what are the criteria for preparing a reader?

Only work in conjunction between teacher and student produces results. A book published specifically for this connection will facilitate learning, because... The teacher sees problems in teaching these particular students, at this particular university. Such a book will itself tell the student how to study from it. And no amount of training in working with a book will allow a student to know exactly how to extract information from it.

Skatkin M.N. writes that “the teaching methodology is programmed to one degree or another in the textbook... In this sense, the textbook represents a kind of scenario (prototype, project) for the upcoming teaching activity.” This statement is confirmed by the University of Oxford, which creates such scenarios for future learning at the “entrance” of the book, giving all its significant stages and components in the table of contents. But in order to create a “script” for a book, you need to design it, create a plan.

Zuev D.D. also confirms that any component of the book, any element of it must be considered as helping in learning, therefore it is necessary to select elements based on the needs of students. “The theory of the textbook is based primarily on the theory of the content of education, because the textbook is the final project for the implementation of this content. By implementing ways to embody the content of education in a certain book form, the theory of the textbook thereby actively participates in the organization of the learning process and closely interacts with the theory of teaching aids and other pedagogical sciences. At the same time, the laws, characteristics, and rules of book form constitute the subject of bibliology. The possibilities of the book form, their maximum use - this is something without which the theory of the textbook is dead. Therefore, the theory of the textbook is called upon to use all the achievements of book science: the typology of literature, the rules of architectonics and the formation of the external structure of the book, ways to ensure the effectiveness of its elements.”

Thus, the theory of the textbook is an integrated science that, in accordance with its purpose and with the help of selected means, incorporates certain components of both the system of pedagogical sciences and book science.

In the textbook, edited by Batyshev S.Ya., Novikov A.M. “Professional Pedagogy”, intended for students of universities and colleges studying in professional pedagogical specialties, states that “an integral part of the educational process in a vocational school is educational design, since:

  • - the learning process is built on the basis of the student creating his own educational products and mastering the experience of productive activities;
  • - it becomes possible to implement various forms and types of differentiation in teaching depending on the individual characteristics of students;
  • - the learning process is built on the basis of learning in cooperation, which allows creating conditions for active joint learning activities of all participants in the educational process.”

“One of the important differences of educational design is the complex nature of this process, which involves the simultaneous development by students (a group of students) of functional issues, the solution of design, aesthetic, ergonomic, technological, economic, organizational, practical and other problems. This approach allows us to achieve the creation, during educational design, of an object that has the properties of integrity and harmony. In addition, the inclusion of diverse activities in the educational process opens up objective opportunities for the manifestation of students’ individuality, their abilities, inclinations and interests.”

By designing an educational book, paying attention to the teaching aids in this book, you can manage education, and therefore be able to improve the quality of education.

“In the field of development of the educational and material base of the vocational school of the future, several directions can be outlined that most effectively take into account the needs of the modern educational process aimed at the development of the individual and his individuality:

  • - the possibility of free access for students to various sources of information, including remote databases, all Internet information resources, etc.;
  • - the possibility of various types of activities with this information, including its restructuring, installation, use of various types of visualization (verbal, graphic, audio);
  • - the presence of interactive characteristics in the relevant training systems. The indicated directions for the development of the educational material base may have different solutions depending, for example, on the forms of training (face-to-face training, distance learning based on computer telecommunications or interactive television).”

None of the teaching aids individually is capable of solving the problems of the educational process, so let’s consider the composition and structure of the textbook.

Conclusion: Based on the research of Batyshev S.Ya., the main requirement for textbooks for undergraduates can be considered such an apparatus for organizing the assimilation of educational material, which allows students to independently choose the way to work with the manual.

Textbook structure

The composition and apparatus of the publication, which determine its structure, are important means of implementing educational tasks. The development of the structure of the publication is based on informational, didactic, pedagogical principles that reflect the specifics of the educational process.

The structure of the textbook should reflect the logic of the subject discipline and ensure the completeness of the presentation of information on the subject. Designing a textbook involves choosing the optimal composition of educational material. It is necessary to take into account and use the functionality of all elements of the publication, determine their meaning and place in the book. The choice of the nature of the structure is determined by the features of the curriculum, and the features of the composition determine the specifics of the perception of the subject.

Zuev D.D. highlights the following structural components of the textbook:

  • 1. Texts as the main component:
    • a) descriptive texts;
    • b) narrative texts;
    • c) reasoning texts.
  • 2. Extratextual auxiliary components:
    • a) organization of learning (questions and assignments, memos, instructional materials, tables and font selections, captions for illustrations and exercises);
    • b) actual illustrative material;
    • c) orientation apparatus (preface, notes, appendices, table of contents, indexes).

The work of educational literature includes: introduction; the main part, divided into sections; parts; chapters; paragraphs; conclusions from sections, parts, chapters; conclusion, which consistently sets out the content of the discipline. The composition of the main part of the textbook is implemented in the list of names of its parts and reflects the curriculum. By reflecting the title of a part or chapter in the content, it enhances the ability to remember the content of the program as a whole. Therefore, the titles of parts of chapters should be short, clear, fully cover the content of the section, and be well remembered.

The introduction of a teaching aid can be as a structural part of a teaching aid or as introductory material.

The main text provides basic knowledge of the discipline.

Explanatory texts contain information necessary for understanding the discipline. Perform the functions of independent activities of students.

Additional texts help broaden the student's horizons.

The conclusion, which completes the presentation of the training course, may be of a methodological nature. Its goal is to help the learner draw a line under the material covered, generalize it, and focus on the main thing.

The apparatus of publication (textbook), as an apparatus of orientation, is of great importance for mastering the material of an academic discipline. The textbook's orientation apparatus includes the following elements: preface, additions, data in the form of notes, conclusion, table of contents, headings, symbol signals, indexes, bibliographic materials, headers and footers. All these elements allow students to more successfully master knowledge in a given subject or discipline.

In higher education textbooks, considerable attention is paid to the main text and minimal guidance. In high school, both the main text and orientation using the listed elements of the publication are equally important. But students are yesterday's schoolchildren and it is difficult for them to navigate and perceive a continuous scientific text after a school textbook aimed at mastering the material covered.

Also, in the school textbook, for better assimilation of the material, there is an apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the material. Its tasks are to provide additional elaboration of the material and to develop the student’s desire for independence. Let us consider the features of the elements of the textbook apparatus as a whole.

Abstract - a brief description of the publication in terms of content, purpose, reader's address, form and other features.

Indexes reflect terms and concepts in a given discipline (names, titles, etc.). Indexes provide an opportunity for a more complete assimilation of the content of the discipline due to additional information.

Conclusion: Visualization of educational texts refers to additional auxiliary elements of the textbook and can perform those functions that are characteristic of the apparatus of orientation of the textbook and the apparatus of organizing the assimilation of material.

Illustrations in the educational publication

A special place in educational literature is occupied by the illustrative series. An illustration can help in the study of a discipline, and therefore have functions consistent with the functions of a textbook. Let's look at the concept of illustration and then its function.

Illustration is an image in a publication that explains the text, helps the reader better understand it thanks to its visual form, or complements the text, expressing content that either cannot be conveyed in text form at all, or is conveyed

it is much more complex, and much more difficult to perceive.

Illustrations differ in the way they reflect reality presented in educational literature:

  • · artistic-figurative (the world created by the writer, the author of a work of fiction is conveyed in them through visual artistic images that help the reader to master this world, affecting mainly his feelings);
  • · scientific-educational (images reflecting the world, scientifically, logically considered by the author, the purpose of which is to help the reader understand it scientifically).

In the work of Antonova S.G., in the part “Illustrations in the educational publication”, the functions of the illustrative series of the textbook are defined:

  • - educational;
  • - complementary;
  • - deepening;
  • - systematizing;
  • - educational;
  • - motivational;
  • - aesthetic.

The most important function in educational literature is educational, because it carries informational qualities. The student’s visual perception created by a specific representation (illustration) contributes to a more correct understanding of the subject or discipline. In the literal sense, a “picture of the world” is formed that characterizes the subject being studied.

Thanks to their clarity, illustrations in the educational publication greatly facilitate understanding of the text. By means of graphic illustrations, it is possible to convey content more clearly than with words - illustrations can replace text. Illustrations in educational literature are always closely related to the text and very often are an integral, even equal (along with the text) part of the educational publication.

When preparing an illustrative series, it is necessary to take into account some factors in choosing an illustration:

  • - features of the content of the academic discipline;
  • - peculiarities of perception of illustrations by students of a certain age group;
  • - didactic tasks of the illustrative series;
  • - specificity and functionality of the illustrations themselves.

In relation to the illustrative series, all main disciplines are divided into two groups:

  • 1. disciplines whose content can be expressed exclusively in text (for example, a foreign language);
  • 2. disciplines, the content of which is equally reflected in text and illustrations (geography, history, natural science, physics, chemistry, etc.)

The full set of functions is implemented in the publications of the second group. Such publications include the following illustrations:

  • · plot-based, corresponding to the plot of the selected part of the text;
  • · plot, having an indication in the text of their use (complementing, deepening the content of the texts);
  • · subject-specific, revealing the features of illustrated objects on a certain topic;
  • · reproductions of works of art;
  • · plans, diagrams, maps on which various descriptions given in the text are based.

In textbooks and manuals for higher school students, subject illustrations and all kinds of diagrams are most often used. All this is due to the specifics of training, aimed at independent study of the material.

Illustrations are selected directly to the disciplines. For historical disciplines, authenticity matters; for natural sciences, the essence of phenomena, the application of laws, etc. Scientific knowledge is reflected not only in texts, but also in images. These images are transferred from one textbook to another practically unchanged over a long period of time. Thus, they lose their modernity and may not reflect reality; they do not accurately show the “picture of the world” to the student. In such cases, when perceiving the illustration, students practically do not include emotions. At the same time, such an illustration reflects the subject field of science and ensures reliability.

Color in illustrative material also matters. Thus, “outdated” drawings, photographs, diagrams that have not changed for a long time, but reflect the essence of the material, may also not correctly reflect the modern “picture of the world.” A modern student may not perceive images that do not correspond to his time.

Little studied, but still important, are the age-related characteristics of students’ perception of illustrative material. And the smaller the student, the larger, more detailed, and more colorful the “picture” should be. The older you are, the more educational the illustration is. Therefore, illustrations that reflect real-life objects, processes, and phenomena in the science being studied are especially important for high school and higher school groups. And even more so for higher education, where the textbook is a means of self-study.

It should be taken into account that the illustrative series is the most important link in the didactic system of the textbook. Therefore, it is important that it is created by the author together with professionals (editor, methodologist) who are able to identify additional didactic possibilities of the visual part of the textbook.

In the section “Specificity and functionality of illustrations” by Antonova S.G. It is noted that the most important functionality of the illustrative series is to ensure a unified approach in design, thereby ensuring the integrity of the publication. Therefore, the illustrative series and the design of the publication must be considered in unity, and the requirements for a separate illustration must be determined based on the properties of the visual series as a whole.

We can say that the illustrations acquire independent meaning, having their own plot, demonstrating a specific route of study that is important from the point of view of mastering a given discipline.

Unity of approach is ensured by:

  • · a unified principle of the manner of execution of illustrations;
  • · illustration of certain, from a functional point of view, text fragments (for orientation in the textbook);
  • · general approach to thematic content lines;
  • · general approach to the arrangement of illustrations on the strip.

All of the listed design rules ensure a comfortable perception of the illustrative series and educational material as a whole, and an understanding of the orientation in the book. There is no need to adapt to different forms and manners of illustration. Illustrations can be seen as a kind of visual way of knowing.

In order to ensure didactic, educational, complementary, deepening and systematizing functions of illustration, it is necessary to ensure the active participation of illustrations in the development of the content of educational text. When developing a text, it is necessary to simultaneously create a scenario for illustrating educational material.

Conclusion: Visualization of educational information not only provides the same functions as those related to the illustrative series, but is also a scientific and educational type of illustration. An image that is scientifically and logically considered by the author, whose purpose is to help the reader understand the world scientifically.

The functions of the illustrative series of the textbook can be more fully realized if the unity of the approach to the design of the illustrative series for the visualization of educational text is observed.

Modern requirements for the quality of educational literature

Currently, an idea of ​​a new generation textbook is being formed, which, first of all, should be created on the basis of an original concept that distinguishes it from those already available in the education system.

A team of teachers from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen conducted studies of educational literature. Quality criteria for educational literature that meets modern requirements were identified:

  • 1. information content;
  • 2. integrity of the text structure and its semantic understanding;
  • 3. illustrativeness.

Thus, once again we can conclude that visuals can create an additional function of increasing the efficiency of working with a textbook and reducing the cost of working with text.

The objectives of the modern textbook are:

  • · formation of general educational skills by means of a specific academic subject;
  • · development of the student’s cognitive abilities (memory, attention, thinking, etc.);
  • · mastery by the student of the skills and abilities necessary for self-education (working with reference literature, the ability to draw up a plan and notes, etc.);
  • · development of communication skills (formation of students’ speech culture);
  • · development of skills in asking questions of various types;
  • · developing group interaction skills, the ability to participate in discussions, etc.).

Conclusion: A study of educational publications shows that publishers of educational literature have little understanding of the context of life of modern students. Therefore, the subject area of ​​the apparatus is more focused on the context of life of students of previous years and does not correspond to the picture of the world of a modern student.

It can be assumed that at the stage of forming a new generation of educational literature, it will be necessary to take into account the characteristics of the new generation of students, who differ in their needs and motives for educational activities, as well as cognitive capabilities. The development of textbooks and educational generations of a new generation will require improvement and new tasks.

works of writing and printing created as a means of teaching for a specific education system or retraining of personnel, for a specific educational institution or for self-education.

W. l. grouped by types of publications: software and methodological - programs (working, stable), methodological instructions for programs, methodological letters and manuals; educational - primers, textbooks, teaching aids (text), lectures, lecture notes, collections of lectures; auxiliary - anthologies, workshops, collections of practical tasks, exercises and problems, plans for practical and seminar classes, atlases, collections of drawings, workbooks, laboratory journals; publications for reading in foreign languages, containing methodological apparatus. The main type of U. l. - Textbook.

W. l. for primary and secondary schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities, schools of party and political education, the system of advanced training for specialists has certain genre features.

In modern world book publishing U. l. occupies an important place. Thus, according to UNESCO, the production of school textbooks ranges from 3.5% to 39% of the number of titles, which is explained by the characteristics of the education systems of different countries. In the USSR there is a unified system for managing public education and the publication of literary works. for all types of educational institutions. In 1975 U. l. accounted for over 10% of the book production of the USSR in terms of the number of titles and more than 26% in terms of circulation. W. l. for secondary schools, educational and pedagogical publishing houses of the union republics publish in national languages ​​(in the autonomous republics of U.L. the corresponding national publishing houses publish in national languages): “Prosveshchenie” (RSFSR) in Russian, “Radyanska Shkola” (Ukrainian SSR), “Narodnaya Asveta" (BSSR), "Ukituvchi" (Uzbek SSR), "Mektep" (Kazakh SSR), "Ganatleba" (Georgian SSR), "Maarif" (Azerbaijan SSR), "Shviesa" (Lithuanian SSR), "Lumina" ( Moldavian SSR), "Valgus" (Estonian SSR), "Mektep" (Kyrgyz SSR), "Louis" (Armenian SSR). For universities and other special educational institutions U. l. are published by central industry publishing houses (Kolos, Medicine, etc.), the central publishing house "Higher School" and the republican publishing houses "Vishcha Shkola" (Ukrainian SSR), "Higher School" (BSSR), publishing houses of large universities, scientific publishing houses of the Union republics . W. l. The central publishing house Politizdat publishes for the political education network.

Lit.: Press of the USSR in 1975, M., 1976; Editing certain types of literature, M., 1973.

B. G. Tyapkin.

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  • HTML code of the link: What does Educational Literature mean in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia;
  • BB code of the link: Definition of the concept of educational literature in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.


The history of the textbook begins in ancient times.

Sumerian clay tablets with educational texts date back 4.5 thousand years. In the ancient world, some works of ancient authors contained a system of scientific knowledge and were used as educational books, for example, Euclid’s Elements (about 300 BC), served as geometry textbooks for many centuries (until the end of the 19th century, there were 2,500 printed editions "Started" in different countries).

The first Russian printed textbook was the alphabet (primer book), published by Ivan Fedorov in Lvov in 1574.

In his professional activities, a teacher constantly has to deal with a huge number of different types of educational literature. And it is very difficult for a young teacher, unfamiliar with the existing educational literature on the subject, to choose exactly the textbook that will become the best assistant.

For this purpose, there are various methods for analyzing educational literature.

But not all of them are simple and accessible to a teacher who does not have much time to study them.

The purpose of this work is to review the methodological activities of the teacher, familiarize with the types of analysis of educational literature, and conduct analysis.

The objectives of the work are:

1. Familiarize yourself with the types of educational literature.

2. Study the functions of the textbook, its structure and methodological content.

3. Consider the requirements for the quality of the textbook.

4. Study methods of analyzing educational literature.

5. Choose one that is simpler, more convenient and accessible for use by the teacher.

6. Conduct an analysis of educational literature using the chosen method.

The object of the work is educational literature in the vocational education system.

Subject: approaches to the analysis of educational literature in the system of vocational education.


Educational literature is a source of knowledge and a means of teaching students in a particular education system.

Curriculums and training programs (sample, working) constitute a group of programmatic and methodological publications.

Textbooks, teaching aids, notes and lecture texts make up a group of educational publications.

Workshops, collections of problems and exercises, anthologies, and books for reading make up a group of auxiliary publications.

Figure 1 - Classification of types of educational literature

Program and methodological publications determine the goals and objectives, structure, content of disciplines, the volume of material on individual issues, and the sequence of their consideration.

Program and methodological publications include curricula and training programs. They are intended primarily for teachers and methodologists organizing the educational process.

A curriculum is a document regulating the educational process. It determines the forms and types of training, the order, timing of theoretical, practical and laboratory classes, homework, independent work, course and diploma projects, forms and types of knowledge control, the time of test exams, test and examination sessions in disciplines.

Curricula (standard, temporary, working) - publications that determine the content and scope of knowledge, abilities, skills that need to be mastered over a certain period of time.

The programs reflect the connection between disciplines, show the types of training sessions, and indicate the range of literary sources on the basis of which the given subject was developed.

Software and methodological materials manage the corresponding system of educational literature.

Educational and methodological publications - methodological instructions, methodological guides containing materials on methods of teaching an academic discipline, studying a course, completing tests, coursework and diploma projects in universities, and organizing independent work for students.

These materials contain methods for mastering disciplines and completing assignments, methods for diploma and course design, and preparing tests. They organize the work of students and teachers in the process of studying the discipline.

Educational publications - textbook, study guide, course of lectures, lecture notes.

The textbook is the main educational publication in the discipline. Contains primarily basic knowledge of the subject. Includes proven data and information, reveals methodological aspects of obtaining knowledge in a particular area, gives a description of the most important processes and phenomena that make up the “school” of this discipline.

The study guide is published in addition to the textbook. It corresponds to the curriculum as a whole or to its section and contains mainly new material for the course, expanding the fundamental knowledge included in the textbook. The content of the training manual, to a greater extent than the content of the textbook, reflects current problems and trends in the development of the industry.

Controversial issues can be included in the textbook, demonstrating different points of view on the issue. The reader's address of the manual is narrower than the reader's address of the textbook. Study guides are intended to expand, deepen and better assimilate the knowledge provided for in the curriculum and presented in the textbook.

In addition, textbooks are published for new or elective courses.

Reader - a collection of texts illustrating the contents of the textbook. The anthology includes documents, literary works and fragments from them, as well as methodological instructions that explain the texts and connect them with issues of the academic discipline.

Reading books are published to help foreign language learners. They include completed works and fragments from them, allowing you to develop skills in working with foreign text.

The specific content of training programs is reflected in educational literature - textbooks, manuals, reference books, etc.

textbooks- a book containing the basics of scientific knowledge in a specific academic discipline in accordance with the learning goal, a specific program and didactic requirements. The textbook, in its content and structure, must be clearly aimed at performing certain functions: educational, developmental, educational, managerial.

I. P. Podlasy highlights the following functions of the textbook

Motivational - provides for the creation of such incentives for students that determine their interest in a certain subject and the learning process as a whole;

Informational - reflects the didactic goals and objectives of training, describes the content, determines the system of cognitive actions with the material, forms of training and methods of control;

Control and correction - involves the possibility of checking, self-assessment and correction of the learning process and results, as well as performing training tasks to develop the necessary skills and abilities. Handlers must meet certain requirements:

Provide scientific information, but be accessible to students, taking into account the characteristics of their age and individual development indicators;

Be informative and at the same time concise, connect educational material with additional literature, encourage self-education and creativity;

The formulation of the main provisions and conclusions must be extremely clear and precise;

Of particular importance is not only accessibility, but also the problematic presentation of educational material, the ability of the textbook to develop the cognitive interests of students and stimulate their creative thinking

Textbook structure

Texts - main, additional, explanatory;

Extra-textual components - apparatus for organizing the process of mastering content, questions and tasks, instructional materials (memos, samples of problem solving, examples) tables; exercises; illustrative materials (photos, drawings, plans, maps, etc.).

By the nature of the reflection of reality, texts can be empirical (reflect facts, phenomena, events, contain exercises, rules) and theoretical (contain patterns, theories, methodological knowledge)

According to the main method of presenting the material, texts can be: reproductive, problematic, programmable, complex

Reproductive texts are highly informative, structural, understandable to students, meet the objectives of explanatory and illustrative teaching

Problematic texts are presented in the form of a problem monologue, in which, to create problem situations, contradictions are identified, the problem is solved, and the logic of opinion formation is argued.

Programmed texts, the content is presented in parts, and for the assimilation of each information block there are control questions

Complex texts - contain certain doses of information necessary for students to understand the problem, and the problem is determined according to the logic of problem-based learning

The textbook material must be supplemented with additional information, because its content is too summary and the knowledge obtained only from it will be limited. Therefore, in addition to the textbook, sources are added, including study guides.

A textbook is a book, the content of which fully corresponds to the curriculum or examines individual topics of the academic subject; may contain empirical material, serves to consolidate the basic theoretical material. The material in the manual expands the boundaries of the textbook and contains additional, new and reference information.

Teaching aids include: anthologies, dictionaries, collections of tasks and exercises, reference books, sets of maps, tables, etc.

Textbooks and teaching aids contribute to the formation of students’ skills in independent cognitive activity, self-control, and are a means of guiding their cognitive activity

Test questions and assignments:

Explain the essence of the term “content of education” Name the main components of the content of education

What is the difference between a curriculum and a curriculum?

What are the principles of curriculum design?

What are the requirements for drawing up a training program?


What is the difference between a textbook and a study guide?

Describe the structuring features of a textbook

Name the positive and negative aspects of using electronic textbooks

Lecture 3

Types of educational and scientific literature

Types of educational literature

Types of scientific literature

Literature search rules. Bibliographic indexes

Abstract journals

6. Abstract and bibliographic databases

Types of educational literature

The literature used in teaching at a university is very diverse in terms of types, types and genres of publications. Each of them has its own purpose. Therefore, you need to know well what kind of information a particular publication may contain in order to use it correctly. Let us present the most important and common types of literature that a student will have to work with during his studies.

Textbook- the main type of educational literature. It is a book containing a systematic presentation of knowledge that must be acquired by students within a certain academic discipline or section in accordance with the curriculum. The textbook is officially approved by the country's highest educational authority as such a publication, which is necessarily indicated on its second page, which is called the back of the title.

In the textbook, knowledge is presented in a certain methodological manner and sequence, i.e., when presenting the material, the patterns and methods of its assimilation by students must be taken into account, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the age and level of knowledge of those to whom the textbook is addressed. After all, the same discipline can be studied by high school students, university students, or specialists who are improving their qualifications, and it is obvious that textbooks for these different categories of students should be different.

A textbook can be authored, that is, written by one or several authors, or collective, when a whole group of authors took part in its creation. In this case, the editor-in-chief who headed this team is usually indicated.

Unlike a school textbook, which outlines the basics of science, a university textbook presents science itself. The constant intensive development of scientific knowledge leads to the relatively rapid obsolescence of university textbooks, therefore, in addition to them, various kinds of educational publications are published: courses of lectures, teaching aids, etc.

Course of lectures- a type of educational publication in which the author’s lecture course on any academic discipline is published. Every university teacher is always a scientist with his own scientific views. Therefore, the same course of lectures provided for in the educational program is read not just differently by different teachers, but sometimes from completely different scientific positions, as they say, within the framework of different scientific schools. Such original lecture courses can have general scientific significance. Once published, they become accessible not only to those who have the opportunity to listen to it themselves, but also to students and teachers of other universities, a wide range of scientists and specialists - both the scientist’s contemporaries and subsequent generations.

Tutorial usually complements existing textbooks on a given discipline and therefore, as a rule, it is either narrower in coverage of the material, i.e., it covers only part of the training course, or is more focused on the practical side of mastering the material and contains more practical recommendations. Unlike a textbook, which should represent the most established and least controversial knowledge, a textbook largely reflects the position of its author or authors, their personal teaching and research experience in the field of knowledge to which the manual is devoted.

Teaching aids also include auxiliary publications used in the learning process: educational dictionaries and reference books, data sets, tables, maps, etc.

Methodical manual is a publication containing practical recommendations on any issue. It can be addressed to students; in this case, the manual contains specific advice on completing some educational tasks and is used in laboratory and practical classes. The addressee of the manual can also be teachers. Then it reveals methods of teaching, teaching any academic discipline or its sections. Such publications, although not intended directly for students, can often be useful to them in their independent work in studying a given academic discipline.

4.2. Types of scientific literature

Monograph- a scientific or popular science book publication containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic. A monograph may belong to one or several authors who consider the problem from the same scientific perspective. In the latter case, it is called a collective monograph. The monograph is the leading genre of scientific literature. Usually it contains extensive scientific data, background information, as well as an index of literature on this issue.

Collection of scientific works (articles)- also one of the most common types of scientific publications. It is a book that contains articles and other scientific materials belonging to different authors. Typically, a collection is devoted to one scientific problem, but unlike a collective monograph, it can be viewed from different, sometimes directly opposite, points of view, from the positions of different scientific schools.

Widespread periodical collections , released at certain intervals (for example, once a year), or ongoing, released as materials accumulate. They have a common title, numbering and, as a rule, are designed in the same way. Such collections are usually published by scientific institutions, societies or associations, as well as educational institutions. If representatives of different universities take part in such a collection, it is called interuniversity.

Conference materials- a scientific collection published following the results of a conference (congress, symposium, seminar). It usually contains the most significant and interesting reports and messages, as well as decisions and recommendations made by participants. The collection may also include abstracts of individual reports, transcripts of round tables and discussions held in sections or working groups. Such materials provide an opportunity for those who were not participants to become familiar with the work of the conference. In addition, many conferences become landmark events in the development of science, and the materials of their work acquire high scientific value.

Abstracts of reports (messages) is a collection containing materials of a scientific conference, seminar, congress or symposium, published before the start of its work for preliminary review. Theses are a summary of the contents of the report, reflecting only its main ideas. Typically, abstracts are 1 - 2 pages long. Since conferences and seminars are very important for the development of science, and the reports and communications read at them are not always published, collections of abstracts that give an idea of ​​the work of the conference and the problems discussed at it are also considered scientific publications, and the abstracts of the report are the scientific work of the author (or authors).

Scientific journal- a periodical containing articles and other materials of a scientific nature and having a permanent heading. Almost every relatively large scientific branch has its own central journal, which is distributed by subscription and therefore easily accessible to a large number of specialists in this field. This makes it a very important source of scientific information, allowing you to quickly make materials containing the newest, most relevant ideas available to the general public, conduct discussions on various issues on the pages of the journal, and regularly report on the most significant events in scientific life: discoveries, conferences, new publications etc.

In addition to central scientific journals, journal publications of universities, scientific societies, associations, etc. are quite widespread, which also play a significant role in the scientific life of the country and often contain important scientific information.

Thesis- scientific work, which gives the right to receive an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science, is an important source of scientific information. The abstract of the dissertation - its summary, issued in the form of a brochure - also has independent scientific value. These types of scientific works exist as manuscripts, i.e. they are not publications in the full sense of the word. However, they can be found in the libraries of those universities where there are dissertation councils for defending doctoral or candidate dissertations, as well as in other large libraries. Footnotes for their use as sources are required.

3. Reference and information literature

Encyclopedia- a scientific or popular science reference publication containing a systematized body of knowledge. There are two main types of encyclopedias - universal, including information on all branches of knowledge and practical activity, and sectoral, reflecting information from one specific area of ​​knowledge. The first may include the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in 30 volumes; Examples of industry encyclopedias include the multivolume Physical Encyclopedia, Medical Encyclopedia, Pedagogical Encyclopedia and others. There are other varieties, for example the 10-volume Children's Encyclopedia.

The material in encyclopedias is presented in the form of separate articles, each of which contains basic information on the essence of the issue: a presentation of a scientific theory, a historical event, a description of an object, process, phenomenon, etc. Articles can be arranged in alphabetical order of their titles or according to a certain systematic principle. Encyclopedias, despite their large volumes, are a very compact and easy-to-use source of information. Knowing how to use an encyclopedia, you can extract as much useful information from it in a few hours as you would read from books for weeks and months.

Of course, using an encyclopedia is not always easy. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately imagine how the title of the article that interests you can be formulated, which means where and what letter you need to look for it. In this case, you need to know that any encyclopedia is equipped with a system of references and pointers that help you find the necessary information. If you get used to this assistant system, then encyclopedias will no longer frighten you with their volume and will become an indispensable source of information.

Encyclopedic Dictionary- a reference publication, which is a short, usually one-volume version of an encyclopedia, the material in which is arranged in alphabetical order. Encyclopedic dictionaries can also be universal (this is, first of all, the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary) and sectoral. Using encyclopedic dictionaries is very convenient, especially if you need brief information on some issue related to another field of knowledge. Without being an expert in it, you will not be able to find the information you need in the sea of ​​specialized literature. In this case, the easiest and most reliable way is to turn to the industry encyclopedic dictionary, which presents the most indisputable views on various special issues.

Directory- a publication containing brief information of a scientific and applied nature, arranged in such an order that it is convenient to find them. There are a huge variety of different reference books. Their structure, i.e. the arrangement of the material, is determined by the purpose of the reference book (its addressee can be students, practitioners, anyone interested, etc.), the nature of the information contained in it, and can be very different. But don't let this scare you.

In any reference book you will find an introductory article that explains how to use it. In addition, each directory is necessarily equipped with auxiliary indexes that help you easily find the information you need. But the ability and habit of using reference books will be useful not only during your studies, but also in your subsequent professional activities.

Terminological dictionary (glossary)- a reference publication that explains the meanings of special words - terms used in any field of knowledge.

When reading educational and especially scientific literature, you will inevitably come across a large number of words that are new to you, the meaning of which cannot always be understood from the text. Don't skip them, but try to find out what they mean. To do this, you can refer to an encyclopedia, encyclopedic dictionary or reference book. If the term is of foreign origin, you can also try to find its meaning in the Dictionary of Foreign Words. And in many cases you will find the answer to your question. But sometimes, especially if we are talking about a term that appeared relatively recently, you will have to look for a special terminology dictionary to find out its meaning. It must be said that there are still very few such dictionaries. Therefore, if there are recently published terminological dictionaries (also called glossaries) in the field of knowledge you are interested in, use them more often.

Dictionary- a reference publication containing a list of words arranged in alphabetical order, indicating their interpretation (meaning), features of use and sound, and grammatical characteristics. Turning to these dictionaries in all cases when you are in doubt about how to correctly use a particular word will help you improve not only your literacy, but also your general culture.

Explanatory dictionaries vary in size (number of words) and composition. The most famous and widely used of them, which should become your indispensable companion, is the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova.